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Code Enforcement Board
Minutes – Final Draft
August 2, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Board of County Commissioners
Building and Code Regulation Division
Commission Chambers
The Code Enforcement Board meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., by Mrs. Margaret Monahan.
All those present rose to pledge allegiance to the flag.
Vice-Chair………………….……………………………….……….......Mrs. Margaret Monahan
Board Members...…………………………………………………….….Mr. Ray Hofmann
…………………………………………………………………………...Mr. Wes Taylor
…………………………………………………………………………...Mr. Randy Murdock
…………………………………………………………………………...Mr. Brad Currie
…………………………………………………………………………...Mr. Patrick Campion
Board Attorney…………………………………………………….…….Mr. Jack Krieger
ABSENT: Mr. Ralph Fogg.
Mr. Currie made a motion to accept the minutes of JUNE 7, 2017.
Mr. Campion seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Assistant County Attorney……………………………………………....Katherine Barbieri
Building and Code Regulation Manager……….…………………….….Monica Graziani
Building Official…………………………………………………………Carl Peterson
Code Enforcement Supervisor…………………………………………...Danielle Williams
Code Enforcement Officer ……………………………………………....Melissa Brubaker
……………………………………………………………………………Bea Goycochea
……………………………………………………………………………Dana DiFrancesco
Board Secretary.………………………………………………………….Debbie Isenhour
Monica Graziani, Carl Peterson, Danielle Williams, Melissa Brubaker, Bea Goycochea, and Dana
DiFrancesco were sworn in.
Rescinding of Finding of Fact, Conclusion of Law and Order ____________________________
Rescinding of Finding of Fact, Conclusion of Law and Order – Alexis Torres – Case No. 90779
Rescinding of Order Imposing Fine/Lien Order ___________________________________________
Rescinding of Order Imposing Fine/Lien Order – Gilbert T. Rivera and Lisa Rivera – Case No. 36003
Rescinding of Order Imposing Fine/Lien Order – Gilbert T. Rivera and Lisa Rivera – Case No. 49607
Satisfaction of Fine and Release of Lien__________________________________________________
Satisfaction of Fine and Release of Lien – Agripina Virto and Charles C. Waters – Case No. 41831
Satisfaction of Fine and Release of Lien – George Porter Jr. and George Porter III – Case No.’s 41748,
39886 and 37557
Satisfaction of Fine and Release of Lien – Phyllis Jo Crown – Case No. 78065
Request for Fine Reduction Hearing_____________________________________________________
Request for Fine Reduction Hearing – Yakut Properties LLC – Case No. 89431
Request for Fine Reduction Hearing – Jean R. Deyerle – Case No. 80398
Amended Reconsideration of Prosecution Cost_____________________________________________
Amended Reconsideration of Prosecution Cost – Jon Miklosz and John H. Gray – Case No. 91001
Mr. Currie made a motion to approve and accept staff’s recommendation as presented.
Mr. Murdock seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The following cases were abated, removed, or withdrawn from the agenda:
Case No. Location of Violation Contractor/Owner/Violator/Name
89013 5812 Pine Tree Dr., Ft. Pierce Dorothy K. Simpson (TR)
91276 6087 S US 1 Lot 39, Ft. Pierce Donald Hayslip
91298 5909 Bamboo Dr., Ft. Pierce Roshini Lakram
91493 2800 N A1A, Ft. Pierce Barclay Beach Club Condo Assoc. I Inc.
91500 4580 S Ocean Dr., Ft. Pierce 4580 S Ocean LLC
91512 9490 S Ocean Dr., Jensen Beach Ocean Towers Condo A
91514 9600 S Ocean Dr., Jensen Beach Empress Condo Assoc. Inc.
91688 4434 N A1A., Ft. Pierce Hutchinson By The Sea LLC
91240 2023 St. Lucie Blvd. Lot 249, Ft. Pierce Eduardo Ascanio Ponte
90257 4841 Dunn Rd., Ft. Pierce Billie B. and Brenda A. Gruwell
90625 150 NE Jardain Rd., Port St. Lucie RHA 2 LLC
90817 188 SE Naranja Ave., Port St. Lucie Vincent and Arlene Savage
Case No. 88042 was heard first on the agenda:
Case No. 88042, Location of violation, 191 SE El Sito Ct., Port St. Lucie, FL, Property Owner, David
Patterson. There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Williams addressed the Chairman and Board and stated Staff is asking the Board to continue the case
to the September 6, 2017 meeting as Mr. Patterson has obtained funds to have the roof repaired so hopefully
it will be repaired within thirty (30) days.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board for a motion.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 88042 that the Code Enforcement Board
continue this case to the Code Enforcement Board hearing on September 6, 2017.
