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RAt Florida Building Code Online Business & Professional Regulation ri�i'� Or* SCIS Home Log In 1, User Registration ! Hot Topic Submit Surcharge 1 stats aFacts Publications FBC Staff SCIS site Map Links SeardiProduct Approval USER: Public lker Pmbuct Approval Menu > P,.duct or Application Seamh > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL15413-113 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer NewSouth Window Solutions Address/Phone/Email 4901 oak fair blvd tampa, FL 33610 (513) 284-0129 danochstein@newsouthwindow.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbidgconsultants.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Mullions Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE -43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2016 Validated By Ryan 3. King, P.E. I Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL15413 R3 COI CERT OF INDEPENDENCE odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard year TAS 201, 202, 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D hltpsllgoidaWIding.orgtpr/pr app dd.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtep%2bDhVRQZHLwQrlrlTH4it4WNQgT1FHgOvpSRUxYXFw%3d°/p3d 1/3 5/22/2017 Florida Building Code Online Date Submitted 12/08/2015 Date Validated 12/08/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 12/13/2015 Date Approved 02/10/2016 Date Revised 02/27/2017 Summary of Products FL ft I Model, Number or Name Description 15413.1 a. Vantage, eVantage, iVantage Extruded Aluminum Vertical Clipped Structural Mullion for use Clipped Mullion with impact and non -Impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15413 R3 II INST 15413.1. odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15413.1 for Design Pressure Ratings, FL15413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.1.odf specific use limitations, Installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. specific use limitations, installation instructions and product 15413.2 b. Vantage, eVantage, iVantage Clipped Mullion Extruded Aluminum Vertical and Horizontal Clipped Structural Mullion for use with impact and non -impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL15413 R3 II INST 15413 2 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15413.2 for Design Pressure Ratings, FL15413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.2.odf specific use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15413.3 c. Vantage, eVantage, iVantage Extruded Aluminum Horizontal Clipped Structural Mullion for Clipped Mullion use with impact and non -impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15413 R3 II INST 15413 3.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15413.3 for Design Pressure Ratings, FL15413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.3 odf specific use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15413.4 I d. 4100 Series Clipped Mullion Limits of Use ----- Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 15413.4 for Design Pressure Ratings, specific use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. 15413.5 1 e. 4100 Series Clipped Mullion Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 15413.5 for Design Pressure Ratings, specific use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. 4100 / 4150 / 4160 / 4175 Extruded Aluminum Vertical Clipped Structural Mullion for use with impact and non -impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Installation Instructions FL15413 R3 II INST 15413.4.odf Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL15413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.4.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 4100 / 4150 / 4160 / 4175 Extruded Aluminum Vertical and Horizontal Clipped Structural Mullion for use with Impact and non -impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Installation Instructions FL15413 R3 II INST 15413.5.pd Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL15413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.5.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15413.6 f. 4100 Series Clipped Mullion 4100 14150 / 4160 / 4175 Extruded Aluminum Horizontal Clipped Structural Mullion for use with Impact and non -impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL15413 R3 11 INST 15413.6 odf https:/Moridabuildirig.orgtpr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtepOA2bDhVRQZHLwOrIrITH4lt4WNQgTlFHgOvpSRUxYXFw%3d%3d 2/3 5/22/2017 Florida Building Code Online Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15413.6 for Design Pressure Ratings, 815413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.6.odf specific use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15413.7 g. 4175 Series Clipped Mullion 4175 Extruded Aluminum Vertical Clipped Structural Mullion for use with Impact and non -Impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL15413 R3 II INST 15413.7.