HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Code Online Wal En WE t-o,ida DeP'r"ontq Bc1S Home Leg In q User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications d.7 M 54W SEM-W-KBp U25VS SM01h BUSA�e - ®�SS� � Miter i'rr - rrlii."tYY" 7t✓i penosct BitsxcLat Renu}Pretext or Aap-rgifon Searth>Anylica(op Us t>Application DetoR e IVED 72 m SEP 2 12017 PERMITTING Comments St, Lucie County, Ft_ �tnm�ixnit tF4mstaP�tlwm�r�� ill walldli�sp�i�raieY � One Owens Coming Parkway Toledo,OH 43659 (7410) -7829 0A�s4mailrotsa (�i }! � C cysrsa�.�se��� .cam Pi, Technical Representative MW.Sasncrant AdtreWPh=agfEma1l k Dams amIng tiiTl ((429))375-S3W riti8 • Quality Assurance Representative Address/Pho;W6rWA Compliance Method Evakatkin Repart fnm a Fbdda ftghtemd Amb tmt ara tlimvMSedl,f19 M fr&B &Runt ona Engiinear iE a iu ffom ilt-RW*xPY ii�f>t>iirltf 9 r&i�ir armlr lklt dhiii Mlimme z tom derelimped the RdmitI.M.Nemiteri Evaluation Report Florida Ucense PF-59165 Aemwamra fly UL ULC tt dtitSy Aawmaavi'cmift2cit bomb-mm ti7aale waliidtatiedi By .7kiibtm WTf..t mzmB0 %,IFE ,' Validation Checicf5t-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL10674 Rt2 COI 2015 01 gD-1 Mmmnemixff Pz far airy and Yew W y ASM UnSIL am ASM D3462 7009 ASTM D7158 7908 BIIp wamxe AZA R=Wzt st� rAm tiilfied By Suits ffrom+tlLe Code P=dU3:ft l Ymt od RIEMh 1 ap iiaan D tip ttunrnatf]aciai aali wfrc c ¢t .. ,a rri7afiReglC(2&rcR6"r)EAOdgbdJj3osQ%3ft 1/8/2016 Florida Building Code Online Data-submifted 11wis"Is VIW19RM MIge paakg F Ami 3Y/A17M25 Date Approved IlY/ISS"3 Summa of Products ffShMMhaerr MrMp 1�>I .Il I'�av®rls iCrmrtiriium�Aksipwitt RmdfMM q 3-t*, ,--ta,ftmWl MP ltlW Sfhf JIEs 11 �;�hiimgjt�and stummls Limits of Use I'Installation Instructions i Approved for use in HVHZ:No I FL10674 R71 77 2015 10 FINAL ER OC ASPHALT 11 Apgmved for use HVW—Yes q SH ES IFL10574i-R2�� I Emplaa R2sistamb WA i V,,,W d BF;Hitt 3..M-Mrmrdi lfli IFE-53266 i i� Design Pzessw t=%A CnEted by rgftbe amt T Mira Lam+-Yes fi R ZTE r am E39,Sarthlkm S. ' cats !{; IRLnMWA4 iRn AE 2MV5 20 FUMAL ER cc AGWWT 1� L&0-1� FLM674-RII. f 9 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes E3 Contaft is::1940 Mrth Monroe Street Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Acrrssibllity Statement::Refund Statement under fFF=M® a ihm;,wMall add are PIw=MwM5jhL v 3;cw div mom wanxtyymmaure�-�]-Mk =A!gnmEd im ffe-sp=mse O a:P MMM rtu s dl®MMa$MI*& dam¢=aW M ttfS eOU?4V-Ih 1.MCMUM MVM OZiE bff yyscure ar Icy LLa+'itTtTcce�l=m)L INS=amm any u+¢"a.5�-atm�c�p nxx>T-"Wuamcrertit tlm Seslkiem Sr$S3b�(IIljJ,EFlnrtd�ama�.eamc �cr :..o >1e P:J'7i$!rte Iti��f!ess:Aer�ta{�tpr4�„ES.notssit rvdi�5�4 c�tt a�am akD m a Gr 15ityy iharae'�.Tlke:eammil�prorsfi'd�i mas)y Ike?uc�tturtdSki�i�rrrildmrikan ailCh I@hre IIS Hikurzvrarre:sml! arae rynlMkirrt�r�.iff gmp dam ma[urdh l93D sry8gi¢ya,gall adldiMEW,,fli pmol ike dim MEOMMmuNd aitch am email!