HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 1I8�16 - Flariidaf13�a3 CodeOefble - ;i ® .f• naflepfafton rfr _aas casae � m, a ryo fl eBmYTr.� I sNe st isms ri.lPaaas P bF=rr.= eat stff n ®as sft m erao;s storm B1�51C9�5 Regulation - rrF; Pmduct Approval Menu i Produdt or Application search. Apolkatlon Lrst i AppYut7on Dew ,r t%--L'C_�'� c �FU0674-Fdl— ASC "E� `� S6 PEEfEii1171 G. Application Status Approved St. LJClP_ COUniy, FL CbUnmats; 0 i 1� ,I, L E %mov GPmlll/ct Manlfiacturer-' Owens•Com6lg.-- Address/Phone/Emad One Owens Coming Palianay Toledo,OH 43559 (740)404-7M9 Authored Signalise Geg Keefer greg.keeler@owenscoming.com Tech micd - mosaoorant Il�Gr�raimg it Irdhnftm,CH's 1%37rj,-S360 mel.sanclant@owenscomig.com Quaky AfteSVPhomWErrid �Subcatego—ry gspDalt Shln9les-7-- p COaEe Hetfwd Eva&mtfcn Repmtfmma EbrWa Reg-stemd AnImbut era Lim fbxb3 Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert J.M.Nieminen Evahlorr Rrpait Florida Iii PE�EEr£r Qzmfty Pagma=mCmP-my- m$7 Validated ey John W.Mmevich,PE Validation Checidist-Hardcopy Received of FLIM74 IRU CIM MUS 01 COI I F�raraera elf Referenced Standand and Year(of Standard) Stmidad Am ASTM D3161 2009 _ ASFN D346Z 70[19 ASFK EVM 2008 end 8 Certified By Secteomsfmmthe Cid PM&2ct Approva Method Method 8 GFUmto D hlhrJAnNw.floridabLeldim_ara/lr/or am dtl (kvMaffiNbEY5V%p2boOTO/o2b6w7aMealCO&jcRGbEAOdabdJi3osO%3d%3d 12 1F8T1D16 _ Fit�Bu7d��� - Subrilitted 10115r rias. C&B Vamftilat MUMS Date Pterrd W FW Appmal lW20J2015 Date Approved 12/15/2015 . _ tiFlNsatdads F1.* - 10674.1 Owens Conueg Aspinit Roofing 3-tab,4-lab,5-tab,Wniitated,starter and hip&ridge ditfies Shingles and Starters ®.inks Guise instawatiomzusbmctiom IYpptared loci ale i®i3ifHM 6b Hfl6S74;41-U 2US 10 FUM 5t CC �AY Approved forinim 0wtsde HVH&Yes SHMES FLARi664-PULsm Impila Measbaft FWA Ve ffad Br-Rabat IL NL Qbiffmd 8r- � dip Rmsawac MIA Carob d by TL'li d Pam Yes Other.Refer to ER,Section S. Evaluation Reports FL10674 R11 AE 2015 10 FINAL ER OC ASPHALT SRf19E�6ES FL10674-ID31..esdf Gmalbad by RdWmftft TWdP dr-Y. - P$r 194D taaetr Rg#amare St7KCTaasYa:..a.. 32M lG"C—P SSB�il-4Y24 .. lite$!s"�/fiFiec4ia�.�IUbIF.�a Cil4FN9J�1t3;��ff315'da9�m6 ._. =P.�LT+airw�'vsae�t:ori 5R ten9arffitr5'�Ise,�u a afire�ara: .>$�m,die,m>iinhehrtt�mr�rtrmu add rsllau�.'1 rm t>r,a,guhiihrrsmrh� ,�®c4 sahadl dw=crosaninuftMia;anon msamart mg��m� mrm�eaznefa�+lm��l i��nmawa ur + �� warm SzdSarr 4ss z7sln),Rw4a statrCes effective 0doberi.Xri2,Mccames Mmosed odcrCftpier455,FS mrszt the was am emai address V they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication hritb the licensee.Howeveremall addresses are public record.If you do not wtssh to supply a personal address,please provide the Department wlm an email address which on be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee _ uuderChapber455 F-S_please dick PirwiffincitAfflPMEMIA hNw1AAA& .f1Md;lhMrfiM1Yn/KIK am effl-a [d?nwmrpN CaFVXC>AMnMNhEYSW.2tnUT%2h&v7.Moo[CQSitcR&iEAOdabdJi3wtDO/.3d-M 9/9 EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,LLC- 353 CHPISIM SYREEr,UNFF#13 LL' PHONE:(203)262-9245- FAX:(203)262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT Ott 4P.6 0Me0nMWGWrfW8PadW27 F1106744111 Toledo,OH 43659 Date of issuance:02/06/2022 Revision 6: 10/15/2015 SCOPE: This Evahaitim Rept its immed under Rule h8629-3 and the appficable rules and mpflahons governing tate use of Diann Malaffells kn the, off Fnmrd@.illy o 11-mra 6es bMM raAamd LV Rdbot IAiMrn*DOM,P-F-ffimr