HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval UNIT SHUTTER PRESSURES OPENING SIZE SHUTTM SHUTTER SHUTTER STORM BARS ANCHOR PANELS # TYPE W X H W12.114 HEIGHT SPAN # REQ SPACta 8OLTEQ 1 .S - �2 ' �/ '' n r • i nonda BmIc1mg lode Umume rage 1 or s We d2p8111 mta MSH-- I toilIn 4 u—Rop,615" ! ►+otno- s*-ftstrid- a + 5=aPa= : Pubmmuons i Pecstatf : aw51taMap Links: Search Busines ( � Producl:Approval Professi i um:mum Regulation ■� _P�duet Aeoroval Menu>Prot&or Aoolkation Search>Aoolkation List>AppA4ttl9n pWn 3.aa' FL# FL12856-0 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Town and Country Industries, Address/PhonefEmail 400 West McNab Road Ft.Lauderdale,FL 33309 (954)493-8551 tomj@tc-alum.com Authorized Signature Frank Bennardo frank@engexp.com Technical Representative Thomas B.Johnston Address/Phone/Email 400 west McNab Rd. Ft.Lauderdale,FL 33309 (954)970-9999 tDml@tL~alum.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall Category Shutters Subcategory Storm Panels Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Lleensw Florida Professional Engineer E� Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or ArcMbect Name who developed Frank 1.Bennordo the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-0046549 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Instit ft Quality Assurance Contract Expbration Date 12/31/2016 Validated By ORLANDO L BUNCO,P.E. 2 Validation Cheddist-Hardcopy Received Certiticate of Independence FL12856 R5 COI index 2.odF FL12856 R5 COI Index 3.ndf FL12856 R5 COI Index 4.ndf EL12856 R5 COI Irtdeo.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) 511111111111111d Year ASTM E1886 2002 ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM E1996 2012 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 httpsJ/www.floridabuil(ing.org/pr/pr app !M.wpx?pm m--- vGEVXQwtDgvEmlfWvK4b... 7/27/2015 r r nonaa riwlamg L;oae mine Page 1 of:f Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect: FL12836 R5 Eauly Eouiv 2.odF FL32856 R5 Eauiv Eauiv 3.odf R_12856 R5 Eauiv Eauiv 4.odf FL12M R5 Eauiv Eauiv.odf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/28/2015 Data Validated 04/29/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 05/04/2015 Date Approved 06/22/2015 of products FL O No"Number or Name Dexriptohh 12856.1 0.05W Aluminum Storm Panel 0.05W Aluminum Storm Panel with Optional dear Panels Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL12856 R5 II Dwa.odF Approved far use outiMe HVKL,Yes Verified By:Frank L Bennardo,P.E.PE0046549 Impact Reaistarrh Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design pressure:N/A tEvalwtion Reports Others Shutter meets requirements for'IMnd Zone V and EL126 R5 AE Eval.odf Missile Level 8D8 as defined in ASiM E1996.See Installation Created by Independent Third Party:Yes instructions for specific Design Presse Ratings by sine. additional use limitations and Installation bhttrudttons. 