Mr. Murdock seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 91360, Location of violation, 5504 Spruce Dr., Fort Pierce, FL, Property Owner, William Mowery.
Wendy Mowery stated she is power of attorney for her father and unfortunately earlier this year her father
has Alzheimer’s and had to be baker acted. Wendy Mowery, daughter and representative for the property
owner was sworn in by the Board’s Secretary.
Officer Brubaker addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting five (5) photos, two (2)
photos dated April 25, 2017 and three (3) dated July 31, 2017. She stated during her first inspection she
found 5504 Spruce Dr. in violation of Section 38-26, outside storage of items, most are cleaned up now, there
are a few items left, Section 38-97, for the overgrowth, Section 13.09.00, Section 303.2, Property Treatment,
to fix the roof on the house, and Section 38-26, for the unserviceable vehicle. She issued a letter and gave a
compliance date of May 10, 2017, she has had no contact with the owner and as of August 1, 2017 the
property remains in violation.
Wendy Mowery addressed the Board and stated she has been trying to rectify this things in the past several
months. She stated she just has to beg patience from the Board dealing with her father’s legal issues, medical
issues and home issues. She stated she is actually in the process of a deed of foreclosure with his lender, she
is hoping that will be done in the next (30) days and that will resolve the roof issue. She stated she has had
the yard cleaned up and most of the outside storage items were able to be thrown out last week. She stated
she has been having a lot of difficulty with the car placing, it is of value and she does need to raise funds for
her father’s medical care, but after calling several local storage facilities because it is not currently running
they will not accept it so she is still trying to find a solution for that. She stated her father simply does not
have the funds to repair the roof and through the foreclosure the lender assured her he would take care of
that, he has been dragging his feet as well and she is trying to press the issue so this is all resolved by the end
of August.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board if they had any questions.
Mr. Campion asked what kind of time frame are we looking at.
Wendy Mowery answered she is hoping to have everything taken care of by August 30th.
Mr. Campion stated if we give you sixty (60) days.
Wendy Mowery answered that would be wonderful.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 91360 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in this case, the testimony, and the
recommendations of staff with regard to the existence of a violation that we determine the violation in
fact did occur and the alleged violator committed the violation. An Order of Enforcement is
warranted. If the Order of Enforcement is not complied with by October 1, 2017, a fine of up to $250.00
per day may be imposed. The prosecution cost was waived on this case. Please take notice that on the
1st Wednesday of the month after the date given for compliance, at 9:00 am or soon thereafter, as may
be heard, a Fine Hearing will be held if the violation is not abated by the given compliance date.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90559, Location of violation, 5811 Spruce Dr., Fort Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Daneal V. Frank
Jr. Mr. Daneal V. Frank Jr. the property owner was sworn in by the Board’s Secretary.
Officer Brubaker addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting five (5) photos, three (3)
dated January 10, 2017 and two (2) dated July 31, 2017. She stated during her first inspection she found
5811 Spruce Dr. in violation of 11.05.01, for installing a shed and a metal carport without a permit. She
issued a letter and gave a compliance date of January 27, 2017. She stated she has had contact with the owner
and discussed ways to correct the violation. She stated as of August 1, 2017 there are no permits and the
property remains in violation and Mr. Frank is here to explain.
