HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Horida Building Code Ontirls �: .c � ter„ ;y_r} y �� ?„q`"'a t r- ysra-z .,�,au'•ytt. '��.'� re:�rY FIOria'a Deparimentr BUS Home Lou In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Fads Publications F8:Staff ”" Br. S-Ie KV 8rm7cs �arrds Business. A7-m--4 Vecm i Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail aa,,...t—- Type A rlii tfml n S App-Wed Comrnents CONTRACTOR COPY AaelNed errnl One Owens Coming Parkway ) '�J I O— ISP, Toledo, OH 43659 (740)404-7829 >�_ y,mmra �snste IFisr gmg.kea-br@o%7enscoming.com Technical Representative Andel Sancrant lPesoa it S Drams CmMM9 PKM Tanaft,U.'R 43559 msd - .coln Quality Assurance Representative AddressfPhone/Ermil �� S"ningles Compliance Method Fvaftiatbn Rem fam a FbAJaa Pagbtemd Axchgtect ra L¢cemsed FWe�a > e 6 EnphB >i valotiimn Rap=-IHtmfica y Rmeiired iriimiaft Engineer=Anch teft Hawe edilw devefop`d the Robert J.M.Nieninen Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Q KV Asstxaltce Babity CUL OPIr 4o9y Assurance Cnzbz�rft ExpUaVo=DateL7 maftned BY -Taihrm X91_i0'un;Lmvikk IFE Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FLIC n74 P—v i CU: zns 01 c307 iivs�fiE�rassc stamt,e and yea%r QGff irtd) awaaawd e—c ASTH 133661 2049 ASTM D3462 409 ASTM D7158 g0g lame of PnNzxt ami anis Cerffm 6 By Sections from the Code F bbrttt/4{p{Uircraadl wlnitJ6mzdi Reffa3d I Down D qp Qn' :.+7anReglCQ8ucR6i)EAOdgbdij3osQ%3d,3d 1/8/2016 Florida Building Code Online Date Sutriftted IO/15MIs Date Vatted MIMI IS Mte PaMfflrlg FEC Appmovall IQRW/2025 Date Approved 12/15/2015 Summa of Products r EL Mod4 MwnIleror"Blue ii IlD574_3 !;mrre tCatrrtliit[9 fimlg i'3"tr1 ,-ta 5-tab"ka ,stfftaml NIP tL MMLMe sfhii*L-S f! SIh1IAYjle!5 mod dl Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL10674 Rll II 2015 10 FINAL ER OC ASPHALT i Approved for use outside HVH'-7 Yes Si IMe ES F—I0574-R-1 e j Impact ResEstaroft MA r Vewwaad By.8 S.m.wagfnari PE-5g1� ii Design Pr—,MVA i czeated by kmse d_ .. Hwrdl PM41_Yes nerorts 1� !P117 M 7,4 }QZ!Il AE 29115 20 k-liTl4ML BR IIDIL ASWA LTi SHINGLES FL10674-1121 odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes IL=K' Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-407-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibllity Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida&&z;,email aedresses ace IpudsWm G9v9�.ff 9,=db cx t¢resu2 gem e:-cmaN a ^eieased rM c—spCESM b a ,do saxit seem ellz ";a' e�tt3= _tsaa. 110.:.eGGud� scat�� arm maMt�r.+ by + w b7 tr--nrensD exalt IItF gcm FaDCar3`�-�,�;�^.j.0a.sz:CDQcE,'*'��4E'd_,1'3-".