12856.2 'Safety Edge•Storm Panels 'Safety Edge!Storm Panels,28ga(0.018")Stec,0.022' Alum(Pert and Non-Pert),Clear Polycarb(Full and Half) Limits of Use Installnton InstruWorhs Approved tar use In HVHZ:No FL12856 R5 II Dwa 2,pdf Approved for use outside HVHL-Yes Verified By:Frank L Benmardo,P.E.PE-0046549 Impact Resislanth Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Des%n Preuurm+54/-54 Evaluation Repwft Otter:This product is not valid for use within the HVHZ. F1.12856 R5_AE Eval 2.odf See Evaluation Report and engineering drawrfng for. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes additional limitatkms and conditions of use. 12856.3 124ga Steel Scorn Panel 249a(0.02327 Steel Storm Panel with Optional Clear Panels Limits of Use, Installation Insbuctlans Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL12856 R5 II Dwa 3.odf Approved for use outolde HVHZt Yes Verified By:Frank L Bennardo,P.E.PECO46549 zmpa=Rawranx Yes Greama by Independent Third Party:Yes Design pressure:+100/-100 Evaluation Reports Othert This product is not valid for use within the HVHZ or FL12856 R5 AE Eval 3.odf Wind Zone 4.See Evaluation Report and engineering Created by Independent Third Party:Yes drawing for additional limitations and conditions of use. 12856.4 Aluminum Hinged Stone Panel .0500 Aluminum Non-Porous Hinged Storm Panel Limit of Use Instillation Insttuhtlow Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL12856 R5 II Dwa Codf Approved for use outside HVHZi Yes Verified By:Frank L.Bennardo,P.E.PE0046549 Impnet Rulstanb Yes Created by Independent Third Party;Yes Design Pressures N/A evaiaathm Reports Other:Shutter meets requirements for'Wind Zone 4'and FL12856 R5 AE Eval 4.odf Missile Level OW as defined in ASTM E1996.See installation CreeMad by Independent Third Party:Yes Instructions for specific Design Pressure Ratings by size, additional use limitations and installs en instructions. rl a .;1940 rioft Monroe StmeL Tbaahasee R 32399 Phone:850.487-28Y4 Th SM at Florida is an AARW employer• ::Privam Statumatu :: Unier Piorwa law.emaa ad&www we P"c M=dL a you do not want Your a-n addrea rda�ed In response m a Prmik-rwwft request.do not s= eMOmnic mil to Uft enW.lriswd,aimed uw once by phone or by vadsmnal mail.A you have any questbn�.Please .tad 850.487.1395.•Pwsumrt to hnps://www.floridabuilding.oW/pr/pr app 4tlmpx?poem-wGMQwtDgvEmlfWvK4b... 7/27/2015 0.050" ALUMINUM STORM PANEL ... FOR USE OUTSIDE THE HVHZUNUMMWWM r (PERP,roPANEL *s r 711P. lYMAX )IN BJ1ERPANEL � 7�1 d�• • ~rDWAN3f�roM0UNIiJo Au,oKRelr:aPANeaimuEt�tx rwaaAaLA:wosEPAwItpHYAm �+ HARowAREoaDHocrMouNr. ALIYaaLPAIk1S01LY) A �o���sm�a. PAM AUD OWCOM aPAN rIa<SKM p�NiATRW DODUATKM tM +=DPW -auPOP PAM SWA00Wi -WAMM tar *8UPaP I -WJFW WAVE avm Ur #3u -40w 1N. OA' ar all ALWdMU►B HOLe W&OF lar •Ia t rW -e]rar tae• ar ar p 5jS'lSACCBPrADLl. IV •oarar -WAPW Ar W •avrer -suPw A• �.. m"pxF -SUP& tar Le ar x taT ••tep" •auPaP u• u• F ra' • RF -7upeP tfaM Me airr e Cr #WA -MAW u• W ar ar !eP -BUM —'ar ar 78' •nartr •mJPBR eP ar ZP 7Sr •aaOPaP -Hr1PaP warar 1 ar •taL1PaF -trolPSP 7r !S ao" to r �' .1 PJr K• f.e' t. •_ _ •��RPOIATlOI7 aT 3a t,T " BBiIIIldI