HomeMy WebLinkAboutsaucierALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date. 10/1 112017 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building snd Code Regulation Division 2j00 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 349,82 Phone; (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1.5tti Commercial Residential x PROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Legal Description: Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 1301-1 1 1-0001-000-5 Lot No. Block No. proiect Name: WYNNE BUILDING CORP Setbacks Front Back: _--_ Right Side:Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGE OUT 1O KW, 4 TON, ,14 SEER A/C CHANGE OUT ADDRESS IS 4 VIL.LA MARIA CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : rmed under apply: V T HVAC Electric Gas Tank Plu m bing l-lcas eiping L_l S h utte rs Generator l_l *,noo*s/Doors tr Sp rin klers [-l noot Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Utilities: l-lr"*", ! t"*Cost of Construction. S 4398.00 Building Height: CONTRACTOR: Name: CHRIS LANGEL Company: SEA COAST A/C Address: 3108 INDUSTRIAL 31st STREET City: FT PIERCE State: FL ZiP Code: 34946 p6y. 772-466-3053 phone y1s. 772-466-2400 E-Mail: DANISEACOASTAIR@AOL.COM State or Countv License: CMCO35421 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mecharrical Address: 14 LA VILLA WAY B OWNER/LESSEE: Nsms WYNNE BUILDING CORP (DONNA SAUCIE:R) Address:'12804 SW 122ND AVE citr,. MIAMI-''r'_State: FL ZiP Code: 33186 phone yo.772-579-9071 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. - Not AllpiicaEG Address: City: -=-=- Phone:litate: FEE SIMPTT}EE Ho6ER:_ tvot npplicible Address: CONSTRUCno;i ^,*:al-^y r N;o R M/\no,\r : wtonrcace :l Name:COMPANY: - Not Applicable--.-_---J Address: City; zip:Phone:State:-----__ BOND'NG Name:--Not Applicible Address: City: Zip;phone: r certify that no work or ilj'fl tit33.1flt5i 3h,trf; ',; [BH! 4["ffi *.,-,:ffiffi :,'il ;ll structure pr;i''T"1t,it-*v'n'fJ';'r[1""Ta;''b"vm:ii[ix,ifi?in',-t,{'1,11$:;:ff{i5#ifr#ftffiii,";Li;j;,,;,r,s:rr:, I /l::#:ililTiJli:ilil:;s."lij;:',rrrj;rs,tj##iiic,,,*::Jgiil,#jffeucjr, nerr.rm,he w.rkI li.li?,lil;i,';:,ii:iil:ffiHh1y:;i;:n ft;n:U::,r**::t.,T;+:JJ;*x",."**,,,1![,;,,,.,,,",HiH's..t?,r#.li*r*tn+;:fi iia*a:;:n*m,n"r,*,,r,,,,1:,1ilffi il::,",$"il'#Lf Ul; :'lX I *i#l,m ffi dffiI El *,,,, w t h e n d e r iH i :id:h'|xHj:i,,,, " -€ct,,. " e,/ L es s e e-7t6iEiEd as aeen -foib;il.-I :11""?Tl91l.?o :nli'?T"gil?^ - : : 'o =tr.r'.:]:trLtrn e?\ was acknowleds ed belore me- : a: .1+ru,20..1rr The forgoing instrurnentlr.i- / .. !uu, acknowledged before me"5,.oayot i:a /- -,20_by CHRIS LANGELa:(.0!.,' e0ging )person acknowledging ) le.sonailV Knor,r,n x OR Produced ldentifir:ationType of ldentification Produced Personally Known x OR produced ldentificatronType of ldentification produced Cor. mrssion No FF9,11.1 Commission No. Fr ,!tY_c_oMMlssioN # Ff 94;4;w^cornulsstolIFFilfii Eondrd Ihru l,lotrry puOi. Unja"ft," VEGETATION REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW Revised 07lt5l20l r$s"S - .