HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval i R R W Building Consultants,, Inc. . Consulting and'Digineering Services for the Building industry, $. C ; P.O.Sox 230 Valrico,FL 33595 .Phone%13.659;9197 Florida Board of Professional Fogineers.Certiricate of Authoriialion_No.9813 Report No.:i FL-15129.5 Date: Product Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Category Trinity Glass International Glazed Fiberglass Exterior Swinging 4621 192nd St.East Door Doors Exterior Door Assemblies Tacoma,Washington 98446 1 "Non-Impact" Phone 235-875-7300 Facsimile 235-875-7301 Inswin Putswin i i Scope: This is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants,Inc.and Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.(System ID# 1998)for Trinity Glass Intemational based on Rule Chapter No.61 G20-3,Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval,Department of Business&Professional Regulation, RW Building:Consultants.and Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.do not have nor will acquire finsIthdal interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approvat;process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product.has-been evaluated.and is in compliance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building bode(FBC)structural requirements excluding the:"High Velocity Hurricane Zone"(HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment.to base material shall be beyond:wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used.in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product is required to be protected with an impact resistant covering that complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC'. 4. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-15129.5 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 6. See drawing FL-15129.5 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Resort No. Test Standard Testing Labocatocv, Signed by TEL 06-0223-3 TAS 202-94 Testing EvaluationLab:,lnc. 'Wendell W,Haney,P.E. TEL 06-0223-2 1'611I.S.2LNAFS-02: Testing Evaluation.Lab.,lnc. Wendell W.Haney; P.E. TEL 01470437 ASTM E330-02 Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. TEL 01471.169_ ASTM E330-02&E331-00 Testing Evaluation Lab.,Inc. i V.K.Wright TEL 01471168 ASTM E330-02A E331-00 Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V.K.Wright 2. Drawing No. Prepared-by Signed&Sealed by No.FL-15129.5 RW Building Consultants,.Inc.(GA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 3. Calculations Prepared by i Signed&Sealed by Anchoring RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813). �� .l c�scnrU"n Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 4. Quality Assurance Certificate of'Participation issued by National Accreditation and Management Institute,certifying that Trinity Glass International is too 43409 manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and Guide 53. STATE OFa LyndonFL PE No. 3409 5/1/2015 Sheet 1 of 1 i l I i I I ````sass'K re qzj�i TRINITY GLASS -� - 37.50r Mix.OA �•. m n FP.AME WIDTH ! p��''••... >°m r--- tio ,1„rrr � ,,��� r GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOOR �s 9 d ea INSWING/OUTS WING � o= "NON-IMPACT' 3a \5S z = z X O ..c GENERAL NOTES IO JN 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compdonce with the 5th Eclif-Ion(201 4)Rorida Building Code(FOC)structural requirements excluding the"High Velocity Hurrlcono Zone” - o (HVHZI. m e 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment I to base material had be beyond wall dressing or stucco. y c Cn 3. When used In areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product is required to be „�x protected with an impact resistant covering that complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the 1 I N al 3 FBC. z Asa' rn 4. