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FL Approval Underlayment 5th Edition
Iz/3u12u In Florida 8ailair y LUae Online Business & Professional / SCis Fiume Coy In . u— Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge SCa-&Fac- Publicadons I FBC o.aff BCio oiie Map Links aearcn Product Appal db'pr 4USER: Po61i�Deer Product Approval Menu a Product or Aogl1 tl�on Sebr[h>A00140ti_on List 3 Appdcaclon uetall FE s FL5259-R25 ApplicaLion type Revision Code version z01-F Application :)LaCas Approved Comments Ar7hi.ed Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA Address/Phone/Email 150 Lyuii Drive Fernley, NV 89408 (570) 38EF-.L230 ExL 2z;2 jokim.@pclygla3s.cam muLhorized zignamre James ARins jakins@polyglass.com T-hnical Representative Steve Wadding Addre53/Phuna/Email 150 Lyvri DrirE Fernley, Iry ga405 (602) 363-7139 stevewCcupolyglass.com Quality Assorance Representative James Akins Addrass/Phone/Email 555 Oakridge Road Humboldt Indo.trial Pk..y Hdzleton PA 18201 (800) 894-4563 jakinsipolyglass.com Catiagury Roofing Subcatagury Underlaymentb Cumpliance Mathod E.aluatiun Report frur a Flurida R.gistered Architact or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report- Hardcrpy Rac:eivzd Florida Engineer or mrchiLecL Name who developed RuberL Mieminen thu E alaetiun Report Flrrida Liczmzo PE-59166 L&aliry A»orance Entity UL LLC qualicy A35urance Contract Expiration Dotc 04/24/2018 Validated By John W. Kne.e ich, PE Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Recei.ed Certificate of Independence FL5259 R25 COI 2016 01 COI Nieminen.p id Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D1970 2009 ASTM D226 z0015 ASTM D6164 2005 ASTM D6222 2008 ASTM Gi5a z0015 ASTM G155 2005 https:,'7Www.tioriEiaDUilding.org/pripr app_dtl.aspxrparam=-GEVXQ-tDy.D,jgAaZp3u,MS%zt.40liN,nUiA./y3uAiuPjr-4638cVw%3d1/;3d 112 U 301201b Fluri0a Sull0lny uuOe Ulhllrria FM 4474 2004 FRSA/I RI Apr it 2012 2012 TAS 103 1995 ur 189i 2004 Egaivalance uf Product Standard. Cerdrieu 6y SeCtiunb from the Cude Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date S.bnhittud 10/17/2016 Date Validated 10/18/2016 Data Pandiny FBC Appru.al 10/19/2016 Date Approved 12/15/2016 mummary of Products FL# Mudol, Nzrnbar or Nafno Duscription 5cay.i Polyglabb Roof Roofing onderlayments Undeerlaymcnts Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for ase in HVHZ: No EU259 R25 IT 2016 10 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R25.29f Impact Resistant: N/A Vei ified By: Robert Niemiilen PE-59166 Dazign M-5mium: +N/A/-622.5 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Ocher: 1.)The debign prebbore in thib Evaluation Reports application relate.to and portictdar FL5Z52 R25 AE 2016 10 FJNAL Eli POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- anderlaymem bystem (over Concrete deck)for u.e under foam-on tile 5y.tam. (share the Created by Indepandant Third PaFW: Ya. anderldyment forms part of the luad-path). Refer to ER Section 5.6.4 fur uthar.y.terr., other t]ecR types ant] associated maximum design pre.suie.. 2.) Refer to ER Section 5 fur other limits of use. uo t.untat.t va:: coy,oluir owns Rvch. ,gliaMassee FZ oz3oo Phone: The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida. :: Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement:: Refund Statement Under Florid.l.a,enroll.aarea.e.are peblie r—F03.1t rue de,,.E wanf roar a-rn.il.Wan:»rel—ca In re.pon5e to a pealle-ree.rd!i rtgeest,de net a�na aeetrenle mail to this entity.tnstea'u,contavt uie g,i Ice ay phone or By traaiuonal mall.if you Rave any questions, please contact aoa.w..=39..=,ursuant to SeCtion Fleha.btaetez,eTT.Uize Wooer i,zuie,Ilmn�.=been,ea eeaer Chapter R»,Et).most preclae the Department witn an email Wiliness If they Rave one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with.he licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish t.supply. personal aaaress,please provlae cite Department with an email aa-gress wMicn can De made avallaare to the puallc. io aeiermine li you are a licensee under Chapter 4S5, F.b.. ple.3e click F-. Prodm-t approval Rccep,s: cl © FA E Credit card Safe https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvbSgAaZp3Crk2vSe/y2fegOlipmOTAu7g3GAIUPJEq63BcVwo/3do/3d 212 EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,ILC. Certificate of Authorization##9503 TTR N TY ERD 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT#13 OXFORD,CT 06478 PHONt: (z03) t62-9245 t-AA: (L03)LbL-JL4i EVALUATION REPORT Polyglass USA,Inc. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-11121 150 Lyon Drive FL5259-R25 Fernley. My yB405 Date GT I»Oance:UZ/a/LUag Revision 21:10/1i/20a6 SCOPE: I his Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the xate of Florida. t he documentation ziabr,,itted hay been revievved by Rubellt Mieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5" Edition (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Polyglass Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CVNTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced t taality A»urancE aocamentatiun change• or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Mieminen_ P.E. if the product change or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity)ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: I he tvaluation Report numbar precedea by the vvordb -i rinity l ERD Evaluated-- may be 8isplayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. IMSPEl-OUN: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. I his Evaluation Report conaiat.3 of page 1 thi ough is. Prepared by: �������«••r - S��QS�gt$.•��� =- The facsimile seal a,.rearmg was authorized b,Robert Niem:nzn, �-�n: s':= mow, P.'c.on i0/ii/c0io. i his does noc serve as an eletTronically Kv6ert 1.191. Aiem;nen P.E. "�'' *%; signed dowmenc. signed_sealed hardcopies have been Florida Regisrrorion No.59166• Florida DCA ANE1983 cransmicced w the rroducc Npproval Hdminiscrawr and cu the named cllanc CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. IriniryIERD does not have, nor does it ii-Mend tu ncjui.e wewill it acquire, a Tlnarldal intcrEat in ally Cumpaiq rrlaiiaraCturing or aai.trinuting proancta it evaluatea. �. I rinity l ERD 6 nut uwnea_vperatea or cantrallea By any CUlllpany manatacturing or aizitriDuth ig proauc-tb it evalaateb. s. RCDeFT MeminCn. N.E.aoez,neat Have nap-Will acquire. a fnancial interest ire any company manufacturing ur aistriDuting proaucts top- WnicK the evaluation reports are Being iwmea. