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. i 2/212016 Florfda;Building'Code Online RECElVrD SEF 22 2017 • .' 0*06sSionot R_om4 PoridaDoTInentq acts Home, tLogIn user Registration I'HotTopics 1 SubmitSutoarge ( Stats;&Facts Publications FBCSWIT aCISSite Map [ Lmks Search Busines� Professab al j ° USER:p btsr-oval F�� \ I75eR Pabllc,user Regulation ! � Product AoorovalMe u>'P�'aducf or A"ooi'ra tion Search>Aooilcation.list>.AppliCation Denali ,. 'FL,# FL15012-R2 - Application Type Revision Code.Version 2014 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Comnvssion'if necessary._ Comments Archived Product Manufacturer- G.H.I.Overhead Doors Address/Phone/Email 1485 Sundse Drive, Arthur,IL 61911 (217)543-2135 Ext 4,273 jcampbeli@chiohd.com Auihorized.Signature Jim Campbell jeampbell@chi6hd.com Technlcal Representative Address/P.hone/Erraail- Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors. Subcategory Sectional Exterior.Door Assemtilles' Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engine' Evaluation Report Hardcopy Received I Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the. John E.Scates. Evaluation Report Fiorida License' PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing'Inc. Quality Assuranc_a Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Gordon Thomas,P.E. validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received i Certificate of Independence F' '0"2 R2 COT ``eof Ind Seates s odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) 'Standard Year ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM E330. 2002 I DASMA 108 2002 DASMA 108 2005 DASMA 115, 2005 Equivalence of Product,Standards Certified.By I Sections from the code' httpsY/floridabuiic,ing:org/prJpr�appcW.aspx?paiarr>=yQEVXQwtDquS73Fr2Z.iPgcelo2bh1d1,GcB6L5orvMJEkALW9HhR%2bW$g%3d%o3d 1/6" j i 2/2/2016 Florida Building Code Online Limits of Use Installation.Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL1501 2 R2 IT Jamb Attach Drawings s odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL15012 R2 11 Supplemental_Instructions Pan s.pdf Impact Resistant:No Verified By:John E.Scates,P.E.FL:51737 Design Pressure:N/A Cmated by Independent Third Party: No Other:.Sectional'doors provided for windload applications.Tested Evaluation Reports In accordance with ASTM E330 and ANSI/DASMA 108,which'are FL15012 R2 AE Eval Rept s.pdf accepted test methods per 5th edition(2014)Florida Building FL15012R2 AE FZ4-16-01315s odf Code Section 3715.See drawing FZ4-16=01315 for pressures and Created by Independent Third Party:Yes widths+25.1(psf)/-27.9(ps1f)at 14'-02"through +10.5(psf)/-11.7(psf).at 24'-00" 15012.17 rfI; 2240; 2241,2250,2251,4240, Up to 16-00"wide by 20'high steel sectional door with or without 4241,4250,4251, 5240,5241,5250, polystyrene insulation. 