HomeMy WebLinkAboutAC CHANGE OUT PERMIT APP 910 SWMEEArrLiCABLE INFO MD.)i Sr COMPLETED FUR ArPLICATION O of ACCEPTED Permit RumBer: Building Permit Application Planning ani--i-su,ment Services Building ana Coa. n.yolarion Division 2300 virginloa.�„Q�, Forr pierce r,. �4yti1 Phone: (7/z) 48z-1553 Fax: (7r4) 48z-1578 PERMIT APPEICA I ION FOR: PRUPOSED IMIPRUvtMENT Address:i- )LAI IUN: Lu-MMErCiai Residential x description: t_ r- z AP Y /-.,- W,,i -I D 273 -55 Property i ax ID ;F: ” � Deb Site Plan Name: Project Name: ry bid L t�1 Setbacks rront. Back: Right altle: . Left,i0e: DETAILED DE5(RIPTIO19 OF WORK: Exact change ou, of AA j Istallad I OS?� [ UIQ5TRUL I JUN INFURMA I lum: Lot No. Block No. Zel uua PrrmiL —cneck all app Y: HVAC Gos Tank uGas Piping _Shutters Windows/Door. tkctric Oriambing Elziprinklers 11 Genera Lor Roof i oEal bq. Ft of ConSLrmflon: � Ft. of First Floor: Co -t of COnSLriJR10n: 5 'tiliiies: Sewer! izeptic Building 1`1659t: uwnlE UE55EE: UIQ I KAC: TOR: ni � �., , f7,%_AL r.. - - City: LUC.State: FL Zip Code: �'!a3 Fax: NIA Phone No. 722 -,2,3L( E -Mail: N/A Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page (If different from the Owner listed above) It ..lee of consirum,n I; Name: cocek, Dennis %ompanT: American Re:,idential Services ARBress. 280 05 R_,. i City: Vero 6ear.R Stage: rC Zip Code: :11960 Fa..: 772 754-eraja Phone Iq,. 772 794-fzzl State or County r.ic,„se:LE6�-Ct�nCl� or more_ o KECDRDED Nonce OT Cornmencemenr is re.-eiraa. SuPPt_EIOI�I9-i:H[ CuN5•i ROC l ling CIEIQ MW INFuRmAi,lulQ: Ut5IGNtK/ENGINttK: x 7 applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDE x Not Applicable 13ONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City Zip: Phone: Zip: PYO n e: I ceftify [Flat no r -VA yr iri tmllatlon Roy coRlnlencea prier to tae lalaanac vt o Frermlt. St. Lucie Countx makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holQer to Builtl tae susject structure -Mi-M i, In confi'OU -itR ant applieaGlc Romic O..ncr. AS.vr1ztiVn rale, 6ylon3 ar and covenants that may restrict or prohibik such structure. Please consult whn your nome Owners Assoclation ane review your seep Tor any restrictions wliicM rna, oppl,. Inconsideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree teat I will, in all respects, peRorm the worn in accoroance wh:R the approve6 plans, the FlorlQa 6uiltling Cotl�s F.0 st. [eci� went, A-eniJrnentr. I Re tolls-in6 tMill3in6 permit pplir-tionzi oFc cmernpt rrvrn andcr6vin6 a tall evncorrvney rcvicw: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms anQ accessory uses to anotner non-resiaential use vvr3RR1111116 I v OvviQ1!R: Your failure to necora a Notice or Commencement may result in your paying Twice Tor in-IpruvemEnt3 to your Nluperfy. A Nutii:c Of Commencement must be rEcorded and po3ted on the jobsite Before Elie Tirst inspec't'ion. Ir you inEentl to o5tain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before COmmencine work or recordine your Notice of Commencement. 5 _ zignature or Q erl Eessee/urgent 5isnatare of Contra r/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COOK I r uF SILede Tnc tarboing 1—t.avreut was a kno-_leas before Tie znis � Clay or dULloy Dumb Zmmk (N.m. of person. acRnowledginr, j of Notary Public-3tate Personaliy Known OR Prosuces It]endUCation Type of Identification Produced Commission No. Jw-� tea1THOMAS:i. QABE NO i AK r F;UBUi. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -:tom The oins instru nt was acknowledged before me tnifor s Ray or zu n 6y D.rW3 Zecek (19.mc vT per9on aaRmarrladring ) ature of Notate yy Public- State of Florida ) Personally Rnown x Or% Produced Identification I ype VT facntirlcativ,-i Pi-Qaac.a K %mmission No. Seal �HOrUTAaj rt. 13moCRtiO MOI►Artr ms'-Ic t,orrvre# FF1z�aaa o u rt I a Q.