HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALE APPLICABLE INFrj MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit MumBer: Oil Building Permit Application L;.;f7„1y EMU CUiYU Hl ,Wwt,v.r U.�,�r.... cart Ku— r1 -14!02 F..--: -U tz) zFGL-15/a Commer Cial Resiaendal F - tNII i APPCIC,ATION FUR: To SalErt fpm dlupbUA, dick arrow at tbu and uf lima rltt) 5:.D IIVIPIjuVEMEM I CUL.A l lu 4: HaOress: Z, �--L-% 'SuP.PLEMENTAL,c.u@bi-RQ-CTluN DEM Mw 117FURMAIIv.M DESIGNER/ ENGINEER: = Not Applicable MOR i GAGE COMPANY: Not Apt licabllz Na, ,«:Nernz: _ PLAMb Addru33: Address: City: State: Ci[,y: State: Zip: Phone: Lip: t-Rone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _- Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: - Not Applicable Marne: Dame: Hddress: Hddress: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certity that no wotx o, install -tion nas cOMMICncc?] p, for to tRC l33Vu..Cz 17t. pzrMit. wt, l:ucie County makes no representation that Is srandna a permit will authorize the -permit holder to build the subject structure which Is in conflict witR any. - rlicable Horne Oancr3 As5vriotian MCS, 6y low., or -gid C-VCM—t.� tRot n,o, F.A,ic-t or praRiBit 35CF ,t. aL7ere. Please consult wit your Rome Owners Association ant! review your Dees! Tor any restrictions wnicn may apply. In consizieration of the granting of tnls requested permit, I Go hereby agree that I will, in all respells, perform the work in occuraonec 7.10 Inc uppre7c0 iRc Fivrina 6eilaing Cones and at. Lucie 05unty Amendments. The following builainb F.z. rnit arpli«tio, arz c�CTpt trvT OnBergoi. s - rall cvmcarrenC, rc:ie-: FOOM .53itia-.3, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms anu accessory uses to anotRer non-resiuential use vvARMIRG 10 UvvR1R: Tour iailure to RecorO a notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to yriar property. A Notice of Commencement moat be recorded and p-v3tz-d un the job3ite bef-,rc the first inspection. If you intend to o5tain financing, consuit wisp lender or an anarney oerare commencing work or recording ypor Notice of Commencement. FROM i LOMIMG bUPERvISOR PLAMb _ aigmatere OT 0 er/ Cessee/Agent SEA i On i CE IGIA>vGrlvvE signature or Contra ./Gcznlz Rolan. w0111IcR STATE OF FLORIDA RI VIEvv RP_vlEvv STATE OF FLORIDA REview COUNTY OF Cleve DATE COUNTY OF s-t•e4 The forgoing instrument was Rcknowledged b fore me [fii, �8oy gay. he for vine instrumre�nt �was acknowledged before me tliis day or (/ter Lu Q Gy �q vi _� a3 INITIALS S } � Oennb Za—k 9 (Name of rson ac no i g ¢ ,e 3 tIG i A LKY PUP - vi pz.� acRrivw-agins) r y _ �qye�,�i 'i..or%,Lj. " (Signatur of Nota, y Public- State o_ Flo. ida) taigntiture of IEotaryuallo- z too lorida 'i—' "" - Personalty Known x OR Proaucetl laentiTication Personally Rnown x OR Produced identification type of Identification Produced I yPC„ t locnt;Tleotim-i F'roaacza Commission No. 14i--w;a (seal) Commission No. FF220930 Seal] Revised 07/15/2014 REVIEwS FROM i LOMIMG bUPERvISOR PLAMb vEGETA i IOIC SEA i On i CE IGIA>vGrlvvE w0111IcR Review RI VIEvv RP_vlEvv REVIEvV REview REVIEW DATE COivirEFTE INITIALS Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI Certified Reference Number: 9764468 Datu: 10717/2017 Fro8aat: split system: AlMooletl Contlensing unit: Coll wliil Siower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 24ACC424A"030" Indoor Unit Model Nwmber: FB4CNF024L Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Trade/Brand name: CARRIER Regio.