HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 03/13/2017-2:24pm masonb V:\Prqjects\_2014-MPS\400 Wind Charts\Reference\00-MPS14-400 Series C&C(Current)Gordon.dwg 51h ED. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (2014) & ASCE 7-10 "ASD" WIND VELOCITY = 170 MPH MRH <_ 60' DESIGN LOADS FOR COMPONENTS AND CLADDING EXPOSURE 'C' BASED ONKd=0.85 INTERIOR ZONE 4 PRESSURES EXTERIOR ZONE 5 PRESSURES ENCLOSED STRUCTURE,FLAT TERRAIN Mean DESIGN PRESSURES(PSF)-ZONE 4 Mean DESIGNPRESSURES(PSF)-ZONES INSTRUCTIONS FOR TABLE USE: Roof Tributery Area(Sq Ft)_,� �_.z Roof Tributary Area(Sq Ft) 1. TABLES ARE INTENDED TO DEPICT-CT THE'YVORST CASE'PRESSURES.'WORST CASE'IS ht 25 30 3 X40 50 = eight 10 15 20 2s 30 35 40 45 50 DEFINED AS THE CRITICAL GOf�p�ITIOIVV AN. NKNOWN VARIABLE AS DESCRIBED BELOW. _ USE OF CRITICAL CO-DITION512EQt1IR . iTH THESE TABLES. -41.0 -40.0 -39.3 -38.7 -38.3 -3 .9 -T- - .0 -50.6 -48.6 -47.2 -46.1 -45.2 -04.5 -43.8 -43.2 -42.7 2. TABLES VALID O 1 ff D GOOF HEIGHT AS LIMFTED ABOVE. 0-15 ft 1 0-15ft 3. TABLES VALID FOR ALL R OFAS.APPLICABLE REDUCTIONS FOR ROOF SLOPES +37.8 +36.8 +36. +3s.5 +35.1 +3,7 5#4:_ 4 3? +37.8 +36.8 +36.1 +35.5 +35.1 +34.7 +34.4 +34.1 +33.8_ % LESS THAN 10°SHAL B _FRF BY E GINEER AS A SITE SPECIFIC CONDITION. 16 t -41.6 '19-l', - .8 -39.3 -38.8 -3 .4 r3 .8 -3'6 16 ft -51.3 -49.3 -47.8 -46.7 -45.8 -45.1 •44.4 -43.8 -43.3 4.IDENTIFY THE BU I •I _EQr1,AVE -E ROOF HEIGHT.IF THE MEAN ROOF HEIGHT +38.3 +37.3 +36.6 +36.0 +35.6 +3.2 ,i, 34.6 4 +38.3 +37.3 +36.6 +36.0 +35.6 +35.2 +34.9 +34.6 +34.3 CANNOT BE IDENTIFIED�US PEAK R•0,�,(F 4 9L T. 5. ALWAYS ROUND 00 E O EX7��I'AE VALUE OR CONSERVATIVE ASSUMPTION. 17 ft -42.1 -41.1 -40.3 -39.8 -39.3 -38:9� ,` 8.3- -!:0 -52.0 -49.9 -48.5 -47.3 -46.4 -45.6 -45.0 -4 .4 -43.8 6.CALCULATE THE TiRl AR "O HE OPENING IN QUESTION(HEIGHT.WIDTH)OR +38.8 +37.8 +37.1 +36.5 +36.0 +35.6 +35.3 - I --+34.7 17 ft +38.8 +37.8 +37.1 +36.5 +36.0 +35.6 +35.3 +35.0 +34.7 THE SPAN LENGTH(HEIGHT)MU L -i D- Y AN EFFECTIVE WIDTH THAT NEED NOT BE LESS -42.6 -41.6 -40.8 -40.3 -39.8 -39.4 -39.1 -38.8 -38.5 -52.6 -50.5 -49.0 -47.9 -47.0 -46.2 -45.5 -44.9 -44.4 THAN ONE-THIRD THE SPAN LENGTH(HEIGHT 2/3).USE THE AREA BETWEEN STRUCTURAL 18 ft +39.3 +38.2 +37.5 +36.9 +36.5 +36.1 +35.7 +35.4 +35.2 18 ft +39.3 +38.2 +37.5 +36.9 +36.5 +36.1 +35.7 +35.4 +35.2 OPENINGS ONLY-THIS INCLUDES AREAS BETWEEN STRUCTURAL MULLS. IF THE TRIBUTARY AREA OF AN OPENING CANNOT BE IDENTIFIED,THE MOST CRITICAL(10 SQUARE FEET)SHALL -43.1 -42.0 -41.3 -40.7 -40.3 -39.9 -39.5 -39.2 -38.9 -53.2 -51.1 -49.6 -48.5 -47.5 -46.7 -46.0 "45.4 -44.9 BE USED.ALWAYS ROUND TRIBUTARY AREA DOWN THE LESSER TABLE VALUE.FOR LARGER 19 ft +39.7 +38.7 +37.9 +37.4 +36.9 +36.5 +36.1 +35.8 +35.6 19 ft +39.7 +38.7 +37.9 +37.4 +36.9 +36.5 +36.1 +35.8 +35.6 TRIBUTARY AREAS THAN PUBLISHED,USE THE LARGEST PUBLISHED VALUE. 7.IDENTIFY THE ZONE OF THE OPENING AS INTERIOR(ZONE 4)OR EXTERIOR(ZONE 5)PER 20 ft -43.6 -42.5 -41.7 -41.2 -40.7 -40.3 -39.9 -39.6 -39.4 20 ft -53.8 -51.7 -50.1 -49.0 -48.0 -47.2 -46.5 -45.9 -45.4 THE FIGURE OR INFORMATION BY OTHERS. ANY QUESTIONABLE OPENING IS TO BE +40.2 +39.1 +38.3 +37.8 +37.3 +36.9 +36.5 +36.2 +36.0 +40.2 +39.1 +38.3 +37.8 +37.3 +36.9 +36.5 +36,2 +36.0 CONSIDERED THE MORE CRITICAL(EXTERIOR)ZONE. 21 ft -44.0 •42.9 -42.2 -41.6 -41.1 -40.7 -40.4 -40.0 -39.8 21 ft -54.3 -52.2 -50.7 -49.5 -48.5 =47.- -47 0_` -45.8 8.READ OFF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE PRESSURES FOR USE AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE. +40.6 +39.5 +38.7 +38.2 +37.7 +37.3 +36.9 +36.6 +36.3 +40.6 +39.5 +38.7 + :2-,±37. +36. 6- +36.3 1 9.FOR SITUATIONS THAT REQUIRE Kd=1.0,TABLE VALUES ARE UNDER-DESIGNED BY A 22 ft -44.4 -43.4 -42.6 -42.0 -41.5 -41.1 -40.7 -40.4 -40.2 22 ft -54.9 -52.7 -51.2 -5i.0 -� .i" ? . 5 .8 -46.3 FACTOR OF 1.18.VERIFY Kd REQUIREMENTS WITH LOCAL MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO TABLE USE. +41.0 +39.9 +39.11+38.5 +38.0 +37.6 +37.3 +37.0 +36.7 +41.0 +39.9 +39.1 + .5 ;� 37. 7. .37.0 +36.7 GENERAL NOTES: 23 ft �'9 -43.8 -43.0 -42.4 -41.9 -41.5 -41.1 -40.8 -40.5 23 ft -55.4 -53.2 -51.6 -Si.4 a '66 -4' 9 �4,7.3 -46.7 1. TABLES ARE TO BE USED IN CONFORMANCE WITH"ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN +41.4 +40.3 +39.5 +38.9 +38.4 +38.0 +37.6 +37.3 +37.0 +41.4 +40.3 +39.5 + .9-+3_. +38.0 7 3 3 3 +37.0 METHODOLOGY"PER ASCE 7-10 SECTION 2.4.1 AND CHAPTER 30 PART 1 OR 3,USING THE -45.3 -44.2 -43.4 -42.8 •42.3 -41.9 -41.5 -41.2 -40.9 -55.9 -53.7 -52.1 -509- 9'�49.I- :4 - :7 -47,1 CRITERIA AS OUTLINED HEREIN. 24 ft +41.7 +40.6 +39.8 +39.2 +38.7 +38.3 +38.0 +37.6 +37.4 24 ft +41.7 +40.6 +39.8 +39.2 +38.7' L -+38.0 +37.6 +37.4 2•DESIGN IS BASED ON THE 3 SECOND GUST(WIND VELOCITY)FOR THE WIND SPEED AND EXPOSURE SPECIFIED. THESE TABLES NOT FOR USE WITH ESSENTIAL FACILITIES OR ASSEMBLY -45.7 -44.5 -43.8 -43.1 -42.6 -42.2 -41.9 -41.5 -41.3 -56.4 -54.1 -52.6 -51.3 -50.3 -49.5 -48.8 -48.1 -47.5 OCCUPANCIES. TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR Kzt=1.0 FOR FLAT TERRAIN USE ONLY. THESE TABLES 25 ft +42.1 +41.0 +40.2 +39.6 +39.1 +38.7 +38.3 +38.0 +37.7 25 ft +42.1 +41.0 +40.2 +39.6 +39.1 +38.7 +38.3 +38.0 +37.7 NOT VALID FOR HILLY TERRAIN.INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT(GCpl=+/-0.18)FOR USE WITH AN ENCLOSED STRUCTURE ONLY.VERIFY USE OF Kd(DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR)WITH 26 ft -46.0 -44.9 -44.1 -43.5 -43.0 -42.6 -42.2 -41.9 -41.6 26 ft -56.8 -54.6 -53.0 -51.8 -50.8 -49.9 -49.2 -48.5 -47.9 LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT.HVHZ=HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE.TABLES ARE FOR +42.4 +41.3 +40.5 +39.9 +39.4 +39.0 +38.6 +38.3 +38.0 +42.4 +41.3 +40.5 +39.9 +39.4 +39.0 +38.6 +38.3 +38.0 WALLS AND VERTICAL SURFACES ONLY. 27 ft 46.4 -45.3 -44.5 43.9 -43.3 42.9 42.5 -42.2 41.9 27 ft 57.3 -55.0 -53.4 -52.2 -51.2 -50.3 -49.6 -48.9 -48.3 3.THESE CHARTS ARE NOT VALID AS A SITE-SPECIFIC DRAWING. THESE TABLES ARE ONLY VALID WHEN SIGNED&RAISED SEALED BY FRANK L BENNARDO,P.E. +42.8 +41.6 1+40.8 1+40.2 +39.7 +39.3 +38.9 +38.6 +38.3 +42.8 +41.6 +40.8 +40.2 +39.7 +39.3 +38.9 +38.6 +38.3 4.THIS SPECIFICATION IS INTENDED TO ILLUSTRATE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES AS LISTED. -46.8 -45.6 -44.8 -44.2 -43.7 -43.2 -42.9 IF-42-:5- -42.2_ -57.7 -55.4 -53.8 -52.6 -51.6 -50.7 -49.9 -49.3 -48.7 USE OF THESE TABLES AND CORPESPONDING WIND VELOCITY,EXPOSURE,AND OTHER 28 ft - _28 ft COEFFICIENTS LISTED-HEREIN$HALL E D CTATEDAND VERIFIED BY THE GOVERNING +43.1 +42.0 +41.2 +40.5 +40.0 +3$6; I ., .9 +3.8'q i +43.1 +42.0 +41.2 +40.5 +40.0 +39.6 +39.2 +38.9 +38.6 BUILDING DEPARTMI NI`AN_D�E'ItMI OLDER.N•- /1RRANTY FOR APPLICABILITY OF TABLE -47.1 -46.0 -45.1 -44.5 -44.0 -4 .6 --A -- -.6 -58.1 -55.9 -54.2 -53.0 -51.9 -51.1 -50.3 -49.7 -49.1 VALUE USE IS OFFER 29 ft I /29 ft S.THIS SPECIFICAT,O IStTD OIF ANY PRODUCT APPROVED +43.4 +42.3 +41.5 +40.8 +40.3 +3 .9 39: + I 8: +43.4 +42.3 +41.5 +40.8 +40.3 +39.9 +39.5 +39.2 +38.9 CERTIFICATION. RE R TO�AB SE!ARA• rY fi_ 'r"L _�MITTED TEST CRITERIA AND OTHER 30 ft -47.4 -46.3 -45.5 -44.8 -44.3 -4u -q' 9 // 30(t -58.6 -56.3 -54.6 -53.3 -52.3 -51.4 -50.7 -50.0 -49.4 APPROVALS FOR DES G - t�S�T'q� TION�I FRRMATION AND APPLICABILITY OF THESE TABLE +43.7 +42.6 +41.8 +41,1 +40.6 +4O.2 -t3 . 