*S-Sff* * -* -* *- -trffi Wq--- " S {$ $f{% .s e ; &*ffiilKHKgffiffiKffi ffieW Fsffi'ffipffitu$ffi€ ffi€mff$greffiffi ,;* o*****, l' i} AHR| certified Reference Numbe r: 7428126 Date: 1 oti1t2o1z i X$ i$ Product: Single-Package Air-Conditioner, Air-Cooled i ffi between Feb 17, 2009 dnd Dec 31, ZOt O. i {* i$i Model Number: GPC1448H41E. i ffi i iii MANufacturer: GOODMAN MANUFACTURING co.. LP. i iI Series name: GPC14 . tili i$ Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is GooDMAN MANUFACTURING co,. Lp. i lil Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Stand ard 2101240-2008 for. unltqry. Air-conditioning and Air-Source [i i:il,?:S,?Sluipment and subject to verificition oi iitlng icc-rt"cy uv Aniil-sionibr"a, inaEpenuent, *,iiJ- i $ Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 46000 i ,,i EER Rating (Cooling): 12.00 i i.i SEER Rating (Cooling): 14.00 ;ll IEER Rating (Cooling): I ii ' Rat ngs followed by an asterisk (') indicate a voluntary rerate of prev ously published data, unless accompanied with a wAS, which indicates an rnvoruntary rerate DISCLAIMER This combination qualifies for a Federal Enerov I Efficiency Tax_Credit wh-en ptac_ed i1 ."1y1E^"1 i Al-iRl does not endorse the product(s) listed on this certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no resporlsibility for,theproduct(s)|iStedonthiscertificate.AHR|expfess|ydisc|aimri.a|||iabi|ityfordamagesotanykindarisingoutoftheuseorpe|'ormanceo'theproduct(s).orthe unauthorized alteration of data listed on this cedificate. certified ratings are valid only for modets and configurations listed in thedarectory at www.ahrldlrectory,org. TERMS AND coNDlrloNs s$lfiil ffi i{sr{lngrr*ir..{b 4}IThis certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This certificate shalt only be used for individuat, personal and Sffi f;&n*WWffi l::iJ''i:ll?i'""::#1,',iili?iiil;lil,Til':ff'"""'Jx[ff,'lrnf#flJ,"Hg*i;:j*n:g.":;::i;:k:hlr], ffiffiruffiffi ipersonat and confidential reference. .ERTTFT.ATE vERrFrcATroN R;R c*\Dllr*Ntilu ilt'\il\ii il;lltf,atlgEtidfit!i'ili'|t1tf IThe information for the model cited on this certificate can be vefified a1 www.ahridlrectoiy.org, click on ,,velify certiflcate,, linK ,., j j r,.. i,i,.:j. r.., landentertheAHR| certifiedReferenceNumberandthedateonwhichthecertificatewasissuei, '., jjr'. i,i,:i. ,.' Iwhich is listed above. and the Certificaie No., whjch is listed at bottom right. : @2Ot4 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 131521e55440437207 ; illiTrade/Brand name: Go_oDxlAl.l; JANITROL; AMANA DISTINCT|ONS; EVERREST; ONE HOUR AtR I itcoNDtTtoNtNG AND HEATTNG; ENERGT ntn; FnAnxr_iN - rbv ' ' v'rE I rvv'\ ^"\ i $i Region: All (AK, AL, 4.& & qe gg] gT, D.9, pF,lL,_G4, H!, 1D,_l_L, 4, tN, Ks, Ky, LA, MA, MD, ME, i$:lyl rytry, lU_o,Us,Mr, l!g,.N.p.,!rlE, [H,Ni, Nrvi., r.rV, rul,bii, o*, bn, FA,'Ri,'bt,'i'o,-iru, rx, lliiiur, vA, vr, wA, wv, wl, wy, u.s. rel.ritoriesl !' ' '1' 'r" ev' vs, ' 't, ' ' I Fi Regio.nNote:Central airconditionersmanufacturedpriortoJanuary l,zlll,areeligibletobe 'i installed in all regions until.June 30, 2016. eegilni;6 iriyi,-frr0, centrat air conditioners I iIcan only be installed in region(s) for which tne! meei ttre iegf ionai'effi;ie;;t ;eqriiement. i fli I .l $ il ;r