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E.does not have, nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither i rinityl EKu nor Robert Mieminen, P.E. are, in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous„ersions thereof,6/Wa,,used for Nei mining or dE3ign guidan%E 01 lez retained npEdTiCally Tor that put Noze. ( Y ) TRINITY tKu ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: 1. SwPE: Product Category: Rooting Sub-Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: Roof Underlayments, as produced by Polyglass USA, Inc., have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following standards. Compliance is sobjeex to the Installation REgoiremenT.a�,d Eimitation./C,,nditiun.uf u.e set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Pre a 5tanaaia Year 1504.3.1 Wing uplift FI0144-74 204 1504.3.1 Wind Uplift UL 1897 2004 15u4.6 ArrElciatea Weathering ASTM G154 2006 1504.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM G155 2005 1507.2.1,150.3.3,1507.5.3,lb07.7.3, PRy..ieai Propert;e� ASTM D226 2006 1507.8.3,1507.9.3 1507.2.4,1507.z.9.2,1507.5.3,1507.7.3 PRy.ical Properties ASTM D1970 2009 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6164 2005 150/.11.2 Phy.i�al Propertie. AS M Dbzzz zuUS 1507.3.3 Installation Practice FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 1523. PRy.icai Propertie3 TAS 103 1995 J. REFERENCES: gnifty Examination Reference vale FM Approvals(TST 1867) Wind Uplift 3004091 01/12/2000 PRI(TST 5878) PRysicai Propertie3 PRI01111 04/08/2002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-005-02-01 O1/31/2002 PRI(ISI58/9) PRy3icalPrupertiE. PUSA-0I3-UZ-01 1z]z372002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-013-02-02 12/23/2002 PRI(TST 5878) PnyziLal Propertle� PUSA-013-02-03 12/2372002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-018-02-01 07/14/2003 PRI(ISI 5873) PRy.ical Propertie. P1JSA-1jZ8-Uz-U1 U//137z0U5 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-033-02-01 01/12/2006 PRI(TST 5878) PRy.ical Propertie. PUSA-035-02-01 09/29/2006 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-055-02-02 12/10/2007 PRI(ISI 5878) Phy.ival Propertie. PUSA-Ubi-u2-uz Ul/z87zuuis PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-076-02-01 02/22/2008 PRI(TST 5878) Pny�,;,al P.opert;e� PUSA-083-U2-U1 04/1472008 PRI(TST 5578) Physical Properties PUSA-088-u2-01 07/21/2009 M I I(I S I z5urs) PRy3leal PrupertiEa 1X2UH/A 04/0172U0g MTI(TST 2508) Physical Properties RX14E8A O1/29/2009 ERD(TST 6049) PRy.ical Propertie. 11/52.09.99-1 02/08/2000 ERD(TST 6049) Wind uplift 1175/.08.u1-1 05/13/2001 ERD(T5T 5049) Wind uplitt 11776.06.Uz ul/167zUU3 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties 02200.07.03 07/14/2003 ERD(TST 6049) Wina Uplift P1740.01.07 01/04/2007 ERD(TST 6047) Physical Properties P5110.04.07-1 04/11/2007 ERD(TST 6U49) Wina Uplift P92b0.U3.08 u37z17zuu8 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P13450.08.09 08/13/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Wind uplift P30540.11.09-111 11/30/2009 ERD(TST 604y) Physical Properties P11050.11.09-1 11/30/2009 ERD(15I bU49) Wina Uplitt P11U3U.11.U9-z 1173U72U09 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P11030.11.09-3 11/30/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Pfiy�ical Propertee. P33360.06.10 06/25/2010 Exterior Research and Design,LLC. E ak ation Raport P12060.02.u9-R21 rerdfizare a/Aocharizarion#9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-1125 Revision 21:1U/17/2016 Page z of 13 ('OTR1191 I Y Eau Knifty EAdmination Rety,ence Date ERD(TST 6049) Pnysical Properties P333/u.u3.11 U3702/2011 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Propenies P33370.04.11 04/2612011 ERD(Tsi 6049) PRyAcal Properties P373uu.10.11 1U/19/Z011 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P40390.08.12-1 08/05/2012 ERD(I S 16u49) Physical Properties P4u39U.UH.1&2 08707/2u12 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties C41420.09.12-3 09/11/2012 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Dpiitt P3968u.03.13 03/04/2u13 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P45370.04.13 04/26/2013 tRD(i5T 5049) wlna Uplitt P1738.uz.u/-Rz 04/Z9720-13 ERD(TST 6049) Wind uplift 1175/.04.01-1-R1 04/30/2013 ERD(TST 6049) Win?uplitt P41630.08.13 u8/06/2013 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift P11751.05.03-R1 11/26/2013 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplitt P11781.11.03-R1 11/Z671013 ERD(TS 1 6049) Physical Properties P45z/u.u5.14 05/12/2014 ERD(I ST 6u49) Pnysical Properties 5UzU.U/.14-1 097US/2014 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-2 09/08/2014 ERD(TST 6049) PRyAcal Properties 5020.09.14-3 09/08/2u14 ERu(151 604v) Physical Properties 5uzu.vy.14-4 09/v13/Z014 ERD(TSI6049) PnysiE:alP,operties 5020.09.14-5 0970372014 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties 5020.09.14-6 09/08/2014 ERD(TST 6049) PRyAcal Properties P46S20.10.14 10/03/2014 ER'u(n 16U49) Physical Properties P44300.1u.14 1U/u//zu1g ERD(TST 6049) Pnysical Properties P43290.10.14 10/17/ZU14 ERu(TST ou2i9) rhysical Properties PLTU-5C755u.03.15 U3/z4/zU15 ERD(i ST 6U49) Pnysil:al P.operties P4039U.U4.1S O4703/201S ERD(n 1 oUwS) Physical Properties PITu-5ci-suau.u5.15-1 U5/ZU/ZU15 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplitt PLYG-SCE905.05.16-1 05/17/2016 ERD(15T 6u49) Physical rroperties P[TU-5L8U8U.U/.16 u//1o/zu16 ERD(IST 6049) Wind Uplitt PLYG-5C1ZUZ5.10.16 1071272016 ICC-E5(EVL Z3yo) BC compliance E511-16w 11/u1/zU14 Miami-Dade(CER 1592) RVHZ Compliai-ice NUA 14-0717.08 01/22/2015 Polyglass u5A Planuracturing An iaa it rro'aucts Current 0z/18/zuu9 Polygla»USA P/LAttidavit Male-Hide Cro»Ltg 03/017ZU08 Polyglass u5A Materials Affidavit Polystick SA Compound 09/19/zull UE. LEC.