HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing (2) Electrical Contractor: Y 1 r °�Lr_ ►t�i
Phone#: ���'� ` - Ina 3 Fax#: r1.`7 — Q
Project: Locatioh: t,S S ,L,
Existing Service Feeder Size: `�/J p t-I', ' Existing Panel Size: .
Main.Breaker Size: Number of Breakers:
Existing Loads
qfn.Sq.Ft.X 3 watts per sq.ft...........................! 0 watts
Appliance cir.@1500 watts each....................� watts
t Laundry cir, a 1500 watts each...................... watts
Range @ 8 kw......:.......................................... 4?Mwatts
t Dishwasher and disposal @ 1500 watts each...... 3 Gy\,`► watts
Microwave @ 2000 watts............................. U l watts
Water heater @ 4.5 kw................................ �� watts
Tankless water heater.................................. watts
Dryer @ 5 kw............................................ 5-b watts
Refrigerator�,}a 1500 watts ........................ L b��U watts
Bathroom i @ 1500 watts .......................... t't �� watts
_ Sprinkler Pump ........................................ watts
Other ............... watts
Other watts ; f c
Other ................ watts Sub.total `"i,� l-�L`�Watts
New Loads
Poolpump............................................... watts
Poollight................................................. watts
Heatpump............................................... watts
Chlorine'generator...................................... watts
Airblower................................................. watts
Boatlift.................................................... watts
S Other .................. tS watts
Other ................ watts
Other watts
Total Watts
First 10 kw @ 100%.............................................�tW watts
Remainder @ 40%.............. C 3��- watts
A/C heat @ 100%.................................................... ( watts
Total watts Q `?jam}Z e Divided by 240 volts= Amps
Prepared by: Date:
T:1bidlbldg_forms\New AppiicationfformslElectrical Load Calculations.doc 1014/2007
From: o�r2sr�o�� �� :T3 ,r�a� �.00aroln
lype 5 -0 Plug(I 20V - 60 Hz) AC
SSM �� :..... .
-Diarneter 47mm (2.0 in.)
-integrated radii
-,Electronic limit setting AM
T8 feet of motor cable 70 --
5 I
a holes M5 2.-,q,,,r'ts E ' C=h03/673
-CSA Approved —
-FCC Approved r its
wiP 44 Rated
Operators Approximate shipping mrai+ght 9 ib.,
Reference- � Dimensions Tor qu.e Speed `watts Amps Limit Switch RUM Time
(in. tb/ism) (rprn) (rotation timo) (minutes)
2005131 607 1586 599 144 5 35 1.0 3 rf' Utes � 5
2005132 607 586 599 8.8 10 35 150 1.3 3 minutes 5
2006352 607 586 599 88 10 12 80 07 3 minutes 5
2005133 607 586 599 132 15 18 130 111 3 M;Intotes 5
2006353 6.87 688 539 176 20 17 1M 9,'1 3 Minutes 5
2005134 881 660 673 228 25 18 180 9.6 3 minutes 5
2005136 689 660 873 264 30 12 170 1.5 3 minutes a
2005135. 631 660 673 308 40 18 250 2.1 3 M notes 5
2005137 68'1 860 673 440 50 12 250 21 3 minutes 5
220 volt operators are available as a special order.
All 5imu I20V-B0Hz AC operators come standard vvith a built in electric brake and limit switch.
Fite: — 02123/2012 11 :14 #102 P,010/010
Wring Codsiderations .
Four Wire Operators } �
Because of the type of'motor{Asynchronous with built-in capacitor)and the built-in limit switches,it Is Important to follow two
important reoammandatlons to assure proper oparation of the motorized systems r SIMU oparators sre"not universai motors.
1,Do Not Wire SIMV Operators in Paraitat,Parallel Wiring hil cans:Several Operators are Wwad to Only One F-lectricEd
Contact par D reetian of Rof;ttion,
There*iAdii•be constant feedb6ck from one motor to another,so stopping points wTH not be stable and there Is a rlak of moto,bum s'
out, ,
Correct wiring solution is to use a double pole,double throw,center a;i switoh which would isolate both motors, 111
Motor A slops at its limit in direction 2 before Motor g.Current in Motnr'13 fends back to Motor A through the capacitor C2 and
microswitches M3 and MI., Both operators keep rotating In opposite directions at raduced power,
• 2. Do Not Control One StMU Qperatnr_t"ron2 Several Loc.atiot'is i91L•Iaaut Llsirtg a Proper Controller;
r Correct. 1
Possible pr6ble'rn:When switch(1)Is turned on,the motor will begin running in directipn 1.As it reaches its limit the rficroswitch
M1 will open.if at the same moment.ir r time switch(2)Is tubed.on,the motzarwill operate In the,opposite direction.This is
why we racommend the'use of momentary switches with the SIVU TR115 soquence'relay cors rot.
IF The microswitch M1 closes,short„alrcuiting the capacltorwhich is loaded at Its rrta imutp votEage(180ti1),As a remit the
microswitch M1 Is damaged.Solution:Use relays to build priorities between controls sending opposite signals.Do not use
ll standard a"light"switch as a motor control.
Now.SIMV Control Systams are designed to comply with these two haslo oil-aria and assure reliable oparalaoll of motorized
systems. Nan-compliance to these two basic principles vold the SiMU warranty,.
L t�d w ws 17
rr M1 Waroswitch W2 MDbr Winding
M2 Microswitah TP Thsrmal Protector i
C Capacitor GND Ground
HDr yw"iOYt tatty-N NE1+717Jtt
W1 •Motor bring l
i X11 n H,
Tr 7P P-2n � NM i
1 UtJJ V a 7•tc'. t
>u n a Nemo
.(' HOT S2CJ-eoFtr NfiFrtRl1 H6T' 42CV-Oft NE].ISxIy
. . cOixRscr INCtYRRRCT
lot, NW{T6t!R w .• ; -
TP i._
r tic; Ht71' iaW.aoxr HEi1frm I
• tntcaRtxa*cr