FILE #l: 4335034 OR BOOK 4024 PAGE 2143, Recorded 07/27/2017 04:24:433 rM r,oa
max: $567.00
14IoGar 1.t1e AHTGO;a. Inc.
89V1 0. trtllnary aralt Suite 113
Pales Bach Giiracns, FL 33410
File Number ,7-079
W"11 CraN Nu:
I S -w Apo:-_ Th,. L:..e Fv7 Raatding Dar.)
Warranty Deed
`l.'lt:s warr....ty meal made this 21st day of July, 2017 between J.PL.t,. wsset t.ianagement, LLL, a rioritla Limited
t,t Wifity Le pa..y wna— j;oa! vt7.« ..ddress is 2561 SW Galiano Rd; Port Saint Lucie; FL 34va r, grantor, SO Laura
,Yiarotta, n single woman whose poct orr:ee 00.esc ie Z11 r r 5L a KU., 1518b J 0312. P..rt Sstnt Lurie, FL 34952,
(Whe.q;m recd 1:�, in thw teres "Snider" and "gmrre" :algid*; -11 the porei- :v this n-. umerr. and th. heirs, Icgm n Pe=zr.-hvr s, and assigns of individuals,
...d the and _=`W=_,f arpomia m, tru:= -ed trustee,}
111trlesSeth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum o, 1 Liv AlV1J r4U/ 00 LL3LLAKJ (,3J tl,U0) „„a elna.
S .sn.d vainabic con.iaeradans ,., said Kantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereoy acrcnowleCgco,
has g.antca, Qarrained, and col$ to the s,.ia nc:ra a..a ,.sem:gn, to—vz., the tollowrins described land,
situate, lying an'u ocing in saint Lucie County, rior'stia to -wit -
Lot J, viocK ,l. Ki -.c.' r; -.-K u. -.it viva. =cr oPalnj; to tfle Hat tl1c-.4. ndrvraca In ria: Uvok 11;
Pnge(sr 31, of the rubric Recorus of aasnt i ucie 4ounLy, rlorl'aa.
rarcel Atlentincallon i.umuer: 3414-�qu-v�r'u-u'u0-r
Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
i o Have anti 10 Ho1d, enc sa.T.c in fee simple fore-,cr.
flail the sr,.rtb, hereby co.c.-aea Mtn said grantee teat the sranlor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the
rranty n— gm :gist a :a lawrul-n.ttio.ity to Zvu a -.a eon.:.-, -Jcl taA; thea the baartor hereby fully warrants :he bile to
said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all parsons whomsoever, and tnat saill Lana is rmis or.n
enc 1nba nrc3, Mu Ft T .Aes ..cCrtli;.r, SIMScyticnT to December 31, 2016.
.in witness vvnereof, Ura: te. sac 'nom7.t;MV at s,�nt�', firm -.23 and skul the awy un.d Jcar tirs—bo.c writt,n.