use of the product under the Florida Budding Code and Florida Budding Code,Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5`h Edition(2014)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. Dsawqxm OwemCbrxftAvhaftRwf-9dngJEs Lei$aait0 Labelling shA be in ammbrice wM the ireqWremenls the Accredited Qualttq A ee gni cy rte herew. CONTINUED CompunNcE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change- Acceptance of this Evakuow Report by the named chent conshtutes agreenm3ft ID notify RDbest Mendnen,P-E if the product des or the qty Aswwamm documemlEfim dBmge& llriimfyPERD reqpbws a wimplete wimpwtEw of this Evahmmion Report rhetto updated Code a A-&eta Code Cyd ADVERnsEmENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "TrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety Its Upm request;a copy of tt&entire Evalutafim Rem sliail be pr rAded to the user Iby the manufacturer or its and sifaa9 he avalable fix at ft9m job sile at the ffeipoest of thine ffimlft met. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 7. Prepared by- :. A G. s0.'(yti,�,'`QSOTi Robert JAL Nieminen,P.E_ _ 'ti •g;Ctrs 4 7f�efaatmtleseatappeari�wasautlmrixedbyRotrertNiemtnm, P"&b Na MK WA ANEMBa s .�k9aa �6� maY� -- n3ftrhe dim= Q& L Tsoftl M dos rxt haw,un r dues 1k IIIA W amp,-we or Ma it P.,M 60amw Idem i2 aw cmagmW ar distributing products it evaluates. 2 Trinity)ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing Products it evaluates 3. tit Menwaark P.E does not hmm nor w 1l aagmM a f1ronaW is in any conWaiy nenufactivirg or distrilliartM pnxkods for w � repffitsare�i�i�d. A 6nhad Mh3mmmn.PJF-dbes rand E ®ter wffi'itl amgifire,a MamuffEl Rmla, d icn ai r iarmrtk�itm ttftt�aq�rr�al f 5.. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity ERD nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,.iwas used for pemitting or design guidance unless retained' spefficAvrM dotpuirpose- TRINITY ERD ROOEMSMOMEVAU90MM L .- Product Category: Roofing Seib-Q t rgr_ Asphalt Shingles Caanplance Stateirnent Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shinglesy as produced @ry Owens Coming;have denmonstrated cwnphance wM the "following-sechons of the Elmmid a Buldog Cade and Flonft Bu&bg Cmde,Residenual Volume througb testing in accordance vAth the foffoW mg Slarmbuds. CompMance is subject to time lnst3Wation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. S7 YM' AD.— 7-4 E SI{Rrmparmr s ASII441QI tDSQ 2 2BM 1507.2.7.1,R905.2.6.1 Mrmd Resistance ASTM D3161 2009 1507.2.7.1,R905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D7158 2008 3. Entity Mite III.ILLI(camfi26) PimyskakWuffind lee 82451 VoL 3 02/15/2087 LIL LLC(CER9626) Physicals&Wind Resistance 20120516-R2453 05/16/2012 UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties 06CA20263 04/18/2006 ULLLC(MP-M28) vew - 11CA34309 02/18/2D12 UL LLC(YSOM) PhysirWIs&V%ind 02/0E1207.4 muIlfC((4fsmsm whdRakta rm 4ME122M WIMV2M4 to LLC(TSMGM) Physical Properties Classification tetter 02/13/2014 UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties Classification letter 10/02/2015 Mianri"Dade(OER1S92) FEC HM ornpliance Various NOAs Various ULLLC(OUA982=) Qualitycontrol SerAm Coriftneffar&RZ453 Exp-0812012017 4L PRODUEMESCEFUM 4.1 Asphalt Shingles: 4.1-1 Classic and Supreme are fiberglass reinforced,3-tab asphalt roof shingles. 