5251 'Lim-its of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15012 2 R2 If Jamb Attach Drawings s pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FLIS012 R2 II Supplemental Instructions Pans odf Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates,P.E.FL-51737 Design Pressure:+22.2/-24.7 Created by Independent Third Party: No Other:Sectional doors provided for potential"code-plus" Evaluation Reports applications.Large,Missile impact(9 pound missile)and cycling FLIS012 R2 AE Eval Rept s.pdf tests conducted in accordance with ANSI/DASMA 115,ASTM FL15012 R2 AE FZ4i-16-01515s.Ddf E1886 and ASTM E1996.Static tests,conducted in accordance Created by Independent Third Party:Yes with ASTM E330 and ANSI/DASMA 108.These are accepted test methods per 5th edition(2014) FBC Sections 1609 and 1715.'See drawing_ FZ41-16-01515 for pressures+22.2(psf)/-24.7(psf)at widths up to 16'-00" 15012.18 rg;2240,2241, 2250,2251,4240, 08'-00."wide through 16'-10"wide by 20'high steel sectional door 4241,4250;'4251,5240, 5241, 5250, with or without polystyrene insulation. 5251 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15012 R2 IT Jam Attach Drawings s odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FLIS012 R2 II Supplemental Instructions Pans pdf Impact Resistant:No Verified By:.John E.Scates, P.E. FL-51737 Design Pressure:N/A Created by.Independent Third Party: No Other:Sectional doors provided for windload applications.Tested Evaluation Reports in accordance with ASTM E330 and ANSI/DASMA 108,which are FL15012 R2 AE Eval Rept saidf accepted test methods per 5th edition'(2014)Florida Building' FLIS012 R2 AE FZS-16-01315s.odf Code Section 1715.See drawling FZ5716-01315 for pressures and Created by Independent Third Party:.Yes widths+52.4(psf)/-58.3(psf)at 08'-00"through' +23.7(Psf)/-26.3(psf)at 16-10" 15012.19 rh; 2240,2241,2250,2251,4240, 12'-00"wide through 24'-00"wide by 20'high steel sectional door 4241,4250,4251,5240, 5241, 5250, with or without polystyrene insulation. 5251 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15012 R2 II lamb Attach Drawings s.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL15012 R2 IT Supplemental Instructions Pan s.pdf Impact Resistant:No Verified By:John E.Scates,P.E.FL-51737 Design Pressures N/A Created by Independent Third Party: No Other.Sectional doors provided for windload applications.Tested Evaluation Reports in accordance with ASTM E330 and ANSVDASMA 108,which are FLIS012 R2 AE Eval Rent s-od accepted test methods per 5th edition(2014)Florida Building F15012 R2 AE FZ6-16-01315s.odf Code.Section.1715.See drawing FZ6-16-01315 for pressures and Created by Independent Third Party,:Yes widths+40.1(psf)/-44.7(psf)at 12'-00"through +13. )/-14.9(psf)at 24'-00" 15012.20 rhI;2240,2241,2250,2251,4240, Up to 16'-00"wide by 20'high steel sectional door with or without 4241,4250,4251, 5240,5241, 5250, polystyrene insulation. 