HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Code Ondine H "'°�z wy • . i'-"�p�„�� �i v dye ���'�S-s^wsc++: ;�'� .-+�.vvm� -� r1olida DpalTiTlentq IMS Home ' Log in + User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&facts Publications fa,^_Staff - gg�-,S p y r 9 usiness i ,kM ProfessI (�i RECEIV-D SEP 2 61017 t�cxifac�Ao..,snsstl Gaaenn> nd or Annrrcallon 5200:11>floofltetiiin List>Application Detail FfimiiC»raffaan if t'nfuum tt�pffil�iibim � COimnents FILE C'WIueiraiaeyt�railOne O:e sn Corning Parkway Toledo,OH 43659 (740)404-7829 II9�- inar�.emtrnn GMO it dior .I� ®rr>a�.eDlm Technical Representative Mel Sancrant /�fi t ll 8 omits Om mdkR."lirG" lr dhht„GH 4 (( )) rtr�l 'ittm Quality Assurance Representative Addiess/Phano Compliance Method "`---------iEvaA sat ri Repalit fmir n a Fb mra Rncmmrm�d fFifmnd a BabBitiimmn PAPMd-lti I i Alm(fimylim�r mfr Ati¢ihilYe> rflt t e ast�d the :O-N.men mien Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 QAaaty Aaswanm Enbl y tttlL.ULC Qoaky Asawanm Canbact Bprr e3aie fi W2WzMTi7 WidZuEd By Tath m W,.NbOmEwilih,R-: -' Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL88574 P11 CAI 2015 88 C01imp, i and`lrieaT gmff Y�r Ih1STii49f Il _ ASM D3462 2009 ASTM D7258 IM8 Equfwraknre aff GartWed By teras ffrom the Code Baird A,'wa1 KVthnd ITS aDd R Opton IID tto titivmtati��ti aaE sn}�dpr6�i�gi mtdh Q3e�p ►7ahReglCQ&mRCibEAOdgbdJj3osQ%3dW '102D16 Florida Building Code Online Date SW&MItamd IlOMW20 5 BehE fi4e dMg Fmc ARPMVall 1wr2W12M Date Approved Summary of Products mma !'1004 ll ij® Vii@ fflSplailt FZGEH I it ils iiajl�emit Ramos Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No F 10674 R31 II 2015 10 FINAL ER OC ASPHALT App7owd for use■+rte HYiii Yes SHMMES FLIM74-RI—C& f Irate WA tib-L IRL Mfeuknm iFE- II Desiffn u assn =UIA s Cmmkd by Inftmmdant 7f4fllml :Tes it Fifer to E3R,Simms {�Evaksom limp N ;{ II ii n_jjff6,7g Inml gEM55 yi@ ISL E3R CC lA13IMPLIT s SENA ="074-R11, 1 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Contact Us::1940 North monme Street Tallahassee FL 37399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/SO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Umd w fftlnncga BEN,,anrmll a am--F1twwnS=rktL IIff IMM d1w men matt pc+rIIr e-tmaill ma mmo�e..m a ms's- .x55 napresg do pat some elltcl�i¢®z81 mo �alhrigl- �. c ..,sa try p ¢arlb3'>ka9t.r rtadt aamIL Ef,3=L'ewe a; -> per-'mrd+ .'359L4 PA355-'POSSWC tmo lI=4SS.B72((tj Rikoedla 4Meaffi o feLfte 2>mII$,Ilirimwmed FS.nmesdtp f-Wiftg fte2 Depaintmeo t¢yam—esce 111 address ur they thew:MM.hre etakellks pamranketl rRaw Iba i, ffmroemrii= mrra nlicdHmm mut bw If m*me- HIL-r—Effre-Mill odd—m am p>sltlt:n .]Ff R=dfm mmit.xz's1h tem �yymlly a3 p�r$oratl adlif�i,pilo Ipmtiil�0Me mttipnurrianftr�i12h am e3n®It amilre�witfidh den l9�rtoatl2 aurrii6-i41te ttp Ui[e l;zdlli�.'Ifm d�soriir�iff ymu ar¢e a,II'v�a�ss ahild1ar453 F-r-S`,.pith Midi:Iha�_ Product Approval Accepts: 9itSII.""ffi�t:sit 1{E�C`ri http:llmm.floridabLildng.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?parani--wGEVXQWDgffiNbcY5Vp/a2boQTp/2b5w7abRegfCQBUCR6i)EAOdgbdJj3asQ%3cFlpad 22 EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,LLC. %V E - 353 CHERE M SMEE'T,1iD�3IT#113 R._t#' A--) QAIFQDlIB ,CIT iID7l9 PHONE:(203)262-9245 FAX:(203)262-9243 IVAILQ AM Effahmam aepaa 0373! MM-M Oms=Omens(CanMwS iParff ttW 4-5= Toledo,OH 43659 Date of lsstmucen W/W/MZ Revision 6. 