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shad be the same as that E 4 a g shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering alCu 5. analysis by a licensed engineerorregstered architect. S11 Q o D TA61E OF CONiENiS „ MAX DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF7 '_DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) g SHEEN DESCRIPTION .FRAME - IAMB7YPE `FtastidLArED FkAME .:;OP UrEGL41ED FRAME a_ncr - 1 Typcaeevoilons,despnpessuesa9eneranotes OIMENSfON" POSRfVE -P1EGA71VE :.pOSRfVE:: TdEGATfVE' _ 2 boar nel 8.015-flush qj=ng ... 3 Door ponel delcus-qWe WOOD +70.0 1-70.0 +47.0 -47.0 4 Horizontal crass sectans scut: N.7.S. 5 vertical cross sections 37.50"x 81.88" PVC � axe:.rx: JK 6 Buck and e arc o FlBERGtASS(COMP +60.0 -60.0 +47.0 -47.0 a w a: LFS 3 7 Components pyp Hp,; c 8 1 M of material FL-15129.5 � n c. sxxr t or 8 O I 1 i i i i, i I I i, I I I �`spa# rr rr'rr G3 Gi LOCK BLOCK PVC STI ECAP O`er j PVC COMPOSITE PVC STILE CAP DOOR SKIN EXTERIOR A.� .• ���� � 1.58„ 2.18° 1.58'--j �r`i{, i TOP RAIL j n CD ^ �m z Cf`O; rrrlrll l) onmz LVLSTILE . .. .. l o a•: �Ir 1I' O.Ior FOAM CORE INTERIOR SEE NOTE 2 LVLSTILE --{ 0.10' - v`o i S1" d --I HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION �11 0.1sr a --I F-O ) 0. 1.24" v maa� PANES MAX. OOR SKIN D PANEL WIDTH } I DE 9z 21.0' HOTMELTSFALANT .S'GLASS BITE y MAX.D.L.O. /SILICONE I°OA.THK GLASS - g 3d U� T/TTEMPERED L 1.5" I IM 1 GLASS AIRSPACE FLUSHGLAZEDFRAME ABS tX PC/ASA 2 �Z ) I/8'IEMPERED I G3 Gl GLASS w avxi Z R8X 1-1/8'SELF ALUMINUM BUTYL w — THREADING SCREW OR STAINLESS STEEL EXTERIOR INTERIOR O AZ 62 Alf ANYI1fE FRAME o i O SPACER SYSTEM ABs or PC ASA o zo GL GLAZING OEIAIL 6 Hush file Frame X o s2 s cuss BYTE f SEE O HOT MELTSIUCO E 1°OA.THK GIASs &� HARDWARE SEE 1/8'TEMPERFD GLASS 3 CHART DETAIL 1 AIR SPACE SEE NOTE 1 i a LL 1I TEMPERED 9 c 4 'L GLASS 1 o R8X I-1/8'SELF ALUMINUM BUTYL THREADING SCREW OR STAINLESS STEEL nSPACER SYSTEM w 2 GIAUNG DETAIL _ 2 n I G3 Push Ute Frame v $ FIBERGLASS DOOR + — —r wiM Ruses GLADNG -:-: HAROWARECHART MANUFACTURER MODEL PVCCOMPOSITEwnp F FIBERGLASS DOOR SKIN:MIN.0.070'THK. N�ry�I -- � - BOTTOM RAIL FOAM CORE MATERIAL•POLYURETHANE m KY8KSE1 KNOB: SIGNATURE SERIES ure i 18 12 DEADBOLT: SIGNATURE SERIES(9110) srkc N.T.S. _ KNOB 6 DEADBOLT: owa eY: JK m' It! NOTE: KWIKSEr SIGNATURE SERIES COMBO PACK(991) 04.ar. LFS 3 = DETAIL 1 2 VER17CAL CROSS SECTION 0PA° �= 1.Spacing for lite home screwaas follows: KNOB: FSERIES ` Top and Bottom;23/1°from comers 8 equally spaced thereafter(4 total) SCNIAGE DEADBOLT: 640 SERIES 2 FL—15129.5 sxm Sides:23/4"from comers 8 equally spaced thereafter(8 total) 2 ° o a 8 4 I I i I i I I I i I I I I I I� I I F--1.58"_— EXTERIOR ♦,Pst* 4�� DOOR SKIN LOCK BLOCK PVC STILE CAP PVC STILE CAP 0.3T 2.48"�I.58"� ,.RAIL - _ �•• �.n� PVC TOP _ id'.. 