9,5 9,y +43.7 +42.6 +41.8 +41.1 +40.6 +40.2 +39.8 +39.5 +39.2 VALUES WHICH IS TO B VE RI6 Y O�TjOE I ZACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING CODES. _ 6.ADHERE TO ALL L'IC12�7-11CO,Tj_ O TEM ORDINANCES. - 32 ft -48'1 -46.9 -46.1 -45.4 -44.9 -4r-.?X451 33,1- -4,. 32 ft -59.4 -57.0 -55.4 -54.1 -53.0 -52.1 -51.4 -50.7 -50.1 7,NO CERTIFICATION-��-,vcT_�ERED-FO EI RITY OF THE HOST STRUCTURE. +44.3 +43.2 1+42.3 1+41.7 +41.2 +40.7 +40.3- `40. 9.7 - +44.3 +43.2 +42.3 +41.7 +41.2 +40.7 +40.3 +40.0 +39.7 8.EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVfDF �Yi EIN,NO ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATIONS OR 35 ft 49'0 -47'8 -47.0 -46.3 -45.8 -45.3 -44.9 -44.6 -44.3 35 ft -60.5 -58.1 -56.4 -55.1 -54.0 -53.1 -52.3 -51.7 -51.0 AFFIRMATIONS ARE INTENDED. +45.2 +44.0 +43.1 +42.5 +42.0 +41.5 +41.1 +40.8 +40.5 +45.2 +44.0 +43.1 +42.5 +42.0 +41.5 +41.1 +40.8 +40.5 a-10%OF LEAST HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OR 40%OF MRH, PEAK ROOF -50.4 -49.2 -48.3 -47.6 -47.1 -46.6 -46.2 -45.9 -45.5 -62.2 -59.8 -58.0 -56.7 -55.6 -54.6 -53.8 -53.1 -52.5 WHICHEVER IS SMALLER,BUT NOT LESS THAN 4%OF LEAST HORIZONTAL HEIGHT _40 ft +46.5 +45.2 +44.4 -+43.7 +43.1 -+42.7- +42.3- +419 +41.6 _ 40 ft +46.5 +45.2 +44.4 1+43.7 +43.1 +42.7 +42.3 +41.9 +41.6 DIMENSION OR 3FT(lm).USE ZONE 5 IF AT ALL IN QUESTION.CONSULT MEAN AN ENGINEER FOR A MORE SPECIFIC INTERPRETATION IF REQUIRED. ROOF -51.7 -50.4 -49.5 -48.8 -48.3 -47.8 -47.4 -47.0 -46.7 -63.8 -61.3 -59.5 -58.1 -57.0 -56.0 -55.2 -54.5 -53.8 --- _ ' - 45 ft 4s ft 8 -- - 8- - - - - '--- -_ - EAVE_ -HEIGHT- -- - - +47.6 +46.4 +45.5 +44.8 +44.2 +43.8 +43.3 +43.0 +42.6 +47.6 +46.4 +4S.5 +44.8 +44.2 +43.8 +43.3 +43.0 +42.6 ROOF -52.8 -51.5 -50.6 -49.9 -49.3 -48.9 -48.4 -48.1 -47.7 -65.2 -62.6 -60.8 -59.4 -58.3 -57.3 -56.4 -55.7 -55.0 HEIGHT soft SOft +48.7 +47.4 +46.5 +45.8 +45.2 +44.7 +44.3 +43.9 ♦43:6 -448.7 +47.4 +46.5 +45.8 +45.2 +44.7 -+443 +43.9 +43.6- 3.9 -52.6 -50.9 ss ft -5 . -50.3 -49.9 -49.4 -49.0 -48.7 ssf •66.5 63.9 -62.1 -60.6 -59.4 -58.4 -57.6 -56.8 -56.1 51 4 +49.7 1+48.4 +47.4 +46.7 +46.1 +45.6 +45.2 +44.8 +44.5 +49.7 +48.4 +47.4 +46.7 +46.1 +45.6 +45.2 +44.8 +44.5 8 -54.9 -53.6 -52.6 -51.9 -51.3 -50.8 -50.3 -49.9 -49.6 -67.8 -65.1 -63.2 -61.7 -60.5 -59.5 -58.6 -57.9 -57.2 ELEVATION SO 60ft +50.6 +49.3 +48.3 +47.6 +47.0 +46.5 +46.0 +45.7 +45.3 60ft +50.6 +49.3 +48.3 1+47.6 +47.0 +46.5 +46.0 +45.7 +453 WA LL ZONE FIGURES f ISOMETRIC REMARKS DRWNCHKD DATE 5TH ED. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ENGINEERING g o mo D O INIT ISSUE GSS TSB 03/05/12 m 3 y REV•ADJUSTED HEIGHTS GSS TSB 04/09/12 r�oi /I l o #�� ' V 2014F8C DGM TSB 06/10/15 ` 1`t J EXPRESS° �A? - ASCE 7-10, CHAPTER 30 CORP-E OFFICE: =m 160 SW 12th AVENUE, SUITE 106V DDESIGN LOADS FOR COMPONENTS&CLADDING pDEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 MASTER PLAN SHEET mm THIS DOCUMENTIS THE PROPERTY OF ENGINEERING EXPRESS, P:(954)354-0660 F:(954)354-0443 z S U1AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT CERT OF AUTH#9885 p O W N ADDITIONS, OR OTHER ENGINEERING EXPRESS. ASCE / _1 0 E:HELLO@ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.COM y O (_L ADD ITTEDANOTHERMAEOURRKINGS CERTIFICATION. NTARENOT z -o o PERMITTEDaNDurvuIDATEouacERnPlcanaN. ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.COM ` V T I Florida Building Code Online �'� �i� �F� rk����a ra �"'� rr, �✓yrlr�,.��� � 'T�, <��' ,�:� � x � Ir2�; t ne s r �_ .l�_,. r .° si s .:• , r. .. I-of da Departm.ent ' BCISYHome Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publicationsi FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search j BusinBusines (�, fe si nal Fig Product Approval USER:Public User Pro Regulation ProducC Aooroval Menu>Product or Aoollcation Search>Application List>Application Detail f¢ � A FL# FL4904-R7 Application Type Affirmation ltf � Code Version 2014 5rE r" Application Status Approved I ''� r Comments E m Archived � } Product Manufacturer Masonite International Address/Phone/Email 1955 Powis Road West Chicago,IL 60185 r' € (615)441-4258 sschreiber@masonite.com s � � z Authorized Signature Steve Schreiber l t sschreiber@ma'sonite.coml " iE� r"� Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email ;> ... Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors 6fl€N i Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies ' " t. Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing f r R �i Certification Agency National Accreditation&Management Institute t Validated By National Accreditation &;Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year of Standard Year I ��$ ( ) Standard TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 f t O ° a TAS 203 1994 1T Equivalence of Product Standards Kt Certified By 0I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are in a = compliance with the new Florida Building Code. � �`', � Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity . OYes ONo ON/A http:/Avtivw.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?parainwGEVXQwtDgtelulwHNbbISciO%2baWgLuXXbtTsEXplAQ%3d(3/29/2016 9:15:13 AM] Florida Building Code Online I f tt =1 � s dProduct Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 04/29/2015 Date Validated 04/29/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval t Date Approved 05/04/2015 T i Lr " FL# Model, Number or Name Description - j i1 n .. - 1{" �k� a 4904.1 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 6'-8"Opaque I/S and'O/S Single Door t� # $d Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate } Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R7 C CAC NI006110.01.1df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date rid ' Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 9 Design Pressure: +76.0/-76.0 Installation Instructions 1� a Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R7 II FL0128.[2df Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports i does not exceed the design pressures listed. 3'-0"x 6'-8" max FL4904 R7 AE 504A.pdf nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes t �gg t H f } hurricane protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA- ' FLO128-05 for details. " " xl� wood-edge steel Side-HingedDoor - paque an Inge Door , x Units cP ,1 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate y7x r Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R7 C GAG INI006110.02,� Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes QualityAssurance Contract Expiration Date "N *�tt§ P Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 s r f 3'so� l � Design Pressure: +70.0/-70.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R7 II FL0129.12df Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: r;9 i s Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports does not exceed the design pressures listed. 