HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Compliance Mobile Food Vendor 1 RECEIVED OCT 0`4 2017 PLANNING 8c.iEVELOFMENT SERVICES PERMITftNG St. Lucie County, FI_ BU.ILDING'&CODE.REGULAfI'IONS-DIVISION t 234D`VIRGINtA AVIiNUIi • vpwr PICR0-4 FL'349g2-3652 773-4627. ,APPLICATION FOR CLASS.1 MOIWE FOOD VENDOR ZONING COMPLIANCE Det : Io•4' 20IP1 Basines&Narne: Custom Creations Food;LLC Busigess Aifdress: 7081-Torrey Pines:Circle,-Port Saint Lucie,FL 34986 P+opeirty Tax1Ideniification:#. 3322-504-0054-000-8 Description-dr.Basiness: mpbilefoOd'truck Applicant's Name: StaceyGregodch- Applicanvs;StsePtiAddress: .7081,Torrey:Pinds Circle City: Port Saint Lucie .Stats: FL Zip:. 34986 I HEREBY ACkNOWLEDGE THAT THE ABOVE IS!CORRECT AND.AGREE TO,*CONFO.RM TO THE ST.LUCIE COUNTY-RUII DING&.CODE REGULATIONS. **COPY OF STATE:OF FLC3RH)A FOOD HANDLEit'S LICENSE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION Ipp- Z �_.StGl7ittx> a_ *('s atu #ttt#**.ftt#!t###f44####tF##!t tir#tkfritkkf ti#*�r#,k#idrokir#'*#tkf�r #####i#iii liF*lMfr##t#nk�al+FfritiriYtiiriilr*iattif-c*,k OFFICE USE ONLY Date: .Initiatsc �. Zoning:�y� 1:1eid-'[Jss:RS SLCPDSReYised�0?I21R014 _ � i71�- o05� RECEIVED ,ST LUCIE'C-O.t)NTY-RgQ!ItREME,NTS-FOR CLASS YMQ41LE FOOD.VENDOR OCT 0-4 2017 Thisinrormation sheet'is„presented:as,;n aid to assistyou,in obtai lug*.zoning-,clearance before securing an o”pati final license. Ifyou havt any questions t you 2r6.WP1C6M*to aik-Our Planning.4t Development a4M Services SOt,462 Class]perniks foe MOAD Food Vendors are,,intended for those.vendors who operate Mobilefood'serVift futilities that are -titherpropelled,,by self contiined-meami or art iiiailirid.fibmAte:to site for thelpurpose of'ebadU I Cting business6 Tlese vendors:WquW.'typirally remain;in no:one-location,for more than one or two bours-A Class Tpermait-for the operation.of a M6bile,Food-Wndo'r.sh'*l1 be.reviewed and,treated as,a Home.0ccupAtion licensObbi'ect to-the(41lowing stabdiirds: t The community,Development Administrajor,shall not issue Class_- permit until'sbch timeasa valid-cettificate,fteux HRS his been supplied indicating that the proposed mobilefood-vendors 66mpliantwitfi,all.minimurn health and safety standards for food service-operations. 2: All busiiiesi.Attj*itii!t,.as§dcipted with thleopieration,of the mobile food-dispensingvehicle,are to be conducted away from the applicants,home address. 3. The applicants'home,gddreg isto be used fdr,office facilities only. No retail or wholesale sales,except those associated the•mobile food dispensinevehicliare.4o be made:ortrausacted onthe,homepremism, 4. No,persomothier than members.of-theUmily residing on the premises shall be engaged in the-coiiductofsuch an Occupation. S. No sf6ckin trade shall,be displayed-or sold at the applicant's home address. .6. the use,of the:dW011ing:unit for1he,home occupation-shall be incidental and subordinate,to its-use-for reiidleuti2l, purposes,,and no.-more than!25 percent of the building:floor area shall be used in the con.duct,of.tbe:home occupation. 