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Building Permit Application
MEL APPEICABLE INFO mUz 1 BE COMPLETED FOR ArPL1CA I ION TO BE mEEEP r Eu Date: Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning ona ucr-1- pmenr Services Building ana V -U- N-yularfon Division 2uM virginiu A7m,. , For, Pierce FE Phone: (r iq 4SL-1553 Fax: (77c) 481-15/8 U;M ii'r Cidl Re,idendal x PERMI, APP[ILAIION FOR. PROPOSED IrwFROvtIVIENT LOCA IuN: Address: i 13e3erit tion: k7t-4e— (,t-Jcr0c_-( Pc=Lw_ I, - 71K Y J X Om Property i ax ID #: 00--D S Site Plan r4ame: Project Rame: MCr-4-r,E--c -ae- nr /*,&e7A It/ Setbacks Prom: Back: „ Right Side: _ Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION of WORK: Exact change Ont of � i:�1 rfj installed-lia I �� 3 TUN V Li c.ry CQ r r-) ©os L_ lou CONSTRUt.1 IUM -IN 'FURMATIuN: itiona wor toe e orme un er is pet—c ec an—appy: VAC vas Tank ❑ea3 Piping `�nuttcrs Electric 0 Plambins 0ipri..Rlers venerator PorJ by. Ft of ConstruCtion: S. Ft. of First rI.or: _ Cost of Constructlon: 5 Udllles: iu er Septic Owls name AftFess: 9 City: r CT C__ btate: FL Zip Code: S I Fax: rv1A Phone iso. E-IGlair: NIA Fill in fee simple i we Floider on nest page i IT Different from she Owner ilst,a above) CONTRRC i UR: tot No.� Block Mo. f / 7 5 �� �� 1 -_4l QwinOQr.s/Doors ROOT Railaing Neighs: Name: 4aeaR, QQ..nls Company: American Resitlemiai services mOtIres— 2800 US nwy i Cit,: Vero Beacll rC state: Zip Code: U950 Fax. r re /wzF-9783 Phone Igo. //1794-722, E-Ivlail:�� ��b arm Hzq. _C�1 ataty or County Llcense: If value of constructrowi 13 $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice or E.OmF"CR mens is requlre0. �� � 5-u.PPLEI01E14.I,AL i ulQii I K,uc.:I 1'6M .C1EN GRW IIVURRIA I IU19: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Not A able MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Dame: Name: A013ress: Z Addruas: City State: City: State: `ip: Pnone: Zip: Phone• FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPriN T: =Mot mpplicaffle Name: Marne: Address: mOuress: City: City: clp: PhollWr Zip: PhvnC: I certify Out ria -.PR or imAzill.ti rTa, cum ... ericca pr for to tnc is.uance of a permit. St. Lucie Count makes no representation that Is granting a permit will authorize the permit noltier to Euilti the suaject structure —mien i; in eoniliat with �Fi, - plic.Sle Flome Dwri.r. As3ociotion rales, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult wit your Mome Owners Association anti review your tieea Tor an, rc:triet;ar;.. :Rirli m.r apply. Inconsideration of the grantine of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that i will, in all respects, peRorm File worn in accordance with the approves plans, Fite rloritia 6uilaing Coate. dna x. [eeic CvEnt, Amcnarri tMM I Rc Toile-ing 6all0ir,g per—mit .,plic-tion, arm c..empt Tram enacr5o'lrr6 a fall concarrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms anaa accessory uses to another non-resitiential ase WARNING TO OWNER: Tour failure to rtecora a notice of Commencement may result in year p. yins L;.Ice for improvements to your prperfy. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and pUbLed on the jobsite before the first inspeCtion. IT you intentl to oBtain financing. consult with lender ur am attorney before commencing work or recording your Notice of Commencement. Signature of O er/ tessee/Kgent Signature of Contra r/License` Holder STATE OF FLORIDA CUUM I y OF sI tde STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ..ieeae I nc forgoirrg in.tr _N;v.3 ocRm�wledgeOefore me he forgoing instM was cRnowletigeu Gerore me tails —7 say or LO o, Ik iR:, �o, of Gi] 5, Dennis Zack Den. .A —wR (Name of perwn orRmowleilgim5 } _ (Namq* per son acknowledging ture of Notary Public- State of Florida ) Personally Known OR Protiucea itiendrication Type of Identification Produced Fi- IZ_ry7 Commission No%-F*nM Y (aeal) -- ---" &S 4i. UAB ` Kc—..seta 0//15/2014 (Signature of Notar9 Public- State of Florida } Personally Known _..