3'-0"x 8'-0" max FL4904 R7 AE 503A.ldf nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes z hurricane protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA- ` L - FL0129-05 for details. v 4904.3 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 6'-8"Opaque I/S and O/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites �y c Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate "V �„ � <ti: Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R7 C CACI NI006110.O1.pddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurancel Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55.0/-55.0 Installation Instructions, ,IIS Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R7 II FL0128.Ddf 1 b Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined b ASCE 7 Created b Independent Third Part P q Y Y P Y: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports rr�;i does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" FL4904 R7 AE 502A.12df max nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is Created by Indeperident Third Party: Yes Ips required, hurricane protective system is NOT required on ,l opaque panels, but is required on glazed panels. See DWG- 5?. MA-FL0128-0 . l "_ 4904.4 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 8'-0"Opaque I/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites I " l Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R7 C CAC NI006110.02.pdf 1 f` Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date A z Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 I " i Design Pressure: +45.0/-50.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R7 II FLO'129.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute http:i/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.asps?paratnwGEVXQwtDgtelulwHNbblSciO%2baWgLuXXbtTsEXpIAQ%3d[3/29/2016 9:15:13 AM] I Florida Building Code Online =- where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: #; l" Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports }aX' does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" FL4904 R7 AE 501A.[2_df jar max nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is Created by Independent Third Party: Yes required, hurricane protective system is NOT required on u s opaque panels, but is required on glazed panels. See DWG- g ' MA-FL0129-05. -t , i ' . f4904.5 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 8'-0"Opaque O/S w/or w/o Sidelites k'� � �.�r` Units Gly i � i :•f`i ,� Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate i{' s � Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R7 C CAC NI006110.02.pd411f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 1 '' Vett Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 t is i Design Pressure: +50.0/-45.0 Installation Instructions s, 1 S - Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R7 II FL0129.[2d ttr3 Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: t ;I Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports' does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" FL4904 R7 AE 501,A.ndf !� max nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11 i'rf tr required, hurricane protective system is NOT required on a opaque panels, but is required on glazed panels. See DWG- x MA-FL0129-05. }¢ itj 4904.6 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 6'-8"Glazed I/S and'O/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites i Units V J� ; Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R7 C CAC NI0061,10.03.pddf f; Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date faj lig A, `. Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 t = I Design Pressure: +50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions 1 , Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R7 II FL0130.pdf ! z€ Y Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute twhere pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by,Independent Third Party: � Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports f, # does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" FL4904 R7 AE 502A.pdf max nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is Created by Independent Third Party: Yes required, hurricane protective system is required. See DWG- i MA-FLO130-05 for details. 4904.7 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 8'-0"Glazed I/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites i a Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate t Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R7 C CAC!NI006110.04.p_df -" Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality AssuranceXontract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 4, Design Pressure: +40.0/-45.0 Installation Instructions " *4 ;t, 1 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R7 II FL0131.)df Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: 1, a Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports E, does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" FL4904 R7 AE 501A.odf max nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is Created by Independent Third Party: Yes f ; 'I required, hurricane protective system is required. See DWG- �}}kkI MA-FLO131-05 for details. #r W 4904.8 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 8'-0"Glazed O/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites r1 0 4 q 1 x`��`� Units 4t µ Z 9 � t4 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4904 R7 C CAC- NI006110.04.�df a_ rl aq,t Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance,Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 i 1 Design Pressure: +45.0/-40.0 Installation Instructions 4 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R7 II FL0131.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Evaluation Reports does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" FL4904 R7 A 507 A.pdf 3 ;r max nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is Created by Independent Third Party: Yes '- ` -- required,hurricane protective system is required. See DWG- :° MA-FLO131-05 for details. 3�ii f k d 11 ? http://www.floridabtiilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?parainwGEVXQwtDgtelulwHNbblSciO%2baWgLuXXbtTsEXplAQ%3d[3/29/2016 9:15:13 AM] Fforida Building Code Online Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 {'- The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement r ; Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your a mail address released in response to apublic-records request,do not send electronic NXI mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section t z b i 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal �< r address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please click bgLe_. Mrd Product Approval Accepts: ' T 1 grc € ® eCheck M I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I i ij I http://www.floiidabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?parain==%vGEVXQwtDgtelulwHNbblSciO%2baWgLuXXbtTsEXplAQ`/`3d[3/29/2016 9:15:13 AM] _ -- NOTICE-OF-PRODUCT-CERTIFICATION - Company: Masonite International Corporation Certification No.: NI006110.01 {' 1955 Powis Road Certification Date: 