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15413.7 for Design Pressure Ratings, FL15413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.7.odf specific use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15413.8 h. 4175 Series Clipped Mullion 4175 Extruded Aluminum Vertical and HorizontalClipped Structural Mullion for use with impact and non -impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL15413 R3 II INST 15413.8.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15413.8 for Design Pressure Ratings, FL15413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.8 odf specific use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15413.9 1. 4175 Series Clipped Mullion 4175 Extruded Aluminum Horizontal Clipped Structural Mullion for use with impact and non -impact window products in Masonry or Wood Openings Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FLIS413 R3 II INST 15413.9.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15413.9 for Design Pressure Ratings, FLIS413 R3 AE EVAL 15413.9.odf Specific use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. Back Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Flodda Is an WEED employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Pnvacv Statement :: Accessibility statement :: Refund Statement Under Flodda law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Flonda Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The smalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email atltlress which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please ditl here . product Approval Accepts: 01 Credit Card Safe https://flaridabUlding.orgtpr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtep°h2bDhVRQZHLwQrlrITH4it4WNQgT1FHgOvpSRUxYXFw%3d%3d 3/3 &1Oie Ne So VflM NAMANENTA - So F ud AP AA/L 1X13 MulliwK- dewing§\K W1 (NIIIVL-1XM.)-9dw FL -1X117 V m V P U A W N 9 3 SY O m ZI, oz 0 0n K1., 5,0.5°- T Z .� � w o1$ Oaa$ 5�.3�V COD 70 GLI GFr m X.^ °R Oma0-3 5. ��?� O n � 1Y S A' � � 0 a a� 8Y MAX WINDOW FRAME HEIGHT 12 N c !+ �. VERTICAL MULUON SPAN MAX 8'r v p r P w A� p N \\\1111111If/// j t 1L 4 4 PItOOULT: PryaN 9Y�� • •t• _ u 3 CUPPED MUwON pe Hw v. mt PART ON ASSEMBLY: BUILOINO OONSULTAIm. INC. W 'y' xin TYPICAL EUVATIONS P.O. Bow M. ValHoo, R 33999 m X NODATIE k CENE7LIL N07E5 PNorr No.: 913.969A19) REVISIONREVISIONh F9PE CA Ne. 9913 ° 3C 1 ] P.W. wwYuiMw CONwYI�ew�w luw. OVPNJ, fPN�� r1.957"1 P T- 0 0 0 N V 0.125 0 0 4 IyTjI JC V 9015.... eunoiwa e^..0 V.w�. Awe. zi Nm 43408 ,* CLIPPED MULLION LY^19n P. a .w /A ...... �.� ��.-.je P.E. N.. 13199 '�A6AAIA�jlljj t\5�5� OR ASSEMBLY: BUILUINO OONAILTANTS. INC. R COMPONENT DETAILS & (/�/ P.O. B.. 239. Wln . M 31595 CROSS SECTIONS �^^• 513.859.9199 RiOknM\NeN 61MM YEP.MMENry- Pmdj Nptluclipp:O81N 15413 M~AC 0mrAgAFL15413(N3INfl.-H13.]9.Jg34 0 G m I n N MAX. AMIMOM Y ry N G N SPAN Le donnb P seh W Maj LyPaeN E. n,ln % •'••..SaiaW„•.•' ��.: P.E. Ne. Il40Y �i�ii `�\� ��l/11111\11\\ CQ BU4DWG CONSUITANFS, INC. ✓\• P.O. bea 130, Nwl . R 33606 Peon. No.: 913.660.91 PT MPE CA No. 0613 p PMf OR /S6EMBLY: (CONCRETE IN$TALUTIO UR NO DATE BY ftEVI510N5 QF & N S it i k x g }n It; g r. Ya a m& a is a Is a In G m I n N M !' Y iC Y ry N G N Pit00uCT: CLIPPED MULLION Le donnb P seh W Maj LyPaeN E. n,ln % •'••..SaiaW„•.•' ��.: P.E. Ne. Il40Y �i�ii `�\� ��l/11111\11\\ CQ BU4DWG CONSUITANFS, INC. ✓\• P.O. bea 130, Nwl . R 33606 Peon. No.: 913.660.91 PT MPE CA No. 0613 PMf OR /S6EMBLY: (CONCRETE IN$TALUTIO UR NO DATE BY ftEVI510N5 R.\Ciems So Wl m PERMAENM-Plm P WPPm IM 15413 MullimAC CMMn,;VL W2(3014)VL-154137-9.dg44 K- a SL 0 W� y P �03 0 2bt5 l) n n o� a m R �v..... \,mow••., PRooucT: LWI m F IA G E i 7 = N CUPPED MULLION F.E NO. 13109 ,'///////1111111\\\RV FAT ORFAT OR �/�n1�` MIMING CONBULTN , INC. Im U N X N YY F.O. BOF 2J0, VOIIlO0. FL 33%S v M' NO DATE (CONCRETESIN5TAf1A�RONm PI, No.: 813.%.919) REVISIONS FBPE CA No. 9813 MAX. MUWON SPAN u S S N N N O Y b P p qqV pj S S y O T y. W (a� N q N V a A �y O Q a: S S •PO L P r O P N C• V R1CliennlNrx SouM W1nEaws PERMANENRU- FIMiEs PrWu[i AppaMf\F115113 Multions\C - OmM�iL 151]3 IBI34)VL-15913 )�94wq. N a CC � yay FOa � P 2 � 0 a 8 ih O 3 8� 6 3 9 N g s�3 O 3 G Qw X �* i� a vxooucT: P.m�m.M. w.Pene a .� 9 CLIPPED MULLION L Ne.F9J40G IM /////l//111111111111 PAR! OR ASSEMBLY: /��/I/� BUIL°INB CONSULTANTS, INC. u DE41GN PRESSURE TABIFS ✓I�YY PA. Brn.: $1 .09.9, 7 Jl%0 `+ NO DATE (BbpD INSTALLA77ON Phena Ne.: B1J.86B.B19T REVISIONS I E CA Ne. BD1O MAX. MUWON STAN' a p 8 O N N N O V Y V P p S 8 cl $ 'a &' 9i. 8 t Z61 RNCINtAq Sau Wndo KRMANENM -Flw A CRPWr VL 1N13 MullimAC- CnwkHAR. 16013(101nVl.-IW17-94w 64 O 51%''Jg 0 N �a a9 Q �g MAX. MUWON SPAN'' `� u E S S S S 8 8 S S S F9 P/ S S S S P P P �N N P FqV l O i � n all Q tl Nm 43409 ' lk $ 4 PROZ DUCT: 9.minw+. n.Pena 9n/� ub§I 9 N CLIPPED MULLION P.E. N.. y I" PART OR A55ENBLY: �/�C�/�� BUIIDINO CONSULTAMS, MC. ✓T•YY P.O. Ber 230, valrteo. P1 33%s v NO DATE pESI ON PRESSURE 7ABI�$ (WOOD INSTAllATIONJ PNoo^ No.: 813 9.9197 R SIONS FT3PE CA No. 9813 O ao1 s 9.w, emLmwa eo.euv.... u.e. 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