5251 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use,in HVHZ:No FL15012 R2 II Jamb Attach Drawings s pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL15012 R2 II Supplemental Instructions Pan s.odf Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates, P.E.FL-51737 Design Pressure:+30.6/-34.1 Created by Independent Third Party:.No Other:Sectional doors provided for potential"code-plus" Evaluation Reports applications.Large Missile impact(9 pound missile),and cycling FLIS012 R2 AE Eval Rept s.pdf tests conducted in accordance with ANSI/DASMA 115,ASTM FLIS012 R2 AE FZ61-16-01515s.Ddf E1886 and ASTM E1996.Static tests conducted in accordance Created by Independent Third Party:Yes with ASTM E330 and ANSI/DASMA 108.These are accepted test methods per 5th edition(2014)FBC Sections 1609 and 1715.See. drawing FZ61-16-01515 for pressures+30.6(psf)/-34.1(psl7 at widths up to 16'-00" Go to Page Page 1/2 Ea[k f7ext ,Contac:Us.::1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 httpsJ/floridabuilding:o�g/pr7pr_app =dtl.aspx?paran>=wGEVXQwtDquS73Fr2ZyPgc%2bhld1GcB6L5onUJEWL.W9HhR%2bfdXSg%3d%o3d 5/6 4 3 Impact Windaw Option(9,pound missile): max daylight opening,i6-3/4','x 1'0-1/4" 16'-0'(see notes for other widths) ► 1/4" Lexan with Aluminurt Frame D 2B Intermediate Hinge, D Optional Lites 4D (see window options) 1C 2 —2, . Top Fixture Flag Bracket 0 2 Door Height End Stile 1010 1B 6'-6"to T-0" 4 7 4 .2 71'67.to 8'-0" 5 9 5 C C' 7 -,-- -.— —- _- - -__ _ _ _- --- __ — Track 3B o Bracket 8'-3"to 8'-9" 5 9 5 2 End Hinge 10'-9"oto 12';3" 7 13 7 4'A • o 0 12'-6"to,14'4" 8 15: 8' 2. Bottom Fixtttre 16-0"to 17'-6" 10 19 10. 2A 2A 1T-9"to 49=3" 11 21 11 2 2 19'-6"to 20'-0: 12 23 12 B Strut Attachment Strut Track bracket quantities shown are for use With ,B grade'2 ocbetter southem.pine Jambs, Whetusing !softer wood species like'spmce pine-f;(SPF).use- the quantity of track brackets specified'in,the chat This door urs been evaluated in accordance with ASTM E330 02 aiid ANSI/DASMA 108-02,108-05 plus three track brackets per side and for supporting tract'indbonal elements to be�do ignedordance lASTM by registerredBprofesssi nab a engineer for s9 and pecified wind load pound missile) �� �gl-18C,�T/ Supplementnl InsUuclion9,coniain Jetiyis Pp 0, 'r for/�, for doors,up to 20.0"high.These are required in If door is not electrically operated,a loek must be installed, ; Maximumdoor height: 20'4" Mnximumsec6on height"21' � `. i addition to this drawing for installation, Always` Na:51737 use supplemental instructionstriadditionJo;d)is Per ASCE 7=10 Design Pressures(DP)typically meet,or exceed the requirements for the following wind,speeds. drawing during door installation. These exposure."B"wind speeds are for Thigh doors on 30'tall buildings. it _— john E.Scales P.E. '° STATE OF a IDM nts Width Design Pressure Winds ed Windows Center Stiles, i �•� 16.00" +30.6 s 34.1 s 183(mph) YES 7 3i21 Fairgate Drive �j�OA`�:'Ft0_RtOP 0��� 04.09=2015, 14'-00" +30.6( sf)/-34.1(psf) 182(mph) YES 6 Carr Ilion,Texas 75007 ///�sS�ONA; ��` Models 4250,421,5240,5241,5250;5251 A 13-11' +30.6(psf) -34.1:(pst) 182(mph) YES. 5 Florida"P,E.4151737 A 12-00'+ +30.6(psf)/-34.1(psf) T(mph) YES 5 16'-0:"wide, 183 mph Exposure"B" Digitally signed byJohn E.Scates,PsE•' See notes for other vUtlis and w)nd eeds' 11=11" +30: { st),/=34.1(psi) 180(mpli) 1HS 4 �j sP I •os' +3 (psi)/ - 4:1 psY7 17J(mph) YES 4 �� �o u� � Date:2015.04.1414:02:40-05'00' Center stile quantity Is minimum par section: C.H.I.Drawing: FZ61-16-015.15 Professional Engineer's seal provided only for verification of windload construction details page I_oP 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 I .Strut.