(QDA9625) Qaalky Control Service Cuntii mation EAp.04/24/2018 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Mechanically Fastened Underlayments: 4.1.1 Elamto5aoe h�a itderglaaa reintorcea,5B5 moaitiea Ditamen Haze sheet. 4.1.Z Elasiobase P is a polyester-reinforced,505 modified bitumen base sheet. 4.1.3 Polyglass GZ Base is a fiberglass-,einforced,asphaltic base sheet. 4.1.4 Pulyglaao APP Baae 6 a TiSeigla»-reinTorced.APP moainea Ditumen Da�c Aeet. 4.Z 5elt-AaFieringUnaerlaymentb: 4.Z.1 Polystick MI 15 is a nominal ou-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane,glass fiber reinforced,surfaced with pulyulcfinic nln,surface;nicer.A5I I01 D19/U and IA5 03. 4.2.2 Polystick MTS PLUS is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with poly-film surface:meets TA5103. 4.Z3 Poly tick iR-xe 6 a nominal 60-111i1 thick,Anericed dspnalt wdterpIootlfig mem[5,ane, glass ti6er reintorcea. WitR an dggregdte b0FTdCe:meetb ASTM D1970. Exterior Research ana Dezign,LLC. Evaluation Report P1Zubu.UZ.09-R21 C.-rt p.te l Avth -tzv.-ian#9503 FOC rvvA-nvRZ tvACuATlvN FL5259-R25 Revision 21:1u/17/2016 Page 3 of 13 TRfil I Y ERu 4./X PolysticR I PIu3 6 a eeueieinal 80-eeeil tnicR raBoeritcO aapRalt waterprooTing membrai-ie,gla»TlBe,rEinroecca- witM a polyester taBric ziarffacE,meetb A51 M D19/U and IA5 1US. 4.2.5 Polystick 10 P is a nominal isu-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass-fiber/polyester reinforced,with a granular surface; meet.A5 i lVI uiy/u and I A5 1u3. 4.Z.5 Polystick TU Max is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane with a 190 g/m` polyester fabric surface;meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.L./ Polytle,. SAP. PolytlEA SAP FR. Malmo-Hiae 5A-APP cap Sheet and Mule-Fliae 5A-APP Cap SReet (FR) are polyester reintumea,APP muaitica Bitumen cap sEleets_meet ASTM D622Z. 4.L.8 PolyaticR Dual Pra7l is a nominal 6U-mil tRiclZ Maul-layer ra6Derit.eM azpMalt watErprouTing mem6rane, Ti6ergla» reinTurcea-witM a polyester ta6ric 3OrTaCc:MiFets AS I RI D19/U. 4.2.9 Polystick Tile ProTM' is a nominal 60-mil thick dual-layer rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced,with a polyester fabric surfacE;meets A51 MI Diy/U and lA5 133. 4.Z.10 Polystick MU-x is a nominal 54-mil thick dual-layer rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced,with a polypropylene film surface;meets AC188 and physical requirements of ASTM D1970. 4.3 Mechanically Fastened and/or tsonded underlayments: 4.3.1 ElaztotieA 56 G and ElabtotIUA 5b G FR are polyester reintorcea. 5B5 modified bitumen cap sheets;e,,Let A5TI01 Db164. 4.j.Z Polyfle,.v and PolyfleA G FR are Nulye.ter reinTUrZ:eaa,AFP i_,.000iT1E3 Bitumen cap 3neets;meet ASI M ObLLL. 5. [IMITATIONS: S.1 IMis is a 504%Ig CUBE evaluation. Neither lrinity1ERD nor Rubert Niemiiien, P.E. are, in any way. tFie Designee of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. S.Z )Mi.Evaluation Report i.not Tor aze in the RvRc. 5.3 Fire Classification is not pare of this Evaluation Report;refer to current Approved Roofing Mlaterials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 Polyglass Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.5 Allowable Root covers: TAa[e 1: RuuF CaoER OPTIONS U.,derlaymEnt Asphalt Shingles Nail-On Tile Foam-On Tile Metal wood Shakes& slate 3hingle s Yes Yes Elastobase YE. (r3..R—t in z-pl, (M.-.e«t in 2-PI, Yes Yes Yes system, system[ Yes Yes Elastobase P Yea (base sheet in 2-ply (base sheet In 2-ply Yes Yes Yes -,-tom.) -,.tam) TES Tes TPolyglass G2 Base eta Iwse sheet inplq ia7se z. No Ao No sheet in z-ply ,yst—) ,y,tem) Ye. YZ3 POlygeass APP Base No iMse sheet in z-my IWse sheet In z-ply No No No system) system) Pslystiuk MTS Y—.s Yes No Y.5 Ye. Yes rolysticil M r[us Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Polystick IR-Xv Yeb No No No Yes Yes Polystick TU P Yes Yes Yes No Yes Ytr. See 5.5.1 POlystick eU Plus Yes Tes YC] Yes Yes Tes See 5.5.1 Exterior Research and Design,LLt.. E alaatio.,Rzpurt P12060.02.w-R21 Ce.tificme o/Authorizoriuu,e N9503 FBe NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5z59-RZ5 Revision 21:1u/i7/zu16 Page 4 of 13 �Y,'-_) TRINITY ERD TABLE I: ROOF(.OVER VPTIONS underlaymenz wspnan wungies Aah-On i de Foam-On,de Nlezal Wood Shakes& daze Shingks Polystick TU Max Nu Yes Yes Yes Nu No see s.a.i Polystick Dual Pro Yes Ye; No Yes Yes Yes Polystick Tile Pro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes see a.a.a PolysdcR lulu-x Yes No No Yes Yes yes Elaszotlex ao G yes yes Yes MO yes Yes See 5.5.E rlastoflex ao G FR Yes Yes Ao No Yes TES Polyflex G Yes Yes Yes Au Yes Yes See 5.5.1 Pulyflex G FR Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Polyflex SAP or SAP FR Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes see 5.5a Male-Hide SA-APP Cap Shee. Yes or SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR) Yes Yes See 5.5.1 NO Yes Yes 5.5.1 "roam-un I ile" is limited to use of the following Approved file adhesives unless tensile adhesion/ long term aging data TrUm.an accreZliteB tenting la5urato y is p,oviaea. ✓ 31VITM 2-Component Roof Tile Adhesive AH-160 (FL6332): Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Max, Elastoflex S6 G, Polyflex G, Polyflex SAP, rolyflex SA Cap FR, Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or Mule-Hide SA-APP L,ap sheet(FR)or I ile Pro. ✓ 3M` Foam Roof Tile Adhesive RTA-1(FL6276): Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Max, Elastoflex S6 G, Polyflex G, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SA Cap FR, Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR) or I ile Pro ✓ convenience Pr aaccta TOOcn'n seal 5torm8und Roof Tile Adneaive (FL14506): PulystiCR 10 Plus. POlystiCR 10 Max. ✓ Dow Tllc6una(Fb17): POlyatiCR I U P. PulyatiCK 10 Plua. POlytlen SAP u, I ile Pro. Polyglass PolyLok Roof Tile Adhesive(FL17855): Polystick TU Plus or Polystick TU Max. 5.5 Allowdble Substrates: S.b..L Direct-Sand to Deck: Polystick(all variations), Dual Pro,Tile Pro, Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap SheeL or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR)self-adhered