•-""--n9kiidfi min I6m rrrarike itdkkfe ttm Mire{pdikiiz.Tf®d mkirre iff ymu acre at Ifi�� umdl—ak vlot-43M F-r S,.0 �imt;horn. Product Approval Accepts: ® cCY:i OEMwv�iais.•tiz•auasr http://w m.flortdabWcring_org/pr/pr app o.aspx?pararrv=wGEVXGwDgU3NbEY6V°/a2boQT%2b6w7ahReglCQBucR6i)EAOdgbdJj3osQ%3d`/.3d 2J2 EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,LLC. ._ 3153CH STR=- ,fl9lla�UT#_13 tt st sa OXFORD,CIT OFD478 PHONE:(203 262-9245 FAX:(203)262-9243 EVALUATION REPOW OWEM cmn&g EvAmdw Repwt 03794aW-12-Rfi Toledo,OH 43659 Date or Wmanre:62jFitiJIM2 Revision 6. 10/15/2015 SCOPE: Ths Evaimbas Repwt, s arm Ra& EtG29-3 and the agftEbie (loges and ffeodmbm gwernhig tim use of M tiCimmfl rtr��ifim azff Fltmrir 1till� « etttltaffiurrsl sutd�mtn7ittr 6 frs beam Irl metal 1*t rtt lti6iEIMF�,P.E.frcwr use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code,Residenttial Wume. The products descnbeeld herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. USSAM uz ¢ Shat w am ar mala.-me tmeah itwe nqui nrN the, ltte QudidwAmmanEp AWMIT n Ntentern, CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Clues Assee docu es�,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product chalnae. Acceptance of this EeaOunabtm Rem by the named caml saes agreemeaftt u Rabeat Mberniagen,fP'.;=Atte pnxhiaft duras aartthe nd&emmed Quaky Assmamm dammmmtEtian dam 11•(riaftgEW nmptes a;�.�resiew off t6&Ev*ak2tttm REPWt rdtaittiwe tb wrpdattbed Cmb tte*&emaratt.-Urdu eadu Code gdke- ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "TrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising listeralt;ire- If any portion of the!Evaluation Report is displayex-then it shall be done in its entirety. Upon reques ,a aW ad t Ws eml2re Eur-xtaansrt Repwt sha be praMed to tibe w9ar hW*a araarsvPmbxeT or its flffs bmtw s Wd shAl be a m to Wle fmrr'bWaffimm at*-_ic ,sfte alta he mqaest off the Bo- n - This Evaluation Report consists of pages Y through 7. Prepared by: '{ etrr. ' "'Jilla, fes•• v Y' 'S'�.'_w 91�..•r'. RobertJ.M,Nieminen P.E. '�ij�a'4•:u.a•`—`: The facsmUeseat appearing was authoraed6yRahertrreminen, Man10/1512015.TffmdaesnatserveasanelectmnicaUysigned lF''f i0eil�dtAd8m.,�Hr�¢y D$'.d2 ?SEB.^ 3 - +sea:eaes a1 AS da �UBMWI=rdis the c�ft�wl�tmm+atltxdstriid; ramB ltatatsname?8�larm fQG$fIIB,'7EI1LT - I lfniimftJJBW dnes r(=hay—P,mw dines in Fmdas-d tam am*d re or uaiili iIt anmdm,ai f5im aidell k&areia irm mV wmpmW t(ma i foxthur big or disulbaft pmducits it evahotes. 2. Trinity ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Rpt Memmem P_E_dog not balms nos will wqulm a financial!interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for WNIth the eo lmcfiaimss ffePnxts awe being kP1ed 4. i art•(WJE.dnes m= mw=0 EE�.a amunna w9west era aq ovaer enft FEWth the t m'3 the Ind. 5. ?his is a building code evaluation. Weidrer Trilnityl ERD nus fidbert Klenibian,PJE me,in any%W,the 11Desgar of Ra=d fbr