+s."Petrgt9aauC to S.ecffcm 455-275$31,aFbelda Mates,effedffaT a.d r Il.zou_11MM Ems �a 4a'S,FS.MUTt fptas+i3e¢f..e Depaff=efft Mtn a� ZZOM gas---ff qtr-9'➢ ©x�—-Mlle ewtaills Ipcvz dled=aw the I, ff=r m6FeaJl wv> M to RST Ifit xmmweNnzill addlamsDos are[Rr4tdfrcrr .If 7,=M ant%--*tm �WpFliir a PrWndl ,1Pwasm Ipawdke Me 0L-yp0E4mraft.MiAl aro®maill mdiifesa;s7didh mm Imre MMIL=.w ailiawie ft the pu0il¢.lrm 69Jenmiim9 iff Auu1 am a If rwraem mcictGhr�4155.IFS..olease dbdk it"n- Product Approval Accepts: ON 11R70 et:trct M fflir/Gr6uilidiim�Jpprffplr �VX�i � Ca7aaF% - 6 EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,LLC. 353 CHRI TIM STREET,UNIT M3 OmIFQDd8'im„C f X78 PHONE:(203)262-9245 FAX:(203)262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT Owem Corning Evaluation Report 037940-02-12-R6 One GausmS Cambri g paffbffax R30574-M-n Toledo,OH 43659 Date of issuance:02/06/2012 Revision 6: 10/15/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rile GI.G20-3 and the applicab a rull—, and regubitiom governing the atm of mmn=u�cn mate nalis mm t1 a Sim of Rbrf a-Mme dammer n` ism su?wua ere li has be, sm m;r„mi !Iby Rabeft iFlliamfimem,,R.E.liar use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 51h Edition(2014)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. Daatwnw: Owens Coming Aspbalt Rea Mflngles WaL-bEMm'-"mil be-iin animrnar VE MTAh th-- &)E A=EffftOd y AsRun mce Agamcy nv2ed hareiam- CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change_ Acceptance of this Evaleuaiioun P.port by the named diens e:ansfituLes agre meat to notfay pert Nierninen, E_if the product eleariges on the refereed Qnmffity Assurance doamentamm domes_ Trihfity5M mgm-es a lowraplete reeve-of this Ecaluatann Repnrt Tebtrole tm Wdat ed Cone requ i ramnemlts msth each Code tCV E- ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words `TrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature_ If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. -Upon request,a ewy iar tWs eett.-e EwA uatisoan lout sh-1 he pr ed to Via user it V the maunufiacturer or its dastnibr�amd shall be mm-U l faT iar�zn aft tb--)!ch snie at the rquest a the Burn ding®EIiceC This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 7. Prepared by: �ssll!irry„ !'/j'C''••.;C 0, a The facsimile sealer Barin was authamed b Robert Nieminen, Robert J.M.Nieminen P.E. rr�s, •'- P° " �}-�,,�,� RR����, ��,,�yy• p�^ i' /i u//,�'�r:At'E �`' P.E.m 10If-+`/7N5-ih's dnM.s,JnLn�Ls�e.rve assn eL<ctranirauy sgned Pard Mm SJM6 6r•A{tt��17M b'f�es,��ea?I�."4:r:m�an1�G,�ru�fV�le:rtt x"SC�Tfl�ft L T-HIM-4,11M dues WMk huxie,m®r daes lit iward to am7dm or=711 TCL a inp_2 ftmaimmefl iirsare�ft iim aomy=apa r/m amuiraffii7g;or distifim ing products it Evaluates. 2. Trinity I ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert M1 eminen,P.E.does not Have nor vtll acquire;a fin---mM interest in any con any rne-nufactufmg-or distributing,products for erre the ev`luahon reports are besigg issimd 4_ PJ`does unff.ha-� nnr wA acquire-_a immNmg migerest m any armor a='.r;"a�un the awl pre—off She Imo• 5. This is a building code.evaluation. Neither TrinrtylERD nor Robert Nieminen,P.E. are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained spec9tcallyfur purpose. tw FROOFINGMS EVALUATION: 9 SCOPE: tir7 Sub-Castegory: Asphalt Shingles Compliance Statement: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles, as produced by Owens Corning, have demonstrated compliance evith the folloajang sections