0 LVL STILE LVLSIILE - ''�7j/qI TU ♦ mn m i y U h 0.10" FOAM CORE G2 SEE NOTE 1 _ { v m`o i INTERIOR OJl' ��� DOOR SKIN V d m g 9 ao'a m 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION �4 a $ HOT MELT SEALANT -- FF, 1/T GLASS BYTE : _ E 9i 35.75"MAX. A9 I.O.A.THKGLASS _ 3a PANEL WIDTH 118"TEMPERED GLASS AIR SPACE 21.0' _ ^_ MAX.DLO. rn o 4 � 1/9"TEMPERED GLASS n #8 X 1-IIT PPH SMS ALUMINUM BUTYL ♦' W a J (SEE NOTE 1) OR STAINLESS STEEL SPACER SYSTEMi I EXTERIOR INTERIOR F '� o GLAIING DETAIL rc m 3 GR UP Ute Frame 0 b m o m SEE NOTE 1 a s SEE O \ Q(L� FOAM CORE i wmo c HARDWARE pEfAILI A3 UP NfE FRAME N CHART ABS a PC/ASA i 9 � m G /,P DETAIL 1 f a o 0 HARDWARE CHART 00 MANUFACTURER - MODEL m $ KNOB: SIGNATURE SERIES n KWIKSET DEADBOLT: SIGNATURE SERIES(980) — a«n Q KWIKSEi KNOB 60FADBOLT: s 3 SIGNATURE SERIES COMBO PACK(991) PVC COMPOSITE nae 1118112 SCHLAGE KNOB: FSERIES 40 ASSD2 PANEL BOTTOM RAIL scue N.T.S. wuh UP UTE GUIDNG DEAD80LT: $60 SERIES owc.ec JK m NOTE: N FIBERGLASS DOOR SKIN:MIN.0.070-THK. I.Spacing for lite frame screw is as follows:' �' ; s FOAM CORE MATERIAL:POLYURETHANE Top and Bottom:T from each comer and at center ine(3 total) VERTICAL CROSS SECTION oawxc w. Sides.7'#om each comer and equally spaced thereafter(8 total) 3; FL-15129.5 - = sr&[r 3 rx 8 n 0 I I i R:\Oknts\TMRy PER EHi\Ilodda RoOuct PypwalslR-151391Drawings\Onrtn[11L-ISIM.S-6.dwq,4.5 ��nn Sm= O o 2 QI SO m 3 A o a , 0 N no Ar N 2 A A W A A g A M+w a Of A A N C9 o tr to Aw M r N 4 O W y N N A T N A IA N n W F)o > — a o 2 izi C A W a _n Dm K 0 No.43409 L7— D«umane.P..ccn.a 9r g Sy PR DU GLASS IN7•L Ly Aon E.Schmidt •"•R ?�-•'•'�•J• IA 19 P.E.No.43409 H b Z J OJ 02 IS UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2011 FBC JK 12 16 I4 ADDED PVC JAMB LOCK HRDWR LFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: Li,1/BUILDING CONSULTANTS,INC. Im m x in N f 3 27 12 DIED GLAZING DETAIL LFS HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTIONS �4U P.o.Bo.230,valnco,r 3W95 N NO DATE BY Phone No.:B13.BSB.9le7 REIASIO S F9 PE CA No.9813 R:\OWItS\TMR1'KR—ENT\Fl.Md R94uR PDpo+als\R-I5129Wrawlnps\CLnen[\R-15129.5d.dwg,M m A • $ � In� A $ v A om o� o�n NC, ° _ _ N IA A Z N ' O.1S w C'SINK (Ty P.) a o A EMB.(TYP.) X A 1-114 MIN. EMB.(TYP.) to A ° • oA ` m O A 2 •• X N A V lO a 1-1/4"MIN. o ' EMB,(TYPJ ° b141 ° �m m f1 A O N _ • w 1.1/4"MIN. a EMB.(TYP.) A A o`11118CH/�J'�a I-I/4'MIN. A Q MSO i� EMB.�TYP.) V.••Yy,FJldp•''T is No.43409 v 4 h 4 PRODUCT: oeavn.nta Pna.r.a ey. — r�bfj R R TRIN[fY GLASS INYL LYndon P.-h.ldt 'i p,,� �•'•• P.E.No.0.]409 /I7R� AL \�,``` IV' N Z J OJ 01 15 UPDATE 7D S1N ED, 2014 MC JK T/I111111111 P - y 2 12 I6 I4 ADDED PVC JAMB OCK HRDIW Lf3 PART OR ASSEMBLY: ��/BUILDING CONSULTA S.INC. Im x Va N 1 J 27 12 OED GLAZING OEIAIL IFS VERTICAL CROSS SECTIONS �VY PBox 230•VolAeo,FL 33595 _ NO GATE BY P.O.none No.:813.659.9197 REVISIONS FBPE CA No.9813 0 201 1 R.W.13-11.1 ca eu•r.ra IN.. I I I , I i 4• SEE HINGE e•!NP 1 i I � DETAIL 1 ...... 