` MUM Lal[ Revised 07/15/2014 ;,% •• fres 61ti1u�g Corr:rO *F�Izna� �xP is 5tGlT I7lJ'?01Q REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS MaWiv Frorlklin, LFA — Saint Ceeiv t.;vuntT Prepart, Appr-Lar --All nights P..-Proa, Sit- Add..ss: P= -.I ID: A—MR Maple Use Type Zoning ciry.vuurty 0-n.whip R7tllryn vu'uu1 m _. .,Ir9w -Ivd Fu. S: Lucie, FL 34993 l.g.l DvacAplien RIFER PARK UNIT. BLK 60 LOT 11 (MAP 34,'3RSI(OR 6693+11 RT!.•:!A Current Volae: Jn:IIM.rA.1 V.I-. A::vswd Value E..cz:Pl1o._. TW. V_I- T es fo- rh.s parcel. SLCTw C-llm1, rc OM;vG Download TRIM for this patccl: Download POF O Total Areas r imanae..uer mr (0r) nffoa nrea (7P) —no -wc (acres): -no we r3P)• aTR.R9q a,6.9V. u�.9a9 ill,.vr Prop.rty Id.ntifl..tlwm 91-117 nlRv'o 0,70 ,3;19 olw , :.im cutis county Thi_ :-f.-1i.. in Wimed rR he ..wwr :: Ihi_ li= 6RI u;'; w shame. �xd 'I: R.1 = —:sd. C C.p7=ah12017 S_:R: Lwi. C. ., Prgmn7 Appni_.. All nyhe Iee—d. Ceffificatt: of Product matings AHRI Certified Rzference Number: 9474297 Date: 9/5/2017 Product: Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 24ACC4aUwV30' Inaoor Unit Model Number: FB4CNF030L Illanuracturer: CHRRIER AIR CONDI I IORhvu Trade/Brand name: CARRIER Region: souiReasi ana RoRn JAC, AR; DC, uE, FL; GA, HI, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA AK, CO, CT, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, VT, WA, WV V, VVI, 9V T, 0.5. I erritorles) Region Rote: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1, 2015, are eligIEIe to Be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning auly i, cu 16, central air conahloner., can only De installea in reglontsl Tor winch they meet the regional etT.�Iwncy requirement. Series name: COMFORT 14 AC M.nafacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is CARRIER j%IR CORul I l'vRIRG Rates as rollows In accordance witn ARrtl stpnaara z ift40-2008 for Unita.myy Air -Conditioning and Air -Source Rept Pomp EMairment and subject to verification of ratinu accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, (naepenaenT_ ultra party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 28200 tEK fKatiny (Cooling): 12.00 SEER Rating tCoolingl: Iu.00 IEER Rating (Cooling): ' R -GRI= Wlw-ed by aR _.-taRzk I') inaiara .:Olanrary -.two; prav:oasly paElisnoa aoia, onlesa arwmp.,niuu wall a Tr S, wnich indicates an involuntaryrerale DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Ceptlfl■-ta . Rd rw„ k— R■ t■pra..ant..tlano, - t ales or gpar,.m: .4;0. ano somas no rtsponslvilliy tar, the pradec;(sr limo a.. eRlm e.rtldcolr:. nRnl cnprassly ols�;alms all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or p=rfnnt..R_a of the pmda.t(.), or 'h. unautho.k__d ,Itat.tlwm of dot_ II ;ted an thl- Cartiflaete. C-rdflcd ...:Ings to ...Ila on.y for nrooals -no ..,n„gar..tivns,ls;ao in the vir—ory.+t www, annulracrary.org, TERMS AND CONDITIONS —is oomnicate .,nv its uvntents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Ceftlficat■ =h -II w"17 ba N:ad far indf.Ideal, pe—n-I - .d AM aanfldantloi mt.roneu parpo4.a. Thu . o..;umn o; ,Itis vorii,-,co.o vnay nvt, in wRoie or In part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered into a computer databa-; or athawi- -still-ad, In oR,- fa.... a: rnonnar or by any mv.,na, —cup. for tRo rber's inalvivoal, porsonol anu consvcnilal rabrance. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION d REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE -e In;orma;lon ;or ;tic mvad cited an IMis certificate can be verified at www.ahrldlrectory.arg, click an 'Vatlf; C_rtlfiaat■' link xr ;;,,;k� Ids hrurr ..Rd a..l_r th■ AHRI Cottlflad Refzt-me. Nembo...nd ;ho d..1a on ;"Rlcll wic certincate Ras Issaca, which Is listed above, and the Certificate No., which L ll=t■d .t b�ttwrm right ©zv=w Rlr-:.orteltloning, Heating. ana RerrigeraTlan InstlTutr: CERTIFICATE NO.: E31aIb0"va:w3563v�+'aa