10/15/2015 Ti}nias Evdwa ab m RqDwt us snued uaelt=u ale EtW-&3 amd due apgzaMe adsn des and ngulattmam governmig the use of a amrastttrtsticti mm itmsate left ism ttbe Rtua Off Flkmrfdiai}like dwU'mitettsilaVM sudirmUMEd has bt=rim raid bw Robert Ifl wdem�y,P-E:.ifw use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code,Residential Volume. The products d -bed herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DSMPWJ= a - _ UMMM= ti urrrg s }dl 1fr>e ii:mp� tt tGp iiifne r�tttiro>etmsntamilsthe A=r>eci bEd null harem, CO MNUED CompuANce This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality or pmvisions of the Code that relate to the product change_ Acceptance of this Evaft i`ii xin Mpwt bV the temned c5mt=z&bdies 2greenisra to nuffy F460t k9er m.P_E_iff the pmdaml Changes ST the n9arenced Qiruaft,9 mm dauconentffmm TiriprtHEBR>Zp zeqperes at cum nedem,arf dr&Evahmaimn Reporrt r8:buye tl D Bpdati ed Cage mq&enmints i lii ea&Cc&cvdL-- ADVERTfSEMENr. The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words `Trinity{ERD Evaluated" may be displayed in adverbsing hteratccre_ 4?f any portion of.the Evaluation Report is displayed,there it shall be done in its entirety. Upon requsst,a tnt ad tes.ttMLIUM Evahmftn Report silty he pffm ed to the usar by tlim anan lFasurer or hs d#tffb t airs sussd s hm be atmauila me for ftwaffm at tbaiatb Site alttiitse Rewaest atisae aaan CHWall. This Evaluation Report consists of pages g through 7. Prepared by: APv�nttte;,,y,� Robert J.M.Nieminen P.E. �$j���,.�;,t T� .•`i Thefacstmdesealappearingwasauthorhed"ohertMeminen, P.E.on 10/15/2`0I5.This does notserve won electronically signed Gf�1B7➢f�Gl , 6.JffiFAea ! e:a. dslaaYf�t to the .�tkatit�n�naa7 clmnt 11. 7GmpilWIlaw dimes mtittt ,mmtr alit lit i'ss>ttr,mttll to anWfftm or uuJill it aiMf m,ai ftandEdl Pcp;lenma iim a my ux.TpwW atir®riuffar iurft air disuftlfng Products.it ewshmate3_ 2. Trinity}ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3 Robert Wiz ninek P.E does now have nor will esquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for WbWh the eraheb=rd:pwtts we 4. Robert W0015mM IPS dues as It ,nw magi amWmea EMERMId Mewest lin amw Q ami am oe approno P=es assf die giramlla m 5. This is a building aide.evaluation. >n d&--r Trinity4ER0 ntw Robert Meniinen,P.E.ane,in wW ,t%DegtmBr off Rmwdl fapr a project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: S Ph l�e�tiim� Sub-Ca#egorT AsphaWf Slnina es Compliance Statement: Owens Coming Asphalt Roof Shingles,as produced by Owens Corning, have demonstrated cmmpUance eriiaie the fallauft sec ions of the Harida SuMngCode orad(Florida lien Cmd;Residential Volume emragh tesft ih aanMance wfth,the fdkwbg Sran� Cwr0br-ce is UD E e Reqdrmnenits affa jUlm itagam//C�-im of Use sit forth henEkL 2. STANDARDS: Section Property Standard Year 15023,R90�4 ftsEcil pmwartks ASMI 6341 2 1502-7.x,Rmazru A111f19!{ID7 2DW 3. REFERENCES: Enti Examination Reference Date ULULCqEER9fi2Q &ft4 me P245,VaL3 ezri5paw &LU.C((5FJE ffi)) R'UP`a"1 Rqpafff 06SAMMO uu�++J1yISY/�r� m UllLMC �1�) kad 11CA 30M GZAW=2 UL LLC(TST9628) Physicals&Wind Resistance 4786093137 02/01/2014 UL LLC(TST9628) Wind es-dance 4786126532 02/10/2014 UPLU1E( u(� KWAA fteparEes chs5ftorm Dir 92113f2M4 U1kLURIC( ) �7 - r 10102p-05 lis7i®ae i Q3> l{ j) iNiaUiti¢{Cmunyg3fis� Wffffm us Ugv�s WWOM 4. PRODUcr Ducitipuow 4-1 Alpha t SMng!