HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval .,a 7 c w t ,�43 lRti- t�PI } SCIS Home, I`Log In ! User Registration i Hot Top7ts�`5etirrl(tZDh0Gjj t s�(p _'. -Publications FBC Staff ; BCIS Site Map Links Search t Lir 1 Up k �l)Product ApprIff U—Is USER:Putillc User iitltlFtl �,� ; Q. Product Approval Menu>Product or AoRltcation'Search>Application Lift>Application Detail FL1666-WF K6 Revision Code Ve�sio Z0t1 Application"Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Haas Door Company Address/Phone/Email` 320 Sycarnore,St. ;. Wauseon, 01-1,143567 (419)'337-9906.•`Ext 243 mschweitzer@h.aasdoor.com Authorized Signature Mark-Schweitzer:' mschweitzer@haasdoor.com Technical,Representative Y Address/Phone/Email, " Quality Assurance Representative. Address/Phone/Email Category. Exterior Doors;, „Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies-. Compliance-Method Evaluation Report from'a Florida•Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer - Evaluation,Report-Hardcopy,Received Florida Engineer or.Architect Name who developed' John E. Scates the;Evaluation Report Florida License PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity' -Architectural Testing, Inc.-' . Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 vaiidafed.By Kurt Dietrich PE z; Validation Checklist- Hardcopy'Received Certificate of Independence. -FL16660 R6 COI CertfQ Ind Scates'&Odf Referenced Standard and Year"(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASM'A 108 2012. ANSI/DASMA•115 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards;, Certified'By _. Sections from the Code I �.. � p 9 17 PAN C2011,C2015,C2410,- ra _�_ I6660.iT� PANrSeries sectllinal an=type para a door=9 2�widet R2410,'_C2411,C2415>02460, -112460, C2461, 112461,;C24711' R2471", 02472, R24721 C2480, . R2480;02481, R2481, C2482, , 112482,02511, 112560,,112561, ' R2571, R2572, 82590 112581, f R2582 . Limits.of Use Installation Instructions Approved for'use in-HVHZ:'No' FLi6660 R6_ W1-2000-0110=41-46-RevC sibd .Approved"for,use outside.HVHZ:Yes ;Verified.By John E. Scates 51737 L Desia n,P a isurestant+41.1/ 46.4 Evaluation Crea:Yested by Independent Third Party:-Yes g uation Reports , Other: FL16660 116 EvalRept r a spdf .� Created by Independent Third Party:'Yes 16660.18 18. PAN C2Q11,C201!5,'C24101 PAN Series sectional pan type garage.door 16'2"wide R24101 C24111 C24151,02460, r i R2460,,.C2461, 112461,C2471, R2471,,02472, k2472-'C2480 ' R2480, C2481, R2481, C2482, ' R2482,"C2511, 112560;R2561, R2571, 112572,.112580, R2581, - R2582 Limits of Use J Installation Instructions _~ Approved foruse in HVHZ No FL16660_RR_I_WL72000 0194-37-42=RevC_s•0df. T 'Approved for use,outside'HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E.Scates 51737 . Impact Resistant:Yes f Created by.Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +37.4/-41.7 I Evaluation Reports ' ' Other: Created by IndependentThird-Party: Yes [.16660.19 t 19 HT 600; 700­ 2000, 800;&'900 . HT,Series sectional.sandwich type.garage door 9'2"wide ies Ser ,i - Limits of Use Installation1ristructions °Approved for use In HVHZ: No 1iy FL16n60-R6 1I, L-Oo"00-0110-08-21-24L-RevD's pdf ;Approved for use outside HVkIZ:Yes Verified By John•E. Scates 51737_ Impact Re,sis#ant :•No i Created by Independent•Third Party: Yes ttt Design Pressure:-7+21.3/-24.1 1 Evaluation Reports, j Other:Glazing is'an available option for the 600, 700, 2000 FL16660 k6_AE_EvalRept_L6o_Lgdf_- 800 Series product only but it'doesnot meetth`e lmpact Created by Independent Third:Party: Yes resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. Glazing Is not an available option.for the 900 Series product: 16660,20 -^�20^HT 600, 700, 2000, 800,:&900 i HT Series,sectional`sandwich type.,garage door 16`2' wide I Series ^4 Limits of Use ..Installation Instructions 'Approved"foruse in HVHZd No, FL16660 R�I�LVL=0600-0194=05 J7-42-Rev4pcci Approved outside HVHZ:Yes Verified y mpct Resistant:YeCreated by Independent Third Party: Yes { Design,Pressure. +37.4/-41.7. Evaluation Reports " Other: 1 11_16660 R6 AE EvalReot_r6a_s:pdf ' Created by Independent Third PartyYes, Go to Page ►. @ QV Page 1/3 9 0 Contact Us::7601 Blair Stone Road-Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Coovright 2007-2013 State of Florida .:Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement. Under Florida taw;email addresses are public records.Ifyou'do not want your a-mail address released-in response.to a'publlc-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or.by traditional mall.If you have any.questions,please contact 850.487.1395.,*Pursuant to Section 455.275(l),Florida Statutes;effective October 1,2012;licensees licensed under Chaptei 455;F.S.'must provide the Department with an email address If" they have one.The'emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email.addresses are public record.If you do.not wish to supply personal address,,please provide the Department with an email address,which can,be made.avallabie to the public.7o determine If yourare a licensee under Chapter 455;FS.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts:: 1 2 3 b' i _ 6 7 8 1 . ! Door Width 9 -2"Shown I ran .Ga 0 do, h i t I n ar +6 t ^n,: tz' $ Fr See chart below for other -- t I Top Brat door widths e I J•-- ack , t 1 ; E r DETAIL A(sheet 2 of 3) ( - Flag:Bracket 1( Y ,,,/Deta11H(sheet2of3), I - F' $ I 3 t I r l 1 + I , f 4tFI{ I ` j i y t 11 II� I �SlideLockorLockBars Door Hel ht 9 I ar''�!'1_ c:3 - i t - +�JDetal LG(sheet tot 3), at . Jamb Bracket' T-,I)"$hOwn i ,uut c c I} See chart I ___ __ _ (' )"{`' Detatl,F(sheel2of 3) 1 below f&othe� 1. }i) t 66""+/-:3,r.. dootheights, fi.. � �...dt+.alp { �, `�}1 ) - 'f'4. •�"' '� 'I1 i. ...