07/23/2005 := x West Chicago, IL 60185 Expiration Date: 12/31/2020 `. Revision Date: 11/21/2014 Product: Wood-Edge Steel Opaque Inswing or Outswing Door w/and w/o Non-Impact Rated Sidelites (w/Wood Frame unless noted) Specification: TAS 201/202/203 The"Notice of Product Certification"is only valid if the NAMI Certification Label has been applied to the product as described within this document. The certification label represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied. This product has been approved for listing within NAMI's Certified Product Listing at www.Namicertification.com. NAMI's Certification Program is accredited by The American National Standards Institute(ANSI). Inswing Glazed Structural Water Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Design Test Impact Drawing Number& Outswin O a ue Size Pressure Pressure Rated Comments X I/S Opaque 3'0"x 6'8" +76/-76 2.86 psf Yes NCTL-210-2929-1 Single Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8" X O/S Opaque 3'0"x 6'8" +76/-76 8.25 psf Yes NCTL-210-2929-I Single Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0128-05 Double Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0128-05 XX 0/S Opaque 6'0"x 6'8" +55/-55 8.25 psf Yes NCTL-210-2930-1 Double Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0128-05 XO/OX I/S Opaque Door 6'0"x 6'8" +55/-55 2.86 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210-2930-1 Single w/Sidelite Glazed Sidelite Sidelite-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0128-05 XO/OX 0/S Opaque Door 6'0"x 698" +55/-55 8.25 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210-2930-I Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelite _ Sidelite-No Maximum Panel,Size:3'0"x 6'8'7Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0128-05 OXO I/S Opaque Door 9'0"x 6'8" +55/-55 2.86 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210-2930-1 Single w/Sidelites.__ _ __ _ Glazed-Side-lites Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:30"x 6'8" - - -- - - - ---- -- '----- - --Anchor Detail-MA-171-0128-05-- OXO O/S Opaque Door 910"x 6'8" +55/-55 8.25 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210-2930-1 Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" - - - Anchor Detail-MA-FL0128-05 OXXO I/S Opaque Doors 1294"x 6'8" +55/-55 2.86 psf Doors-Yes NCTL-210-2930-1 Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0128-05 OXXO 0/S Opaque Doors 12'4"x 6'8" +55/-55 8.25 psf Doors-Yes NCTL-210-2930-1 Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0128-05 National Accreditation& Management Institute,Inc./4794 George Washington Memorial Highway/Hayes,VA 23072 Tel: (804)684-5124/Fax: (804)684-5122 NAMI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: 149",MAX. OVERALL FRAME WIDTH 00 SIDE-HINGED WOOD-EDGE STEEL DOOR UNIT 21 D.L.O. PANEL" MAX. co - .O.-' 37.5" MAX, 6'-8"DOUBLE DOOR WITH/WITHOUT SIDELITES �w ASTR cAL TI ~FRAME WIDTH - _J I - --� - zoo EVA .NOTES - El -- -- W O¢ 1. EVALUATED FOR USE IN LOCATIONS ADHERING TO � Q U THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND WHERE PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY ASCE 7, MINIMUM W L7�- DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES. DOES NOT EXCEED THE DESIGN PRESSURES LISTED. n Z Cf7 O ,_1- 2. HURRICANE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM (SHUTTERS) IS NOT REQUIRED ON C/) (n OPAQUE PANELS, BUT IS REQUIRED ON GLAZED SIDELITES. _ ¢ W 3. IN THE HVHZ. FACTORY PRIMED DOORS MUST BE PAINTED IN Z -. ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2220 OF THE FDC. W - O x 4. POLYURETHANE CORE FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 50 a AND SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 60 PER ASTM E84. X 5. PLASTICS TESTING OF LITE FRAME MATERIAL: v 4i o TEST DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION RESULT o Q o o k SELF IGNITION TEMP ASTM 11929 740 'F > 650 'F a ao z RATE OF BURNING ASTM 1635 0.77 IN/MIN SMOKE DENSITY ASTM D2843 13.4% ���w TENSILE STRENGTH- ASTM D638 7.507 DIFF • COMPARATIVE TENSILE STRENGTH AFTER WEATHERING u o ¢ sf 4500 HOURS XENON ARC METHOD 1 0 G � DOUBLE_ DOOR UNIT W SIDELITES a a Addendum toNAMI W w UIN V1 M m r 3333m N CeA kcal al No.: N oo(,I i c 'y Reviened By. zz Date Rwe : 7 1 i,4 _ z W U J V W JT 1313 1113 ® 13 13 13 mm glow w z �II��yI��If�ILu � 0 00 '�-_IL'I _�-�_ -�..�IOujson ffn <E (y 00 11 OR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE GOOR UNIT W/SIDELITES DOUBLE DOOR-UNIT 'N/SIDELITES WITH SIDELITE WITH SIDELITE HI o U m OZ WHERE WATER INFILTRATION PERFORMANCE IS DESIGN PR EQUIRED TO BE 157 OF DESIGN PRESSURE DATE: 7/11/05 IABLE OF CONTENTS INSWING OUTSWING INSWING OUTSWING ./ SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET �( DESCRIPTION X 37.5 76.0 -76.0 +76.0 -76.0 +19.0 -19.0 +55.0 -55.0 i 7 -- P55.0 -55.0 +19.0 -19.0 1.55.0 -55.0 DWG.BY: SWS 1 TYPICAL ELEVATIONS & GENERAL NOTES OX or XO %5 __ T55.0 -55.0 +55.0 -55.0Z. -55.0 CHR.BY: 2 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS 0X0 112.5" +55.0 -55.0 +55.0 -55.0 +19.0 -19.0 +55.0 -55.0 3 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS - KURT BALTHAZOR DRAWING NO.: OXXO 149 +S5.0 -55.0 +55.0 -55.0 +19.0 -19.0 +55.0 -55.0 FLORIDA P.E. DWG-MA-FL0128-05 #56533 SHEET 1 OF 3 a L) CI:o °c-' 6"- SEE DETAIL -3., -6" J O 3" -I - -3" 3' I-3'I I I ZO (Y J P—T-6" N 3..-I i° �° o `n Z EL U_ L U aUQ a SEE DETAIL co Lj Lj Q D SC" DETAIL _ - a w _ _ SEE DETAIL 8 w Gin i ; 0 � 6" saw ¢N 6" 3 C7 p _ 6" 6' I awW vWi �,y a c� T-- 3 3' -I - - 3' 3,. i I a 6., - SFE DETAIL �-6,. 3 3 3 3 m N N N N 1 Z � O Z Q W U J W W 3 Of Q Q W ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT HOLE a cn L) Z #10 x 2" MUST BE DRILLED THROUGH Jow �_ - #8 x 2-1/2" #8 x 2-1/2Q�FOR THE THRESHOLD & INTO THE I,a}�CS #10 x 5/8" STRUCTURE DEEP ENOUGH o ¢= #8 x 2-1/2" #10 x 1" A 1.375 THROW 000- x --- 0-x_5 -8 -- wx 3/4 - - - -- -- - -- — ---DETAIL-"F"-ASTRAGAL#10 x 2" DETAIL "E" ASTRAGAL FRAME DOOR W (OPTI TEMP.DECORATIVE / ATTACH ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT DOW 995 AL OPTIONAL R BUTYL INSERT - ALUM;STEEL OR BUTYL SPACER DETAIL "D" DETAIL "C" STRIKE PLATE TO FRAME w o m AS SHOWN. I/2 SITE z TYPICAL --------�,46 % 1-1/2"AHS { Add2lldlm110 NAMI •.r_• DATE: 7�7 1 X05 •a:yA..�'i 0.962" CeddalonND: scALF: N.T.S. �1rn a ZN -,•: 1.375" ��yry�� R6v""G by 4 i /� DWG.BY: SWS �L—JI '•-°� Date RevleWe L,I�. Dow 995 •�iyAt..` CHK.BY: %T R, •' INT RI R DRAWING NO.: INSWING THRESHOLD OUTSWING THRESHOLD TYPICAL GLAZING DETAIL OWG-MA-FL0125-05 5.1F.Fr 2 OF 3 ' SEE DETAIL 3 6"3—h 6" cc: 00 Lu Lu Lf) <SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL D 0 Lo ui SEE DETAIL�lr 6T 6"'T F- 0 ATTACHMENT DETAIL I 1. ANCHOR ANALYSIS FOR LOADING CONDITIONS PREPARED, SIGNED AND SEALCD BY LUIS R. LOMAS, PE 0 0 (FLORIDA #62514) WITH THE LOWEST (LEAST) ui FASTENER RATING FROM THE DIFFERENT FASTENERS �z Li Lu BEING CONSIDERED FOR USE. JAMB, HEAD, AND THRESHOLD FASTENERS ANALYZED FOR THIS UNIT INCLUDE U OL to U -ANCHOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE- SHIM MUST BE PLACED IN SHIM SPACE AT EACH LOCATION. i�FCON EDGE DISTANCE MIN 2-1/2". 