Mr. Daneal V. Frank Jr. addressed the Board and stated he received a letter in the mail from Code
Enforcement with a long list of different things which most of them were dropped b ecause it is all false. He
stated he bought the house back in 2009. He stated he has been doing stuff so there is stuff on the property
for eight (8) years and now all of a sudden everything is getting hit now, somebody has an issue somewhere,
obviously you go by the pictures where he keeps everything nice and everything is right. He stated he has
multiple permits through everybody now, all he has been doing is constantly working on the house. He stated
he just put a metal roof on the house, just did the slab permit, and that was there almost nine (9) years. He
stated the permits for the building and the carport, the carport there is on wheels so it is not permanent, then
he was told he has to take the wheels off of it and anchor it to the ground and pull a permit. He stated the
building is the property on the left side of his house where the fence is that is all messed up, he bought that
property, and he has the permit on putting a fence up and doing all that. He stated for him to pull a permit
on that building he has to tie the two (2) deeds together and the names on the two (2) deeds are not exact so
he has to have a real estate attorney change the deeds which is now in the process. He stated he canno t tie
the property together because the property appraiser is out of the system because of tax time, so even when
the deed gets changed he can file the paperwork but they cannot do anything with it right now, so that is out
of his hands right now. He stated he has anchored the carport now since he was told he had too but he has to
do a survey and he is waiting on a survey company to come out and do a survey, he has all the other paperwork
for the permits but he is waiting for the survey and deeds to be cha nged.
There was discussion among the Board on giving Mr. Daneal V. Frank Jr. more time.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 90559 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in this case, the testimony, and the
recommendations of staff with regard to the existence of a violation that we determine the violation in
fact did occur and the alleged violator committed the violation. An Order of Enforcement is
warranted. If the Order of Enforcement is not complied with by February 28, 2018, a fine of up to
$250.00 per day may be imposed. A cost of $200.00 has been imposed as the cost for prosecuting this
case. Please take notice that on the 1st Wednesday of the month after the date given for compl iance,
at 9:00 am or soon thereafter, as may be heard, a Fine Hearing will be held if the violation is not abated
by the given compliance date.
Mr. Murdock seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 89463, Location of violation, 6388 Citrus Ave., Fort Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Joan M. Sells
(LF EST). There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Brubaker addressed the Chairman and stated Staff would like to continue the case to the September
6, 2017 meeting.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 89463 that the Code Enforcement Board
continue this case to the Code Enforcement Board hearing on September 6, 2017.
Mr. Currie seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 91479, Location of violation, 2660 Rainbow Dr., Fort Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Alex S.
Espinoza. Mr. Angel Nieves, representative for the property owner was sworn in by the Board’s Secretary.
Officer Brubaker addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting seven (7) photos, two (2)
dated May 19, 2017, one (1) dated May 23, 2017, and four (4) dated July 31, 2017. She noted during her
first inspection she found 2660 Rainbow Dr. in violation of Section 38-26 Unserviceable Vehicle. She issued
a letter and gave a compliance date of June 7, 2017. She stated on August 1, 2017 she did speak to Mr. Alex
Espinoza and he told her there is one (1) vehicle on the property that does not have an engine or a
transmission, she explained to him how he can correct that violation as of August 1, 2017, the property does
remain in violation and he did ask the representative to come here to ask for more time .
Mrs. Monahan asked Mr. Nieves how much more time.
Mr. Nieves answered thirty (30) or sixty (60) days more.
There was further discussion among the Board, Staff and Mr. Angel Nieves on the violation and when it will
be corrected.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board if they had any questions, comments or a motion.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 91479 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in this case, the testimony, and the
recommendations of staff with regard to the existence of a violation tha t we determine the violation in
fact did occur and the alleged violator committed the violation. An Order of Enforcement is
warranted. If the Order of Enforcement is not complied with by September 30, 2017, a fine of up to
$250.00 per day may be imposed. A cost of $200.00 has been imposed as the cost for prosecuting this
case. Please take notice that on the 1st Wednesday of the month after the date given for compliance,
at 9:00 am or soon thereafter, as may be heard, a Fine Hearing will be held if the violation is not abated
by the given compliance date.
Mr. Currie seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 91852, Location of violation, 2023 St. Lucie Blvd., Fort Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Eduardo
Ascanio Ponte. Mr. Eduardo Ascanio Ponte, the property owner was sworn in by the Board’s Secretary.
Officer DiFrancesco addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting a total of six (6) photos,
one (1) dated July 7, 2017, three (3) dated July 21, 2017 and two (2) dated August 1, 2017. She noted on
June 22, 2017 she found 2023 St. Lucie Blvd., Lot 249 to be in violation of Section 38-26, for outside storage.