1 _� •• n >>mm TYP.HEAD F IX BUCK ir�yrLLIT*s•••���`` o n z AND JAMBS �'c a a•: TYP.HEAD AND JAMBS $ p 6 4 2X BUCK LJ 2X BUCK 22 5'm a a T — 3a �- L DOOR � ti FRAME 6 ti �2O 64 2X BUCKSEE °1 MASONRY HINGE MASONRY H IX BUCK OPENING DETAIL OPENING U _ U Y TYP.SILL F m� P m 23 STRIKE PLATE DETAIL rm BUCKANCHORING HINGE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING STRIKE JAMB Noy 3 Masonrycoroftwfon I Wmo 3 Iq rc tau CONCRETEANCHOR NOTES: I <W p I.C—te anchor locations of the comers may be adjusted to maintain the in. d edge durance to modarjoinh. J 2X BUCK J 2X BUCK i 2 Concrete anchor localtom noted as MAX.ON CENTER--f be adjusted to H IX BUCK _ maintain the Mn.edge distance to modarjoints,additional concrete anchors H I X BUCK $ may be required to ensure the MAX.ON CENTER"dnonsion are not exceeded. : w a 3.Conorete anchor table. 26 26 w m n~ o ^o ANCHOR ANCHOR MIN. MIN.CLEARANCE. MIN.CLEARANCE 14 24 – g' .:TYPEaRE EMBEDMEM_TO MASONRY ,TO ADJACENT,' ° g EDGE ANCHOR a<1/18/12 mY BUILDEXPCON' ane• 1.1/v r 1-1 78 187AECON® lie 1.1/P T P SGLD N.T.S.NS _ MC.e:� ELCO JK 1/f 1.1/f 1• A' � 3 UITRACOfP ec t WOOD SCREW wsrALunONNOTES: HINGE DETAIL I HINGE DETAIL 2 eP N0 X0= .F I.Maintain a minimum edge distance,fend dolance,6 i•o.c.spacing of FL-15129.5 woodscrews to prevent the sp6H4g of wood. °ry o " sem 6 oc 6 O � I i 11 I ' R:10kvh1Tm"RERNANENT\Fbo ROEutt AlpavalslR-15]39WrawingslClment\R I5t29.5d.0wp,7.S 0.75 }—— ol o na x N o —^i 1.75 131" i I I p 0.75"—" 6 > 1.37" n� T E i T �r v x�iFsv. I.0" O O o g� o^ H v m m N Gl O No.4J409 F�--^f-- 1.50' 4I PRODUCT: Praparaa Br. , r� TRINRY GLASS INT'L P Ea No F43a09 let J7''.ARaO�R10A `,���� UPDATE TO SiN ED. 2014 FBC JK mVK 77j77�nAL1`.p` S; N y m 2 12 18 f1 ADDED PVC JAMB LOCK NRDWR IFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: e/V BUILDING CONSULTANTS,INC. Im N x 1n N 1 J 27 12 DED GLAZING DETAIL LFS COMPONENTS �1�/ P•0.Boa 230,Volrko.FL.135.1 NO DATE BY Pn—No.:813.859.9197 IISIONS MPE CA No.9813 U z0r z B.w,Bu,iviwv[o.,eu�•n..�a wv. a I� BILL OF MATERIALS `O. n i ❑FM 1 DOCRIPITom MATERIAL A IX BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD 'co' B 2X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD '��'••.. —�� C 1/4'MAX.SHIM SPACE - /��� * D 1/4"X 2.7/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL MASONRY-3,000 PSI MIN.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI o N i Y ° v E 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE $t p o F 1/4"X3-3/4"PFH TTW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL \ by 961 H 3/16"X3-1/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL V o J #9 X 2-1/4"PFH WS STEEL L #8 X 2-1/2"PFH WS STEEL P I/4"X2-3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL I HEAD&JAMB(FINGER-JOINT PINE-SG>=0.42) WOOD 2 HEAD&JAMB FIBERGLASS/COMP 3 HEAD&JAMB PVC 4 HEAD&JAMB PVC 5 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUMINUM W/COMPOSITE SUBSTRATE ALUMINUM 6 DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP PVC 8 #6 X 1-1/4 PFH DRYWALL SCREW STEEL 12 WEATHERSTRIP QEBD650 Q-LON - m 18 3.983"X4.0"HINGE MIN 0.098"THICK STEEL rcl b 19 SILLKEY PC/ASA 22 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE STEEL 23 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL 24 #9 X 5/8"PFH WS STEEL 25 OUTSWING HI DAM THRESHOLD ALUMINUM W/COMPOSITE SUBSTRATE ALUM./COMP. 26 #9 X 1.0"PFH WS STEEL 27 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUMINUM W/COMPOSITE SUBSTRATE ALUM./COMP. i e 40 DOOR PANEL-SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS - 64 #8XT PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL N o Ln 6 U _ aJl!Wo 3a$ bNQ S h O Z wre 1/18/12 - swiL': N.T.S. JK m' oac er: LFSit 3 F wunxa w. n FL-15129.5 n P sxm 8 a 8 4 — — o ' 1 I I I ' I' I