1. KWIKSET S RIES 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND <' M 2. MULLIONS TO BE 2-1/2" X 4-3/8" STRUCTURAL GRADE SERIES 980 GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTALLED 00 � � - Luis R. Lomas P.E. 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer.Masonite Lewisville,NC 27023 Report# 504A 336-945-9695 Date; 12/29/09 Product. Single Door 3'x6'8" Scope: This analysis provides calculations,quantities,and spacing requirements for installing product to substrate,and it applies only to the product described herein.These calculations comply with requirements of the Florida Building Code. Drawings verification: This analysis verifies anchoring for the following drawings: DWG-MA-FLO120-05 DWG-MA-FLO130-05 DWG-MA-FLO153-06 DWGIMA-FLQ168-07 DWG-MA-FLO122-05 DWG-MA-FLO132-05 DWG-MA-FLO155-06 DWG',MA-FL0170-07 DWG-MA-FLO124-05 DWG-MA-FLO134-05 DWG-MA-FLO156-06 DWGiMA-F0172-07 DWG-MA-FLO126-05 DWG-MA-FLO140-05 DWG-MA-FLO160-07 DWG;MA-FL0174-07 DWG-MA-FLO128-05 DWG-MA-FLO151-06 DWG-MA-FLO162-07 DWG';MA-FL0175-07 Anchors to be qualified: 1. #10 Wood screw,for installation in wood frame substrates. 2. 3/16"ITW Tapcon,for masonry installation i Anchor capacity in shear condition: ! I Fastener type:#10 wood screw (NDS 2005,11.3) Side member: Douglas Fir-Larch Main member:Spruce-Pine-Fir Side member thickness: t,= 1.000 in Main member thickness: tm= 1.500 in Side member dowel bearing strength: F_= 4,650 psi Main member dowel bearing strength: Fes„= 3,350 psi I Minimum required penetration: 1.330 in Screw bending yield strength: Fyb=' 80,000 psi Duration Factor: CD= 1.6 Tabulated lateral idesign value: Z=� 107.0 lbs Allowable Design Value: Z'= 171 lbs/anchor Mode IV Fastener type: 3/16"ITW Tapcon N.O.A.07-1126.10 Substrate: Hollow block Minimum embedment: 1.25 in ! Minimum edge distance: 1.13 in Minimum C to C spacing: 2.25 in Tabulated shear design value: Z= 112 lbs Actual C To C spacing: i 3.00 in Minimum edge distance: 2.63 in C to C spacing factor: 1.00 Tabulated shear design value: Z= 197 lbs Actual edge distance: 2.50 in Design value per interpolation: Z= 189 lbs Allowable Design Value: Z'= 189 lbs/anchor Minimum anchor capacity: 171 lbs/anchor Note:Anchors with the least capacity is used for calculations to qualify anchors with higher capacity. Anchor calculations,minimum required anchors I Pressure against stops with bump threshold: j 36.38 Design pressure: 85.0 psf ' Max. Anchor Area Load Ind. Al Zone a OX Cap' Load Result MA2A2'Y79.25 (ft) (lbs) (in) (in) (lbs)A, 2.3 195 N/A N/A 1711 2 98 OK AZ 7.7 656 6.00 18.00 1711 5 131 OK 'I Single. Pressure away from stops: 36.38 Design pressure: 85.0 psf Max. j Anchor Area Load Ind. Zonez O.C. Cap; Load Result Al I Al (ft) (lbs) (in) Qty 79.25 (in) (lbs) (lbs) Al 10.0 851 6.00 18.00 171; 5 170 OK ��� S R• L!0 ��ii ���J�• CEN�• :�q��i I, >r� TAT 1 OF �. .!40Luis R.Lomas P.E. 0i��•/C �.�•.�� FL No.:62514 1 of 2 �iiFS•4 O RtoG� � 117120110 ONAL�E,���, I Luis R. Lomas P.E. 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite Lewisville,NC 27023 Report k 504A 336-945-9695 Date! 12/29/09 Single. Pressure against stops with saddle threshold: 36.38 Design pressure: 85.0 psf / Area Load Ind. Max. Anchor q1, Zone z O.C. Cap.; ty Load Result Y 79.25 (ft) (lbs) (in) (i�) (Ibs)j 4 (lbs) A2 A2 Al 2.3 195 N/A N/A 171„ 2 98 OK AZ 8.9 753 6.00 18.00 1711, 5 151 OK Anchor Locations: --- 36.38---- i I 18.19 i 6.00 TYP.--- 6.00 TYP. I, I 1 1 6.00 i 1 13.45 MAX.O.C. l ' 79.25 1 I r i i 1 `i I i 6.00 I _L � I I Note: Anchor locations indicated in this document are the minimum required for the described product exposed at the design pressure indicated herein. * 51 ilr TATE OF • �� 01.�. Luis R.Lomas P.E. FL No.:62514 2 of 2 1/7/2010 Fforida Building Code Online ¢7 Ili '�IY *1 i= y.h�„a �+ Y�, � +..._ � i� ��■■ is € L i " ir6 of, "„ i;i d t 15 3" BCIS Home ` Log In User Registration Hot Topics = Submit Surcharge ' Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff SCIS Site Map Links Search i I bProduct Approval USER:Public User Product Aooroval Menu>Product or Aoolication Search>Aoolication List>Application Detail 1 FL# FL22513 I� l d Application Type New t Code Version 2014 ! ,� Application Status Approved l *Approved by DBPR.Approvals1by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Comments } r' Archived l Product Manufacturer Masonite International jrfAddress/Phone/Email 1955 Powis Road West Chicago,IL 60185 ] as (800) 663-3667 3 sschreiber@masonite.com ,x ! Authorized Signature Steve Schreiber _ sschreiber@masonite.com I, I •7'�( _�'� Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email E �i , aQuality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email E Category Exterior Doors s " Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies { p t Ji Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing a r Certification Agency National Accreditation&Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation&Management Institute .' Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year i TAS 201 1994 , �+ TAS 202 1 1994 TAS 203 1994 GAF 4 3. 1 g Equivalence of Product Standards ! 7 Certified By t tl i Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A http:-/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?paramwGEVXQwtDgtdytNblepz46QEOwOhYDnHsj5AmuKMxab2a5G4EjDUgQ°/3d%3d[S/8/2017 10:15:45 AM] Flonda Building Code Online f , r' t Date Submitted 06/13/2017 2: Date Validated 06/16/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 1, ,j Date Approved 06/20/2017 t t Summary of'Products FL# i Model,Number or Name Description t�4MV 22513.1 HPC Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged 6-8"Glazed I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/or w/o ( #t Door Unit Sidelites i Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate x Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22513 RO C CAG NIO131747.01.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance'iContract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 06/30/2021 I a" Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22513 RO II FL6212.pdf I Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pE*t pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6-8" max nominal size. When impact Evaluation Reports resistance is required, hurricane protective system is required. FL22513 RO AE 514008.odf z 3 Door top rails stamped "HPC". See DWG-MA-FL0212 for Created by Independent Third Party: Yes details. -' *P 22513.2 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 8'-0"Opaque I/S or O/S Single Door Unit j ` Unit E i Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Tt Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22513 RO C CAC NIO 3747.04.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurancel,Contract Expiration Date x Impact Resistant:Yes 06/30/2021 ? t Design Pressure: +70/-70 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22513 RO II FL0215.[Ldf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute =`xl where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: fj pressures listed. 