(if applicable)not shownfor clarity. Details on some views.may have been omitted for clarity. (.097).galvanizedstecl top The vertical wood jamb fasteners may be counter sunk to provide a flat mounting surface., fixture:Each fixture attached, D wi0r four l/4"x 3/4"`screws• See jamb attachment details for more infotmationaboutattaching jambs to structure. (.086),galvanized,steel flag.bracket fastened to D: carrier and carrier support 2"x 7/16"(nominal)stop molding to be',securcd withe wood jamb with thre . °°°M mmunum Sd nail or 2-1/2"long screw on 5"spacing. 5/16"x 1-5/8"wood,lag push nut Stop molding not required when door is more than 1"wider than,opening. screws, (.034)center stile 1-3/8"polystyrene insulation with vinyl back(both ends). nominal(.0185)galvanized steel minimum Flag bracket attached (;066)end stile; to horizontal track- with rackwith two 1/4"x 5/8 (,109)galvanized steal top track bolts and nuts. oma fixture, Each fixture attached C with two 1/4"x 3/4"screws. (,034)center stile 2"(min)X.058(min) Flag bracket attached to C` vertical track With two 1/4" push nut galvanized:steel track. x 5/8"track bolts and nuts. a Or two,1/4"x 11/32"rivets. (.034)center stile End Hinge Intermediate (•102}galvanized steel track Htn a Q f; ® T bracket fastened to wood jamb _galvanized steel fastened /� (.058)galvanized steel with one 5/16"x 1-5/8"wood °. (.066)end stile L1 to=section with Q fastened to section with lag screw per bracket: Optional low head room top bracket 0 six 1/4"x 3/4"screws. four 1/4"x 3/4"screws: °` 0 8 push nut ? Each track bracket attached with B, 2"'(max.for,069'thick) 2-3/W" one 1/4'x 5/8"track bolt and nut. B 4"(max.for.109 thick) 2-3/4„ 'Ok two 1/4"x 11/32"rivets. (}•�� noininal 0 2"(mill.)`�� 3-1/2"(min.)stem John E.Scales,P.E, 10(min.)ball roller ���+++--- 3121 Fairgate with nylon or steel tread. push nut —�-�• 3" I Tete Drive I_L Carrollton,Texas 75007 �o® 1-7/8" `X\p111tlfil////�� Florida P.E.#51737 8% ® v(cetaa@•F`S ii M X170 e 000 (.102)galvanized steel bottom L1) 1/2' I �olJtJo�o��� �rz fits bracket Each bracket attached t No.51737 •• _ 114-09-2015 with four red 1/4"x 3/4" (.051)SO ksi•galvanized steel = 1 t i Models:2240,2241,2250,2251,4240,4241, 3"shut attached with two 1/4"x 3/4" A screws, o STATE OF ,tt�` 4250,4251,5.240,.5241,,5250;,5251 screws per stile or hinge plate. �'Ao�, `a`o� A (.109)galvanized steel bottom �i a`•Fi Onto?:•p�`�� `16'-0" wide, 183 mph Exposure"B" Vinyl push nut with fourcket Eed 1 J4 x 3J4ach bracket "screws. /j� ONi `ched ���� See-notes for-other-widths and wind speeds