of the Florida Building Code and Florida building Code, Residential Volume through testing in accordance uAth the folltar ing Standards. Compliance is subject to thm Installation Requirements and u1mitafiam I Candidam, of Use set#&fth haTeb- 2. STANDARDS: Section Prope Standard Year iW72 u,119352.4 i 9 - ASUA IlD34M 200 15ID72-7-1,R905..7-6-1 Ski kiSif A D315-IL 20M 252.71 R A 61 8rfmnd PA-Ystia !i A I D7L% 29M 3. REFERENCES: Entit Examination Reference Date UL UL(CEia9b26) Physicals&Vrmd Reck - Fk-682453 VaL 3 02PS7 UL LLC(C 00%) Phy§rals&YFead RegstaaM 7M?0516-R2453 05/jr;W12 m u.0 z uslt ) @ii ws- 2i R es 85CA2BM MUMS m a.u.0 US SSM Wind Rtre UCGA34398 02/18/2932 UL LLC(TST9628) Physicals&Wind Resistance 4786093137 02/01/2014 UL LLC(TST9628) Wind Resistance 4786126532 02110/2014 UL 8 0 r N 8) ph-oral uproperfies - -Sn eer 02113P OIL4 U41-ME USPIMI Fk5kA RrapzTfies cb59fficatinn Benor 1QPa�-asp u'B� quausm mBCH7&ffC0fMPT0M3e terms HMS WaTRIU s ULiii.0(QU A95o 5) cmafit cantrol Service Confirmation,82453 Exp.08/2012017 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Asphalt ShingBes: 4-L!`1 Cia znd Supnm-s e'are ifibs%lss reimfa ,3-ta-b asploak ramp sees.. 4.1..2 Berkshire'are fiberglass reinforiced,dab asphalt.roof shingles. 4.1.3 DevonshireTM are fiberglass reinforced,S-tab asphalt roof shingles. 414 Duration, iiru la¢aivaaaaa� BDaeratiaaatt, Du;zdm'Premium Cod, TruDefinit ion' Duration Desigmer Color Collertioa,TiruDetf'midona OB idge,oak rid;ems and V,1ead ..m'uard0 HP am fabereass reinforce,@amt batted as�'inait rmxrnffsitni�'�. 4.2 Berkshire Hip & Ridge Shingles, High Ridge, Hip & Ridge with Sealant, WeatherGuard¢ HP Hip & Ridge Shingles,ProEdge Hip&Ridge Shingies and DuraRidge m Hip&Ridge Shingles are fiberglass reinforced,hip and ridge asphalt mof shingles 4-3 Starter Strip Shin.4%St Wier Strip Pits and Stuloe r SldngAe ROD mm su ribEr std fe-,asphalt mot shirngAes- 5- LM9TA-#7 : 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity IERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on uAdch this Evaluation Rep<nrL or previous Versions thereat,is was used for perurs"acting or design guidance ureas r-Weed spedflically for that(purpose. v.72 flume Evcal4�ui�mrm lmeprrt is nufor zFm Oe HiltY1hZ 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product Certificate of Authorizotion#19503 FUU674-R11 Revision 6:10/1512015 Pz6--2of7 iL_r' 5.4 Wind Classification: 5.4.1 All Ot;rens Corning shingles a noted herein are Classified in accordance with FBC Tables 5072.7.1 and R905-2-6-1 to ASitM D3161,CVass F andlar ASUA D715%CVass H,indicating the shinglies are a;,.cept abVe for sus in�l elcamd �up tea��_�d ung((�,��_�4 ur;•pVu)_ El�e<r tsn Se�ion 6 fair farn�VVati�rn r�ut�tmr:�nas M mrLIttim m6ind iralhin& 5.4.2 All Owens Corning hip & ridge shingles, Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus noted herein are Classified in accordance YAth FBC Tables 15072-7-1 and R9052-61 to ASTM D]3161,Class F,indicating the shingles are acceptable for us in all v.