4-12 Berlmhine'are fiberglass rekdkinnd,44ab asphalt roof shingles" 413 awe fiboqpss manTerced,S-ta9m asL troof 4.1.4 Duration, Truoefimidon Ouraua , Duration Premium Caol, TruDefmnitian Duration Designer Color Collection,TruDefinition Oakridge*,Oakridge and WeatherGuard HP are fiberglass reinforced,laminated asphalt roof shingles. 4.2 Berkshire Hip&Ridge Shingles,H"rgh RidgA Liip&Ridge with Sealant,Wea&ffGuand®HP Hip&Ridge Swna�m Pnffifize Hrym&IlUdge Smmoles and 650&Wdse swhafks are fbarg0am rrerh%madL NO and ridge asphalt roof shingles. 43 Starter Strip Shingle,Starter Strip Plus and Starter Shingle Roll are starter strips for asphalt roof shingles. S. LUMMATIMINS: 5. TKs5sa3 brut- mS f4Yedlfi 11i imG gM mm Robert M5sn.*mm6 P.E are,lin aW a*Wa so Designer of Record for arty project an which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/oras used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 52 This Evaluation Report is n°ot for•use in the HVHZ 53 FLre Classdk9hon is not paw of this Earaluabon Report; safer to cunrent Appowed Roofing-Matmrials DkeelairyforEreva&I aff ffis . FarQiar RzSe0rh=]d Ge*M mLC. Eaak abon Report of t r•1206744MI 2kIMMECMWss/Jm5 Page 2 07 TRINITYERD 5-4 Wind Classification: 5...4.1 Alll Oxam Qrmft s9r Rtes mil 91arefm am mla�ffmd in amnuirdlaimm wilt n fME Tables 15077-1 amid R905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161,Class F and/or ASTM D7158,Class H,indicating the shingles are acceptable for us in all wind zones up to Vw=150 mph(V,d=194 mph). Refer to Section 6 for installation requirements to meet this wind rating- 5-4-2 ing.54a 'All C n5 Corniing hip & dite 4&qft Sbufter Strip 59ftZlIe and Stam Std Plus noted hemenn are cIfi ed an M*MElTa 150--7_1 amrail RE52JEl to ASTM fIDnEt Glass;F.Mdk2tM g the shingles are acceptable for us in all wind zones up to Va,d=150 mph (V„It=194 mph). Refer to Section 6 for installation requirements to meet this wind rating. 5-4-3 tdassfcafon by ASFFA 07159 applies to exposwe eategoy B or C and a buMmg heigk of 60 feet or less. Callcaafac bV a gu25fied design professgwWl are nmVidred for cmmfffions ode these lonfiatioans- Colmtti8'.dtttflre A ietlrgle W eah sAnimgile- 5.4.4 Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations. 55 All products in the roof assembly shall have duality assurance audit in accordance vA h the Florida Building Code and FAC Rule 61620-3- 6- IWAUAMM 6.1 Underlayment: 6.1.1 Undedayment shall be acceptable to Owens Corning and shall hold current Florida Statewide Product Approval,or be Lecaffy Approved per Rule 616203,per FBC Sections 1507-2-115 W-2-4 or R90523- &2 Asphalt 6-.Il knsWllaihw of a sh2M all,mtlla dDe rawm&dwees amrmt pAMIlDed OM&Ucbons,using minimum four(4)nails per shingle in accordance with FBC Sections 1507.2 or R905.2,with the following exceptions: BerWdri sh-mgles require minimmin Croce(5)nam per shi g9e. 9� Weaather6uar HP shftpes regu lire annlrrnrr rannlmn six(6)naft per sl# e- - &4es TeTlifffe R&DF ltMM sag(6v naft err Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus require minimum five(5).nails per strip. Refer to Owens Coming published information on wind resistance and installation limitations. 6.2.2 Fasteners shall be in accordance mitts the ammufachuWs pub1shed requirerneriffs,but not less than FBC 1507-Z6 or R905.2.5. Stades area not penmMed- 6-2.4 Whe=re the roof slope exceeds 21 units werticall in 12 units horizontal,speciall methods of fastening are required. Contact the shingle manufacturer for details. 6.25 Ulinimum Han7ing—Sttaner Strip Shingle and Sta<ffir Sttrip Plus: �shgt:ttl«a;>�n�it - Iraitwtt$�diyss�rtIt �aNtoeHl t :.,r- �Iw.