±- #., . H�'1�' :. - ti { S (rte �. 382 #/ 11I D1a _ "k ' 1.;,+ 3.. � 1 d- t {{� �p� ., .•.._.__ t ,... / F• 91» �_� '� ) � ' i il�ll _ i 1 4 f • I' f / Bottom Brackets-., End,Hinge �^ Strut&Strut Attachment " Intermediate Hinge. 4 +/ 3"-1 (• " Detail C(sheet 2 of 3) Detail B(sheet 2 of 3) Detail E(sheet 2 of 3) Detail:6(sheet 2 of 3f Digitally SI ned b Joh n'E.Scates,P.E. }... 1021""+/-g 9 t' 9 Y Date:2016.08:0413;56:28:05'00' i C h: ut..n_ ^vl, .,t .:w.^- .c .:•� .�}v/'ijf;r;:�,b ruFy., i {ra. -33 0. efta C r - rx.t d..._. ,. ` : t ( T;':, pt d+..cas t ,r,,9vt;I .t,d n:. rSr:Ur,a`A :a.rq do^d .-t'C t,.; ti�z, .::r!.. . I�.0 <t'= t :;,;: r,oa r• •:3 1n' d1 • z nGl C ,_ ur_:�r1 qt:. +ap c I::,.rr;c o;c , 37 ,,,: 1t3r to crlr ,,,r.c aG ,,N0:517 � � + t `Total#of 5lrutsl NOTICE > PANC2480eaR2a8(1SERIE3 n - 1 HL'eght SecUons:i ._ ., _rJpebSld_o � `a t '' ` # ��..,. :. M 1Ij _ 5 ❑t7 t a t a 'r, i. STATE OF' .141 V-0" ; PAN 024108 112410 SERES;PAN 02461'8 R2461 SERIES l, -4 i :, : t y PAN'C2480'8 R2480sERESiPAN 02471 a R2-071';SERIES... 6 3 -Y �4.,_...I..:... 4 3 0 K` c 'U 1•v iP.;Pr+ ,.F %�i� •!cL_OR1�P,�'(���'-.� i tPANC24811.8112481SERES PAN C2472 a R2472 SERIES PAN C2011 SERIES, 6 6 4 4 a 4 _ 7y f ± PANC2482 a R2482SER s1,PAN 112560 SERIES`Y FAN 02015 SERIES' t. ..C-6.- g 1 4 a 4 4 ��\\ i E f S \ i t PAN.R2580 SERIES 1 PAN 112561$E RIES r PAN C2411 SERIES j r-�7 0 . - 4 4 4 , 1c toe 1 h>fi a� f ncy ILI I�,\ ` r FAN 112581 SERIES PAN 112571 SERIES 1 PAN 0215 SERIES' i T-6' 5 i PAN R2582 SERIES J PAN R2572 SERIES PAN 02511 SERIES I (, 7 9.. ! 5 5 f- .J, Dob'r widths,Desstgn Pressures l UI Centel .,___.-_,, .:Center; __ --._,Center:_ ) Impact` # 8 1) 5 5 ) 5 „ Up To ?+psf F ,End$Stile'---Stiles'- Hinge s Stiles. Hinges t Stiles Hmges-Resistant _ — "' IMPACT RESISTANT s r i ; -­_ geE ) _ u,ora v, r = 937 (""$ 8'2 481 52:0 Double 3 1 ; 3 t 1 3 1 i .- n r NO. c c 1 a } t:+C* i5 t g;2 41.1, -46.4 J Double 3 - 1 ) 3 i 1 3 1 YES + Fso z 5 r n r o t W....-,. w.,.,:....«,,._.,.. ....:..:..t.__. ,.�„._.. w..:.y ..:...�•. �,:v�u r.:> evi,%}!a,i: .,r.1 3 >+ s as-•t, - FL#1 Ur,<ruate 334 377 _Double` 4 2 3 1. i 5 ! 2- NO U u .�_.__ .._ _..._..__ _,_..,_.. ....__ ,_, _...<.._ 3 ,^,ri+ <\r 33 r i1 h [, i> 1 1i t) t �C-�()„ ( 26 3r s»Double 5 ? i S y 2 5 2 NO t n te: 1r c r n a c t. /•�•i's 18ESCNPTION onn + - ._._. ;: a a',2"PAN2aroSERIESWINDL AD 8,2 41 1 -06:4 I Double 3 1 3 1 L 3 1 YES y/,:r.': n rc •rci, a cy; �,4, seCno�nC n,ott i ( "*_q tlC 3� sr'-7,tq1:'''hc A;.' •i, t ri.�r }-.cRCe,. v k.,rgit r,i" .3.,I -; - Y£r .i f• _ _ 41 INGa fK /��. 