HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing (2) Electrical Contractor: Y 1 r °�Lr_ ►t�i Phone#: ���'� ` - Ina 3 Fax#: r1.`7 — Q Project: Locatioh: t,S S ,L, Existing Service Feeder Size: `�/J p t-I', ' Existing Panel Size: . Main.Breaker Size: Number of Breakers: Existing Loads qfn.Sq.Ft.X 3 watts per sq.ft...........................! 0 watts Appliance cir.@1500 watts each....................� watts t Laundry cir, a 1500 watts each...................... watts Range @ 8 kw......:.......................................... 4?Mwatts t Dishwasher and disposal @ 1500 watts each...... 3 Gy\,`► watts Microwave @ 2000 watts............................. U l watts Water heater @ 4.5 kw................................ �� watts Tankless water heater.................................. watts Dryer @ 5 kw............................................ 5-b watts Refrigerator�,}a 1500 watts ........................ L b��U watts Bathroom i @ 1500 watts .......................... t't �� watts _ Sprinkler Pump ........................................ watts Other ............... watts Other watts ; f c Other ................ watts Sub.total `"i,� l-�L`�Watts New Loads Poolpump............................................... watts Poollight................................................. watts Heatpump............................................... watts Chlorine'generator...................................... watts Airblower................................................. watts Boatlift.................................................... watts S Other .................. tS watts Other ................ watts Other watts Total Watts First 10 kw @ 100%.............................................�tW watts Remainder @ 40%.............. C 3��- watts A/C heat @ 100%.................................................... ( watts Total watts Q `?jam}Z e Divided by 240 volts= Amps Prepared by: Date: T:1bidlbldg_forms\New AppiicationfformslElectrical Load Calculations.doc 1014/2007 From: o�r2sr�o�� �� :T3 ,r�a� �.00aroln Uperators lype 5 -0 Plug(I 20V - 60 Hz) AC SSM �� :..... . -Diarneter 47mm (2.0 in.) -integrated radii -,Electronic limit setting AM T8 feet of motor cable 70 -- 17J 5 I a holes M5 2.-,q,,,r'ts E ' C=h03/673 :tl -CSA Approved — -FCC Approved r its wiP 44 Rated Operators Approximate shipping mrai+ght 9 ib., Reference- � Dimensions Tor qu.e Speed `watts Amps Limit Switch RUM Time (in. tb/ism) (rprn) (rotation timo) (minutes) 2005131 607 1586 599 144 5 35 1.0 3 rf' Utes � 5 2005132 607 586 599 8.8 10 35 150 1.3 3 minutes 5 2006352 607 586 599 88 10 12 80 07 3 minutes 5 2005133 607 586 599 132 15 18 130 111 3 M;Intotes 5 2006353 6.87 688 539 176 20 17 1M 9,'1 3 Minutes 5 2005134 881 660 673 228 25 18 180 9.6 3 minutes 5 2005136 689 660 873 264 30 12 170 1.5 3 minutes a 2005135. 631 660 673 308 40 18 250 2.1 3 M notes 5 2005137 68'1 860 673 440 50 12 250 21 3 minutes 5 220 volt operators are available as a special order. All 5imu I20V-B0Hz AC operators come standard vvith a built in electric brake and limit switch. 28 Fite: — 02123/2012 11 :14 #102 P,010/010 i Wring Codsiderations . ( Four Wire Operators } � Because of the type of'motor{Asynchronous with built-in capacitor)and the built-in limit switches,it Is Important to follow two important reoammandatlons to assure proper oparation of the motorized systems r SIMU oparators sre"not universai motors. 1,Do Not Wire SIMV Operators in Paraitat,Parallel Wiring hil cans:Several Operators are Wwad to Only One F-lectricEd Contact par D reetian of Rof;ttion, There*iAdii•be constant feedb6ck from one motor to another,so stopping points wTH not be stable and there Is a rlak of moto,bum s' out, , Corral Correct wiring solution is to use a double pole,double throw,center a;i switoh which would isolate both motors, 111 Incorract: Motor A slops at its limit in direction 2 before Motor g.Current in Motnr'13 fends back to Motor A through the capacitor C2 and microswitches M3 and MI., Both operators keep rotating In opposite directions at raduced power, r • 2. Do Not Control One StMU Qperatnr_t"ron2 Several Loc.atiot'is i91L•Iaaut Llsirtg a Proper Controller; r Correct. 1 Possible pr6ble'rn:When switch(1)Is turned on,the motor will begin running in directipn 1.As it reaches its limit the rficroswitch M1 will open.if at the same moment.ir r time switch(2)Is tubed.on,the motzarwill operate In the,opposite direction.This is why we racommend the'use of momentary switches with the SIVU TR115 soquence'relay cors rot. tr}Gorrectl IF The microswitch M1 closes,short„alrcuiting the capacltorwhich is loaded at Its rrta imutp votEage(180ti1),As a remit the microswitch M1 Is damaged.Solution:Use relays to build priorities between controls sending opposite signals.Do not use ll standard a"light"switch as a motor control. Now.SIMV Control Systams are designed to comply with these two haslo oil-aria and assure reliable oparalaoll of motorized systems. Nan-compliance to these two basic principles vold the SiMU warranty,. L t�d w ws 17 M1 t rr M1 Waroswitch W2 MDbr Winding M2 Microswitah TP Thsrmal Protector i C Capacitor GND Ground HDr yw"iOYt tatty-N NE1+717Jtt W1 •Motor bring l araRREGT i X11 n H, I 4 Tr 7P P-2n � NM i 1 UtJJ V a 7•tc'. t >u n a Nemo .(' HOT S2CJ-eoFtr NfiFrtRl1 H6T' 42CV-Oft NE].ISxIy . . cOixRscr INCtYRRRCT lot, NW{T6t!R w .• ; - TP i._ r tic; Ht71' iaW.aoxr HEi1frm I CORRECT NSt 7s x. • tntcaRtxa*cr