HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval I i I 4078 il!utord Hlgtiway,Suffe Iz buluth;GA 3009¢ a 16"MAX OVERALL 76"MAX OYERAi.L FRAME Wi3TH - FRAME YIDTHADwJ ARCHITECTURAL 7LyED STEEL DOUBLE DOOR --- --- - --- - — -- -- - a�-� w — - - - - ---- --RECTANGULAR-0k-RADIUS TOP INSWING/ OWrSINING GENERAL NOTES -='-'IMPAC$ ' r1111 -- - 1. This product hos.been evaluated and Is In compliance with the 20)0 Florida Building $ Code tFW)structural requirements Including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone"tHVHZ). , 2. Product anchors$hall be as listed and spaced as shown on details Anchor embedment to base mated6l shall be beyond wail dressing or stucco. r 3. When used In th4"'HYHT',this product compiles with Section$626 at the Fioridp Building 03 Code and does not regyGe an Impact resistant covering. o X X 4. When used in drops requiring wind borne debrl$protection,this product compiles a ., with Section 1609,1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. O O This product meets missile 19441"D"qnd Includes Wind Ione 4 as defined in ASTM E1906 and Sbdlon 1609,1.2.4 of thelFBC. ` C O S. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units.shall be the some os that shown for 2x buck masonry construction, 6'. site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing requlre further fly /JJ engineedng.onalysls by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 0 7. Thisproduct does not meet the water inflitra)lan requirements for the"HVHZI and shall be installed only In non, bltable ureas or at habitable locottorjs protected by an overhang or conopy such thpt the angle between the edge of canopy or Qverhorfg to I sip Is less than 45 degrees: 8. All steel shop be protected as speciflod In Section 2220 of the FBC.In addition,all steel in contact with aiumtnum shall be protected as specified Section 2003.8,4 o1 the F8r.. TA>#gOfCOhT3NTS pV�Ratf aVBRAt lNEEHi` VESC !$'TION PILq(4Q t $.tic i Ot.A PR2; P� wee: 4/21/14 S A]?31ff16i BURk' t. ._ a vo oro, es n pressures, enera notes 1`tMMetu;;Ctlil...,: DIMlrf�3(gtlV8' .,; !d y sc+iei N r,S:'l 2.., Door a. ® awa;et Jif 3' Horizontal and verpc cross sections 76.0"x 118,6" 1;r,6"x 99,;:8" 91 '1'6Jr,Q .65,Q cMk."or, LFS 4 .. tiUcka meant rea o Sr r me .. --- ,._ ...-. GMW045 No.:. a 5 ameanC n art: o ame FL-75044,8 6o rr e a ancomp�en s. ° ov & .. SH�C1' 1 �. i - i I I I 35.76 t�iA1t O.A. `PANEL WIDTH �+ 2.25'(TYO) a MAX.D.LO. r 1 - _— -- — — -- - --- -- - 2 _. T a O GIh f > GLASS 319?ANCH 4IM-9 4 -` 3 .. DOOR HARDWA O IA KNQ6:WESLGCK(Trddltloeale( DEADBOLT..WESPCK(Ttaditionate•Model 6.71) SEE GLASS STOP ANCHORING(TYP.( a4111 TMO'E i 9i a 2 INTERI R Gt Z 2 �ERI1CAt CROSS SEC ON 066 4/21/4- SCO 21'1-4—SCO N.T.S. 36 ExtfiRigR 1 : HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION b NOTE: ate,""ar US- 1.Ute Mama anchor strews loaoled d 2 ontweo uo.: Y ham comers and 9°o.c.thereafter. FL-150 1.779 I i 00 Al D 11� - -x- - —x— -- -- - z a � 10 Lm 96" Z 0 3 2 ;V 3 3 " 3 ,3 .40 ` INTERIOR TE IOR T RIOR ERIO p H MAX. d IOR y E40 40 5; 40 40 31 $1 30 t•tl4nurt. :. .. �� ;� s EMB.ITrr.f :. 5 13 14 H a D.: .�• � 14 t7 IJ o • INTERIOR " 1 3 ACAL C S S C ON R VERTICAL CROSS SE�,�f N 4 2 a t� n8s own ou n0s ar n® ecµi 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS S flON cart,m: LFS WOO shown linsmnq ilmlorl PROM N6 a O FL—15044,9 c � SNEEI�OF N i BUCK TO MASONRY(iYP,} IV -rI ((ttVV R 8 - 4 MASONRY __-- _ _ _ _ p 2x"Cr F TO MASONRY — _-- - ---_-- -__- (TYP.) 2X BUCK T)? ZX BUCK(tYP,} FUP 9 D i (INACTIVE DOOR r i 2X BUCK *4 MASONRY. AQA # OPENING Cf t H CAWING � i SILL 4 .. r r (TYPJ i .1 iii 6 •�•' - d(TVP 20 DOU I!E dOOR BUCK ANCHORING DOUILE DOOR FRAME ANt<HORING O 20 (REMOVED DOOR PANEL FQR CLARIM 12 CONCRETE AN,�Cf{ORNOTES: 1,Concrete pnchorloctitkms at the comers may de odJusted to malntdin the min. edge dbfanae to mortar Joinfr. It 2'.concrefe tiZor�ctittons nofed,gs t t.O CENTER`must be odJusted to 1 k malnfain Cha mtn.edge distance to morfatJafs,addifbdol concrete.onchoa may tm requyed to stows theMAX Of{CENTEr dtmensian are not exdeeded. 