to: ➢ Mew untreated plywood;A5I ICI 041 primed new untreated plywood; Existing plywood;A5I M D4.L primed existing plywood; Mew or e„istirig, anpri,ned 055; A51 M 041 primed u56; southern yellow Fine; AS I M D41 primed 5'v'utMern Yella. Pine; Ab i Rl D41 primes ,ti actaral Cuncretc; Flooeir Enginearea WC+vd_a '"LIP 5yaTEM" Panels (aeaigned ana inataliea to meet wino loda3 Tor projec-t). wore:Polyglass does nor require priming of new or existing plywood or O58 sheathing. ivew or existing plywood or u5b shearh;„y should be cleaned of ull d;rr m,d debris pr;vr ro appl;car;o„�f polysrick membranes. Elastoflex S6 G or S6 G FR in hot asphalt to: ➢ ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. PolyticA G u, G FR torch-applic8 to: P ASTIOI D41 primes structural concrete. txtcriur Ra.arGl ana DeAg,,,EEL. t�aloatiun Report P12O6U.U2.uy-R21 Cerrificare Of Hurharizarion xya0.i FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL52594125 Reviaian z1:1U/17/2U16 Page 5 of 13 'J"TRINITY ERD S.b.L BOnO-tu-Inaulatian: Polystick(all variations), Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR)self-adhered to: ➢ AbiM Ci.Lgy, lypc Il, Class 1 pulyiaucyanurate or lypc V polyisocyanarate-composite insulation; Dens Deck DaraGuara;Dena Oeck Prime;ur SEWROCK uypaam-Fiber Runt Baal a. Elastoflex S6 G or S6 G FR in hot asphalt to: Dens Deck Prime orSEt.uRUCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. Polyfler,G or G FR torch-applied to: ➢ ASTM D41 primed structural concrete:Dens Deck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. Far installation un8er mechanically attacReO prepares root coverings. inamatim, ,Mall BE attacRea per minimmi, requirements at the prepared taut coverhig manotacturer-s Pr'udui:t Approval. Fay instaliatiam, onaer Team-un the systeriis, insulation attachment sRall be aesigned By a yaalitiEa Oesigi, pratesbional ana ii,stallea Basea a,,testing of the insulation/underlayment system in accordance with FBC Section 1504.3.1. 5.6.3 Banc-1 to MecRanicaliv AttacRea Babe[aver: Polystick (all variations), Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, IDlule-Aide 5A-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR) Dual Pro or i ile Pro self-adhered to: ➢ A51 M OLLb, I ype I ur 11 Telt;ElaaTuSaac;tlaatabaac P or Male-MME Nail Baae. Elastoflex S6 G or S6 G FR in hot asphalt to: ➢ ASTM D226,Type I or II felt: Elastobase;Elastobase P,Mule-Hide Nail Base or Polyglass G2 Base. PalytleA G or G FR torcR-applies to: Elastobase:Elastobase P, Mule-Hide Nail Base, Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass APP Base. Fur in.taliatiuna unacr mecManicaily attacne'a prepared roar cuveringa, Baae layer ,Mall Be attacRea pe. minimam Casities reyalrernErlta. For inataliationa unaer roam-an tile ayatema. base layer sMali Be attacnEa per minimam mqufrementa at FRSA/TRI April LOLL(O4-ll). Appendix A. i aBle 1, or as listed in beiftion 5.6.4 herein, Or as tebtcO in accordance with FBC Section 1504.3.1. S.6.4 yyiina Rpalatance for Wicrlayment 5y.atern. in Foam-ug Illc Appligations: FRSA/TRl April Lu1L (04-1L) does not ad&e.s wina apGTt rEaiatance OT all anderlayment systems BEREatR Tuari-On the systems, wMere tMe uriderlaymeent tarms pair ut the ioad-path. iRe tallowing vviiis oplitt iimitatiam apply to anserlayinent systems that are not aa7resse7 in FRSA/TRI April 2o1Z (04-12)and are area in toarn-un the applications. IDlaximam Desigi, Pre»are is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2(the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012(04- zz),Appendix A, i able LA or FBC iou9 for determination of design wind loads. 5.b.4.1 Maximoni Design Pi essure=-90 Fist: DecR: Min.15/32-inch piywoo7 to meet project reyuirements to sati.Tact;on of Autnurity Having Jarisaiction. Primer: ivone BaaE Ply: (Optional)PolysticK MTS PLUS,aalT-aaRerea Underlayment: Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TU Max,Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SAP FR.Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Male-Hine SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR),belt-aaRrrea. Maximum Design Pressure=-97.5 psf: DEck: Min.15/32-inr.R plywuoa to meet project iEya6 ements to satistactitin of Aatfia,ity Having 1a,isaiction. Primer: PG100 or Asi M D41 Base Ply: (Optional)Polystick MTS PLUS,belt-aaFierea Underlayment:Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TU Max,Polyflex SAP,Polyflex SAP rR,mule-Hide SA-APP t-ap Sheet and Male-Hine SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR)_belt-atlherea ana back-nailed within the selveage-Cage b;Zle laps using 11 ga.r 1X"ring shank nails througn 32 ga.,1-5/8"diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o.c. Exterior Researn an5 Design,LLC. Evaluation Report F1zubu.uz.uy-Rz t Cerrificare of Hurharizarion#9503 FBC NON-HVRz EVALOATION F[5zS9-Rz5 Revision 21:10/17/2016 Page 5 at 13 TKINI I Y ERD Rlaximom Debikn Prebbure=-105 vbt: Deck: Min.15/32-McM plywuua to meet project rcquircmtnt.to sati.tactian ut Autfiurity Having Jod.aiction. Primer: WB-3000 Base Ply: (Optional)PolysticR MTS PLUS,seiT-a33RErc'a Underlayment: Polystick TU P.Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Max,Polytlex SAP, Polyflex SAP FR. Male-Hide SA-APP Cap 5FleeL and MaI-c-Rift 5A-APP cap 5REEt(FR),belt-affitred ana 6aMmaima wltfiin tFlt.elveag'c-ca-gc sine laps osing 12 ga.A 1•."ring shank nails through 32 ga.,1-5/8"diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o.c. iviaximum uesign Pressure=-135 psf: Deck: Min.15/3z-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Raving Jurisdiction. Primer: (Optional)PG100 or ASTM D41 Joints: wlin.4-inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA-V over all plywood joints. Base Ply: (Optional)Polystick M 15 PLUS,5elt-aafiErea Underlayment: Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TU Max,Polyflex SAP,Polyflex 5AP FR, Mule-Ride )A-APP Lap Sheet and Male-Rine 5A-APP Cap Sheet(FR).beit-aaherea. Maximum Design Pressure=-315 psf: DecR: SLratTaral cunciELE Lo meeL projeCL requiremenU.Lo badbtaaiun of AaLhurity HavingJaribaiction. Primer. PulUUorx5TMD41 Base Ply: (Optional)Polystick MTS PLUS.belt-adhered Unae,layme,=,t:PolysticR TU P,PolysticR TU Pla., PolysticR TU Max,Tilc Pro, Polyflex SAP,Polyflex SAP FR, Mule-Rine 5A-APP cap SheeL and Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap SheeL(FR),belt-aafierea. Maximum uesign Pressure=-6z2.5 psf: Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements Lo satisfaction of AaLhoriLy Having JuribaiMun. Primer: PG1LT ur ASTM D41 Underlayment:EIa5Loflex S6 G.applied in fall mopping of ROL abphalL or POlyfex G.Lurch-applied. Pla.imam Dc.ign Pre..ort=-3u.0 psf*: Deck: Min.15/3z-inch u5B to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Raving wrisdiction. Base Sheet: Ela.to5a.e or Mule-Hite Nail Base(puly-tiim top surface) Fasteners: 1i ga.x.L.z5-inch long x i-inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: b-it•,ch D.C.at tfie 3-inch wiae site lap.ana 5-inch D.C.at two(z)equally.pdCEB.taggerea ccnter,uwb. Base Ply: (optional)PolysticR MT5 PL05,self-adhered Unae,layment:Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Plub,PolysticR TU Max. Polyflex SAP_Pulytiex SAP FR. Mole-Hiac SA-APP Cap Sheet ana Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR),self-adhered. 5.b.4.15 PlaA;IIIUm Debirn Prennore=-31.5 wST": DucR: Min.z5/3z-imcM plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Babe SReeu ElabLUBabe or Mulc-Hide Nail Babe(poly-tilm Lop 5or-1`41ce) Fasteners: 11 ga.,.1.25-in;.R long,.141-0 Reaa diameter ruona metal cap nails Spacing: 6-inch D.C.aL Lhe 3-inch wide bide lapb and 6-inch D.C.aL Lwo(2)egaaily bpacea btaggerea center raw:,. Base Ply: (Uptiu„al)PolysticR IGIi5 P105,30r-oane,ef Unaerlaymenu PolybLiLk TU P_Polystick TU Plab_ PulybLick TU Max.Polyflex SAP_Polyflex SAP FR. Male-Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet and Mule-Hiav SA-APP Cap SRcet(FR),selr-aancrca. 5.b.4.9 Maximum uenimn PrebbOre=-31.5 psi*: DecR: Min.19/32-incn plywuua to meet prujert realui,cmEnta to satisfaction at AutfiaJrity Having JoKnalct,on. Base Sheet: One(1)or two(2)layers ASTM D226,Type II fek Fa.tener.: 11 ga.,.1.25-incH long,.1-inCR Read aia,i,cteer Fo„rsf metal cap sail. Spacing: 6-inch o.c.at the 3-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c.at two(2)equally spaced staggered center rows. unaerlaymtnt: Ela.=Ie 56 G,applied in Tull—m-upping oT Fiut aspfialt. Exterior Runeareh aria Dc.ign,LLC. Evaluation Report P1z05u.u2.o9-R21 Ccrtijr-r jAutharr'zcGo,-,#9503 FBC'nun-F1014 evALvATION FL5259-1125 Revi.iun 21:10/17/2016 Page i of 13 TRINITY ERR Rla,.imam Design Prebaure=-45 ubi*: Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requ;,ements to satisfaction or Authority Having JarisMutiun. Babe Sheet: one(1)layer A5i M D1z5, I ype II telt Fasteners: 11 ga.x 1.25-inch x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/3-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 4-inch D.C.at the 2-inch wine biae lapb ana 4-inch D.C.at two(z)equally bperea btaggei ea center rdwb. Base Ply: (Optional;for use witR selr-adhering unaerlayment only)PolysticK MTS P[US,seiT-a3Me,e"d Unaerlayment: PDlybtick TO P.PulybtiLR TU Pldb-PDlybtick TU Max.Polyflex SAP, PDlytlex SAP FR. Mole-Fliae SA-APP Cap Sheet ana Mule-tilde SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR),self-a'dhere'a or Elastoflex St u,applied in full mopping or Rot asphalt. Md.imum Ueaign Prebbure=-45 vat": DecR: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet Project Pecy.; c_ME 1t5 tv 3ati.TaCtIOM vT XAMOvrity Flavuig Jul i3diCUUv Babe Sheet: Twu(2)layerb ASTM D226.Type II tell. Fa.tener.: 11 ga.x 1.z5-incR long x 3/8-incR naa'd aiametc, annular ri,,g 3Ra.IR ruunng nail.at 1-5/3-inch diameter tip.cap. Spacing: 9-inch D.C.at the 2-inch wine biae lapb ana 9-inch D.C.at two(2)equally 5pacea.Laggerea center rows. Ba,,z Ply: (OptiOtAl;TO,use with.eit-aaReFing unaerlayment only)Pviy.tR;lZ IVI IS PLu5,.elr-aaftrea Undeerlaymenu PDlybtick TU P.PolybticR TU Plob. PDIybLickc TO Max, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SAP FR. MDIe-Hiae 5A-APP Cap Sheet ana Mule-Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheetaa(FR),.ElT- Rerea or Ela.tOTIEx S6 G,appliea in tail mapping at not a.pRalt. Plaximom Uebieui Prebbure=-45 vat: DecR: Min.15/32-incfl ply-um to meet project,Egai,eme.its to ati.taction at Authority Having Jaribaictlun. Babe Sheet: Elastobase(sanded top surface for hot-asphalt or torch-applied cap or poly-film surface for torch-applied cap) FaAEMEr.: Simplex MAXx Cap Fabtcnerb Spacing: 9-inch D.C.at the 2-inch wide side laps and 1g-inch o.c,at two(z)equally spaced staggered center rows. underlayf"Ent: Ela.toti x S6 G,applied in tall mapping at nut a3pRalt or Pviyftx u,torch-applies. Maximum Design Pressure=-52.5 usf: DecR: Min.15/32-6 ich plywwoa to meet pr uject requiremantb to batibtactiori,Ot Authority Having Juribalctivn. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sanded top surface for hot-asphalt or torch-applied cap or poly-film surface for torch-applies cap) Fabtcnerb: Simplex MAxx Cap Fa.tener. Spacing: 9-inch D.C.at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c.at two(2)equally spaced staggered center rows. Unaerlayment:Elabtoflex 56 G,applies in tall mopping at but abpFialt or P—ulyflex G.Lomfi-appliea. Maximum Design Pressure=-52.5 DSf: DecR: Min.15/32-inch plywuoa to meet projeCT requirementb to baLibtacTion at Authority Having JaribaicLion. Bo.z Sheet: Ela.to5a.e or MaleeHide Dail Babe(poly-Tilm tap 3nffaze) Fabtenerb: 5implex Original Cap Nailb Spacing: b-incR v.C.at tRz 3-IrICR wlae 3iaz la-.a,,a 6-incn O.E.at Tw r(4)cyaally.pauEd 3taggumd renter Tvw,,. Babe Ply: (Optional)PDlybtick MT5 PLUS,self-asfietea Unaehaymerit:PDlystick TO P,Puly.tirR TO PIC.,POlysticK I u Max,Polyuzc SAP,PulyTlcx SAP FR,MulE-Hine SA-APP Cap Sheet ana Male-Fliae SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR),belt-aaRerea. Maximum Design Pressure=-52.5 DO: DecR: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Sa.E 5Rcet: Ela3to5a.e(.anaea tap.UFraCE Tvr hat-a.pnalt or torrn-appliea cap or pUly-Tilm aur-face tar turcR-applied rap) FabLenerb: Simplex Original Cap Nails Sparing: 6-incR D.c.at tnE 3-incR wiae Aar.lap.ana 6-inen O.C.at Tour(4)equally Spa Ed.taggerca center raw.. UnaerlaymenL:Elastoflex S6 G,applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G.torch-applied. Maximum Design Pressure=-du Dsf: Deck: Min.lv/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Babe bneat: ElabtDbabe(banaea tip bortaLe tar hot-a.phait or torch-applies rap ar poly-tiln,buFface tar torch-appliea cap) Fasteners: 11 ga.x 1.25-inch long x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at.L-5/a--inch diameter tin caps Spacing: B-incn u....at the 4-inch wiar,,idE lap,,ana 8-inn D.C.at three(3)cyaally apacea btaggeraa renter rawb. Underlayment:Elastoflex 56 G.applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex u,torch-applied. Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation Report Plzu6u.0z.09-1121 Cenificare of Aurhorizarion#9503 FIX NON-FiVFiZ EVALUATION FE5zS9-RZ5 Revision 21:1u/1i/Z016 Page g at 13 TRINITY ERD Maximum Design Pressure=-60 psf: DecR: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project regairementb to baLibtdMion of Authority Raving Jorlbalctiun. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sanded top surface for hot-asphalt or torcR-applied cap or poly-film surface for torch-applied cap) Fa.tener.: OMG#12 Stanaard Routgrip with OIOIG Flat Bottum Metal Plateb Spacing: 1z-incR o.c.at tRe g-incn Maae side laps ana 1z-incR a.c.at two(z)equally spa.ea staggered center rows. OnaerlaymenL:Elabtutlex 56 G_applied in tall mopping of WE abphalL or Polyflex G_LUIch-applied. Maximum Design Pressure=-67.5 psf: DecR: Min.15/32-incR plywood Lo MEEL project requiremenu Lo baLibtacLion of AaLFioriLy Having.luribaictiun. Ba.E 5Reet: Pulygla3.G2 Ba.e or Polygla3.APP Ba.e(reya"rc.a.0 Crtorcn-applied pnacr/uyn�ent) Fasteners: 12 ga.x 1.25-inch lung x 3/8-inch head diameLer annular ring shank routing nail.at 1-5/8-inch aiameLer Lin capb 5VOCIn'g: 34,0 w.c.at tME 4-inifi Me .i&iap3 aria tS-infi O.iC.at tuur(4)Egualiy.paCE5 Aagggema center ro-3. Unaerlaymenu Ela5cuflex S6 G,applied in fall mopping of hoc asphalt or torch-applied or Polyflex G.torcFi-applied. Maximum Design Pressure=-15 psf: Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Ba.e Sheet: Pulygla.b G2 Ba3e u, Polygla.b APP Ba.e(rega6e.a.e of Lanni-applie8 anaer117y«.ent) Fasteners: Dekfast s14 with Dekfast Hex plates, UMu 1114 R'v with uMu 3"ualvalume Steel Plates, UMu 'noofgrip#14 with UMG Flat Bottom Plate. (AccaTrac), TrataA HD with Truta.t 3-inch In.alatiuri PlatE. ur Simplex MAXX Lap Fasteners Spacing: lu-incR u.c.at the 4-inch ,viae.iae lap.and 1u-incR a.c.at three(3)cgaally.paced staggerea center row.. underlayment:Elastoflex Sb u,applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or torch-applied or Polyflex u,torch-applied. MaA61110111^Naiel-PM3Aic=-`l— - . Deck: Min.15/3z-incn plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction or Autlority Raving jurisdiction. Babe 5heet: Elabtu6abe(banded top buFfacee tar hot-asphalt or torch-appl-lea cap or poly-filin burfface tar turch-appliea cap) Fasteners: Simplex IGIAXX Cap Fasteners 5pacing: 5-inch O.C.at the 2-inch wiae Aae lap.and 5-inch o.c.at two(2)equally bpaced btaggenea center rovvb. UnaeLlayment:Elabtotlex 56 G_applied in tail mopping Ut hot asphalt or Puulyflex G_torch-applied. iviaximum Design Pressure=-%psf: Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Ba.e sheet: Ela.to5a.e(.anded tip.aFFrace tar not-asphalt m turch-appliea cap ur puly-nlm.aFFrace tar torch-appliea cap) Fasteners: OMG#12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with OMG 3"Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plate. Spacing: 6-inch o.c.at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c.at three(3)equally spaced staggered center rows. Unde,IaymEnt:Elabtatlex S6 G,applied in tall mopping ut hot asphalt ui Polyflex U.tur n-appiled. Maximum Design Pressure=-90 of Deck: Min.15/32-inch piyvvooa to meet project requirements to batibtaction of Authority RavingJuri.alction. Base Sheet: Eiastobase(san'aea top surface) Fabterierb: Tratabt#12 DP or Tratabt#14 RD with Tratabt 3-Metal Insuiaticin Plateb 5pacing: 6-inch o.c.at tRe 4-inch wiae slue-laps aria 6-lncR uz.at three(3)equally spaced staggerea center rows. Unaei laymEnt:Elabtutlex S6 G_applied in full mopping at hot asphalt. Maximum Design Pressure=-90 psf: Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood Lo meEL project requirements Lo bacibtaction of AaLFioriLy Having Jurlbaiccion. 53.E 5MEZt: Pflygla..vz Ba.ii Ur Ptlygla..APP Oa.,.(,eyairc3 Cie of tDrVII-Cpp/ie0 unvurlayrnent) FdbLenelb: DektabL#14 wiLF DeRfabL Hex plaLeb, OMG#14 HD wiLFi OMG 3"Galvalume SLeel PlaLeb, OMG Routgrip#14 w-lLFi UMu Flat Buttalml Plate. (Acca i rac), Truta.t HD witR i.ata.t 3AMER Irl.clatiuri PlatE. Ur Simplex MAAx Trap FabLenerb 5pacing: 9-;ricM oz.at tRE 4-inul'i wiae A&lap.and 9-incR u.C.at too, (4)egaally.pa%EO.taggerEO center raw.. UnaerlaymenL:ElabLutlex 56 G,applied in tall mopping of flOt abphalL or Lurch-applied or Polyflex G.Larch-appliea. Exterior Research and Design,LLC. EvalaaLion Repon P12060.02.09-R21 Certijrte of Aothari.aGon#9503 F6c:NUN-FlvRz EVACUA S IUA FL5259-R25 Revibion 21:10/1772016 PagE 9 in 13 Tf�IIaITY ERR) 5.b.4.Z4 Maximum Design Pre33ure=-91.5 pst: DcCR: Min.19/32-inCR plywaud to mEet prvje�t regairements to 3atl.tact;on at Authority Having 1u,i3diction. Babe 55eeu Ela3tuba3e or Male--Ride Nail Base(poly-film top surface) FaAzrler3: 11 ga.,.1.Z5-hicR x 3/8-incH hcaa aiamEtcr annular ring 3RanR routing nail.at i-578-1nch aiameter tin uap� Spacing: 4-incR o.c.aL the 4-inch wide side laps and 4-inch o.c.at four(4)equally spaced staggered center rows. Ba.c Ply: (Optional)Paiy3tiCR MIS PEU5,3elt-aBne.ca Unaerlayment:Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TU 1viax,Polyflex 5AP,Polyflex SAP FR. MIule-Flide 5A-ArP Cap sheet and Mulc-Hft SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR),3EIT-a-dRerea. Maminum Design Pressure=-105 psf: DECK: Min.15/3L-ii i�f plywood to f iieEt project requirements to 3ati3tactiaii of Authority Having Jug isaiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sanded top surface for hot-asphalt or torch-applied cap or poly-film surface for torch-applied cap) Fa.tener.