7. I'Mert:sball,be':iio,oiitdoor-,storage ofe'.'uipirdent or materials used ed in the home occupation,except for;the parking of the mobile.ji i h,kk -thatibe.provisions.,of Section 7.10.,14,of this-Code shill irdtil provideLd p.vi.olated.. No, mobile food-dispensing Vehicle s11211'remajn at the home premises fur more that 24 hours,excluding weekends:and legal bolidaMunless,parked within ah,enelbsedstructure. 8i No more than one-mobiteIbod'-dispensing vehicle shall be t ke at the applicant's cant's home.prcmise& ClasS.jp0rmft,qper8jfi46jjL'jfiay be Up 9. A graded to'a Class.11 permit operation upoh4he satisfactory denionstration of compliance with4he ro,vis"ions of Seeti 0 h on 7,J 0.. 1.(A)(7)of is Code. 7/6/2017 Can 7Sftqjt6 `e e Date • STATE aF TLORIDA DIVISION OF-HOTELS AND RES"IAURANIS D;E'1?jVK1'MENT 01= BUSINESS ANI} PROFESSIONAL REGULATION www,niyfloridal'ice nsexonf RECEIPT FOR LICENSE LICENSE NUMBER:6650364•,Rank:MFDV•,a :LICENSE TYPE:2014/Mobile.Food Dispensing Vehicle PRINT,DATE:Sep 21,2017 10:44 FILE NUMBER:40841 Sea-ts/Units:0 This verifies that CUSTOM CREATIONS FOOD LLC Doing business as CUSTOM CREATIONS FOOD, has met the requirements for Mobile Food,Dispensing Vehicle licensure to operate at: -E' Iq 0 ELJ 7081 TORREY PINES CIR �/ PORT SAINT LUCIE FC 34986 This is authorization to operateIfor 30 days. An annual license will 'OCT 0 4"120,17 - I' be mailed to the,address on record within that period. „ pER1AiTi TNG St..Lucie County;FL p .e • • s • II�Y- • � �� �� �r � e � h ���,�� +"� �.a �., 3z �' y-.'�a t�tY511pldA9T't.'Qr�a �O f7 $iilt`$j3 lciatt�i H-862 r=' r . ql C `f i' Sr•.. r� o 'S x � ,dz z�r�t�ffr �P -1 7R#7a11Q�('J#�bt .,"��` � �.rMt�FT3T'�N'�£Y='° ` ° `- ' ,. `� �` - •, 7�►4��Ijt1:7GiJ�ti s '2 �ti t°^;"� �`'`-" 360training Learn2Serveftod Protection Manager Certificati,on RECEIVED THIS CERTIFIES THAT STACEY GREGORICH OCT 0A 2017 PERMITTING HAS ACHIEVED THE TITLE OF FF St. Lucie County, FL CERTIFIED FOOD PROTECTION MANAGER .:. MITT V 2 PERMITTING County 7 Ft o Craig Douglas,Sr.E�� ent&Compliance 'Issue Date: 7/15/2017 certificate Number.L2SC-2-008094-Test B15 nis cert ficate is riot valid for more than five years from date of issue Completion Information: 360training cl-rrt G Completion Date: 7/15/2017 i THIS CERTIFIES THAT STACEY GREGORICH Exam Score: 84 HAS ACHIEVED THE TITLE OF CERTIFIED FOOD PROTECTION MANAG.F-R, Provider Name: 360training.com Craig Douglas,Sr.Directoof Product Devebpmenl&Compliance 155uo Date:7/1512017 Provider Number0975 certificate Number.L2SC-2-008094-Test 815; .......... 2013 360training.com 888-360-TRNG(8764) :: www.360training.com Congratulations on becoming a Certified Food Protection Manager. Learn2Serve also provides training,courses in: Food Safety Handler, Alcohol Seller/Server, HACCP, and Sexual Harassment Please contact us today to learn more about how you can take advantage of these quality courses, or visit www.Learn2Serve.com. STACEY GREGORICH 7081 TORREY PINES CIRCLE PORT ST. LUCIE FL 34986 US