+ind zones up to V,,�=150 Mph, (l�,�_194 nrph)_ Refer to Section 6 for innsst abatiam Tequlirementts do meet lid nsrbDd gad_ 5.4.3 CVassiliieationn by ASM4 D758 appIlies to exposure category B or C and a building height of 60 feet,or Vess. Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for conditions outside these limitations. Contact the shingle manufacturer for data specific to each shingle_ 5.4.4 Refferto Ow,erns Corrnit,ng puubfCushed irnfonna iion ore eMnd resistance and instaVVation Iianitattions. 5 1; All pg okcits fun the roar"assen&y sail f aue gt:alkyq asmmarloB audri.Thin aenmrdamEewf&One nbffida llialff mg Code and F.A.C.Rule 61620-3. 6. INSTALLATION: 63 Underlaypinent 611 Undeflawran tt shall be ancepttabVe arta Cirwem Corning and shah hold can prat Rxis SuatEvAde product AppTavall,or be I1ak Appnilved par Mi --61 E20-3,per 9BE Ali lW72-3,1ID72_4 car RSM 7 3- 6.2 Asphalt Shingles: 671 Installation of asphalt shingles Jhall comply vAth the manu€actunar s current published instructions, using minim urns arcus(4)na--per saningle iaa a=dannr--:4th FRE SeuJans 1507-2 aT rPM5-7,YA!h the foVVot-Ang ui"�vltc5` 'a- fBnirt�sfningi7�r�>�tuiirie ircr�nva�,turgs ffii�e C(5)u>raulls peer sllnanglle_ Y WeatherGuard'HP shingles require minimum six(6)nails per shingle. ➢ Devonshire="shingles require minimum six(6)nails per shingle_ v Stamer Sbip Shingle and Starter Stdp Mus aegtdre m imwn&,a(5)nails per sttrip_ Rea`er to Qs*.nom Gm—=Z pidffuhed mffanrsuaumn as wand ramsmnce and Iinstgia n Its IDions- 6.2.2 Fasteners sthaffV be in accordance viitrs the manufacturer's pubVished requirementts,but not Vess than FBC 1507.2.6 or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted. 624 Where'd roof slope exceeds 21 emits verfisaI in 12 units horfizonaal,special rraetnods of fastening are regsuirecL Contar t the shiw.Ae nzanaufala ureic for detaiVs. 6.� if�ifum;m�!uittn Iiit��Gu�—S�t�r S#irifp 52t� � 1P anr>!dl 5r Smrf�iPtlui�: Felt underlayment Deck Feltundertayment -gip Deck Sell-adhered k,�dh ea ruF1Per� Nainslaeated .xJF �ltitr7rnti'stw=u=-r '.aae,3�''tlsvre 4..Itit9Ctn`.ra'tClFr._.._ a%'y ipteaiiimtriiaihu,,ga:axg 1 '��jlfi�umn . j.�:lri�a rcmril�Um_aa �liitrJLtxai!{i -. Tema- �,,,3.,, Starters F}as overhangs caves an f rakes 114-3lS' Starter Strip shingle overhangs eaves and rakes n-,� tris' fertrjrcnfeofAutharaationt rrll30��4 RflY Revision 6:10/15/2015 Page 3 of 7 li µ 6.2.6 Minimum Nailing—Classic'&Supreme: Ficrawl�cd AMMif'a or AAMP= � a8 Aram� Ob St ' f� Amn pmm Aim w&=zzs�.�'.,,:®..' � sG�s..�ffmwaEx -4-7 ��77" tAi 77.1 1 I� rl F - 1 ` ' 1 27 77 27 . . .�. 6.2.7 Minimum Nailing—Berkshire': I � Sealant hrip Seatam stiry La Ora de seAador La tira de selfador 1— t�^�—�.� '® iC ®E—r scs® s�—�<---nom ®�--��+—a•� m ' u 2" 45 Y��17�7a t]S�a �� �uanmranuuulrtl ffiar�Ciim?