She issued a Notice of Violation letter and gave a compliance date of July 3, 2017. She stated she has had
contact with Mr. Ponte and they discussed ways to correct the violation. She stated as of August 1, 2017 the
property remains in violation.
Mr. Ponte addressed the Board and stated he is in violation and is cleaning it. He stated Staff was very kind
to him. He stated hopefully the Board will be kind enough to give him a few more days.
Mrs. Monahan asked Mr. Ponte how many more days he wanted.
Mr. Ponte answered two (2) more weekends.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board if someone would like to help Mr. Ponte.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 91852 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in this case, the testimony, and the
recommendations of staff with regard to the existence of a violation that we determine the violation in
fact did occur and the alleged violator committed the violation. An Order of Enforcement is
warranted. If the Order of Enforcement is not complied with by September 30, 2017, a fine of up to
$250.00 per day may be imposed. A cost of $200.00 has been imposed as the cost for prosecuting this
case. Please take notice that on the 1st Wednesday of the month after the date given for compliance,
at 9:00 am or soon thereafter, as may be heard, a Fine Hearing will be held if the violation is not abated
by the given compliance date.
Mr. Currie seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90794, Location of violation, 954 Fra Mar Pl., Apt. B, Fort Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Eric C.
Smith (TR). There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Williams addressed the Chairman and Board and stated Staff is asking the Board to continue the case
to the September 6, 2017 Code Board meeting.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 90794 that the Code Enforcement Board
continue this case to the Code Enforcement Board hearing on September 6, 2017.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The Hall was sounded and Mrs. Monahan read the name and number of the case of those not present
into the record:
Default Cases:
Case No. Location of Violation Property Owner/Contractor/Violator______
90606 598 Hidden River Dr., Port St. Lucie Hermione Grimston
90617 2051 Macquillen Rd., Port St. Lucie John, Leonard and Aura Sanchez
91570 8521 S US 1, Ft. Pierce PSL Professional Center LLC
90411 2935 Admiral St., Ft. Pierce Agripina Virto and Charles C. Waters
Mr. Taylor made a motion in reference to the cases read into the record that the Code Enforcement
Board enter an Order of Finding against the violator finding the violator in default and if the violator
does not appear to contest the violations against him/her that the Board adopt the recommendation of
staff as set forth on the agenda.
Mr. Murdock seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 87897 and Case No. 87898 are Companion Cases
Case No. 87897, Location of violation, 5280 N US Hwy. 1, Fort Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Dennis W.
Moore. Mr. Peter Jones, Business Navigator for Planning and Development was present to represent the
property owner if necessary.
Officer Williams addressed the Board and stated since the property owner and the tenant are working with
the Planning Department to bring the property into compliance Staff is asking the Board to continue the case
to the October 4. 2017.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 87897 that the Code Enforcement Board
continue this case to the Code Enforcement Board hearing on October 4, 2017.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 87898, Location of violation, 5280 N US Hwy. 1, Fort Pierce, FL, Tenant/Violator, JT Auto &
Custom Auto Repair. Mr. Peter Jones, Business Navigator for Planning and Development was present to
represent the property owner if necessary.
Officer Williams addressed the Board and stated since the property owner and the tenant are working with
the Planning Department to bring the property into compliance Staff is asking the Board to continue the case
to the October 4. 2017.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 87898 that the Code Enforcement Board
continue this case to the Code Enforcement Board hearing on October 4, 2017.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90128, Location of violation, 2642 Center Rd., Ft. Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Christos Caravias.
There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Williams addressed the Chairman and Board and stated since the property owner is working on
bringing the property into compliance he needs thirty (30) more days so Staff is asking the Board to continue
the case to the September 6, 2017 meeting.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board for a motion.
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 90128 that the Code Enforcement Board
continue this case to the Code Enforcement Board hearing on September 6, 2017.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 88931, Location of violation, 806 S. 40th Ct., Ft. Pierce, FL, Property Owner, John H. Stamm Jr.