�¢I}rsatl I - 'LYsstllteiL : t -<i �ieatiterLotV J , umlerlayntent t_ - rl illrllyM:au:l Y'a8 � I<:t qty:s:•� In 311first SeH•seatiay s!i:=5ive p�5asase�^e res '�"g Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation Report 037940.0212-R6 C tp I ®fA fhrsifo F1106744M Revisma 6.10115/2015 Page 3 of 7 IT Y '--':RD &Z6 — & Normal Mansard or Area para Normal Mansard of Area pan N�dAfass IG�t 1 dssssaes' tlTixAArao �grmd draaaesy Area p�a aaraalas Aaass .iaatos fsics ��y'rsa uaeeas�m A ox aaaafac Ivies �r r r p r r Ira^- R. S Exposure 5 MV Esposufe Fxposici6n SiaEeffisd� 1 2a6� B�tfcad�i� g. r J1T r r x ceme,rn 0¢ushn ae astaito 622 Mlnernwn GNaI-M9— - Nails Ten T'Spots of Asphalt Roof Cement 1 dil�Rmearch and Deter,UC. G abogon Rq=It UFPJ4OA2.124{6 C-tr—oegfAUdAadMft=d95Q3 FLM74-RU ReWTAw fi:10115121325 A3W 4 oif 7 TRINITYERD 629 IdA nummn Naffing — Mmebe. TruMffendioe Wrahu m, Dwr.Moe Prerreia n Cool & TnOe3irdtion' -- 4 Nae Pattem 6 NeDa,mmSUepswe tstenGrSm5urtt6d^' E.srpeama dao davos Patten deSa�azrs e —4 x tt�!ni� anti'.aVnii ��" 5"W j& �— 1z' 11 ` Suc,tiR i LK gnllgaiecin alJ 2%�ul�L+4�gmascm ��ffaj�wtP [liar+ 5fc 5,3pafg.de erposL*n Clavus 05 pnlg.de owski6n �® I�inirrtBtlrt IRBa�tg—Tr8rDe9etitlOat QalSrl��e® 4! 'dull' Pai2asa 4i rr�ll P� &W ma con 4l2ws EWema con 6 clavus a- 9' n° a lE— m —t►ii IIS—51 I� T. Ifs--.1, — 14 — p gde5g 5earC�9SPSyr�g. 9i1SWatQ �"sairrd5e?�Gxd�. !£iyyusmana'le�3i8'�prlFg. 6211 PlO9irtirrturrt t�ae7ing—l96i�tlt�trard�HP_ 7��3e�lfi[lit� 53 Wv8effidge 6.3.1 Installation of Berkshire Hip and Ridge Shingles,High Ridge,Hip&Ridge with Sealant,WeatherGuard HP Hip and Ridge Shingles and Profte Hip&Ridge S*Wes shaA corn*with the nmufatuaWs current published hMmchons,uskC fbimr(4)reads per 49ngle. lnstallation of Mmm�Hip&image Shingles shM cmwWly with Om rjam4ammes awrwa pubilidped msbucbms,usmS tm P)mks pffi Refer to CW#Em Corning pd&&hed urAynodon on ascend resiiaan a and btst3atgon&naawns,mduding the use of hand-sealing for wind warranties. E>me<i� daa®d�g51,91LEvakmfi=Kepm1tG3794GMZJZAS ��4'3 �.>tt�s7a-tea Page 5 of7 2 AC I T �5FRD 632 Fasmmys shA be in aawdagwe cwM fte s Risit noth!%thmi lFBC 9-W7-Zb ori 9- Sim are nwt 6.3.3 Minimum Hailing—Berkshire'Hip&Ridge and High Ridge: FizI ff%;�2 Az -Tfl mft. SUM� og a P e h P P P P P P 6 0 11 C t< 0 qAM- o 6.3A Minimum Nailing-Hip&Ridge with Sealant -Se�lai sai 7Z" ,"nee so EqlG="e Fig.a WOR Ridge;Shinglo Fastening Fi4p v4 mbar` �¢ qp T - z' r I i rI r P u ® P o b p P P 1S f51!li Meww&aidDegw UC I IC873GUMMLIN Ite�aion6eYD/1s,�D15 Page 6of7 - �''E D shard --„•� lYtnd Direction Fastening Strip Pattani r Fad V 7W 6° Note:The drawings,below pertain to minimum, as tested attachment requirements. Refer to Owens Corning published installation instructions for their minimum requirements. 42­ HA _rll- u n ii 1 mIe- OIl a liJ � I - 7. LABELING: 71 LAmfing shA be in aumdwixe trade tete ffaqdrements the Auxedited Quality Wince Agency noted herein_ 72 Asphallt si igft a ffappE s mil iviuffixele mm-ora mmsi°of die ffeqmved damakatwas daalkd M FM Table 1507.2.7.1/R905.2.6.1. 8. RiEg1LIRE11�iiit3v As irequfted bV the BuildIng OJTWW or Audw t�HmoglunsfficUlm in aider to propely este the ii nbMahon of *k PnxkML 9. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the named QA entity for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 9N3 QA requirements- 10. 9_L_LLC—QUAD;(414)248-6M; r END OF EVALUATION RT PORE- Exterior Research and Design,LLC Evaluation Report 03794OM-12-M aata�isitaf aoa FLVW44= ReriiemEclM7�Hr�es Pje7o17