HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMITALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPTETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Darc. 8129117 Permit Number: Euilding Permit Application Plonning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 349U- Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (7721 46?--'.1578 Commercial Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Merchanical PROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Legal Description: Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 341 9-565-0024-000-5 Lot No lllock No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Back:Right Side:Left Side: DETAILED DESCRI.PTION OF WORK: LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGEOUT 3 TON 16 SEER 1O KW onal wor re peT - rs permrr -a ppry: V T HVAC Electric Gas Tank Plu mbing l_lcas eiping l_lsprinkters Sh utte rs Generator l---l *,noo*s/Doors tr l_lnoor Total So. Ft of Construction:So. Ft. of First Floor:l-r t-t Utilities: I lsewer I lseptic Building Height:Cost of Construction: $ 6675'00 J13mg PAUL BETURNEY Name: OHRIS LANGEL Address:212 NE LOBSTER ROAD Company: SEA COAST tuC City:POIRT ST LUCIE State FL Address: 3108 INDUSTRIAL 3'1st STREET ZiP Code: 34983 Fax:.i+',. l=T PIERCE State: FL phone 11s. 4'1 3-537-421 9 ZiP Code: 34946 772-466-3053 E-Mail:p hone 11s, 77 2-466-2400 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) E-Mail: DANISEACOASTAIR@AOL.COM State or Countv License: CMC03542'1 Address: 212 NE LOBSTER ROAD CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : OWN ER/LESSEE:CONIRACTOR: lf value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit' st. Lucie countv makes no representation thalis granting a permit will a.uthorize the permit holdel to build the subject structure which is in conftict wrtn a"n,lTrjpl'i;;bt.i Hij'ii;b*fibi'r Xtr"otirii;'n''rui;i;6ii;ws diindiovehinti tnat mav restrict <ir prohibit such structure. prease consurt'*iti,'ri" jr H'"riii owne'is'Xtli,E att",ii'.iib'revi6;'ioui deed for any restrictions which may apply' In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that lwill, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the .pptou.A plans, the Floridi Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments' The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: t:"- :i9il:i',tl-.,^, ..-^ accessory structures/ swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-resldentlal use WARNING TO OWNER: your failure to Flecord a Notice of commencement may result in your p?yjnc,lryi!^"Lf9t improvements to yo-ui p;;&;it, A-Notiie or commencement must be recoided and posted on the jobsite before the first inrp"iti"on.-tiyci, inteno ioootjin financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or re!9ldIā‚¬-Y9-qlNotice of Comme,ncement' - i*pi*it Februar' 16' 2o2o Revised 0711512014 SUPPLEIVIENTAL CONSTRUCTION I-IEN LAW INFORMATION: MORTGAGE COMPANY:Not Applicable Zip: Phone: ettlClrue gn: - Not APPlicable Zip: Phone: COMPANY: -Not APPlicableFEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: - Not Applicable Address: sonally Known x OR Produced ldentification oe of ldentification Produced 6-rxeue u Sisnature of Contractor/Licen STATE OF FLORIDA fore me by CK noa (Name of person acknowledging ) 'gniture of Notary Public: Stafe of Florida ) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Personally Known x OR Produced ldentificati Type of ldentification Produced Commission [\s. FFe6145e as Agerrt for Owner 'lB"Hil"now gI.IRIS LANGEL (Name of person acknowledging ) of NotarV Public- State of Florida ) :xTH;"""/..6' MANGROVE REVIEW SEA TU RTLE REVIEW SU P ERVISOR REVIEW ZONING REVIEW COMPLETE INITIALS PHRMIT #I$SUE DATE FL.ANFI I tr* {i & .s}EVFlLOPesfl,NT SERVi CES Builrtring & CtdE: ilcnrrpliiance Dlvigiotr tst,l;.I)llic PER,vltT $ t rB-( ){)NTRAC'T0R ;\CRE.Ei\t EhiT !iuh-oontr ircti.rr tbr' (T1'pe ni Tr',rCc) I:or the projr'cr locat*d at It is utrd*rstocd that. l1'there ir nn--r charrgo oi'stattLs legaLding otir p'drticipatian wilh the ploj*cl, thc Briilding anrl (lode Regularion Division of'St. l.LLr:ic (.:oLurt), will he irdvisctl 1'lling of r Change of Sub-*onlritl-rlttt ttoti,:ru abr.rve meniiotted pr.['riuunt tD the '3 Q&:Rt. - -r.iol:,r'lY r.tR:ill}'rcl;t i:l0N Nl INI BKn r$ kJsr[fi(ntii0r, s t-.sr1l' (Frinrary L'onf.ractor) l(c\ i$ed I l/l 6.120