3'-0"x 8'-0"max nominal size. When impact Evaluation Reports }X521 t f ? resistance is required, hurricane protective system not FL22513 ROA 51400 .pddf I t required. See DWG-MA-FL0215 for details. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes + 1 _ 4{ t t 22513.3 I Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 8'-0"Opaque I/S Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites rl,r Unit Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22513 RO C CAC NIO13747.04.pdf a =, Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurancel Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 06/30/2021 Design Pressure: +45/ 50 Installation Instructions `t` Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22513 RO II FL0215.pdf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. When impact Evaluation Reports a, resistance is required, hurricane protective system not FL22513 RO AE 514007.1df r 1 € required on opaque panels, but is required on glazed sidelites. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11 , See DWG-MA-FL0215 for details. d l 22513.4 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 8'-0"Opaque O/S Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites #, t Unit Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate jl Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22513 RO C CAC NIO13747.04.oddf j Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date E Impact Resistant:Yes 06/30/2021 Design Pressure: +50/-45 Installation Instructions i t Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22513 RO II FL0215.pdf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. When impact Evaluation Reports resistance is required, hurricane protective system not FL22513 RO AE 51.4007.{�df required on opaque panels, but is required on glazed sidelites. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes j -{ See DWG-MA-FL0215 for details. — 4 22513.5 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 8' 0" -Lite3/4 Glaze I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/or r c 1 Unit w/o Sidelites http:t/www.tloridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtdytNblepz46QEOwOhYDnHsj5AmuKMxab2u5G4EjDUgQ%3d%3d[8/8/2017 10:15:45 AM] i Florida Building Code Online Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22513 RO C CAC NIO13747.06.Ddf I l Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance:Contract Expiration Date 31 � Impact Resistant: No 06/30/2021 Design Pressure: +40/-40 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22513 RO II FL0217.pdf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: k c pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. When impact Evaluation Reports l,'x resistance is required, hurricane protective system is required. FL22513 RO AE 514007,Pdf See DWG-MA-FL0217 for details. Created by,Independent Third Party: Yes t t 4 22513.6 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 6'-8"Opaque I/S or /S Single Door J Unit Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22513 RO C CAC NI013747.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality A9surancetontract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 06/30/2021 Design Pressure: +70/-70 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22513 RO II FL0211.12df Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified B National Accreditation&Management Institute b, 9 9 9 Y Y� 9 91 where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: y, pressures listed. 3'-0"x 6-8" max nominal size. When impact Evaluation Reports f ` resistance is required, hurricane protective system not FL22513 RO AE 514010.pdf E i required. See DWG-MA-FL0211 for details. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes I i 1aE's i k s' ' i oo -e ge ee I e- Inge oor - Paque or Ing a or Double Door w or w/o Unit Sidelites ' i fxT Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate 4� Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22513 RO C CAC NI013747.12df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes pp Quality AssuranceContract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 06/30/2021 ' Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions { Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22513 RO II FL0211.12df ti Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute k Y rt where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: 31 4 pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6-8" max nominal size. When impact Evaluation Reports AN­ i1} resistance is required, hurricane protective system not FL22513 RO AE 5i4008.{�df r}t required on opaque panels, but is required on glazed sidelites. Created by Indepenident Third Party: Yes I See DWG-MA-FL0211 for details. ffa , „ 22513.8 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged Door 6-8" 3/4-Lite Glazed I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/or I I I Unit w/o Sidelites � Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate i j 1 Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22513 RO C CAC NIO13747.03.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance'Contract Expiration Date l Impact Resistant: No 06/30/2021 l I i Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions ` Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL2257.3 RO II FL6214.Ddf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute I where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6-8" max nominal size. When impact Evaluation Reports resistance is required, hurricane protective system is required. FL22513 RO AE 514008.1)df f } ° See DWG-MA-FL0214 for details. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes i , J£ s, t Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 S The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement t'» Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a,public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,'please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal }i a address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please click here_. ] Product Approval Accepts: htip://%vww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?parain wGEVXQwtDgtdytNblepz46QEOwOhYDnHsj5AmuKkfxab2u5G4EjDUgQ%3d%3d[8/8/2017 10:15:45 AM] I F1'rida Building Code Online ,777777 Credit Card Safe h b � µ ir - i If i I i I I I ' i. i f i I i I , http:%/www.Floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?paratnwGEVXQwtDgtdytNblepz4GQEOwOliYDnHsj5AmuKMxab2u5G4EjDUgQ%3d%3d[8/8/20 17 10:15:45 AM] i =NOTIC-E=OF--PRGIYUCT CERTIFICATION aA� Company; Masonite International Corporation Certification No.: N1013747C *A. 1955 Powis RoadCei-tiication Date: 06/08/2017 �x West Chicago, IL 60185 Expiration Date: 06/30/2021 Product: Wood-Edge Steel Opaque Inswing or Outswing Door w/Non-Impact Rated Sidelites (w/Wood Frame unless noted) Specification: TAS 201/202/203-94 Impact: Large Missile Impact Rated Non-Impact Glazing: Insulating Glass(Tempered) The"Notice of Product Certification"is only valid if the NAMI Certification Label has been applied to the product as described within this document. The certification label represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied. This product has been approved for listing within NAMI's Certified Product Listing at www.Namieertification.com. NAMI's Certification Program is accredited by The American National Standards Institute ANSI). Inswing Glazed Structural Water Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Design Test Impact Drawing Number& Outswing Opaque Size Pressure Pressure Rated Comments X I/S Opaque 3'0"x 6'8" +70/-70 0.0 psf Yes ATLNC 1001.01-13 Sin-le Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8" X O/S Opaque 3'0"x 6'8" +70/-70 3.0 psP Yes A'T'LNC 1001.01-13 Single 4.5 psf' Maxinuun Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8" 7.50psf' Anchor Det ails-DWG-MA-FL0211-17 Doable Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Details-DWG-M14A-FI0211-17 XX O/S Opaque 6'0"x 6'8" +55/-55 3.0 psi' Yes NCTL-210 2930-1 Double 4.5 psf' Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8" 7.50 )sf' Anchor Details-MG-NIA-FI-0211-17 XO/OX I/S Opaque Door 6'0"x 6'8" +55/-55 0 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210 2930-1 Single w/Sidelite Glazed Sidelite Sidelite-No Maxinuon Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Details-DWG-MA-FL0211-17 XO/OX O/S Opaque Door 6'0"x 6'8" -I.55/-55 3.0 psi' Door-Yes NC-11-210-2930-1 Single%v/Sidelite Glazed Sidelite 4.5 psf' Sidelite-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" 7.50 )sf' Anchor Details-MG-MA-FI-0211-17 OXO I/S Opaque Door 9'0"x 6'8" +55/-55 0 psf Door-Yes NCTL=310-2930-1 Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelite Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6B"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Details-DWG,MA-FL0211-17 OXO O/S Opaque Door 9'0"x 6'8" +55/-55 3.0 psf' Door-Yes NC7'L-310-2930-1 - Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelite 4.5 psf" Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Details-MG-MA-FI-0211-17 7.50 sf'_ OXXO US Opaque Door 12'4"x 6'8" +55/-55 0 psf Door-Yes N01-210-2930-1 Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelite Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" Anchor Details-MG-MA-FI-0211-17 OXXO O/S Opaque Door 12'4"x 6'8" +55/-55 3.0 psi' Door-Yes NCTL-210-2930-1 Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelite 4.5 psf Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Sidelite:3'0"x 6'8" 7.50 psI" Anchor Delails-DWG-MA-FI0211-17 I-Denotes Bumper Outswing Threshold 2-Denotes L-Series Outswing'l'hreshold 3-Ili-1)am Ontswing Threshold National Accreditation & Management Institute, Inc./4794 George Washington Memorial Highway/Hayes,VA 23072 Tel: (804)684-5124/Fax: (804)684-5122 NAMI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: �1 /� Lo 1 11 1 MASON�TE. 149"MAX. OVERALL FRAME WIDTH cc I O WOOD-EDGE STEEL DOOR UNIT 21" MAX 36.375" MAX. _j Q D.L.O. PANEL WIDTH 37.5" MAX. Q O 6'-8"DOUBLE DOOR WITH/WITHOUT SIDELITESW/ASTRAGAL FRAME WIDTH p 0::00 J GENERAL NOTF_S �O 1. EVALUATED FOR USE IN LOCATIONS ADHERING ® ® ® ® O Q THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND WHERE PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY ASCE 7, MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, W In U DOES NOT EXCEED THE DESIGN PRESSURES LISTED. v 2. HURRICANE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM (SHUTTERS) IS NOT REQUIRED ON m N O (- OPAQUE PANELS, BUT IS REQUIRED ON GLAZED SIDELITES. Lo co 3. WHEN INSTALLED IN THE WIND-BORNE DEBRIS REGION, W EXCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ), HURRICANE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED ON OPAQUE = J PANELS OR PANELS WITH IMPACT GLASS, BUT IS REQUIRED w M ON PANELS WITH NON-IMPACT GLASS. z 4. POLYURETHANE CORE FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 50 a AND SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 60 PER ASTM E84. 5. PLASTICS TESTING: TEST DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION LITE FRAME SELF IGNITION TEMP ASTM 07929 842 'F > 650 'F a z RATEOF BURNING ASTM D635 1.28 IN MIN Q T SMOKE DENSITY ASTM D2843 70.2% N W TENSILE STRENGTH- I ASTM D638 1 1.8% DIFF g d • COMPARATIVE TENSILE STRENGTH AFTER WEATHERING a 0 4500 HOURS XENON ARC METHOD 1 o r DOUBLE DOOR UNIT W SIDELITES Addendum to NAM( m CedilieationNo.: Reviewed By. Oats Renew - 11 ® ® 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 o ri • • • • Li S NG U DOUBLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT !%/SIDELITES DOUBLE ODOR UNIT W/SIDELITES d WITH SIDELITE WITH SIDEl17E z WHERE WATER INFILTRATION PERFORMANCE IS DATE 5126117 I TABLE OF CONTENTS DESIGN PRESSURE RATING REQUIRED TO BE 157 OF DESIGN PRESSURE INSWING INSWING BUMPER 0 S Z-SERIES 0 S HIGH DAM 0 S /A A SCS: N.T.S. SHEET # DESCRIPTION X 37.5 70.0 -70.0 +70.0 -70.0 N A +20.0%-20.0 +30.0 -30.0 +50.0 -50.0 b7 &ms's / DWG.BY: SWS 1TYPICAL ELEVATIONS & GENERAL NOTES +55.0 -55.0 N A +20. +30. -30.0 +50.0 -50.0 G LOCATIONS & DETAILS OX or XO 75 +55.0 -55.0 +55.0 -55.0 N A +20. +30.0 -30.0 +50.0 -50.0 cnK.sr: 3 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS OXO 112.5 +55.0 -55.0 +55.0 -55.0 N A +20. +30.0 -30.0 +50.0 -50.0 KURT BALTHAZOR DRAWING No.: OXXO 149 +55.0 -55.0 +55.0 -55.0 N A +20. +30.0 -30.0 +50.0 -50.0 FLORIDA P.E. DWG-MA-FLO211-17 #56533 SHEET 1 OF 3 Ln 6"— SEE DETAIL 3,. 6" � Q 3" 3" 3" 3 3" 3 O01-T J I I I I 1lk II I I I ¢ (n p --II y�j U LO n Ln nn N M= Lr)uiU o < a a SEEDETAIL n (n _ n T W � ? ;-T SEE DETAIL — w w — SEE DETAIL "c„ un A n OA B 'l v G G H H �c o 6" g" 3" I 3-1 0 3" 3„ 3.. 6" -�ga SEE DETAIL ll8 x 2•• m P ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT HOLE #8 x 2" #10 x 5/8" MUSOUGH THETBE DRILLED THRESHOLD &T NTOUTHE STRUCTURE DEEP ENOUGH #10 x 5/8" FOR A 1.375" THROW #8 x 2 #10 x 1" DETAIL "E" ASTRAGAL z DETAIL "E" ASTRAGAL 0 #10 x 2-1/2' ATTACH ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT 0 --- -- -- ---- - -- STRIKE PLATE-TO FRAME ------- ------- - --------- ------_-- _ - #10 x 5/8" AS SHOWN. �j DETAIL "C" DETAIL "D"_ 1 0.962 ELASTOMER�A�c HOT ME ,.375" T� - - - 1B 7( ,-,,2•FH9T �WMIINS NG THRES OL BUMPER 0/S THRESHOLDz HOT MELT� ,' y„ 1/2•BITE ELASTOMER "'.44„'4 ` CertlfizlanNo.:RevewedBDATE: 5/26/17 Date Review' sc�LE: N.7.S. Taloa ` INTERID 1.462" 1.75" `t.oa7" TYPICAL GLAZING DETAIL DWG. BY: SIMS T T NON-IMPACT GLASS CHK.BY. DRAWING No.: Z-SERIES O/S THRESHOLD HIGH DAM O/S THRESHOLD DWG-MA-FL0211-17 SHEET 2 OF 3 SEE DETAIL —3„ 6" 6" a DO "E" SHT. 2 3. I J Q 6„ 6.. I 6 — II 6„ 6., L/)o '1 0 _ w �Q M^ w a Z a U 0 a SEE DETAIL a Ln U w "D" SHT. 2 — — EL In z ,^^ ,F J J �vl W SEE DETAIL a o "C" SHT. 2 o � A M A H B 6" — — t h� 6" 6" c 0 � I I I I I I I I I I i coo 3" °� m� �oAf fl SEE DETAIL 6., 6" o 'a F" SHT. 2 6' 0 e HARDWARE SCHEDULE a a 1. KWIKSET SERIES 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND m SERIES 980 GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTALLED AT 5-1/2" CENTERLINE. ATTACHMENT DETAIL 1MIN" { o". i. 2. 4" X 4" FULL MORTISE BUTT HINGES. 