1, d DESIGN Mil SSURL F -if t HEEf I&J REV C �lxxsrc.o ':OA7E ORR 4r1 VI4811�WH 81 S9V5 d tCMi `tin x'1ei sr t 1 �MOOEL($) S t 3 a � .\. i 2. 11 L G )i C -R .... ., ..•.ti-I e. ; ! 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RC C1' Yi \` - G uE,a \\\Q`t`.�GfiNdF•�ts r J A ( ,•ry \ , DETAIL LK I J :L c _ \ 1 No.51737 r , W$ ? , -x n r1 ;",lr-x C n. .', nsr,l b. , e o'- .4 11 ..Y-i.vG` 4 : , „ r,'r: ti� IN me J k ALTERNATE BOTTOM BRACKETS ;; e ° � 4 STA TE OF .2 ' 'nt ce,ei .,..e.... .',, I Cdcv //lQs \\ DETAIL H t =%" --� -7 a IMPACT RESISTANT i t ROLLER \% ` I FL#16660 17 A _ ROLLER L e „er\ :• i nVu p �DESCfl1PTI0R ' l _ r, `. C_ a ( « ttJ ( 11 r + O tFJ+a . r -' r rnr xo'w SERI A(rs altin l-ono GA, n ia• t s - ry �' f U :i,1 SPRI: UAI IlO01t ULSIC4 PN145UNL. a11!-I(JPSF 4 - `:•-:rn:, 1V r•dy p)i a i - r,' ! "t• LE r ;+DRAWING tD-Wlf 000.0110-11-16.SHEET.DF 3 T HEY'C ` ,tc •+a� - - . - . ?I+•.4L,. c.tc# ,.e.t',.!? a"?3.re!. i 3ns- 'PRIMNM 1 �OflAWN 6F \1\S vmu me.av ' xspymmMODEL(S): SEx Shce1 3 Y 3 4 '.; 5 — t 6 7. 8 - FASTENER TO CONTINUEr F` PAST HEADER � t I } t t 11 I Ei MODEL NUMBERS'.'— s i MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE I OPENING 1 T ­-2 X 6 GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN t j I4 HEIGHT. i PINEJAMBS. PAN C2011 SERIES ° i' $' r _. t ) SEE CHART,FOR WOOD JAMB AT PAN C2015 SERIES _ STRUCTURE. I" I I � 70 BUILDING ' 1" PAN C2411 SERIES ?-.. `sem", `: ;`• PAN C2415 SERIES i MAXIMMON i LD> PAN C2511 SERIES CENTER sPACIN6I f PAN C2410&R2410 SERIES i o ; PAN C2460&R2460 SERIES FIRST FASTENER 4 to toy , — _: PAN C2461&R2461 SERIES OPENING ABOVETH FLOOR t ! PAN C2471&R2471 SERIES. i — wIDTH-" — PAN C247.2&R2472 SERIES S PAN 62480&R2480 SERIES r"" t WOOD JA ATTACHMENT _ i PAN C2481&R2481-SERIES 1 uedn' Mei Mw m tMEm"^M mumM tl 4ubw bbI i I 'C j '— PAN 62482,&82482 SERIES ., _ _ { Structur8ero' Fastener rypE>. -I�„noem�+oh of S�k-i SPoam"'N�` TL.d i _ '._ PAN 82560 SERIES r„ 401X'siconaete{vaawtloDPwasler; Y ;Z5D s00 24 t s57' \\\\ E.BC���y/>>j/ ' PAN 82561 SERIES - `soWnemFire i. Sia Lagwr ^` tso a0 I iso I z4 axo ���`�0 �Oot ENsf, __ _PAN R2571- SERIES 1, _ i t tYa oowaSnEr -_. I t !' " { i —_ i PAN 82572 SERIES ! ',SpmcePJneFo- j 1 t 51 I.1.5o 50' j x4•- ,~482 ! 51737 'o. ' .. ._.; 1 t!8 OD washer I *� { PAN 82580 SERIES vcs -., 318"Lag Wl:.,_ —*.,� o. * _,. N NOTE rrnuiaed to[M wall ms�l be SoutnernPire Grade 2 orbettrr.. - ; $TATE. .:PAN R2581 SERIES, .PAN 82582 SERIES k-?., ;, : , J 111111, t• !. IMPACT " - FL#1686017 i,. # • ' • .�� to .DESCRIPTION: r r k r ry r PAN 206SEMSUISD LOAD I A i� � � � � � �3 31,1 � I)CSICh P(U.SSD't+E-•�Lt-16i PtiF � � DRAWINDILL WL-20 SitEk7:3 OF3'OBEY .0 .,.i.,' t_ ., •, _.. . . - ,. - .,. ims�won ..., 11114 tORIt:DRN:.7V uupybimta p.MODELISI;. Sec Shcei':i a