—��`"`_ n � e Exterior Research and Design,LLG Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R6 [ �gjAvV=w&a:xss--35fS Ed36i744= Rema fr fltB/3Sf2®bs f off 7 6.2.9 Minimum Nailing Duration®, TruDefinition® Duration, Duration® Premium Cool & TruDefinition' Duration Designer Color Collection: 411711-11 pdftwl V,n, Area de da w Sutelb-0 V us sr�ul —Is M"Exposure W'Emp Exposure UJIL, Mwa; .rdrepax ufffm Qz3w 6.2.10 Minimum Nailing-TruDefinition Oakridge®,Oakridge®: Esepi*iva cw 4 dams ER7---=2 6 V ir U, 55/8"Fxpm-ure WK 5 BAr Exposure 9 Nails Fxposici6n de 6 6/9 p a1g, Maws Expos[66n de 5 618puly. 6 6/0"EXPOSUM clavas 5 B/9"E-XPDSUTO Expo*16a de 5518 pufg. Exposid6n de 55I8puLa FastwwM Th N 111111,11im 6.3 Hip&Ridge Shingles: 63-2 Installafian eJ Bels ire'Hip p and Ridge 99A=Jes,High Ridge,Hip Ridge wfth SE-Aant;WeatherGuaird*HP HJ]p and Pidge Shhgges and PmEdge H2- Wdge.ShEqges-shaIl mzqOy as the ntanufa=-,ees curTent pabrihistwcfiwm Usiu ftXL'ur((4))mels per sk&gj�-- IWsWEloffan c� HFrp Ta Kd@e 3iUn4les shall comply with the manufacturer's current published instructions,using two(2)nails per shingle. Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations,including the use of hand-searing for vAnd vmrranties- qfAuVmi=ff=#MW FUG674-M Revision 6:1011S/201S Page 5 of 7 r rte �.U, 6.3.2 Fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published requirements, but not less than FBC 1507.2.6 or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted. 533 Minimum Naffimg—i3 }aim®Hip Ridge and High Riidra Y:seaYan ��,r,r...i v.F�-, I a ln¢LhY9 Ss,cvrem A Nas��, \. \\� I I rials "ails { o - ��— Y 7 r �l�H y.-•a•=ate �rwf-> e:: 4 - •..�`T ii ;; I it + ,i I� k� i+ I II 44IIIII .I EsPT''ac 6.3.4 Minimum Nailing—Hip&Ridge with Sealant Mas} and Discard Excess Sealant StdP -71- ffe a1fvAr o r'- Distance �--- 2 (in 33 wnh-m nmama Ifyi®tolia —O+ et &aremwe SRP HO Wd gudge- Fig.-A Fig.C Hip&Ridge ShinglleerFFaastening I I I A: i Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 037940.02-12-116 Ramon 6:10125/203 S �6off� - c 1�3.6 Minima Naifin g-ProEdge Hip Ridge Shim ?tevaiiing Stanrtard end Direction Fastening Solent Strip , Pattern II I 77Y, Cover Exposed I I \ Fasteners with + Root Cement ��_� �IIIrn 7rfIL➢nnil IFi12Tddh1Tg—DUM%4-,,$A°"Agip Note: The drawings below pertain to minimum, as-tested attachment requirements. Refer to Owens Corning published installation instructions for their minimum requirements. '—�IIrs*.TilfiTL177I43[�iQ+iflfvRlL I i;. r r utiu+��^rm3�ltix.'ilr,pma.'r` tiisama Z.-MOM, N46 s ..�a\� - • Omnsconing Surcluil`..' �t mar& V I =19'I. N� 4. 7. LABELING: 7.1 Labeling shall be in accordance vAth the requirements the Accredited Quaff Assurance Agency noted herein- 71.2 Aspih; -t shFmjle wrappem-,;ffWfl kr6mtbe mnmpllian ce mfdh nine a:if line reipulitred clla—;,ffwffans detalled iam IFBE Table 1507.2.7.1 J R905.2.6.1. 8. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As Rquired by the B ug1c5 e©OfficW or Auabority Having lurWrction in order to propedy evaluate the insffafion of this i mducL. 9. MANUFACTURING ffM: Contact the named QA entity for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 911-3 QA requirement s- END OF EVALUATION REPORT- Exterior Research and Design,U.C. Evaluation Report 037940.OL22-R6 CmB�ca Aarb> aclxsn F�SIB FL105-74-LR23 Revisimn Ea 10115jms Pr@e7dr7