army project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained sp��i6grfra�ttiaat - ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: L S tD(P1E'. A=*MI ' i Sul gore: Asphalt 9iingles Compliance Statement: Owens Coming Asphalt Roof Shingles,as produced by Owens Corning, have demonstrated compliance w tva the following sec iaam oa the RacrWa Wfddiang Code and Rodda Buildi%Code, Resid nrtW Volume thwagh tihshng is acciairdanm uAlh the foomvp.-Stmndwds. Comwpla nce is subje t to the kstokbw Hi;etgmffe aien s a mdl UmAzfiam I GW&dT E S of LYGL-set*w1h hanE nML 2. STANDARDS: Section Propertv Standard Year 7�HTA.2'_7-„ ,�1t yfmDd pKefstwEe AS11M 03391 LW-23A,1 E l Preva X15 i D7 ffi 3. REFERENCES: Entity Examination Reference Date UL UC ja:ER9fi2Q ak s&t Me RZ45%VaiL 3 02/15P-W7 u1W1CQisffs)62E� >` ad -eS aanp04/02//2411zAb UC CLC(TST9628) Physicals&Wind Resistance 4786093137 02/01/2014 UL LLC(TST9628) Wind Resistance 4786326532 02/1012014 UL!l1lsC OSI D photod ftzpEffes Cla�praz rwnn hlzt r QJ13tM4 vlhBr ail ((Umapj wteffmmnops WrOM tN'LUC(QUA95"25) SoviceC wft=zSaaa„92453 Exp-OWMAM7 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4-t Asphoft Shales: 4-ILI-I and Swptem We fmm%�am renmsffariMEA 3-tab 25;p trent nwf sHniirr�kes. 4.1..2 Wmffv�, a*0&vaxdsfth 4.3-3 Devonshire'"are fiberglass reinforced,5-tab asphalt roof shingles. 4-IA DauraVon, "InMeg nWomi Dnuradon, Pramnia:inm Cmd, Taauf"naait m n6 ll on De§tmeir CoPer Cz =16-TMWDeffrm n$GAffl+os�'„Cfl rbz and lt'4i'ea*-,-Y�HP am f ba%k s�A b mnmmated �mm�sihiir��. 4.2 Berkshire'Hip & Ridge Shingles, High Ridge, Hip & Ridge with Sealant, WeatherGuard' HP Hip & Ridge Shingles,ProEdge Hip&Ridge Shingles and DuraRidge m Hip&Ridge Shingles are fiberglass reinforced,hip and rifte asphath roaff 4*q 9es. 4.3 Staff 5ft pa Shhk=,0-,Sir SttW Ptks Stxt5r9MM&Radii are-qzzr@BT Strips fmir rama¢slhanmgies,. S. LOWTAIT07M 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity4ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the DeR.Oner of Rerwd fox anal pnnuecrt on which this EwaPixaboxi Repixt,or prey iom vemorns thereaff,iii was used fix pamuMmS am das W gwm9mce,um le%-m frirx that pwirpai 5.72 T hfls(EvA aaeonw PEpmrtu res mcaltfw ween rim tBhm-IFfnY MZ. 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report, refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. i�rii�mr �I OI��q,KILO= ceniflCoteofRut&anzabonM93 Lran7mm romrS FL206744M ftevkAmEcWIW20U Page 2 of 7 t 5.4 Wind Classification: 5.411. All Owens Caamlain g shingles noted herein are CLassified in affiance vMh FBC Fables 1507 7 7-1 and R935.2_6-1 to A5M 03151„Cis F spam ASTIM 071%,CWs H.mrea atung the des acre a bje fjnir us iam affi uu'iimdi mmes wp to V,,,w=IM mob$t1tJ,jt,=IM mm pbl.. Rimer tM Serffann 6 for iims agRat fon ffega retlntomtts to meet I s wind nadn& 5.4.2 All Owens Corning hip & ridge shingles, Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus noted herein are Claswfield in 2azrdance teams Fll C Tables IW7.2.7-.and -2..6-1.to AsTm tam,Gass F,indicating the slvinngfes are a for air in all v&9 zones up to%_L%mph(V,: =194 mph)- Romer to set iion 6 ftr finsta nom raga6Brm&mU ttD mmee t offs Wind as*Rg. 5.4.3 Classification by ASTM O7158 applies to exposure category 6 or C and a building heig t of Go feet or less. Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for conditions outside these limitations. Contact the sRnimgle maaiuiachver ftr data slmmtic to each gun gie- -5-4-41 Refer to Damms Caarunug pubMsbed mf=mtam an mum d nslsttatme and mmitafthon h",naRttatti ons- S o /lel!pnwhints iim Om nvff a mmn&i r-4hafll ffimle qLislittty aEgur aWrd iim aammarafialma7m w0h the R mmniatfa Bmflk mg Code and F.A.C.Rule 61(320-3. 6. IWALLATION. IR and 6.7LI Unndefl shaM be anmeptimUe to Gamms Conrag and siges had Current slandia stmbe-w4e R'narduct Appn"WL or to azaai t Apl armir d p>asr We SII -3!„par RE Saff IS3 -2-3173 2A or R9052a 6.2 Asphalt Shingles: 62-11. lnstallai sn Of asphalt sfimzles small amply wft the manufadurees;current published instructions,using n dnimmuma fir&aQ naMs per•sh Dn a=mmla rmre wfth RSC Sections 15,10P-2 or} -?_wi h tthe f9Emang t d-- 80r$g*E�gft&S MgIff re mrifmriin;iuirn (( �Atter sfhtiir l� Y Weather(3uard HP shingles require minimum six(6)nails per shingle. Dewonshirel shingles require minimum six(6)nails per shingle. i Stt wtter 5tt V Slsm-ge and 514P Ras rBquue nlma5aatlmas>fian 3'ikhs QS)nnaaals p>ir stt ffp Rf egiEr to Ovnns Can"mcin g pvz&ffighed Dalbrnmztfian ante wind reststance and d ustBR laitiman ffi mitt 3bio x- 6.2.2 Fasteners shag be in accordance vviffi the nni-anut%�s psaMhed neqaurevnenM but not Res Unan FBC 1507.2.6 or 8905.2.5. Staples are not permitted. 6.2.4 ai08"anem the nmf slope Emeeds 21 Manes varaft ni in 12 annus R wfiF molal,staeciaif rnethods of fastening are nMpuasre& Contacttine frim le tnau is tuarr yrs his 6i2.5 61Aamninaiuinm til�i5rr -Srir94ri��hrm�� fl Ottrrrtrri§p RD1Ilu Felt nnderlayrnent r: Deck Faaunderhyment - r -t)esk rreiFadhered Frye Sir-Ulr�-,9 � � Yh3iltuLock'� Nip @liip�dge it 1pmi Lialis l 61r,7s lontrd IVanndliriixc � �` $1 w anter Siti, y 1.ndiigyilV ivs 3rr �e sai R�s �9adhea� tt I?.. -t hallr,xg,crav� Crento zci Starter Strip shingle overhangs eaves and rakes fie='si sscars�asaG9 '-mss niimrlandbf amt�rgrt,ll�. li�lc�imtm � ��a at3�taS7kd}-&3it3t Revision 6:10/35/2015 Page 3 of 7 'y � 6.2.6 Minimum Nailing—Classic®&Supreme: cr Aww"M IZFW� d�r�a�racaA- AUBIIW .' 1 +�• 6.2.7 Minimum Nailing—Berkshire's: Saalacnsirip S�afaatsttiE, ' /!a t&adese8adar !a lira de s0kdor F6i SS's" SIT i 6.2.8 AAinimum NaWmo—Devc nsh-wi 4 5: At x i}S'2,3� 'i&-�tH"3a�r��ltEt�ftcats�ffi Eldenw Rte&and Desg.LLC. Evaluation Report O37940.OL12-R5 � IfilB!