HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT APP 8316 MULLIGAN CIRHEL RPPEICASLE INPO 141u3 i BE COMIPEETED FOn APPEIM i ION 113 BE HCCEPTED QaCc: 10-11-1 1 Permit RumRer: pit Builaing Permit Application Planning and Development Services Build,nv and Code Revulat,o,, DWs,on 2300 Vi y,nia Avenue, Fort Pie, ce FL 34982 Picone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial PERMITAPPLICATIUI9 FUR: Meuhaidcal PRuP05ED IIyIPRuyEIGIEICI WuAIIuR: A1301`r33: 8316 MUCLIGA19 CIRCLE X114 POR i 5 i 10CIE , FC ;i4988 Resiaendal xx Eegal Cescripcion: %,r,5 Cf'_ PIAE� CvI4E1C+EIICI /- i iw a3 iv ICI'uEEIvnIC L.Irti.CL' c i i , rOi'C i ST I•UCIL', >'E X986 Property Tax ID W 3327-502-0028-000-6 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Protect I9ame: COLLINS AC 5et6uekz Fop -r 6,.eR: 1101 alae: left viae: CDE`l`AICL-"D 13ESCRIPI-ION OF WORK: HC CFimNGE OUT NO DUCT WORK CARRIER 2 TON 14 SEER 5 KW 24ACC424A 030 r I54CIvF17z_4L CONS I Rut.l'IOF3 iPjroRI01AI IUI4: _M�lwonalwoiktobepertormed under this permit —check all tbA appy: l✓ r,vAt! 1j Gas i ank Eluas Piping 11 Electric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers oral aq. Pt of Construction: Cosi oT ConsiruciJon: 5 Wlots.00 OWNER/LESSEE: shutters Q vvindows/Doors Generator Roof Roof pitch SFt. of First Floor. _ Odhiest newer _ ]epiic Name 11!1-,R] Cvs:CIAS ,ddress: 6a 19 ICICIECIGmn CIRCCE City: PUR i b i EuME state: PE cip Cone: �49u6 Fax: Phone No. 772-418-4784 E -Mail: TDmSERKO@ARS.COM Pill In fee simple I Ide „older on next page (if different from ine Owner ilsiea atfovei CONTRACTOR: 6uiltling FleigRu Name: 151!M els 2DR:.ER Company: r,Rz 410ress: d5UU Os FIVVT i %ity: vERy 5EACFi xaie: FE Zip Code: 34986 Fay: Phone No. 772-794-7221 E -Mail. i Vm31!RRU_mRa.Cvl4l male or County License: rMCIzz;yfas IT v4Eu. oT construct6n Is �Pc7>00 or more, a RECORDED Notice or Commencement is requires. S - PPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: D jll1jMtR/EMGIIVEER: _ not Hpplicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: TERn, COLrIM3 STATE OF FLORI COUNTY OF namC: DENNISXACEK ,Address: 8316 MULLIGAN CIRCLE 2.1. PORT STLUCIE.rL3»986 Addre»: ��'v�e[elo.,.olRoee CiLy: PORTSTLUCIE SlatE: City:-eRveerevn state: Zip: Phone Ty p� ut IdcntiticutiQ Zip: Phone: FEt 5IMP[E Ti I Et r10LDEK: Mot Applicable 80110IMG %OIVIPAMY: Mot ripplicable Name: j5i ;nature of Motary Public- ztate o(ff Florida) Name: Address: 2800 US MY 1 No. F�G� (]cal) Address: City: City: [ip: PRone: Zip: eMone: Ovv MEn/ Cuiv I mAM OR AFFIDv11: Applic-tier is Me. .5, matte to ohtain a permit to Oo iRe worn anh installation as innicates. I certify Mat no worn or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. C-eie Coant R,oxe., no repre.entation that is granting a permit will authorize theermit holuer to Built! the susject structure which is in conflict with any arplicable Home Owners Rssoclation rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohlblL such structu. e. Please c"nnClt witri year Flume D-ncr. A3.vciation and role ,vC 3ce8 for -r;, re,trietinn, -hlePi FRu" ..ppl Y. In evn,iacr�tlon or the srontin6 or thi., reyweztau pe, -mit, I Zlo herehy agree treat I will, in all respects, peRorm the worR in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Builains Cods and St. [aeie Cva.