There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Williams addressed the Chairman and Board and stated Staff is asking the Board to continue the case
to the September 6, 2017 meeting since the property owner is working on bringing the property into
Mr. Campion made a motion in reference to Case No. 88931 that the Code Enforcement Board
continue this case to the Code Enforcement Board hearing on September 6, 2017.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90285, Location of violation, Lot East of 2507 Tropic Blvd., Ft. Pierce, FL, Property Owner,
Wingfield Dev. Co. There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Williams addressed the Board and stated on behalf of Officer Moise for the record she is submitting
six (6) photos, one (1) dated March 16, 2017, two (2) dated April 27, 2017, three (3) photos, one (1) dated
June 27, 2017, one (1) dated July 24, 2017 and one (1) dated July 31, 2017. She stated during Officer Moise’s
first inspection she found the property located next to 2507 Tropic Blvd. in violation of Section 7.09.05 (B),
Removal of Exotic Vegetation, the pepper tree is on the invasive species list and need to be trimmed back
the trees ten (10) feet from all neighboring properties. She noted at the May 3, 2017 meeting, the property
owner was not present and the Board found the property in default, the Board gave a compliance date until
June 9, 2017. She stated she has had one contact with the property owner and as of July 31, 2017 the property
is still in violation.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board for a motion.
Mr. Murdock made a motion in reference to Case No. 90285 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in the case, the testimony, and the report of staff
that the violation still exists, after considering the gravity of the violation, the actions if any taken by
the violator to correct the violation and any previous violations, we make the following determination:
A fine of $250.00 per day shall be imposed for each day the violation exists starting June 10, 2017 with
a maximum fine not to exceed $10,000.00.
Mr. Hofmann seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90882, Location of violation, N 49th St., Ft. Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Florida Tax Deeds LLC.
There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Williams addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting seven (7) photos, two (2)
photos dated February 21, 2017, two (2) dated May 26, 2017, one (1) dated June 6, 2017 two (2) photos, one
(1) photo dated July 25, 2017, and one (1) dated July 31, 2017. She stated during Officer Moise’s first
inspection she found the property in violation of Section 7.09.05 (B), Removal of Exotic Vegetation, the
pepper tree is on the invasive species list and needs to be trimmed back the trees ten (10) feet from all
neighboring properties. She noted at the June 7, 2017 meeting, no one was present to represent the property,
the Board found the property in default and gave a compliance date of July 7, 2017. She stated she has had
no contact with the owner and as of July 31, 2017 the property remains in violation.
Mr. Hofmann made a motion in reference to Case No. 90882 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in the case, the testimony, and the report of staff
that the violation still exists, after considering the gravity of the violation, the actions if any taken by
the violator to correct the violation and any previous violations, we make the following determination:
A fine of $250.00 per day shall be imposed for each day the violation exists starting July 8, 2017 with a
maximum fine not to exceed $10,000.00.
Mr. Murdock seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90676, Location of violation, Lot next to 5008 San Diego Ave., Fort Pierce, FL, Property Owner,
Carlo Bastajian. There was no one present to represent the property owners.
Officer Williams addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting one (1) photo dated January
27, 2017, two (2) photos dated April 3, 2017, one (1) photo dated May 30, 2017 and one (1) photo dated June
6, 2017, two (2) photos, one (1) photo dated July 25, 2017, one ((1) dated July 31, 2017. She stated during
Officer Moise’s first inspection she found the property in violation of Section 7.09.05 (B), Removal of Exotic
Vegetation, the pepper trees are on the invasive species list and need to be trimmed back the trees ten (10)
feet from all neighboring properties. She stated at the June 7, 2017 meeting, the property owner was not
present and the Board found the property in default, and gave a compliance date of July 7, 2017. She stated
she has had no contact with the owner and as of July 31, 2017 the property remains in violation.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board for a motion.
Mr. Murdock made a motion in reference to Case No. 90676 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in the case, the testimony, and the report of staff
that the violation still exists, after considering the gravity of the violation, the actions if any taken by
the violator to correct the violation and any previous violations, we make the following determination:
A fine of $250.00 per day shall be imposed for each day the violation exists starting July 8, 2017 with a
maximum fine not to exceed $10,000.00.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90390, Location of violation, 6040 Whipoorwill Ln., Port St. Lucie, FL, Property Owner, John R.
Mangan. There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Brubaker addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting eight (8) photos, three (3)
dated December 14, 2016, four (4) dated April 21, 2017 and one (1) dated May 2, 2017. She stated this case
was found in default at the May 2017 Code Board for Section 7.07.00, to remove the pine trees from the
county drainage easement, Section 7.08.00, to remove the pine trees from the drainage easement, and Section
11.05.06, to obtain a permit for the pine trees that were removed. She stated the Board gave a compliance
date of June 9, 2017. She stated she has had no contact with the owner and as of August 1, 2017 the property
remains in violation.
