HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing o LEGAL.DESCRIPTION: SURVEYORS NOTES:. O�� Lot 2 in Block 8 of 1. Unless otherwise noted only plotted easements s`Q LAKEWOOD PARK ADDITION NO. ONE ore shown-hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were' according to the plat. thereof located unless otherwise sholgn. as recorded in Plat Book 17 3, This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map poge(s) 23 of the Zone X. Public Records of St. Lucie 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation County, Florida. by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. ABBREVIATIONS' The flood zone should be verified by a determination a ency. - - (-•)=Not-vertfled-by-Di eld-meosurement-�----�- --- - - ----- - 6=Value as platted & field measured 5, Bearings shofyn her are based on the Center F.F.E.=Finishgd Floor Elevation line of Bayard Road as being.N 89'57'00" W . - -SE-T = Set-5/8-iron r bar �yfth. according to the Plat described hereon. Vlloly cap marked "PS� 5543" 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public'Utilities and Drainage =Value as measured in field Easement. OH—OH--0H-= Over- Head Wires ------ .7,All-Lot--dimensions-sho*n-ore-per plat unless -—-----_ X-X—X-o-fzhjfin-L-ink-Fenc e otherwise sho*n-:-- -- _ FD=F and-5/8 Iron Rebor R.O.�i ^= Right-of-way 0-0-0-_Wood.Fence =-FPL Tronsforme-Pod-- -- I PL=Value as-Vatted !� R = Radius ocurve v L = Length of curve �= Delta of. Curve Q Site Benchmark Boyord Rood MEAS. = Measured — _ T _ r _ S.F.=Square Foot.' 1 CONC-:-=-Concrete 60' R.O.W. - 20' ASPHALT ROAD I^ C.P.= Concrete Pad ®_dater Meter = PoWer Pole �= Bell South ®_We I 100.oD'p I N 9'5 '00".yl' '79.00, ... N rn COHG V _ r DRIVE c".r 14.35' ca G 14.75' 49.90' `h o S , STORY CONC. BLOCK g' CDo M !� 14.47m 4 C:) .� CO o J M m � fn CD . w3 _w o A�1 CD I ETAL SHED S— OC7 FLOOR ^ O 14.80'. Z I —a - - = - - L FD. 10'P.U,D,E. ]FD. ' N89'57'00"W 79,00' LOT 23 BLOCK B LAST FIELD DATE:9-29-11 ASBU I LT SURVEY Cert i I red to: Airrisa J. . alley Nuccid ' PNC Mortgage a division of PNC Barik, NA' 7605 Bayard Road St: Lucie Title Services, Inc. Y Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company SCALE:1"=30' AtIontic Land Desi gns I hereby certify that the survey sha{In hereon is true and correct . and is based an aclual measeurements taken in the lieid. This of the Treasure Coast sarvey.fneets the 1linimun Technical Standards at Chapter 5J-17 DATE:9-29-11 754 1iE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Bench, FL_34957 Florida administrative code. �%M CE, Dati:MC\JC Mailing-Address: Digitally signed by James `6µT 1F 1 C4jeo P.O.'Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 3495 James AaCeslroJr. 2011-0440 (772) 398-4290 ALD5543@gmaii.com DN:cn=James A.Ceslro "°'"°' Jr o=Atlantic Land DATE: REVISIONSCesiro Designs of the TC,ou, a ema1l=ALD5543@gmall. 'F srnrsoF rF Jr. .m, .° Date:22010111.01.29 1723:00 Rtb L,uhvEY o-u �r -04'00' NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL