HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommentJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4342745 OR BOOK 4033 PAGE 1087, Recorded 08/21/2017 12:13:17 PM 'S ---R IF' 1 6 )1l (, RG-I,_`� TI E_ Pi IZMTF:vl^.4khR: NOTIC F; OF C0IhLjK- (:I:NTEN' I he and signed hereb}' giN'es'�urlice that impro.eirvw ,vi I I he n-adc Irl cc tnin real properIy. and in'Iccornan(e oath C'hnpteI 71 I, orida Statutes, the'.i)llnwing information i:; III ovdcd in this 'Notice of('ommeneement. 3426-/03-0015-000-3 Im I"R1P110N' OIr PIIUPERTY Ilar¢ol cescrpnon of :hc rrorcm & Strut adtlress, Ifavail:,blc) TAX FOL10 N0.: ,,VBDt\'I 10� Lake Lucie Estates 10 ()Cu TRAC-T 101 1 sine _UNTr 8220 Sandpine Circle, Port St Lucie, Ft- 34952 r."ETZ,\I,IF.ICRIPTIO\Or111rRo e,tEtiT, Install accordion shutters -. ON'\'1_R 11�FOkm'\T to '\ OR I.F.sskti Ih FOWNF%1 ]ON I F THE LT.JSF.E CO'sTR-`,CTLU FOR TRE t IPROVENIE"T: Carol Deruvo, 8220 Sandpine Circle, Port St Lucie, Fl_ 34952 OWNER r.\ni .nd arcrec. 'iez ..nplc udchnld�r! I':.I ecni tio, Omer sled ,)beer. _ _... _._ ;. a. uF�1 R.ac roR s s.n\1F.; O Donnell Impact Windows & Storrr PratectIon - --- snr';zed,_s;: 6402 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart I L 34991 b Pli< ru,tc '72 408-0200 _. 5t'RET 1' (if anpiicohle. m .-a p�� ni the p:q'tnenl hand is atreuhad,l: N/A h. Vhana nnnp r' c. Acw um of bond S fi_ a_ LEIlDFR'S' VLVF: NSA Lzndr's nJdres:: _ _____b. Phone munher. Pers Oils withiD die Stalc of Flo; Ida dettu_ fated by ON71Li" upon whom noticcs or ol-her documents may b, served as p,-o,,'ided t)\` Scctinn '71 13 tl) (a) 7., Flcmda Statutes: a. Name and :,ddress: b. Phone ncimbaa o. dcef �r=tci lxrmne N a. In addition toh;msZfnrilercelt,DNncrdesiblates of - to 1cc6,,c a cupy oftha L.icno 's Noticc as provided in Scctinn 713.13 (1) (b), V1 Statutes_ h. Phone number o• pone" or'm P 0-11'namd h, 0""'. 9. E>;piraoor. date oPnotice of commercemem (the expiration dote NA be I yea: tiom the date ofrecordingimic.ss a 6it3ercm date is specified):_ —_ .'0 TO 011"\'F 2.- ANY PAYT[E.NTS NI ADL BY THL- O\ NFR AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE,; Or_CO-tfyIFNCET.fF-NT ARE CONSIDERED TNfPROPFR P,AYNUVF- LINDLR C14AP'I I:R 7 3, PARI L SFCTIOv: 1, 13. fLOR1L>, 1 4T[7I'ES. A U CAN R i=Si 1L" IN YOLiR PAYN(j T•W!CE FOR FN4PR(ATA1 LN'IS'I U )'01 TR YROPtRTY_ A M3 VICE DF Q) -,AI F' �CFMENr MUST 13E RECORDED AND POSTED (l\' 11T. JOB SITE BFtO)RF. THF T IRtiTTNSPE( r TC.>_N, T --YOU WIT NI) TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CO`7Sl_T,T (i patut e of owner nr 1 essec, or Ow.—.I nr Lass s Authorized Officer Dlrectnr, Yartncr Ttauager)'� State of . " r [_ County of (i } �\ r['rmt lame and 'rosldc Signafov s Titte/0Mike) The foregoing insirurnem Naas acknowledged before me thisl = {,L,. "_e- , --`�— day ofjt _- 20 (name ofperson) (type cifauthorlty,,,.e.g. o`fccr, trustee. attomcY in fact) f'), (n'an.e of party on behalf of whole instr-.unentN%as executed) Pers tiallvKnown orProduccdldcn6fication TNpeofldentifiamenProduccd RACHEL C ODONNELL }A 1,'Y COMMISSION *Fri OJ -209 (Signature of\otan Public) EXPIRES Marcl 110, 2018 (Print, Type, of Stamp Coum)issioned Name of Nctary Public' i ,`,,i".P,9 Dii13 Flcrid-il]utaryScrvice.:;cm Re,. ii- 1-12