weatherstrip C.H.I.Drawing: FW-16=01515. Aluminum extrusion Optional low head room bottom bracket professional Engineer's seal,provided only for verification of windload construction details page 2_of 2 4 3 All, 2 1 Anchor ITW Tapcon or'Tupcon LDT or Simpson Strong-Tie: dceep each area clear of ITW Raniset/Redhead Tupcon,1/4"diameter,minimum 3.5"long with washer tltatconfarms to ANSI B19.22.1 type$, tiny back jamb atta'clnnentf tsteneis IT.bYRtunsct/Redhead Large Diameter Tapcon,3/8'diameter,minimum 4"'long;with wa'sfier that conforms o ANSI,B113.221 typeB. , Simpson Titen HD,3/8!'diameter,minimum 4"long-with.washer that conforms.to ANSI B18.22.1,type.B. '3" Simpson Wedge-All,.348"diameter,minimum 4"long with wasbcr that conforms to ANSI B1822.1;typeB. g• v 'Wbenapplying back'jambs•over dry wall orother non stivctural wall covering;nselongerfastdnei`io itisure ininimuinembedtb6fitrequired 1 header This chart applies ttimood spedies with specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.42 includingsprucepine fir(SPF)and southern pine'(SP). Sep chart for minimum was diameter. Washer diameters in chart are basedlon nse'of Spruce•Pine Fir. Washers maybe l0%dsmaller when Soudidat Pine is used., See chartfor,minimum edge distance required. ;Lowt onchor•to,be,grcatcr than the minimum edge distunceup from the flootand'lcss;than 10-inches from`thefloor.,. FASTENER SPACING(inchesi ' 2500.psi concrete Filled CMU Simpson ITViI Tapcon strong-Tie DOOR WIDTH(feet and inches)at a given DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) _IL41 1/4" '3'8" 3/8 3/8" 3/8" 140sf 17 sf '20 sf I 24psf 28psf 32 sf 36 sf 40 'sf 44 sf48psf 53psf 58psf 63psf 69 sf 75 sf 81 sf.87 sf 93pef 24 24 24 24 24 24 22'-9, I8'-9 15'-11 13'.3 11'-4 9'-11; 8'-10 T-11 T-3 6'-7 6'-0 5'-6 T-0. 4'-7' 4'-3 3'41 n/a n/a 24 22 .24' 24 24 .24' 24'-3' 20'-0 1T-0 14'-1 12'-1 10'4. '9'-S 8'-6 •T-8 7'-0 6'-4 5'-10 5'-4 W-11 W-6 4'-2 n/a n/a ° 24 20 24 24 24 '-16 26'-6' 21'-9 18'-6 15'-5 13'-3' 11'-7 30'-3' 9'-3 8'-5 T-8 .7'-0 6'-4 S'-10 S'-4 4'-11 4'-6 '4'-3 3'-11 24 18 24' ..22' 24 .,.,16 28'-10 23'-9 20'-2 16'-10 14'-5' 12'-7 11'-2 10'-1 9'-2 8'-5 7'-7, 6'-11 6'-5 5'-10 5'-4 ,4'-11 4'-7 4'-4 , 24 17 24 20 24' M16' 31'-9 26'-2, 22-3. 18'-6 15'-10 13'-10 12'-4; 11'-1 10'-1' T-3 8'-4 7'-8' T-0 6'-5 5'-11 5'-S:,,5'-1 4'-9 24 r15 24, 18' 24 34'-3' 28'-2 24'-0• 20'-0 1T-1 �15.'-6 13'-4' 12'-0 10'-10 10'-0 :9'-0 .8,-3 T-7 6'-11 6'-4 5'-11 .s;-6' S'-1. . 24: 1'5 24 17' 16, 36'-3r 29'-10 25'-4 21'-2 18'=1 15'=10 14"1 12'-8 11'=6 30'-7 9'-7 8"-9 8'-0 7'-4 6'-9 6'-3 5'-10 5'-5 'Highestanchorinstallcd'at 22 13 24 16 16n/a 32'-3 2T-5 22'=10 19'-7 17'-1 15'-2' 13'-8' 12'-5' 11'-5 10'-4 9;-5 8'-8 •7'-11 '7'-3 6'-9 6'-3. 'S'-10 'least as high'asdooi opening.21 13 24 15 16'. n/a 33'-10 28'-9 24'-0 20'-6: 1B'=0 16'-0 14'-4 13'-1 IZ'=0 10'-10 9'-11 9'-1 8'-4 T 8 9'-1 6'-7 6'-2. Anchors to be'evenly spaced between.19' 12 24' 14 36 :n/a "n/a. 31'-4' 26'-1 22'-5 19-7 1T-5 15'.8 14'-3 13'-0 11'-10 10'-9'; 9'-11 9'-1 :8'-4 7'r8' T-2 W-8 the head erandtbefloo_r. .16 10 24 12 16n/a n/a 36'-0 1 30'-0 25'.