-.ty A m e.-.&R.Rt3. f he following building permit applications are exempk from undergoing a full concurrency review: room addition3, .cec33ory ..trnctn'r" 37.i ... rRimr, pooh, r�Rees, -ails, signs, screen rooms ant] accessory uses to another non-resitlential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your Tailatc to Rcuora a RoUry or Commencement may result In your paying twice Tor improvements Lo your property. A Notice of CummencemEnIL must be recorded and pu-'tcd un the jobsite before the First inspection. If you intend to obtain finamcin& consult with lender or an attorney QeTore col-mencine worK or recoraine vour Notice of Commencement. Rev. a/z/ir signature oI ownel641seelContractor as Agent for Owner signature of Contrac /gicense Molder S1i11 G OF FI -011113A STATE OF FLORI COUNTY OF COUNTY OF �JJ��6z� Thd fo; i� t]ay he forgoing instrument was acknowledgbefore me thi. � day of ITr�7►� zo1 5, this of 04 zu� Uy muffin yr }.cr on -:raking 3tute... ent Personally dnown'�T\,e vR Produced Identification ,-,ame of pe son making statement Pcrrvnuily Know t}K Proaa..a lav�,tirieation Ty p� ut IdcntiticutiQ I ype or Itlentificatilon Prudu«a Produced j5i ;nature of Motary Public- ztate o(ff Florida) j5irnatart or IGeto, , Pa6i;e- x.tc or Florian } Co:nwnissiorr Ido.Commission No. F�G� (]cal) ' NOTAR—f eLJ7 -1ti-' ' r+STA T E ur F-0rU 4 I t V:vu+S n. DA9Ef?iC A., rz comrlw FF12rA 6 " rUbLIC REVIEWS FRONT ZONING ►SI PI AMS vEGE I A I HIM �tA 11u I - I ' TMAN LI -A i.0unIER REvIEvv REVlEvv REvlEvv REvlcvv `R V . aCoywkyv—w— DATE �1:E ,z ,=x 1"res RECEIvED 13AIE COMPLETED Rev. a/z/ir Approc. Stam Duia�a� insWiladt)" woi* Odder Coffqlmtit�-' Dela w _ Corpovzty 4ustamar (772) 567-3100 Rolaaiwna _ 2goo US Hi jb-y . Vara Beach FL 32960 [BStij LiQS 0876 w..... 'J9 D•g/ l�r�' r �j�r •_ _ _._ _'rriyjO�1766f1eMf�+" SIZE PtiL%—TYPE S - --4ZE TYPF I SIZE 1 WrICIENCY EFFICIENCY BFFICIENGY _ $ S S 9-8 SUBTOTAL 5- SUOTOtTAC µONTHLY H.,:'MCN�'nf S I gUra,�,..e s _ MONTHLY rz-W S�, I - - - CUSTOMER IN„-,�.+�.. OUSTOMER IN171A _ CiUSM!11len INITMALS Inba _ Wow ly; I�hn c -lrbor Wananty; Parta 1=at F3w,.. qr Campma--r Compressor R. Exchan9- I -. Pm=m s_I - - �,12 _ �Refnger nt and disposed cl W, rptlelrCd [f9 iaw Cwrrywato clann ap tnclunx+9 usn o114xx eavv,e to proldd your hams ana -11r c r^9 �� and pormlts, m roqu,nci. retrwvajai aAd 1inq agoiyn 11�.le All i r k een,pislod Is done in uccwcl - SSLfiCTEDOPTIpN ? Lj2 u3 �. mW _ .3 J ry�i Wp..lf+ar r -f j/d ConneG! .e F�r:l..-e Air Cteatier SU6TDTAL . ■ee,, t ieclrical er $ Icbn+e EquTntenl Slab fl Idea. pity, � D°c'P- JuJ� .end W-tm. Pads Aeaannw. D: ., Uno r t r j , _ _ r -- - .• !�' ] QQ Liqutd Tte Co -d,.;1 �+- MAL-- _ }�un a Fln.q S-Ic ip iWr Pad yBy.rw j [+J Nim Dra . 5afsty _ nl l.L..