-: Simplex MAXX Cap Fastener3 Spacing: 6-inch o.c.at the z-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c.at three(3)equally spaced staggered Center ro..3. Unmet layment: Ela3tatlex 56 G,applied in tall mopping of fiat asphalt or Polyflex G,torch-applied. Maximum Design Pressure=-112.5 psf: Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project reguii emenLs Lo 5adbtaccion of AocFiority Raving Jaribaicrion. Base zheet: Elastobase or Mule-Hide Nail Base(poly-film top sufface) Fasteners: 11 ga.x 1.25-inch x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring SFianR rooting nail.aL 1-5/8-inch aiameLer Lin caps Spacing: 6-inch o.c.at the 4-incR wiae sine laps ana 6-inn U.Z.at Tom(4)Egaally 3paCe3 Aaggercd CEntZ, rows. Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 primer aL all Lin-Caps ease Ply: PolysticR MTS PLUS,3EIT-aaMerEd Unaei layment: PolybtiLR TU P- PulybticR TU Plds,PolysticR TO Max. Polyflex SAP,Polyflex SAP FR,Male-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet.and (Mule-Fiiae SA-APP Trap sneet(FR),se1T-a5here-d. 5.o.4.27 ""- - ^ - 5ui�=-sLttp3T' DECK: Min.15/3Z-h'ZR plywvua to meet prOJECt,equirE...Ents to 3at13tactian at Authurity Flaving Jan3aictivn. Base SheeL: Ela51.06a5e(sanded Lop saffdce for hoc-aSpFiaiL or LorcFi-appliea cap or poly-film surface for torch-applied cap) Fa3tonEr3: UFnG ft12 starn-dare Routs-rip ur CMG#14 Heavy Duty with UMG 3" Rvand Metal Plate.or UMG Fiat Bottom Metal PIaLeb spacing: 6-inCR U.C.at tRE 4-ii n.n wide side laps and 5-inCR U.C.at Me(5)Equally 3paCEa Staggered Center ruw3. Unaeraymenc ElasLotlex 56 G,applied in fall mopping of hoc a5pfialL or Polyflex G,torch-applied. Maximum Design Pressure=-120 psf: Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Raving jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Ela3to5a3E(3anaed top 3affa Cc) Fasteners: Trufast#12 DP or i rufast Tr14 FlD with i rufast 3"Rletal Insulation Plates Sparing: 6-int:h a.C.at the 4-inc9 wise siae lap.ana b-inch o.c.at tive(5)equally spaced staggerea Lenten rows. Unaerlayment:Elastoflex S6 G,applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. All other direct-deck, adhered PJygla33 ati'aedayment 3y3tcm3 Been—Eatn TOaiii-On tile 3ystem3 Carly a Maximum Design Pre33are W-4b pst. For mechanically attached base sheet, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FR5A/TRl April LU1L(04-1Z),App—Endin A, I able 1A vi-FOE l60y. zonEs L and 3 .hall employ an attaeR...Ent 5en3ity a—E3igiie!! Dy a gaallTlCa FkAgn prClTc33iOnal to rc3i3t tME elevated pra.suure a riter a. LUMiP.U,6ly u3c3 RtMMUUa3 al a KAS 11/, h101 LPO5 1-L9 ana ANbI/SPRI wDl. As3emDiie3 Mark-Ea wit`t an aatcri3K* Carly the limitati'Un3 Set TUFM in bcG-fian 1.1.1U.1 at FM Lu33 Prevention Uata Sheet 1-Z9 (January LU16)tar Lone zls enhancement.. 5./ Exposure limitations: Elastobase, Elastobase P, Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass APP Base shall not be left exposed for longer than 30-days after installation. Poly3tid IR-xe ur Poly3t-ick MU-x 5hali nat Be lett expo3e8 for longer than 90-dayb after installation. Polystick Ifll 15, R l 15 PEGS, 1 D P, i u rlu., 103 Iola,,, Dual Pry or i ile Pro.hall not be left expa3ea for longer tRan 13u- day3 after installation. Exturlur Rasearcn ana Design,LCL. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R21 I-ErrifiCULe of Authurizarlan ay.7117J FBC NON-HVRZ EVALUATION FL5259-1125 Revi3ion 21:lu/1//Z015 Page 10 of 13 TRIM TY ERD Polytlex SAP or SAP FR, or Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) does not have an exposure limitation, unless the prepared roof covering is to be adhesive-set tile, in which case the maximum exposure is 30 days. ElastotlEA S6 G or S6 U FK or PolytleA G of G FR aoes not have an exposure limitation, unless the prepared roof covering i5 to be aaFiebive-bet the (Elastuflex 56 G or Polyflex G only), in which case the maximum exposure is 180 days. 6. I NSTALEATION: b.1 rolyglass Roof underlayments Mall be installef in aCCoraanCe w;tR P'vlygiass pa6liaRef in.tallativn re juimrnEnt. subject to the 6MITativns DEL forth in 5eaion S Rerein anf me apECITICa notef Below. 6.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and prime the substrate(if applicable). 5.3 Elabtu6a5e Elasto6aze P or Mule-Hide(Vail Base: b.j.l shall be in.tanE'a in cumpl an%E.1tM tMe rvOiTiE3 rcyniremErita Tour AS I M Dzzb, l ypc 11 'u'nf erlaynlcnt in FOL SeEtwn.. 1SU/Tor tnE type vT prepaj ea rvvT covemig to Be instail'ca. 6.5.z Ikon-Tile Applications: Reference is made to the current edition of the NRCA Steep-slope Roofing Manual and ARMA recommendations for installing shingle underlayment5 and flashings Eiastu5a.e, Elastuuba�e P Fir Mule-Riae (Vail Brit may be covered witH a layer vt PolystiCR, PolyTieA SAP ur SAP FR, Mule-Riae SA-APP crap SReet Ur SA-APP Cap SREet(FR). Dual Pro or l he Pro, .,elt-aanerea, Elaztotler,Sb G or S6 G FR in Hot a5pfialt or PolytleA G or G FR,torcFi applied. 6.j.j 0 ele wwIica ivies Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)Installation Manual and Table 1 herein,using the instructions noted above as a guideline. 6.4 Pol tick 1015 M 15 PLUS IR-Ae 10 P 10 Plus 1 u max Dual Pro 1lie Pro or Wlu-A or Polyflex 5AP Po flex 5AP FR mule-Fide 5A-APP Lay-sheet ur 1171WE-Ri3e 5A-APP Cap sheet{FRI- 6.4.