-,: Sotitheast and North (AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, Hi, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA AK, CO, CT, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, Mai, Mi. IOD; Age= MR. Iia. NY, ON, OK PA, RI; SD, UT; VT, WA, WV, WI, WY, U.S. Territories) Revlon NctQ: Central air clnditioners manufactured Prior ti, Jon nary 1, 2015, are eligible to be Installed in all regions until June 30.2016. Beginning auly i_ ,eU 96, central air contiltioners can only be Installed I,. raaion(a) fir .,hich they meet the revional efFiciancy requiressrent. Series name: COMFORT 14 AC Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination Is UmRRIER n1R C'ulOGl I IOIOING Rated as follows In accordance with AHRI $t�snderd 2101240-40a for unitary rylrwanllliloning ane �►Ir-source Pleat Pump tyuipment and subject to verification of retina accuracy by AHRI-sNynsored, independent, third party testing: C%—"lin-v Capacity (Btuh): 22800 EER Rotting (C=lina): 11.50 SEER Rating (Cooling): 14.00 IEER Rating (CoZoliny): ' Rag"lic followed by .., asterisk (') Indicate .. vols .tary rerate of previously published data, ani——periled nth . WAS, -i,.,, inaica. � .,, irm anmry rarare. eboLAl-eR AHRI does net ..,d.rso the product(z) listed .n thls Cenfflea.o and nr.kes Rarranues or ga.rantees as to, and assumes no msponstblllq for, the predeiMz1 listed _n this Certiflsate. AHRI .,.pr-=ly dlsd.irm .II li.bIllty for d.n,..,-vv of any kind .rIsI..S oe¢ of :h. ase o. perfo,,,,.nce or me pmuocttsh or zlle unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. CerUfled ratlrigs -F _lid -rrl; fo: mwd■I_ ..-d venfEgeretlons listed In tha directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TEAMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products.f AHRI. This CerUfl�te shall only be e_ed for Individ...l, personal and confidential reference purposes The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole or In pati» be reproduced; copl■d; dlssew lnetad; r. , VIM an.crea Inm . compo,.r o.zaoasa; or otherwise utilized, In any form or manner or MY any means, except for the user's individual, parson -1 .nd eenfidentl.l r.f.ron.G .JR- 0110 .; IRE, nerr,.a, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRtam_TIeR INSTITUTE The Ini..rmat)on for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahrldlrectory.org, click on `Verify Certificate' link — -eke li'c hs Iter' .nd .n:.::hv AHRI C.rdflvu Rvfe..nce Ramlfar .-.o fro a.ua on which the cent icate was Issued, "- ..hlch 6 hated -beet, and tha Certiflvate N.., -,Inch 6 listed ..t be -nom rlghw 02014 Air -Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration institute CERT[Fiv pu E R—U.: r3 r'Zry ilsarwau30� PI Mir • A r f1oa:'�fl _ Est. Mart Date luzwfallaMU— x �i K Vi Erw—# Eat. Complet on Date (772) 567-3100 Corpe-te Co..tom�r 2800 US Highway 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Relations Atmiew ResVdedal S'enreec of F4xAa, Inc. Umso r CA1C1249753, CAC045078,CFC142a283 %8661803-0879 CUSTOMER 1291-1. CALL SLIP -00R.