-8 22'76 20'-0 18'-0 16'-4, 15'-0 13'-7 12'-4 11'-5' 10'-5 -9'-7 8'-10 8'-3 7'-8- -Y6. 10 24 11 8 8 -n/a. n/a: ;n/a 31'41 V%2 23'-9 21'-2 19:-0 1 1T-3 15'.10114'-4 1 13'-1 -12'-1 11'-0 10'-1 9'-4 1 B'-9 8'-2 '14 8 24• 10 8 8• n/a' n/a I n/a .35'-9 30'-B 26'40 23'-10 21'-5 19'-6 1T-10 16'-2 14'-9 13'e7 12=5 11'-5 10'77 9'-10 9'-2. ° 12 7 20 9 8 8 n/a n/a n/a: ,n/a .n/a. 30';11 27'-5 24'-8 22'-5 20'-7 18'-8 1T-0 25'-8 14'4 13'-2 12'-2 111-4 10'-7 2x6 strueitual'gradelureber; 11 Z 20: 8 8 8 n/a n/a . n/a' n/a: n/a 31'-10 28'-3 25'-6 23'•2 21'-3 19'-2. 1T-7 16'-2 14'-9 13'-7 12'-7 11'-8 10'_-11 ,May be uiunterbored up-to 3/8"deep 10 6 .17'. 7 ;8, n/a. .,n/a- n/a n/a n/a ',n/a n/a 32'-0 •28'-9 26'-2 24'4 21'-8 19'-10 18'-3' 16'-8 15'-4 14'-2. '13'=2 12'-4 areach anchorlocation'[o.pmvide'a 9' n/a 16 •6 8 n/a ,n/a ,n/a n/a, n/a n/a: .n/a` �.n/a 32'-0• 29'-1 26'-8. 24'-1: 22'.-0: 20'-3, 18'-6 17'-0 15:-9 14'-8 13'-9 'flush mounting,su;face. 13 6 n/a n/a ,n/a n/a _'n/a n/a: .'n/a : n/a: n/a. Wa n/a; 30'-11 28'•0 25'-7_ 23'-6.- 21'-6 19'-9. 18'•3 .1T-0 15'-11 n/a n/a 12' ,.n/a n/a n/a .;n/a, n/a n/a n/i , ala n/a I n/a n/a I n/a,' .n%a 32'-4. 29'-7- 27'-3 24'-10•22'-10 21'-2 1 19'.=8 ;18'-5 ° o 2500'psiconcrete' 'Filled`CMU Upsf. 17psf %220psf. 140sf 28psf' 32psf 36psf„,40psf 44'Psf 48pif 53psf.' Sspsf 63psf, 69psf' 75psf. 8100 1 87psf 936sf First anchor.to.sian'at no mote.than ITW Tapcon ITW LOT Titeo'weQ&DOOR WIDTH(feet'and.inches)'at a,given'DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) half the fdsl6herspaciug distance and HD All no less dran,the intnirhum edge distance, 1/4"' 1/4'' 3/B" 3 8" 3/8!'. 3/8" FASTENER.DIAMETER 1:75!' 1.75" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.68 EMBEDMENT LENGTH 7/8",1-1/2" 1 1-1/8'1-1/8''WASHER DIAMETER ``1�I I IIIb 2-2/2"2-1/2" 3" 3" 4" 4" EDGE DISTANCE `\�` I��i Supporting structural elements shill be designed by a registered_ 508N 319# 8596,37111 480M 340N FA_STENER LOAD CAPACITY' �� 1�. S(iq /� piofessioual engineer for wind loads is addition to other loads; ..•'`• Tfiisdrawin docs not address the amb/walldesi n butonl door. ' g g y O�vt,CE � �I� <Altachmcn6 lamb/wall construction is shown only far illustration • ��, purposes. The building designer is responsible fer ensuring Ihatthc • ;.00. jamb/wall is suffcientto carrythe.door hvc and static loads.This No.51731" itdrawing does not address the spring pad eonnecuons .Registered' Digitally signed by 6o wE:Scaies,P1, i* .professional ehginoer may.approved pn altemtitive'design, Manufacturer's utstnllation tnsnvctions,must be.followed; Date;2015.02.24 16:32:57 06'00,' �_ Maximum'spacing shown m chat•[. • = ohn E Scutes,RE: '�. gTATie OF :W � QQ.sc E none. Lesser spacing may,be used to avmJ d interference with door hardware 3121 Fair to Drive / IIIJJJ LJU and or fastening system,but not;less than.6". / �''a� ♦�+; '� ❑ ❑ ❑'O�L7 'DATE Carrollton;Texas 75007' ✓j •��o{Z�O.' C\ ��' s 2-,18-2015 Load per jamb=0.5-x door widthx max positive pressure x door height. Florida P.E #51737' ✓��65_S •r• �0 �LN� $"CMU block walls shall comply with.ASTM-C9O. TXPE 56308,F-2203 �S low. ��' Brack Jamb Attachment Detail. Use minimum 2000 psi grout or concrete when filling CMU. ����' I I '� 0, Concrete Anchors :CMU fastener-spacing distance may vary+/-1". Pidfessional Engineer's seal provided oply for verification'of windload'consiivction detaili.' C.H.I.Drawing- BJA'1.01 Rev.-07 Southern Pine(SP)specific gravity='0:55;allowable load per:anchor 620'pounds. y ►r"NM tn„, y � 1/2^Aum. t/2"b _ _ Spruce Pine Fir(SPF)specific gravity=0.42;allowable load per anchor=482 pounds. ATl AC1lMENT OF Use SP values only if"both structure and jamb are sot them pine. 2z6 WOOD IAMB ATTACHMENT 0E La screw:3/8"diameter pruce pine fir is present in structure or jamb material. 2x6 WOOD JAMB Use SPF values when s %"SHEATHING ON SHEATHING Lag ter x 3"minimum long;must conform to ANSI/ASME 1318 2.1 Washer: 1-1/8"minimum outside diameter,must conforin to ANSI1318.22:1 type-A. Pre-drill 1/4"diameter pilot holes for lag screw insertion. 1-1/2"minimum lag screw edge distance required. %"x 3"LAG SCREWS' %"SHEATHING SASTENER PACING- i g \ %"x 3-1/2"LAG SCREWS clear. DOOR`{lii1D1'H (feet and inches a4 a. even DESIGN PRESSURE' PSE � keep,each area :of any back SPF SP 14paf 17psf 20psf. 24psf 28psf 32psf 36psf 40psf 44psf 48psf 53psf 58psf 63psf' 69psf '75psf 81psf 87psf 93psf iamb attachment 24 24, 34'-S 28'4 24'-1'20'-4 17'-2 15:-0 13'4 12'-A 10'-1 10'-0 9'-1 8'-1 T-7 6'-11 6'-5 5'41 5'=6 5'-2 fasteners 1 1 1 1 .: / 22 24 n/a 32'-4 2T -1-6 22' 19'-8 1T-2 15'-3 13' 9 12'-6 11'-5 10'-4, 9'-5 8'-8, 7-11 7'-4 6-9 6'-3 5-11 '' ' 20 24. n/a, 34 0 28-1 24-11 20I-7 18-0 161-0 14`5 13.1 121-0 10-1 9-11 91..2 8'-4 7'=8 7'-1 6'-7 6'-2 ® 8„ 18 24 n/a 36'-5 31'-6 25!,-IC 22'11 19'4 1T-2 15'-6 14'-1 12'-1111:-8 10'-8 9'-10 8'=11 8'=3 7'-7' 7'-1 6'-8 header" 18 23 n/a n/a 32'-1 26'-9 22'4120'-0 V-10 16'-0 14';7 13'-4 12'-1 11'-0'10'-2 9'-3 8'-6 7'-11 7'4 6140 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 21 n/a' n/a 35-5 29-6 25-3; 22-1 19=8 17.8 161.1 14.1-9 13-4. T2-2 11-2' 101.3' 9-5 8-8 8-1 7'-7 16 20 n/a n/a 36'-1 30'-1 25'-9 22'-7 20'-6 18'.-0 :16'-5 15'4 13'-7 12'-5 11'-5. 10'-5 9'-7 W-11 8'=3 T-9 3" 1S 20. n/a' n/a n/a 31'-0 26-6 23'-3 20'-8 18'-7 ' ' 16.,1 15.-6 14-0' 12-9 11-9 10-9 9-11 9.2 8.6 8-0 14' 18: n/a n/a n/a 34'?5. 29'-6 25'-9 22'-1120'-7 18'-9 17'-2' 15'-7 14'4 13'-1 11'-1 11'-0. 10'-2 9'-5 S'-10 13 16' n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 V-9 24'-8 22'-2 20'-2 18'-6 16'-9 15'-4 14'-1 12'-1 11'-1010'-1110'-2 9'-6 12 16 n/a n/a n/a n/a 33'-2' 29'-0 25'4 23'-3 21'-1 19'-4 17'-6 16'-0 14'4 13'-5 12'-4 11'-5 10'-8 10'-0 12 15 n/a -n/a n/a n/a n/a 30'-1 26'-9 24'-1 21'-1 20'4 18'-2' 16'-7 15'-3 13'-1 12'-1 11'-1 11'40 10'-4 11 14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-1 29'-2' 26'-3 23'-1 21'-1 19'-1 18'-1 16'-8:" 15'4. 