--, 4-1-21 C amyl S r,;Z we flbm&M>ref ftme 9„3-tab asObBft sU+u n#es. 4.1.2 Ite ism iii lam 9gsra9 1, asps n=f sUfffq ft5- 4.1.3 Devonshire'"are fiberglass reinforced,5-tab asphalt roof shingles. 4_1-4 iiDwanan, RUC n.iQ l DOSi-.ffim„ Mwaffi 0 fte rg= Cama, Tn0d '011�i9m' ®0A--di®SB W10'r lrrr meffllifim'ca?bnr' Gwbsidte and Weep HP we 116effgAass ngnfaxed,LvmftatEd �Ih�tt rrm�sflri"ss�l�. 4.2 Berkshire'Hip & Ridge Shingles, High Ridge, Hip & Ridge with Sealant,WeatherGuaW HP Hip & Ridge Shingles,ProEdge Hip&Ridge Shingles and DuraRidgel Hip&Ridge Shingles are fiberglass reinforced,hip Md rim asphaCt 78�ff - 4-3 St Str a !® S�'rtirerStrW Pks and ROM� stn�a�sa�'te�it �r�n 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity(ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the UDeggraEj-off Remffd for asW Imp a9 v i ch ft s Ev4uz n R or ps wms mese themad.nqwas USedfrarpenndNor , W9met Rete PUqDGW- 52 Tff fs ECvAb of um Pepuat its ma tfimr icor Fm fte HVHZ. 5.3 Fre Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. [er fcM of Authorizatibn#95W rLIGS74-R13 6:SWW2M Page 2 of 7 Ilk 41, 5.4 Wind Classification- 5.4.1 A09 Owens Coming shiz4es noted herein am Classified in aMordani--with FBC Tables JL507 7 7-1 and MUD5Z6_1 to ASM D3261,Gkss F molar An—,M D72%,Mass H.u&c3r=g tfte sfbff*Jes,are aMMtahge ffbr Rdarto Serfun 6 for kztalWon requiminamls to meetfts wind 7adn& 5.4.2 All Owens Corning hip & ridge shingles, Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus noted herein are Clash" ed in awwdMCE with FBC Tables 15W-L7-1 and MM-L6.1.to ASTIM 031fi1,Class F,indicating the shivng�are amaq3toWee for us fin all t*Rd zones up to%,d=IM RV*IV.,t=L94 ok-A)- Refer to Section 6 5.4.3 Classification by ASTM D7153 applies-to exposure categmy 9 or C and a buo-Wing height of 60 feet or less. Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for conditions outside these limitations. Cant=the-4mqk ana air lir for data-9peaft tD earn shingie- 5.44 Refinr to Omems Ebmu6-pubffished mDIoTM@tmn an vand restsdamm and InstaNatinn Onutaboms- -5-5 All Fnxfiuds k 00"Xff 25MMUMF--"Il km--qudlby-Ea rain awffa fin anumrdamm W-Mb fire IRIMnalla EM16bg Code and F.A.C.Rule 61G20-3. 6. INsrALLATiON: 6-1 Unfisdapu2= 6-= Unded-sVomit shah be arneptW—a tD Owens Cwnmng and shaS hdd curTatRondo Statewide Praduct ANppwvdL or be UxA ,Appmuted per Rdle 616204A,per ME Seffinns 1iW.Z-3,IW72A or F,,%52-3. 6.2 Asphalt Shingles: 6 7 1 Installation&asphalt shrWes shag ea npiv vAth the manufacturees current published uwa ructions,using mumnum faw JQ nails per shoW&im a �FBC Sedmn IW_2=-FSM_Z wah the fabmng Mqyffe MMUMMM tee((5}j na),is per 31fifffidle- > WeatherGuard'HP shingles require minimum six(6)nails per shingle. > Devonshire'shingles require minimum six(6)nails per shingle- !