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in F6C Sections 150/ for the Type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.4.z Direct-to-Deck witH IOIeeFianiCally Fastened Rout Covers: All pelf-adhering matEdal.,witR the eACeption vT PUly.tiuR 10 Fla., Polytle.SAP ur SAP FR and Mule-Rift 5A-APP Lap SReet or SA-APP Cap SReet(FR)3Roulf be Back-nailef in belvage efge zmam in aCCoraanCe with Pulygla»/ Plole-Ride BaCK Nailing GUiae. Nail] ]hall Be cbrru5ion ie515taiit, 11 gauge ring-SHanR type witH a minimum 1-inch aiameter metal a6l?or blimpleA-type metal Cap nail,at a minim�ium rate of 1r U.C. PolybticK 10 Plub should be bacRc-nailed using the above noted fasteners and spacing, in area marked "nail area, area Nara clavar" on the face of membrane. The head lap membrane is to cover the area being back-nailed All seal-lap Seams (selvage laps) m133t be tirmly rullea witFi a minimum Z8 Ib. Hand roller to ensure full contact and adhesion. ' Fur Dual Pro ana OE Pro, align OE edge or y 4' the top OEet to the end of the glue pattern (tHe SHeet will overlap the ta6ric). , view of v`velap seam of Dual rro and Tile Pro EAtedur Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-1121 Certi).ur lAathorRotion#9503 FBC NuN-HVHZ EVALUATIUN FE5z59-KZ5 Revision 21:10/17/2016 Page 11at13 WTR" N TY tR� All over-raBric an3 giver-granule en3-lapb briall Rave a 6-incR WiBe_ aniTurai layer at Polypiaa 50 Premium IOladitiea wet/Di y LEment or Pulyglanb PGSUU Moainea cement applied in Between the application of the lap. Polystick 10 Plus, uual Pro and i He Pro may not be used in any e,.pw.c0 application a�M an r cReta,cApu.ea valley., or exposed roof to all detail. Repair of Polystick membranes is to be accomplished by applying Polyplus 50 Premium Modified wet/Dry t,ement or Polyglass PG500 Modified Cement to the area in need of repair, followed by a minimum 5 x 'o inch patch of the Polystick material of like kind, set and hand rolled in place over the repair area. Patch laps, if needed, hall De installed in a water Meailing manner. All Polystick membranes shall be installed to ensure full contacr with approved substrates. Polyglass requires a minimum of 40-lb weighted-roller or, on steep slopes, use of a stiff broom with approximately 40-lbs of load applied for the field membrane. Rand rollers are acceptable for rolling of patches,laps(min.z8 lb roller)or small area.UT the roof that are not accessible to a large roller or broom. 6.4.3 Tile Applications(nor allowed for Polystick IR-Xe or Polystick MU-X): RETcreiwee I.maae to FKSA/i RI April ZU1L(D4-1Z)Intallatian Manual aria iaBle 1 Herein. acing the inbtractiurib noted a6oye as a gaiaeline. For mechanically fastened rile roofing over z-ply system,consisting of ba3E Meet and seir-aBRering top Recti.), Baac sheet fastening shall be not le»than FKSA/TKI April zulz(u4-lz), i aBle 1. For adhesive-set tile applications,refer to Section 5.6.4 herein. Far nail-on the ybtema aver Pvlystir:K M i5, Batten are reyairea tar loaairig/btaging of tfie tile. For nail-on rile systems over Polystick M 15 PE05: ➢ Barrens are required for loading/.raging of IaggeB tile regarale»or.lope. > Batten arc rEHaireea Tar laaaing/.taging Ut Tiat tic at nlapee�in eAVC:.D'ut 5:11. 6.4.4 Two(2) Ply Underlayment Systems: Poly-,ticR MIS o, I0115 PEuS tallowea By Nolybtick RIIb' IV[lb PLUS, TO P, TO PIGS, TU Max, Tile Pro, MU-X or Polyflex SAP ib allawaBle tar one under mechanically attached prepared roof systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top-layer material. This is not a requirement,but is allowable if a 2-ply underlaymenr system is desired. Paly.ticR RI i S PCuS tullawe3 By Polybtir-k 10 P. 10 P113.1, 10 IOIaA, i Ile P,u or Polytlex SAP 6 allowa6le tar Ube under taarri-on the byzitemb. EimitA ut abe are those a»Dciatea with the top-layer material. This is not a requirement, but is allowaBle it a z-ply underlayment system is desired. 5.5 ElastotleA 56 G or S6 G FR: b.5.1 Ela.tune,,56 V or 56 G rR Mall De iiintallca in cui�ipilai,ce witM current Polyglasb PUBlibRea iriatallation Fequireme,ab. For abe in the application, retere,ice iD made to FRSA/i RI April z01Z(04-1z)Installation Manual and Table 1 herein. 6.5.2 Elastoflex S6 G or So u FK shall be fully asphalt-applied to the sabstraxe. natea in 5ectun 5.6. 5i8e lap, ,nail be minimum 3-inch and end-lap. mirlm am 6-inch wide, OTr-.,et minimum 3 Teet Trum caar.e to cause. Side and ena lap, ,nail Be roily aaMeFeB in a complete Fe-iapping at Rat aaphait witM aapRait extenaing appiuAimately 3/8-incR Beyona tRe lap edge. 6.6 PuuuIVTIeA G ur G FR: 6.6.1 Polyflex G or G FR shall be installed in compliance witn current P4jlygla»pa6li.nea Intallation requirement.,. rar ace iri the application,rETeerencc is maae FRSA/TR1 April Z01Z(u4-1Z)Intallation Manual and i aBle 1 herein. 6.6.2 Polyflex G or G FR shall be fully torch-applied to the substrates noted in Section 5.0. side laps shall be minimum .- inch and end-laps minimum 6-inch wide, off-ser minimum 3 feet from course to coarse. side and end lap,,Mall Be fully hear-welded and inspected to ensure minimum 3/is-incR Tlow UT meaine'd compaan8 BeyonB tMe lap eage. 6.i 1 ile staains: 6.7.1 Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents rile slippage and/or damage to the underlayment. Refer to Polyglass published requirements for rile staging. Exterior Research and Design,ELL.. E oluation Repurt P1LU6U.o1.09-R21 Cel.ificaLe of Aurharizorion#9503 FBC NON-RVHZ EVACUATION FL5259-R25 Rev i.1 c.21:lu/17/ZO115 Page 12 of 13 QFT__R_JjNj-j--y ERu b./.L Batten.and/ur Coajitei-Batten., a� rey0irea By tHu the manotactorer and FRSAJIRI April ZU1Z(04-1Z) mast Be ubea on all rout blopea greater than /:1z. PreCaatiunb ,Koala Be taken ab neeaea. Bach ab the ube of Battens or nail- Buardb,to prevent tiie bliaing ana7o, damage to the underlayment during the loading process. 15./.3 For nail-on the systems Uvcr ftlyAck IM 15,Batten.arc re40 red Tor leading/ taging UT tMe tile. 6.7.4 For nail-on tile systems over Polystick MTS PLUS: ➢ Battens are required for loading/staging of lugged tile regardless of slope. ➢ Battens are required for loading/staging of flat tile at slopes in e„cess of 5:1z. 5./.5 1 He minimum care time after installation of self-adhering membranes and before loading of roofing Liles is forty-eight (48)hours. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or AotRurity Having jeriAction in�Ajer to properly evaluate tMr Inbtallatiun ut tRi., Nroanct. S. MARUFALIuRIIGc,PDSRTS: Contact the noted QA agency for information on product locations covered for F.A.C.Rule bii.3zu-3 czA requirements. 9. QuALI I y AssuRARLE ENTITY: UL, LLC—QUA9625:(314)578-3406:k.chancellor@us.ul.com -EIvD OF EVACUAI IuI9 RePURI - Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evalaatiur�Repurt P12060.02.09-R21 Cenificare of AUrhorizarion#9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R25 Re i.ian 21:1u71/7101b Page 13 of 13 1 � i