- e1`-. ,:r _Z nOleE R CELL AHON^—RRA"•Y.eRE fJ YOUR HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN • • • • • SIZE. TYPE SIZE TYPE SIZE TYPE_, EFFICIENCY Ze-1 EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY '1`J �- $ $� - - $ $ $ - $ 5 5 SUBTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $r mON i mI.Y EST.S MONTHLY EST, • 5 MONTHLY EST' LU=MER INITIALS 7,0a7vMER INITIALS _ 7,03 TOMER IAITIALS Warranty- --LQParts l _ _ Laeor Warranty Parts Labor Warranty. -Parts Labo �10 . pitac�Ae..l Exeh..Rger Comprcanor Hz.t Exch-Rge, Cemp.-�.ssor H--, Exchurrge Refrigerant recovered and disposed of as required by law. Complete r;Iean up including use of floor savers to protect your home and removal of existing equ pmenl. All work complete'a s none in accordance with exist ng cones ana permits, as required. SPECIFICS OF YOUR SELECTED OPTION- ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑3 © We.-therprevf EjRbp;n=ot to Existing E!El=etrenio Air CleeRe- SUBTOTAL $ D aeerineet EI-etrreal E3 M.d a F. ter Lifelime Equipment Slab ❑ New Plywood Deck ❑ PCO 5eoR21 I.A.be: P -d- R."Fineat Vmm Line ❑ UV L gRl �5 EI Liquid Tite Conduit ❑ Cei,ing Savor Kit G Humidifier �y O 5t -rt Kit ;Pan & F oat) G Dehum d for TOTAL Rofrigeran; L.L. Dryer Main Dimon Safety S=tch ❑ Outdoor Unit Pad Refrigerant ripe � Soul N9w Conricua,rm ❑ F me VaRling 0 No.. osRneCt D Support Attic Equipment ❑ De_-ork Conneu;io„a ❑ CASH ❑CHECK# Refriau,..nt P po Co.o, f�Sepply Ple„«m [3 Fuel Piping aansion Valve / ❑NewMoconno�i G Elei-.tncal Wiring ❑ CREDIT CARD 05T 4#al T -Type ❑ R■turn Plenum �om_ Service Plan - G Ne- E R_■-nnurt 1 M-;-_ (364 d -yr) EXP APPROVAL OUR GUARANTEES c�mtort Guarantee &FiNANCING• ..�.' �omo ,6Y4•Wo.r Sew:- G__rantee 00% Uncunditional Mo- ey Back Guarantee •Pa, -■„l ■'tieR:::Iabla -iib aRRr■-od credit • Writt.m sect=R1 aether:atie- -ill be =bt_rRad before beg nning any unforeseen additional or extended work. • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUi✓11vN DEFEt:rS ARE SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 5! FCU_RIDA biATUTES. • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: Thin I=- home =elieitatlen -ale, -nd If you do net —nt the geedz or Mor*ie■e, yen ay ea... ;his ag:-omwn: by providing writto.. notice to the pita.- in pQ zari, by telegram, or by ; -..;.Il. Thies notice meat indicat. th..t y do not wan: iha goods or oervicos ■nd vincrwi be doli;ared or postmarked baf-re midnight of the third bosEnesis day oftar y sign this agreemenL It you cancel this agreement, the aallor may nor Reap oil .,r parr of pn.y ca.11 ourwn paymons See : reverse side hereof for an explanation of this rlghL • ! acknowledge that my right to cancel has been explained to me ora..y and in writing, and without waiving my right to cancel, I authorize p■rf.mewe= of the -erk, aebset to _II i■rms and conditions set forth on the 1`e701`613 side hereof, plus any taxes upon completion. Notice To Owner Do not sign this Rome imprmeme„; c.,ntnsc t in Eos„R. Y o ar. a„;lieu b a co ort ,e c,,, amct at the time you sign. Keep a to protect your legal tights. This home improvem.ni contract m.,y c„ntain u morrgn r othe ise create a lien on you, property that could be foreclosed on if you do not pay. Be Wyonderatd all provisions of cnntrect bef re you sign. CR NATURE COMP RES cCs uIReR SIGR.� uRC R.:, e PW Am,v,ran R■eirlanlml S.nwrn• LL.0 Al nobts,m rvud. A'-`` s5ae17