+, -MIM . // f�Swd New Con,—tren_ nnn. i 0 DuctI W.X+oli pt;FII:CKft �1 [3 N_ erSupply Pleam QfKr --e1 Rising Whin CR�UfTt:AKu Suter Air®r [3 NOW ,on'. ERpanuionrelro S /�-r �rcelom Psc�n-n Sa.....e Plan - I EXP AI'r'r�LrvliC _� �— O t-IRmClNu — _ - _ -r-aynlan. y,l,�m ava+lade with a�srv�oe oamrY I aut,wr 1 B.MMW that ., PeMWRW-5L-Te wq� a looes ow to took b, ;Wm "Jor to P0 —aA WO Is C 701 A --'M' #ARRI Certifieo mderence Number: 9764468 Date: 10/10/2017 Prbtla.v split system: Alrwuoolea Contlensing Unlit. Coll wltn Slower Outdoor Unit xiilvl Nwrm5or: z4ACC414AwUj0w Inaoor Unit Model Number: 1004CNFv24L Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING 1 raCeiSranl? name: CARRIER Region: Southeast and North (AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA AR, Cc, C I, ID, IC, IA, IN, Rs, MM' ME, MI, MR, @IO, M 1, NO, Nz, NH, Na, IVY. OR, OR, PA. RI, 513. O 1. V 1. VVA. VVV. VVI. VVT. 0.5. lerrltorles) Region Nate: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1, 2015, are eligible Lo be Instaheti In all regions undi aune 3v. cv-i"o. Beginning auly i_ ,ctlt"o. central air contlltloners run Qi.Iy Be IRST-Ilatl 1:. MWIl R(Z) tvr i'llarl Trey, .T.yyt [Pie I��iv.-.al a riviyllvy PGyail n.CnT. aeries name: COMFOR 1 14 AC Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Raxwo as Toll-.ws In accortlance with AARI ,tantlaM z-i0f140-cu08 for Unitary Ai",wartia Heat Pump Equipment and subject to Verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party Lesting: Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 22800 tER Rating (Cooling): 11.0 SEER Rating (Cooling): 1 z;.MI IEER Rating (Cooling): R90F foiWived b; -deri:k I'1 Indicat= --"unLapir mnrte of pre'Loe_I,- published d_ta ewses a=erp-hied with a WAS, -hick Indicate: _e Incolent..T rervLe DISCLAIMER uv nuz anavrse we proua--Jsr .W o on u,R comp .ate ano maRcs no representations, earrandes or guarantees as to, and assumes no respansib8l-ty for, the prod=Cil-1 listed en this Certifleete. AHRI e;;pressl; disclaims all II-blllty fur d..mogo= of any kind arising not of the ase et, parformzzee of the product(.), or th- unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the dirwrorya:—. hrldl:oe.ory.erg. TERMS ANCd IDNS "NMI its its cvn This CerUfloete and lcnts art preprictary products v! AHRI. This Certiflealc sh-IE only be eaed for I.-,dizideal, per�en-I and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, In whole or In part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated;�` olu inu, a compa.cr v. w0ase; er orRu..,so "ItEcu, In any form manner ur Ey any means, e.T.ep. ,or tri. osePa InurTluaal, incma,va p_reenal-nd _nfidontl-1 refere..ee. AIR-CONDMONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERlple..-Ia.: A REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for the prod=l cited on this eertlfleete wn be .wdfl■d at--.ahrldlroetsq urp. Ask on -Verify Certlfle-to' link -.mice lif belt,-` and enter the -RI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, whlah Is listed zbeec, and the Certificate No., which la listed a: bottom :Ight. WZ014 Air;Cyneitivning, Reating, ane Rctrigaration Iii.titato CERTIFICATE NO.: 131521335512DO7490