There was discussion among the Board and Staff on the violations.
Mr. Murdock made a motion in reference to Case No. 90390 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in the case, the testimony, and the report of staff
that the violation still exists, after considering the gravity of the viol ation, the actions if any taken by
the violator to correct the violation and any previous violations, we make the following determination:
A fine of $250.00 per day shall be imposed for each day the violation exists starting June 10, 2017 with
a maximum fine not to exceed $10,000.00.
Mr. Hofmann seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 91227, Location of violation, 270 Nettles Blvd., Jensen Beach, FL, Property Owner, Tocce Holding
Corporation. There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Goycochea addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting eight (8) photos all dated
March 27, 2017. She stated this case was brought before the June 7, 2017 Code Board for being in violation
of Section 13.08.01, Exterior Structure, to repair the siding and roof, Section 13.09.00, Accessory Structure,
to repair the damaged dock, and Section 38-26, for outside storage of items and material s. She stated the
Board found the case in default since no one was present to represent the property and the Board gave a
compliance date of July 7, 2017. She stated staff has had no contact with the property owner and as of August
1, 2017 the property is still in violation.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board for a motion.
Mr. Murdock made a motion in reference to Case No. 91227 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in the case, the testimony, and the report of staff
that the violation still exists, after considering the gravity of the violation, the actions if any taken by
the violator to correct the violation and any previous violations, we make the following determination:
A fine of $250.00 per day shall be imposed for each day the violation exists starting July 8, 2017 with a
maximum fine not to exceed $10,000.00.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90127, Location of violation, 2154 Jacobs Rd., Ft. Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Marcia A. Thorn.
There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Goycochea addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting fourteen (14) photos, two
(2) photos dated November 18, 2016, three (3) photos dated January 12, 2017, three (3) photos dated May
26, 2017, three (3) photos dated June 5, 2017 and three (3) photos dated August 1, 2017. She stated this case
was brought to the June 7, 2017 Code Board for being in violation of Section 38-26, for outside storage of
items and materials and Section 13.09.00, Accessory Structure, to repair the wood fence. She noted the
Board found the case in default since no one was present to represent the property and the Board gave a
compliance date of July 7, 2017. She stated as of August 1, 2017 the property is still in violation.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board for a motion.
Mr. Hofmann made a motion in reference to Case No. 90127 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in the case, the testimony, and the report of staff
that the violation still exists, after considering the gravity of the violation, the actions if any taken by
the violator to correct the violation and any previous violations, we make the following determination:
A fine of $250.00 per day shall be imposed for each day the violation exists starting July 8, 2017 with a
maximum fine not to exceed $10,000.00.
Mr. Murdock seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 90496, Location of violation, 3700 Oleander Ave., Ft. Pierce, FL, Property Owner, 1RB Inc. There
was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer Goycochea addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting ten (10) photos, three (3)
photos dated January 6, 2017, one (1) photo dated February 7, 2017, two (2) photos dated May 26, 2017, two
(2) photos dated June 5, 2017 and two (2) dated August 1, 2017. She stated this case was brought to the June
7, 2017 for being in violation of Section 11.05.00, to obtain a zoning compliance and to bring the property
up to current county codes to park and store cars and Section 3.01.03, to cease selling vehicles from the
property. She stated the Board found the case in default since no one was present to represent the property
owner. She stated on January 18, 2017, she was in contact with Maura the bookkeeper for property owner
Howard Siegel, stating they are not aware that cars are being sold on the property nor that vehicles are being
parked on the lot. Maura said she was going to get in contact with Treasure Coast Connector regarding
parking the buses on the lot. She stated on January 18, 2017 she contacted the Treasure Coast Connector and
left a message for the supervisor Mr. Gonzalez to return her phone call. She stated she was unable to speak
to anyone at Treasure Coast Connector about the vehicles that are parked there.