SHUi7lil SPA7�18 • FROM QALtIB 19 RaQIRIV!D � NOTPaI19TiBD.IGRSPANB BBTMIlWTH�INL>itJ1T® �-Ll EARMfEflPOLlIT1OHBE7M11�N 7�7� �Lt A80VE,THEDL�ONPAESSllAB BlIIYEglTIi05807DaUDEDABOVe, ■ r� 7yp�r�Appg� c�_- FORTM9NEfOTHLCDfERSPAN YEE 10� �L4 IAILOW®. ' MMPPJWWMNW MIERSPAN&WLDEUsm.FOR7NENDR >Jr TABLE I APRLYTOALL SEPARATION R"QAWG WT TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH HOUNTMA.AIIo SlUU AM FDR MBN°7�a UK= 1 ALUMINUM PANELS ONLY HURRICANE PRS '� Yaoov�r�DrLxaL � GENERAL NOTES%.V N.T.S. L7IiFAlORlI,E11 ' DESIGN OPIM SMOK WVW LOAD DURATION FACTORCd■LB MAX PANEL SPAN D � PORTABLE 1 lWilioll � T SHALL BE 506376 ALMUNUM AUDY,WBESS NOTED OTNERWML ALL TOLERANCES W LBE INACCORDANCE W= SHMM MAYBE INIERC HAIWEO AS FIELD CONDITIOIIS DWrATE.RANEIS MAY DE"KMED V[R1[CAILYOR 15-2336 TH I/IBELS SPACW HOT MORE THAN EVERY THRM UWALFWPBR PAPPLAND SNAILFACE eia AA ve.o , 7t O S OALV STAINIP&S SM9.OR I024-16 A UNDBIM ALLOY WtM A ATERIALs70PaEVENELECT alYSI s OPTIONAL HORIZONTAL MOUNT O 1 MTS. MaERIO OM F'"zQ2'� 12.�w`tcovERAOL� ��� E--200'--� ao495• ��`� aTIM i.00• . Qom« }----6.00• 6.00` 3 01 ---•-�{ � � $33Y HALF PANEL -�i arF v iz•PANEL oDi+BtK S• 34.379"(TOM WIDTH) li�t 151/4'l M(TOYAL PANELWOM s PARK @ POLYt"11AMO—MTE WO—M RI„K �1 ALUMINiiMSrORNPAAtEL eau:w�vaTawf,A�aLfa+�LarAraluimb�n f�onauroaaaxn�eKe�uwttreafaf�DTtNr � W4Yf#O�TNMt fitLMffS.tY,(C�fI 062, 3/4 loft :D 87LIO6 LYJ 44.2W/4 NAMED 3/4-2M M4 MAUD T W SiACEDAT'IT•O.C. SiVDSW/WIfmmn STWSW/WLNm m �' � ?2E0'� 0.120■ 0 }{ LA�TAN NAY m PI val m) SPACED AT w OA S4AM W 32`ac �--- ( ORMAyu t D�MAY Be !S across D,OM■ ^rt 0.095• O= 0. 009i t aOSi-� 04W mw -r— DAW 0.08w' 2 acro■ �2"•r•4`OR 5`r-4 �� +i e"" i!Q Od2•�-20P a3Ts aost• 209' 209 "' � � ice'•' �" MIN N : ■.1iEADER QWE obwomw AM SB�ID A�QL�e MnlSND L�. I' •Tt QOIiOlEyT NaIEe �"✓�COlIPOgLtit MOtl9 O ri3Oyr 03iE• s OA65` '1 O rrl- CZ aria. g�� �-�— '--'�^{ - OAW •T TYP. W m60CTST&M 0225` 1 a7 ,j aiCO' 208QHi�DS J , 1L4-_20 3 S��OC — f WD!IWAl18 0A9C, W��y( p'� (�,�� OOE6" �ATi2.0C ('T1'3') SPACID1� fMYDIE�M �i'tY�rr4`ORS• ({'. MWWKW MDT VU EFWM WUH INSTALLATDDN Of TMPAWA.THEARSTANDLASTANCRORTNALLTNACKSSIWL WYALLALLAMOOMPUtIMPEQUMBWMLWWINME SCHtDum (LOW } Q12gr f a44• �..i.�. TS993< L4- AUr MMMLEW FA 13/4-2081888MAOONE 40316 (911-4--20 fur m 0A cr+v tTtf3 is•A�eM1 axr LT W/i�tiA S1DENt LK DOLE T,ra rsaroe 4e ALIM EAD eau. MO SQs/lints aidlllly HIAD ilOLr 15-2335 n I'll. hi:? T. - I- 71 1021�r IM +i>."W�M�/a:rfl'�rttlf�Jt•%f 0 ��;�� //////�/ ��j 0 +(. t:j� © 'x r�!�ila.t..c.1F.v, � � 1_' " w..1. J. _:yl.:• .1 r,'.w.,♦i.J. 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NEGATIVE PRESSURE ( )END ZONE 5 -61.7 ,zr 57.58 y �� -52.0 ' � . PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BUILDING GCpi=±0.55 <=1oSF IOSF><=20SF 20SF><=50SF POSITIVE PRESSURE ( ZONE 4+5) 53.9 52.0 d 49.611 `. NEGATIVE PRESSURE (INTERIOR ZONE 4) —64.4 ���M � -62.3 ���"� ( ) —72A fi -6 NEGATIVE6.5 PRESSURE END ZONE 5 -76.1 LIGHT GREY AREAS ARE ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN PRESSURES 8/10/2015