HomeMy WebLinkAboutnocJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4365712 OR BOOK 4059 PAGE 321, Recorded 10/31/2017 12:01:03 PM k,Mtt RECtOPDRJG - RETURN TO: PERMIT NUMBER; NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby givts notice. that improvement veil be.made to certain real propet-Ly, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following infomation is provided In this Notice of Commencement, 1, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (ILgal d�scdptior, ol'thc property & street adore -s, Wavatiable) TAXF01_10 NO.: 3334-501-0064.000-9 sUaeTVISIUN Lakes at PGA Village131,OCKArRACT LOT 50 BLDG UNIT 8924 CHAMPIONS WAY, PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34986 _ 2. GE%tF.RALDBSe_1U'17ON-OF WPROVEMENTt INSTALL ACCORDION SHUTTERS 3. OWN£R:LNPORMATiON OR Lt~SSES INFORM ATION IP THE:LPSSU CONTRAC -PI3 FOR TRE Tk1PRC)WMb:NT: m D.11aennd.addmir.: RICHARD MARTIN., 8924 CHAMPIONS WAY, PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34986 h. IDUTertir,prq>art�� OWNER e. Name And nddrosr of *c simple tidebolder (if difiorent from Onncr listed oboval: -. 4, a. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, O'Donnell Impact W(ndows $ Storm Protection coormaror's addroas: 6402 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart FL 34997 b. Phoae,rutnbcr. 772-408-0200 S.. sn;tL 'Y (iirsppllcklt, a copy t)nhepayment bond.ia ataehed): /A d. Nainx and nddr: as� b. Phone nwnhcr c. Amount ofbonk S A. rL LENDER'S NAME: Lender'saddrow b. Phone nwnber. 7. Persons within the Slate ofF)ot'ida d'sipated by Owner upon wbom notices or other doctunenTS may be servedas.provided by Seotion 713:13 (1) (a) 7„ Florida Statutes: a, Name and address: b. Phonc :umbers of desilutated persow R. a. In addition to.himself or'hemelf, Owner designates of to.receive a copy ofthe Uenor's Nadce.ns provided in Section, 713.13 (1) (b)_ Florida Stattitot. b. Phone uumborofpawn oraitity desigrbtad'by Owner: 9. Expiration date of notice -of comrhencement (the expiration date, vAII be 1 •year from the dart of -recording -Unless a different date is specified): , 20� WARNWG TO OWNER ANY PAYNv� MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE F-YPTRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMM Mczt iI ARE CQNSIDEREI7 IM'LRnbj_7= pAYMENTS T n r^G't CHAPTER 7 7 3 PART L SECTION 713.13 FLORIDP, STATUTES. AND CAN $jr4UL7 IN YOUR PAYG`JG TWIG FOR IMPRDN iEIOENiS TO YOUR PROP 7Y. A NOTTCE OF CO'v(M�ICCMEN'i MUST 13E .AFC.ORDED ANDTOSTED UArTHEJOB.SrTF AEFORfiTHEFIRST IlYSPECTK�N. iFY.QU_1NTF TOOBT.ATN FINANCING. CONSULT • TrH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOt3R Nut jut- COMMENCEMENT. Al .(8)gnae. Surnf Owner or mals 's nr-._,sec's (Print Nxim and Provide Sign atory'c'PittelU[iice) Authariwd Oi7teer/D(ireetorlNi-tn 11nagcr) Stn, of.'(p:' County of Md �' n The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ^ day of Q cMt 20_0 i L� !i Gt M elx �1 Y"as _ 0 (.t 1'n e by ' (nx7ya. of.person) {type of authority... X4. officer, trustee, uunnl cy in fact) for (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was exrt:uted) G C L -7~0 personallyiCnovm or Produmed ldentificatiorl±, Type ofIdant9fieationWodticed 55 ureofATntaPuht� 'ommissiPublic) Q COl MIWOn Q zi f Expires', SOW*/,X21 BOW thru.Al3f0il N0� nnt,t