Officer Goycochea further stated she was given the impression that Oleander Muffler had all the buses for
repair and might be parking them on the lot next door. She stated on March 6, 2017 Maura left her a voicemail
stating that the vehicles were no longer there and that were being repaired at Oleander Muffler. She stated
on May 31, 2017 she spoke with John from the Oleander Muffler Shop and he stated he saw the notice and
has removed all the vehicles off the property. She stated the buses are being worked on by Damon from
Cason’s Automotive, which is also in the same shopping plaza next door. She stated she spoke with Damon
and he will be moving the buses from the property a s soon as possible. She noted as of August 1, 2017 the
property is still in violation.
There was discussion among the Board and Staff on the violations and specifics of the case.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board for a motion.
Mr. Murdock made a motion in reference to Case No. 90496 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing the facts in the case, the testimony, and the report of staff
that the violation still exists, after considering the gravity of the violation, t he actions if any taken by
the violator to correct the violation and any previous violations, we make the following determination:
A fine of $250.00 per day shall be imposed for each day the violation exists starting July 8, 2017 with a
maximum fine not to exceed $10,000.00.
Mr. Hofmann seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Case No. 91884, Location of violation, 2814 Anthony St., Ft. Pierce, FL, Property Owner, Majorie C.
Clendenin (EST). There was no one present to represent the property owner.
Officer DiFrancesco addressed the Board and stated for the record she is submitting a total of ten (10) photos,
six (6) dated June 27, 2017, two (2) dated July 21, 2017, and two (2) dated August 1, 2017. She stated this
property was originally brought before the May 2016 Code Board and the Code Board found the property in
violation of Section 38-26, for outside storage and Section 38-97, for excessive overgrowth. She stated on
June 27, 2017, she found 2814 Anthony St. to be again in violation of Section 38-26, for outside storage and
Section 38-97, for excessive overgrowth. She issued a Repeat Notice of Violation letter. She has had no
contact from the property owner and as of August 1, 2017 the property remains in violation.
Mrs. Monahan asked the Board for a motion.
Mr. Murdock made a motion in reference to Case No. 91884 that the Code Enforcement Board makes
the following determination: After hearing testimony, the facts in the case, and the report of staff that
the violation previously committed has been repeated, after considering the gravity of the violation,
the actions if any taken by the violator to correct the violation and any previous violations, we make
the following determination: A fine of $500.00 per day shall be imposed for each day the violation exists
starting June 27, 2017 with a maximum fine not to exceed $10,000.00. A cost of $200.00 has been
imposed as the cost for prosecuting this case.
Mr. Taylor seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Lien Amnesty Update - Danielle Williams, Code Enforcement Supervisor, gave the Board and update on
the Lien Amnesty Program which ended on May 31, 2017. She stated we had five hundred (500) mail-outs
for the program and we did a lot of promotional on the program, we had St. Lucie County TV, we had
YouTube video, she did a Coffee with the Chairman to help promote the Lien Amnesty Program, there was
a newspaper article in TC Palm, social media, we met with the Realtor’s Association, the Chamber of
Commerce, Treasure Coast Builders Association. She stated with all the mail-outs we received twenty-six
(26) participants which is eleven per cent (11%), we collected $34,000.00 which was ten per cent (10%) off
the original fines of $340,000.00. She stated our new balance is $3,056,000.00. She stated one of the
criteria’s for the program was to bring the property into compliance.
She stated we have two (2) of them that really went above and beyond, 3214 Avenue D, George Porter’s
old property had $60,000.00 in fines, they cleaned the whole property up and were able to go into the
program and reduce the fines by 10% to $6,000.00, which was paid and we did a Satisfaction and Release
of Lien. She showed the Board before and after pictures. She stated another property was 5301 Orange
Avenue, the house was in disrepair and in order to go into the program she had to Board the house up and
do a lot of repairs which she could not afford so what she decide d to do was get a permit and demolish the
home and she reduced her fine from $5,000.00 to $500.00, She showed the Board before and after pictures,
so this are two (2) success stories with this program.
Danielle Williams, Code Enforcement Supervisor stated at our last meeting she forgot to introduce our new
Code Enforcement Officer Dana DiFrancesco to the Board. She stated she used to work in the
Environmental Resources Department, Lynn and her kind of switched and now she is our new Code
Enforcement Officer and we would like to welcome her. The Board welcomed Dana DiFrancesco to the
ADJOURN: There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m.