14'4 12'4112'-1 11'-3 10 14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 330-2 29'-6- 26'-6- 24'-1 22.1. 20.0 18'-3 16'40 115'-4 W-2 13'-1 1V42 11-5 , 10 12 n/a n/a n/an/a n/a n/a 32'-1 28'-1126'-3 24'-1 21'-9` 19'=1 18'-4 16'-915'-5 14'-3; 13'-3 12'-5 Highest.anchor installed at 9 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a: n/a n/a 31'-0 28'-2 25'-10 23'-4 21'-4 19'-8 1T-1 16'-6` 15'-3. 14'-3 13'- 9 11 n/a n/a n.a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32-1 29-2 26.9 24-3 22-1 20-4 1 4 least as high as door opening, o / / / / ' ,' • ; 8'-7 V-1 15'=,1. 14'-9' 13'-9 Anchors to be evenly spaced between / 8 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 30'-8 .28'-2 25'-6 23.3 21'-S, 19'-7 18'-0 16'4 15'-6 14'-6' the header and the floor. 1 8 10; n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a. n/a n/a n/a': 32'-1 30'-1 271.3 24'-1122'41 20'-Il 19'-3, 17'40 16;-T 15'-6, 1 I 1 1 1 7 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a. n/a n/a n/a n/a 31-0' 281-0' 251-7 23-7 21-61 ' 19I-1 18 4 17,-1 16-0 7 9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/an/a' n/a, n/a n/a n/a, 31'-2. 28'-5: 26'-2, 23'4 22'-0 20'4 18'-1117-9 ' ' 2xstructural gradea t6 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/ • n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-0 29'-6 26'-1 24-9 22-1121'-4, 20'-0 May be dounterbored.up o 3/8"4eep,at 4 6 n/a n/a I n/a n1a I n/a n/a n/a n/a I n/a n/a IPA n/a n/a n/a 33'=0 30'-7 28'-6 26'-8 each anchor location to provide SPF I SP 14psf 17psf 200sf 4psf- 28 2psf Most 36psf''_46psf 44psf `48psf I 53psf 58psf .63psf'69psf I 75psf jillisf 87psf .93psf flushmorintingsprface: FASTENER SPACING DOOR WIDTH -,f6ei and inches at�.a_given DESIGN-PRESSURE IPSF}. `® 460AD PER 1620# 1111,111//I// First anchor to start at no more than FASTENER �� �. �S(,°/1j. /z half'the fastener spacing distance and (Pounds) e® ® �.. �8. � °�y /�S no]ess'thanthe tniitimumedge distance. • °v o Maximum load per jamb-=0.5 x.(door height)x(door width)x(maximum positive pressure); 1 P1v o.X1737 When applying back jambs over dry wall or other non structural wall covering, ; scALE use longer lags screws to insure 1-1/2"minimum embedment required. *; i. = &20 non Lesser spacingmay be used to avoid interference with.doorhardware and or fastening,system. �.: STATE 6F r1. � p F100 DATE Maximum spacing shown in chart John E.Scates,P.E. ��o� �� °� � " s o 2-i8-Zo15 These charts,do not address spring pad connections.to the building. 3121 FairgateDrive ®/��°�°�f10�0®.• ®ae� Back JambAttachment Detail Alternative,design maybe approved.by,a registered professional engineer. Carrollton,Texas 75007 / ✓/ `S`�Oft914� " 0® Lag,Screw Supporting structural elements shall be designed by axegistered professional Florida P:E.#51737 '/�// P 1 r 1.1�, engineer for wind loads in addition to other loads. TXPE 56308,E-2203'Professional Drawiri B7A-102 Rev..-05 Professional Engineer's seal• rovided onlyfor verincanon of wmatoad constmcuon:cietails , $