}diT4-RP.2 4<�� 6.2.9 Minimum Nailing - Duration°, TruDefinition® Duration, Duration® Premium Cool & TruDefinition Duration Designer Color Collection: 'iilRamxrtiAYkgMhm•• 'A mwIl b'aftmn xoabli �x�t ce.ttu Mtn t®mlyd�'aikumb �e�mµY'e{+'urasne. AreadedawsSureAa1� • • • l.rn'r'v`7�' � Cy2tlRd�fIIR12. r - atr Of s � e �yQd r eita eiofl'ram uut�Tk 9nd Itre erre ;;.adal{q. rU emau:cm ?l UM _Q—..;g*dleWxffWWIkz 6.2.10 Minimum Nailing-TruDefinition'Oakridge®,Oakridge®: 4WIlEMOM 9 Eli P.M as EWr.•�MdMW { r t<— Tr [L�L- 5SMUposure Na6� 5519 Expo>ztre Mals a Exposid6ade55/8pwg• clavas Exposid6nde65/8pulg. paside a"Faenn ndeS 5/Sputg Ctovos 55/8"Exposure FxExposia6rr de 55/9pta'g. i f M TI L ireuutmlurmo Hm1W111J g—WCa& Mg- i_� �•.� �r• Filaow7NMtgh Nri1 SJd I 63 Hip&Ridge Shingles: arm„ Hugnd R'6 -_qmpwogg e wgth e ird�Rip Hain amd ffmlgg�Shkr&s and Op&Wdge SWmgies;grIaM ennuplIT wAh fRhe mm n uifka 's cunaeuntt p1brgped rm5hnujnons,,usrmg Emx((4i))molls for Wim&- k sWlWi m 6fr RDuu Bfft d""'Rrap OL IWIBB SKMIgles shall comply v&h the manufacturer's current published instrucitifons,using two Qty nays per slhinole. Kiefer to Owens.Coming published information on wind resistance and installation limitations,including the use of haid-sAmkig for de& tl MkI26M&—V=ONS1iOLmLIZ Of �-2RS RUM574-area Revision 6:10/15/2015 Page 5 of 7 6.3.2 Fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published requirements, but not less than FBC 15072-6 or R9052-5- Staples are not permitted- 6..37 Munkn=ftTlog-B&Wffre's Mp Widge alad WZh Male: flails Hits fftVL`KAUOW -it 1, it itit 11 4 zp Ali, 63A mwunzm Hamba-HIP&ffidgewalseamt 2-ftbTffkd kis�RAftm W Haft) frim Shlingk-, rid Discard m f2w F cap 92- T FasWning 551811 5"Exposure Distance 1 11 12 6.3.5 Minimum Nailing-WeatherGuardO HP Hip and Ridge: Cha P-1.1p F-VAM"Me U311c; It 11"0 V W Vr 'qII it FAMW Research and De Sign,LLC. Evaluation Report 037940.07-12-R6 Call I*!i W--05A W ft Wk M!2 3 a#a W3 FUG044ML P.WeGoF7 xevailinu Standard •--17« A Mind Direction Fa�rteiring atStria Pattern 7 7r 6. i fasteners YJitlf ♦♦♦ ••• a'f 2 E37 MKmvmnRlaftg Hip Note: The drawings below pertain to minimum, as-tested attachment requirements. Refer to Owens Coming published installation instructions for their minimum requirements. Sii�t�m91EiF , agWw Hir ���r arl� m; t. a {= r btiti 291 . ovenscuaNig sv�cWar `Ck- ii � � •i Y s g �'I�Y _ t� ?. LABELING: 73 LLabefi ng kda be h acwnfance wM the mqadmmwas ffine Armedited Quaft Asswrance Agency noted hereaan_ 7/2 ASPh&AIUM&M,v rS sl&lll IMSEBta ounforemm Mi th ame df ee r eapffe#f¢1iam3f eatom deftal X11 itm%C Table 1507.2.7.1 J 8905.2.6.1. $. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As reqwxed by the BafflTxg Cffimd=Auulti mMy Homing hmsff=w in cnLer w pmpEdy ewadzate the ianst idt3ba m of Nis Pw6am RIMUFACTUROVIS PLIS: Contact the named QA entity for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 9N-3 QA reqenL- - END OF EVALUATION REPORT- Bamor Research and nesigy LLL Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R6 i LID574-HU ReersimrJrs"JISfMS pa'-X7e:F7