HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4357464 OR BOOK 4050 PAGE 863, Recorded 10/10/2017 10 :24 :56 AM ! prepnrea 0y�'he Home Depol j "s 6500 NW 121h Ave Suite#110 Fort Lauderdale,FL 33309 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. Property)dcntificatinn\,s- 137"I 03 001?,_ori-61 TliE U\DERSIONED hereby gives notice that improtemenis will be made to certain real property.and in accord.tncc with Section l 71 3.13 of the Florida Statutes,the follrnring information is provided in the NOTICE:OF COMMENC:E'l1ENT. I, Description ofproperty(lepI descri�?rion uvi l AK {Ild Id r7,f 101 -- a) Strect Address: g44u 1/149iwooa fpr' o64 101 -- 2. General description of improvements Win6LOW5, 3. a)nerin?ndtign o p AP} {off rroCt�iLrCC,FL 3y�y� a) '\are and address: �/i2Bt�¢.� ,Ierr.1 QE4Lk� Yy1.eqstow b� r- b) \arae and address of fee simple titleholder(ifother than owner) sQ � c) Intresl in property gt,Jtn..pr _.. �—_� a. Contractor Information a) Name and address THE HOME DEPOT _ 6500 NW 12th Ave Suite A 110 Fort Lauderdal@ FLM99 b) Telephone\o,:_?54-224-2010 Fax No.(Opt.) Surcn•Information a) \arnc and address: N'A b) amount of Bond: c) Telephone No.: Fa\No.(Opt.) _ 6. Lender a) Name and address: N'^ 7. Identity of person within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served: a) Name and address: NA b) Telephone No.: Fax No.(Opt.) S. In addition to himself,owner designates the following person,to receive a copy of the Lienor's'Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes: a) \arc and address: N'^ b) Telephone No.: Fax No.(Opt.) 9. Expiration date of Notice of Commencement(the expiration date k one year from the date of recording unless a differcnl date is specified): WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE Bl'THE OWNER AFTFRTHE EXPIRATION OF THE NO'r10E OF CONIMENCENIF..NT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART 1,SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES.AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TRICE FOR IPROVENIENTS TO YOUR PROP-,RTI',A NOTICE OF CONI\IENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POS'rm ON—1711F.1013 SITE BEFORE TETE:FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSI I.1'YOVR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE; COMMENCING MORX OR RECORDING VOU NOTICE OF COMMENCENIENT. STiTEOFH-�1p COLNTl OF. Am1we01'0%,no ornvuDuc.•tur.'Pannr::l.Sanoi•n -- Porn*Aron The rurLguing instrua:nmi,+v.act nu�,ledg�befi+Tc n hiti_ de}of_;�C 1S�a��F�—,20 ��,h,' as _ ___inpe ul'avdtnrin.e,p.ttlriccr,trusts, [morns}in fact)fur ;n3me orpam on inkounww uas cxecutt,iS Nnonal!y I:nostn OR ProduccJ 1/Jcn:ili�cj+tion _v—f Nolan _lipnaturc f)re of 1J :ut;catu n 1`rnuuced [, 47L--- Hama 1prinli �e611c3i i.irt pur\ua nt[n Scction 92.5?5,r)u rida Sti:utcs.l,`n J cr Fcna!ties ofof perj u�re that I ha re read Ilio(nrcgoit)R and that the facts stated in it arc trt:^_to the hc,t of nn i nostleslce and belief. —� Kevin C Walsh Sr My Goa ualm GG 120139 A.P. Envm 07nW:o2I