3,concrefppnowtahio, I —� txlTcr 4 21 14 ANCIV,*R siNCHCNf N ' fam R 6 M.01411ARh # STRIKE G AILS FLIP BOILT DEWLS SIIB eMe �+F 1Q!}1A#f7NRVro�}RAckNT.;: i' � tt3r3B - AN 112'0 NOL#FOR cnx.er: CFS d ut!C Ne T1�. TT�T ittLB)I #ltr C SILL DEtA FUP Bou HEAD AM anawu+o rro: r #LCQ T•1]4'{JA 6) Ff-15044.9 n ULUACok T/E T-Tjr;tt ( 2.11r �" S>&ET 4 or i i i :. . BILL OF MATERIALS i,. .:;,.,. 4 ��_ arm 0.7S' -«- » REAi♦ OEtGJOP1IDN .- j . ...._ Mi1fERUl ,_ � B 2XBUCK SG>=0.55 VfOOD !7 1(4".X 2 314"PFH EL+~O OR.11W CO RETE SCREW STEEL E MASONRY-3000 I MIN:CONCRETECONFORMING TO ACI 301 CONCRETE T o OR HOLLOW BCocK CONFORMING TO AS M C90 a F. #.f0 X 3"PFH WOOD.SCREW. STEEL G318"X3"HH IAG.SCREW;,. TEEL- I.Ob" H 1/4"X 1-314 PFH ELCO OR CCW CONCRETE SCRIW STEEL tv 8 J }1 X 2.1/4 PFH ELCO OR CO CRETE SCREW EEL iii���-----2.25' ---- -- -- - -- - - - -Z -tOt tLi --- FOAM RLLED '-ASTM A36-STEEL: FRAME — — 2 TOP RAIL d:STILES i.- ASTM'A36 STEEL CfAM M_ 3 BOTTOM RAIL ASTM A36 STEEL PILLED 4- LITE FRAME ASTM A36 STEEL - 5 WEAYHERS7RIP ECO-KS =- - FAM 2.d" ..� IJO. 6 DOOR HINGE STEEL 7 ASTRAGAL ASTM'A36 STEEL O.Dd 8 #10 X 1 WH SELF-DRILLING SMSSTEELIq 10 ANCHORING ANGL ASTM'A36 STEEL' l 0,78,�1 LOCIKE PLATE 1TEEL12_ #10XK ST 3(4 PFH SELF DRILLING SMS = TE t O.d13 DEADBOLT STRIKE RATE .; STEEL 0,05' A t 14 LOCK REINFORCEMENT talrx 1' STEEL 18 BULB WEATHERSTRIP J FOAM 20 FLIP BOLY TEEL 30 OLTTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/Comp UIE i E k�•--—3.13'" .... 3 ADA 11H LD PEMKO.200f P UM 3d POLYURETHANEFOAM . POLYURETHANE'. 0.13" 4=0 DOOR PANEL I _ .i 9 0 Oi[ M SAIL 0.75' 00.473" E_0AMTj1LED GLASS BITE DOW 995 SiUCONE 1-118 THK:GLASS 3AW ANPIEALED GLASS (" is 0.090"Dupont Sen4glof Inteddyer it 3/16-ANNEALED GLASS M AIRSPACE in 5" � ( o !/*'TEMPERED GLASS cf i c Z 4we � s�uc 4 � 9 8'. µ0M.GLAZING SPACER ' 04,6" N G X1NG O it AO TNRESNO O ANCNO NG ANGI! UiSW(NG 1NRF HOLO cwc.By. tFS G� 31 PEMX0700(P TO - ,WoddwideDoaCanPonenh wuanNa No.: !99.2921! a ' fL-15044.9 c s}¢rt 6 oA 6 p 1 i NOTE: . FRAMIf�G CONNECTIONS TO 62 DESIGNED pY ARC1fITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORI, A n n tK D sucK TO MASONRY(TYp.) A"(TYP} �t 44 (TIP,► o, �8 2'(TYP.} - - -- —- — - 1r mONRY OPENING, ' 2X BUCK I r SUCK �. _- - - r 10MASONRY ••r tTYP,) 2X UCKTO 2X rUCK(TYP•) FUF.t D i (INACTIY�DOOR � 16 MASONkY ! ,( AD/( OPENING L T }( OUTS WING N 4 i SILL 4 :t ilypi 7 2 �4. u{i�JP} 1. 24 DOU@LE1DOOR BUCK AkCHORINF DOUBLE DOOR FRAME ANCHORING, 12 (REMOVEDDOOR PANEL FOR CLARM " i CONCME�ANC�HM.-No Rj 1.Cohaefa gncJiortocatic m at the corners may bo adjusted to motntoln the min. ! a edge dtsto((��ca to monprptinot i i Q.Corfcrei4¢nchortocattoh!'noted as AfiAX,Otf CENTER"mtut be adjusted to hmaintdn tqe mh edgq dhtanco fo mojtar ,fS addiftonal concrete onchon 2 a May be required to drAm the tttAX ON CFNIER dtmertsion are not exdeadad. 3 Conan! gnchortobte !Ll, 4 N734 ANCHt3R ANCN4lR itN, N tAtRA lNtN C. R STRIKE G AILS FLIP 8.Ql1 DETAILS o�tr% 1K 4 tY!_i:, 11IE: EAl1!#�MEl rd MA NRV FQ SA AC1M,: amu.ar C F5 2.1 Jr 4 1J+O NOTE FOR owwn a xo.: i tArGON° 1 1-iJ2"si6t i SILL DETAIL FLIP BOLT HEAD DETAi LL FL-15944,9 c ULTRXCpN 1!4" " 2.1l2" 4` sr+EO 5 Or p 3 -