1. ANCHOR ANALYSIS FOR LOADING CONDITIONS PREPARED, 0.25" `MAX 1"Xt/2" CORRUGATED #tOX2" WOOD SCREW SIGNED AND SEALED BY ROBERTO LOMAS, PE SHIM 3" FROM EACH END 6" FROM EACH END 1n (FLORIDA #62514) WITH THE LOWEST (LEAST) { {— AND 7" OC AND 12" OC Z _--FASTENER RATING FROM THE--DIFFERENT FASTENERS cl- �� - -- I - ---- 00 BEING CONSIDERED FOR USE. JAMB, HEAD, AND a^. ACRYLIC w THRESHOLD FASTENERS ANALYZED FOR THIS UNIT INCLUDE LATEXof #10 WOOD SCREWS OR 1/4" TAPCONS. A PHYSICAL TYPICAL MASONRYACRYLIC CAULK - MUST BE-PLACED-IN-SHIM-SPACE-AT-EACH-ANCHOR ---------ANCHOR-INSTALLATION - ---- - - —CAULK I CL LOCATION. TAPCON EDGE DISTANCE MIN 2-1/2". a WOOD SCREW EDGE DISTANCE MIN 3/4". COMBINATION WOOD COMBINATION WOOD a f MULLION (BOXED MULLION-- BOXED 2. THE WOOD SCREW SINGLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUES COME FROM 1.50" ( )ANSI/AF&PA NDA FOR SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER AND ACHEIVEMENT MIN 0.25" MAX (3 10X2-1/2" ZOF 1-1/2" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. THE TAPCON MUST ACHIEVE SHIM WOOD SCREWS Addendum loNAMI MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4 EACH END CL— — CerblialionNo.: O!? 40 DATE 5 26/17 3. WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO ® RN*ewed8TsCAU: N.T.S. Dale RWew4 TRANSFER LOADS TO STRUCTURE. �� DWG. BY: SWS 4. MINIMUM DESIGN VALUE STRENGTH OF ANCHORS 155 LBS. ® ® CHK.BY: TYPICAL WOOD BUCK ANCHOR INSTALLATION DRAWING No.: INTEGRAL WOOD DWG-MA-FL0211-17 MULLION (CHS) sneer_L OF 3 ,i L. Roberto Lomas P.E. 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite. Lewisville,NC 27023 Report#: 594010 434-688-0609 Date: 05/01/2017 rl lomas(cDlrlomaspe.com Test Report: N/A Product: Single door 3'x 68"(Wood Frame) } Scope: This analysis provides calculations,quantities,and spacing requirements for installing product to substrate,and it applies only to the product described herein.These calculations comply with requirements of the Florida Building Code. Anchor capacity in shear condition: Solid members w/d w/out gap: �• ,j a. With threads present in shear plane Li i Fastener type:#10 wood screw (NDS 2012,TR12) ul Nominal diameter: D: 0.190 in Gap: ;,i g: 0.0000 in Root diameter: Dr: 0.152 in Moment arm: 0.0000 in Minimum required penetration: p: 1.140 in Screw bending yield r strength: ;;l Fyb= k000 psi Side member: Douglas Fir-Larch(G=0.50) Main member:Spruce-Pine,Fir(G=0.42) Side member thickness: t,= 1.000 in Main member thickness: '.� tm= 1.500 in Side member dowel bearing strength: F-,= 4,650 psiMain member dowel bearing strength: `i Fe,,,_ ,3,350 psi Side member dowel bearing length: I,= 1.000 in Main member dowel bearing length: ',j Im= 1.140 in Mode Im Mode.I, Mode II Mode III, Mode III, Mode IV qm= 636.5 lbs/in qs= 884 lbs/in A: 0.0007 A: 0.00096 A: 0!00107 A: 0.0014 P= 725.61 lbs P= 884 lbs 8: 1.07 B: 0.57 8: j 0.5 B: 0.000 Ko= 2.400 Ko= 2.400 C: -427.67 C: -253.62 C: ' 267.7 C: -93.6 Zm= 302 lbs Zs 368 lbs P= 331 lbs Ms= 46.8 in-lbs Mm 46.8 in-lbs Ko= 2.400 P= 297 lbs P= 319 lbs P= 263 lbs Min.Design value: Z= 110 lbs Z= 138 lbs Ko= 2.400 Ko= .,2.400 Ko= 2.400 Duration Factor: Co= 1.6 Z= 124 lbs Z=' 133 lbs Z= 110 lbs Allowable Design Value(ZCo): Z'= 175 lbs/anchor Solid members w/6 w/out gap: a. With threads present in shear plane ;I type:i Fe:#10 wood screw (NDS 2012,TR32) I Nominal diameter: D: 0.190 in Gap: + g: 0.0000 in Root diameter: Dr: 0.152 in Moment arm: 0.0000 in Minimum required penetration: p: 1.140 in Screw bending yield strength: ;i Fyb= 80,000 psi b Side member: Douglas Fir-Larch(6=0.50) Main member: Steel strap/clip Side member thickness: t,= 1,000 in Main member thickness: U= 10.048 in Side member dowel bearing strength: F-,= 4,650 psi Main member dowel bearing strength: 'F_= 61,850 psi Side member dowel bearing length: I,= 1.000 in Main member dowel bearing length: Im= 1.140 in Mode Im Mode Is Mode II Mode III, Mode III, Mode IV qm= 11752 lbs/in qs= 884 lbs/in A: 0.0003 A: 0.00059 A: 0.00033 A: 0.0006 P= 13397 lbs P= 884 lbs 8: 1.07 B: 0.57 j 8: '; 0.5 B: 0.000 Ko= 2.400 Ko= 2.400 C: -4038.9 C: -3864.9 C: -267.7 C: -93.6 Z.= 5582 lbs Z: 368 lbs P= 2287 lbs Ms= 46.8 in-lbs Mm= 'i. 46.8 in-lbs Ko= 2.400 P= 2126 lbs P= 420 lbs P= 392 lbs Min.Design value: Z= 163 lbs Z= 953 lbs Ko= 2.400Ko= '12.400 Ko= 2.400 Duration Factor: Co= 1.6 Z= 886 lbs Z= 175 lbs Z= 163 lbs Allowable Design Value(ZCo): Z'= 262 lbs/anchor I I' Fastener type: 1/4"ITW Topcon N.O.A.16'1222.06 Substrate: Hollow block Minimum embedment: 1.25 in Edge distance: 4.00 in Tabulated shear design value: Z= 202 Ibs' •I Edge distance: 2.00 in Tabulated shear design value: Z=i, 161 lbs 'Actual edge distance: 2.50 in Reduction factor: 0.85 Spacing: 4.00 in Tabulated shear design value: Z=• 202 lbs, ``; R 0 lei Spacing: 2.00 in Tabulated shear design value: Z= 164 lbs `�N��� • n . s /� Actual spacing: 3.00 in Reduction factor: 0.91 ` w\G.' E N n -����1� Allowable Design Value(Zf„N): Z"= 155 lbs/anchor •j = •� Minimum anchor capacity: 155 lbs/anchor j j'*• Q C�� • i Note:Anchors with the least capacity is used for calculations to qualify anchors with higher capacity. ��o ♦ TAT OF Anchor calculations,minimum required anchors i ♦ k/ 36.38 Design pressure: 85.0 psf �j�F♦.C�®R1� ,w � ��� Area Load Ind. Max. Anchor /� A l� pl Zone z O.C. CaLand Result // apt„� Y� (ft) (lbs) (in) p. 79.25 (in) (lbs) Qt (lbs) �rV(� y�,1 A, 2.3 195 N/A N/A 155 2 98 JOK Luis R. Lomas P.E. Al Az 7.7 656 6.00 18.00 155 5 131 ;OK FL No.: 62514 1 of 2 5/2/2017 I '1 L. Roberto Lomas P.E. I 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite Lewisville,NC 27023 Report#: 514010 434-688-0609 Date: 05/01/2017 rI1omas cbIrlomaspe.com Anchor Locations: 36.38 I 18.19 i 6.00 TYP. 6.00 IYP. i I 6.00 I 13.45 MAX.O.C. I I I 79.25 i I � i I 600 i Installation instructions: 1. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO WOOD FRAMING OR 2X BUCK USE#10 WOOD SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4"MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 2. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO MASONRY/CONCRETE USE 3/16"TAPCONS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4"MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 2 1/2" MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE.LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW. I ' SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 3 THREADS MINIMUM BEYOND STRUCTURE INTERIOR WALL WITH 1/2"MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE.LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW. 4.ALL FASTENERS TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT. 5. INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED BELOW: C.MASONRYB. :OLLOW/FILOL D BSPECIFIC LOCK PER ASTM C90 WITH FmGTH OF 2,000 S2 000PSI MINIMUM. \\I. \\J`5 VITY OF G=0.42 L O�/`//moi D.METAL STRUCTURE:STEEL 18GA(.048")FY=33KSI/FU=52KSI OR ALUMINUM 6063-T5 FU=30KSI �/.'��c N sF .052"THICK MINIMUM ' • 6. ANCHOR LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR THE 'I *• C' S I DESCRIBED PRODUCT EXPOSED AT THE DESIGN PRESSURE INDICATED HEREIN. I •. + ` � TAT OF •c ��� �lh* A"j ORIOP•��'�� jr�OJVAIL ?:01111110 Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 2 of 2 5/2/2017