- Stuteir SUrp Shinge and-Strter SOnp Pk5 nqure rninmwn five J5)naft per stdp REfeT to Dwens Corning lumbTabed wiffonmration an%And reststmm and ustalabon 6.2.2 Fasteners shaW be in accordance wfth the manufarWees pa&Uwd requkernmils,but not Hess Onan FK 1507.2.6 or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted. 6--L4 UrneTe the n=ff slope 21L units verfir& in 12 unbs;haroontal,spedA mrwElhads of lastening are Teqa*ed- C=dact the slien ngle mmulMomm-erfar deta-11r, shitige and Rartter--simp ffm Felt underlayluent —Deck Feltunderhyrnent it Deck Gell-adhffed Weathed=W W.Ad -Mtr ffiii?)Mijije — K�3�m Z_rtemem Starter Strip shingle overhangs eaves and rakes WtwVafi - angnnarriammuffi mud DZMjgL%Ur it lk ami minn8-2S cww4wte 01ASWWWho2aw ass= N3tMME144M Revision 6:10/15/2015 Page 3 of 7 EKED 6.2.6 Minimum Nailing—Classic"&Supreme: Mkntzwd®a cw Az=ffimw affmo 13r-4k,uffadi Azzmaw w Anam Amm mffiwvzww==ftw Uffiadmom IAI I B�I-V IAI--t_ 2- 1B) 21 1T 17• 2, V IF7 i 6.2.7 Minimum Nailing-Berkshire®: Seatax strip sealar"strip is taadeselbdtx La Vra de fidla&r 4w V r JJ r Wirfunum NaWm,--Devcndgre�m: 1W. Externs Research and Desqm.Uf— Evaluation Report 037940-02-12-R6 FLIW44M Eim-- ECIOPISOUS P,ggm4cff7 -4 ' F- ERD 6.2.9 Minimum Nailing DurationO TruDefinitiono Duration, Duration' Premium Cool & TruDefinition' 0 Duration Design&Color Collection: 0V Area do Zdams suaajav-3� rea ,' ISLA EA� OEM 6.2.10 Minimum Matting—TruDefinition*Oakridg0,OakridgeO: 9 B'd PIZ= 5 S/Ir Exposure 5s/8"Exposure Ex.posiddudeS516paig Naps Waft Clam Expaskida de 6 516pufg. SSW Fxposul% claas S slir Exposure Spasiehn de 6 618pufg Exposid6n de 5 GJGpzdS M-afamw= Weaempameff 6-PLO. �2 ,IF 63 Hip&Ridge Shingles: lnstdlattiimcm Off WV mud MAP Shm9h2s,H9h ROZ�,REP Rdae W-th Se--&M Wes&arQmrd'HP Hp Wd z4ta-Wmg4s aaw AmEdge WV a FEdge S*61es gl2al==';*cm raD tibe mmukawas cunremt FUWM0311 FM5ftIffWMz4,m5fog ffbuw§Q mak par glhfwd1haldlWam ST DmaffabE7 169&l5doe S*Sfles Shall comply with the manufacturer's current pubfthed instrutfions,using two(2)naffs per sWingVe. Rder to Owens Coming published information on wind resistance and installation limitations,including the use of hand-sqmgng for wkd warrzmti.—, Revision 8:14/15/2415 Page 5 of 7 zRI E? 6.3.2 Fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published requirements, but not less than FBC 1507.2-6 or 89051-5- Staples are not permitted. 6 Mkdmum H-W&ffidtie amd Hogg PjAge: tII Sigl I it ri I it tea to I it 72 %IZ It- lAmimmm NaMC H-up&Wm%p wAdD Segw& 2 skb Pa 5 iI"m Shingle nd Discard Excess Ti- Fastenics ng Vie, 5"a EXPOSUre DistanI-L- 6.3.5 Minimum Nailing—WeatherGuardO HP Hip and Ridge: FV-Cwps Fig-A jV 44- It I to I "-Psa Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R6 C b M 9-1-- V EIRD -Z-BS Wvrmim Halftgg-PraEdgge ft Make Sidqg� aevailiny Stanit Mind Direction P%="ins, M T4 -NI, Gauer Ezpased I 7f m vidli 1 !7 *'B=lCAWEM=2 6-3-7 LS96MMM Raft'-Dwaffi�Hffp Q MidlMe--%mglem Note: The drawings below pertain to minimum, as tested attachment requirements. Refer to Owens Corning published installation instructions for their minimum requirements. rw Lias 2W <56. Ras- 7. LABELING: 7-1 Labehngg sha be m am=dance vAdh *a irequ&emerats the Amedfted QuaAsmffmce AgenLy ndted here&L 72 -uqk mwappam*rAl waffc3te mmgWamrie%,-Ih ame dF Oe mqdked dLwaffrabw diW im%C Table 1507.2.7.1/R905.2.6.1. S. BUILDING PERMIT REQuinmmn: As gaqumBS by dDe Bmk&T4g Mnd w Authwoy Havog homff==in order to pn*e4 evahote the wWafttoom of tMis PTD*M:t Contact the named QA entity for Information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 9N-3 QA END OF EVALUATION REPORT- Extex=Research and Deogn,U.C. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R6 Page 7 off7