^ On Proaucea Itiendfication Type of Identification Produced f?" Commission No. �i (Seal) TRQIu�6 R. o�cRt� NOIP.Ky FobLIC 3Tm i IR v: FLORIDA r 1, rmd r:C17R344 6020,03 REvltvv� FROM I cONIAG bUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REvIEvv REvlcvv REvIEvv REvIEvv REvIEvv REvltvv PAIE C'vRAPClTE IIS ITIALS i ills comMinatlon quallues Tor a Federal Ener; Emolenoy i a- Credit when placed in servii between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 31, 201 Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI Certified Reference NumBer: -W1 f r =134 Date: &l uz0-I ProMuct: oplh system: Air -Cooled Conden�lny Unit. Coil —,illi Slo—.or D4tOoor Unit Model lQwrn6e.-. z4ACl37s$A1031* InOoor Unit Moa'el IvumEer: rv4CMt8,F)ilG3C Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING I ratlen3rantl name: CARRIER AIR COM1311 IUMING Region: All (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, Gm, RI, 113, 11!, IM, IN, Ru. RT, CA_ RIA_ 14113. RIE: MI, 1111ly, MO. Ria, M I _ NL, Nu, Nt; MR, Nj_ ARI, Nv, NT, OFI. OR- OR, PA; KI, sC:; su; TN, T)( O1, VA, V I, WA; WV, WI, WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manutacture0 prior to uanuary -I, z0-13_ are ellgiOle to on Installea In all re -,ion.-. until dans 30, z0i6. 6`j,inninb July 1; 2016, central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. Series name: Manufacturer responsi le Tor lode rating ow- As system comBination is CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 2101240-200a for Unitary.%Ir-ConOidoning anO Allwource Heat Pump r=qulpment anti suD1ect to vernricadon oT rating accuracy By AHRI-spwnsorotl, InBependent, third party testing: Cooling Cap-oiry (6tziP1): 36000 EER Rating (Loolingy 13.3"0 SEER Rating (Cooling): 17.00 IRRR Rating (Looling): Ratings rolloweu by an asterisk (') indicate a VOIL-itary rerale of provioust, poblished dal_ snl= _■wwrp=eEed -ith - WAS, which mdl.ete: an In-olen:orj r.rere 013CEAIMER AHRI vnd.mu :ho prodaat(..) Ils:co on :fila eer.Inc..w ...a „—,alll ,nv ropr.santsl..ns, warr.,ntles or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s) listed on this Certifl-at■. AHRI dl_■l.lm= oil II.bIIH; for d_rm...ea .f -my klnd . riol.,g aa. J zh. an or p.rforrr —co or ;Hm p,.atrctRsj, or.RG anautnorlcce Wlecradvn or ...ta listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and conllgmatfons list_d in the dirboter7-t :--.ahrldl.00tery.erg. .-f!RHI� ..RO eoREl � IvR� Thio C.rtifloote -nd It: eantenl, ore pr.prlo;..ry proda— of AHRI. THis oer;latate anafl only ac upon her inulvioo.l, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this CertiNc_te m-, nut, In -h■I■ .r In pert, be reprode..d; .opl.d; dlmor"Ima;.d; cnre.ea hao . compa;cr oe;.flwm; yr oifl.rwlsa atellc.o, in any form or manner or by any means. except for the user's Individual, AM Rvr --n..l aid eanfid...tiel p--for--no.. Irbavitel enrRe, nClr :o. C£RTIFIa'79 VERIrIo...IOR & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The iwf7mmiw ian lar Ihv rn■d.l sit.d •n thle eollff.ete o..n be-eriflcd a: -- :..hrldirce;vry.grg, 01.111 on'Turify e.. rhie.;e' Unit „� ,,, r I.,r Ix [[rr- anu enI.r the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certlfl■at- was 1==a■d, ..hieh la Ikw .d qb.:e, and the C.rrtfle. ;c ,:o., wRIGH h d3teo .t Eot;.m ;Ignt. - @zu14 AWC.Raltioning, Heating, and Refrlseration Institute I CERTIFICAi E NO.: 13148WARt iu4643 ARSRESCUE ROi]TER 11D iviv tat Slur, D..aa Installation Work Order Eat, Co pleaon p.,ta�.y �rr'lJ 06/ 31VO C,orporaleCustom=; 2800115 Highvray Vero Bcach, FL.,23oo Rut .eons -.-F= Rte, rv_ ,r mets.1 M51.= SIC GC,. w : Brei -755, (856) 8030879 EMU! SIZE TYP 21 Electronic Air SIZE TYP C EFFI IENCY 7 rr-r 0 PCC; EFFICIENCY ❑ UV Lght 0 Ceil.ng Sa-c Kit ❑ He iddper (Pam & Fleet! ❑ Deham;drlhar ��. $ p �e� $ $�L r /� SUBTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ MONTHLY T' -y CU5 ER INITIALS 3T' $ - - I MITI IALS CALL 3 UP SIZE _�e TYPE/ EFFICIENCY r $ 5UBTOTAL MONTHLY EST' $— CUSTw-MRR INITIALS _ w - ty: _� U P.a I Labo. W nly. _�Qn_�Lab Pua �or Worrun;y: �Lj Purrs Lallur iompressor_Heat Exchanger 0 Cerrrplisaasp,Heal Exehamgep _10 _Cerwpreo-r_,-""_H_t Exchanger Relriga.,,, d ...oe:ered _rid diopeood of .o required by lu : complete clo..n ap .nolading use of floor .µvers to pro;c..i your home and remov-1 of vr,isling equipment. All :orkamplewd is dm.a n accardanca wi;h exia.ing codus .,no purmiis, as required, ❑ We..;horproof Disconnect )2rtalatr s. Egmpmpeml Slob ,W Somid Isolrion Pude 15 Liquid Tile Conduit ❑ 51..rt Kit XRoTrigerant LL Dryer PMelpigv7-_mt Pipe 0 Now. Weeen.,aJ IffRefriguracd Pipe Cover $Expansion Val7- J26-otat - Typ41 ErCoirne..l to Existing 21 Electronic Air Electrical G Medea Fi for .WNw.7 Plyweed Doak 0 PCC; JaRaconnocl Drdin Li— ❑ UV Lght 0 Ceil.ng Sa-c Kit ❑ He iddper (Pam & Fleet! ❑ Deham;drlhar J2rMaln Dann Sofoly Svr'.�ch ❑ Oatducr Unil P.,d RrSeal New C,onne, tion, ❑ Flue Vent ng ❑35apport Allir. Egerpprre„t E3 Ductwork Zonnections .Cl Supply Plenum C Now XReconnect 0 Relum Plem=m ❑ lqa- ❑ Reeenmar l 0 Feel Pip pie ❑ Eie:.ine..l WF mg Horne Se -re Plkn - 1 Tenn (364 days) .Comfort Guarantee ]'Home Prolechon Guarantee 1G 24•Hecr Se mime Go-pamtee 0100% U;;aamddiem,.l Maney.B..ck Gaarantee 3cf- r,0 SELECTED OPTION: 1 0 2 ,tie SUBTOTAL $ �� s TOTAL i 0 w+SH CHECK# ❑ CRL'oIT CARD iLAST 4#si EXP APPROVAL ❑ FINANCING` 'Payment up -tons ..vwl.11l9 Wnn apORRM urodit • w.itte- aeatema AeiFlari lie,. -Al 6o oblamuftelore beginning any anfer.,,-ce...,i3dflion.f m ozonded work.tAtj • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISI Ids O+- CR.,PTER 558, FLORIDA 5TATUTES • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: This Is a home aoll,i-il,an Sale, ..nd If you oo not want the goods or services, you may cancel this agrcelrie.-.t by pro:idl.-.g wri..an no:6.e .o .his wllwr in person, .,y wlegra.�., or by m..d. This notice must Indicate that you d., not aanz the goods or services and must be delivered or postmarked bepore midnight of the thIM Business day after you sign this agreement Ir you cancel tnls agreement, the seller may not keep all or part of any cash down pr7mumL See tFiv reverse side hereof for an explanation of this rlghL • I aekRw-ledge that my light In ez meel hog been e..plai;;ed to me e...liy and in -piing, ,.rid -0vat -awing my ..ght to ,..Real, I aethonza the porfomeamaa of the -epk, 3ablaot to ..II lenno ,.md eondil ono so; forth en the rovareo srda hereof, pian any;-... upon comptoWn. Notice To Owner - Do not sign this home improvement Contract in blank. You are 15,a4iiapy d the sentpael el the lune yen -igm. Keep it to protect your legal rights. This home improvement contract may contain a m_ go or o e. -re r—to o lien e.. yeep property that ould be Biel =md -n if ,es de net p-;. Be acts �e■ emdemlasd all pier;mac of the coni at bolero yam sign _ ahhs+ _ _ _ CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATF {.r,JM NY IULNTATrV= pyo. o WE Dni 20.7 nWW— RerldrmlisJ Sa eft LLC. Al riglils mserwd. ARS 10713 050917 ■�7w