HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationEot. start Dalq/-4 Installation Work Order Est. Corny alien OaFv jj23 ,z Cvrpororo Cos7omer pl,,mbin� 2808 US High -ay 1, Voro Ba -eh, FL 32960 Rvlatiowa H-ati"g Ameriemr Residmtw servim ■f Fbridr Im l.icemL- f CMC124975: 04E its f FC i 428a E:3 1666)603-0679 �leEa -i A tom.. ADDRESSr.TA E,ZIP v0 L � R.NIEPROME CEiP one O IWORKPHONE YOUR BESIGN OPTION I OPTION 2 OPTION SIZE tJ TYPE 51ZETYP SIZE TYPE EFFICIENCY �y r EFFlirIENCY / EFFIi-.IPNUi -71; 7 $ $ SUBTOTAL/ UBTOTAL 5 5UB 1vTAL 5 SUBTOTAL MONTHL. EST' $ MONTHL ST.• $ MONTHLY EST' $ Cf]516RIER INlTlAf CUST ER INITIALS CUSIUMIER IRIIIAf Wont.-ty: Partc Labor W runty' Is-rtc A [ 5bor WRrr4 nly. P..rt LaEor ld' Compressor Heal Exchanger ID Compressor Heat Exchanger ,®t.ompressor —Heat Exchange- Rof, igerant reev:vied Rnd di..povM of se regv:..rid by L- CempL6.6-ri up including use of floe• o,,:ore to p.ot�rt ycor ho,,,a ..rid rem. -;.I of esia.ing og6pnionl. All —rk cc ... plolad is don. in aceordaneo with c.'..,tkig oadoa and pe..,.:ta, as required. SPECIFICS OF YOUR INSTA"TIONFARM ❑ Wsacharpr.,.,f ❑ Conne,t To Exi.iing ❑ Elis lronie Air Cl �r _ SUBTOTAL �Jlsconnect !'lecir ca: E3 Media Filter _ Llivlime Evlar'­iewt 51ab C! New Pywood Deck C Pvv 1 �I� $ �Soond Isol.1-on Pads URoconnvc; Drain L ria C! UV Light in Liquid Tile wnduit Ll ceiling Saver Kit 0 HernidifivF ❑ Start Kit SPan & Floatl LI Dohornid 6r TOT.,L $ a 15 Refrigerant LL Dryer_ ❑ Ma.-. Drain Safo;y S .i;ch ❑ Omdoor Urin Pad 0 Refrigerant P,po i peal New Connections ❑ Flao Voniing ❑ Ne- ❑ Rcoerrneel ❑ S-apport Attie Equipment ❑ Ductwork Connections ❑ CASH M CHECK# ❑Refrigerant Pipe CoverS ply Plenum p Fuel Piping 0 pawoiew Va17W New u Reconnect 0 ElcctR�al Wring pieriorn U CREDIT CARD (LAST 4#s) dint -Typo Howie Service Plan - '- [3RoeeRwrclA To.— (364 days) EXP APPROVAL OUR GUARANTEES 2omrort Guarantee me Protection Guarantee 4 Se Gearenl�e 1005, Once-ditrenal Mcriey-Back G=rnimtee ❑FINANCING• 9W •Payment table -Hear -ice cptiens :ah appre:ed credit �d • Writtcw me -tome etfle.wativa -ill be ebta.:e8 Befepe beginning any unions -en addition_ er extended -ark. • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE 5OBJEUI w THE NCMCE AND CORE PROVI51VN5 OF CHAj itR 558, FMRIDA STATUTES, • BUYER'S RIGHTTO CANCEL; Thi. fa .. ho.�.a olicit..tlo.. val,o, and if you do not w..n; this gavda or—reicw, you may con,.at this agreement By provlaing ■Tr -..an no.ioe .o .Re ull.r In parson, by tolegr ism, or By mall. ThI3 .-.odce moa: Inaicato thaz you do not want the goods or services anu mu.t be delivered or postmarked before midnight of the third business day after you sign this agreement. If you cancel this agreemen., the seller may not keep all or part of any cash down payment. See the reverse side hereof for an explanation of tfl[s rlgflL • I sokna=I0g= that iq right t■ c.ricel has Been e_plamed to me oMly on6 in writ.ng, an6 without waning my right to cancel, I authonze the perfarinHnoe of the -eR subject to all towns -nd oend I rnr out forth ew the re:erae aide herbef, plea any t—s sperm ouFRpletiaR. Notice To Owner - Do not Uign this home improvement contract in blank. You are e!w-f it ed to a copy o contract at the time you sign. Kew;; it to p._I,et,osr legal rights. This home improvement contract may contain a rtgage erwise reale a Igen on your property that could be in.— ;'ed on if yap wet day. Be aara yaps sndelst.wd .II p o.ision: th • a■t below on C-SBAER S NAWRE DA COMPANY NT COSTOMcR a,a.rvni GRE DIV.1! 0 2017 Amaacan Reakimial Sarncea LLC. All nehia ma-md. ARS 1078 050817 9750. Ir An'211211 CERTIFIED"' Certificate of Product Ratings ,mFIRI %el4ine0 Reference NumBer: rzF50a0s Owe: -101.s-11z017 i'rvavat: zingl�-P.olt .ya Air-Cv.-.aitiorler, Pur-Coole7 Modal NumBar: 5UtPC036---30" Manutacturer: CARRIER min CON131 110MIRG Trade/Brand name: CARRIER Region: All (FtR_ AE.. AR. mc.. CN, CU_ L; I, DC, DE, F[, GH. 1111. ID. IE, IA, IA, Rb, RT, CA, MA, MO. ME, loll; IWI4, 1910, 141x; 1411; AC, AD; Nt, NR, Ni, NM; NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, 313; TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, W(WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air condltloners maneT-oterca prio. to ,+Wnea- i; z0i5; are clisiblc to be Installed In all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016; central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. bwri�z rnimv: Manutacturer responslQie For Me rating or ifils system eo—.lSln.atlo.. lu CAKRltR AIK CONDITIONING Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 2101240-2008 for Unitary Air-Conditioning an0 mir-Source Reat Pump Equipment an0 suuject to verification or rating accuracy Dy ARKI-sponsored. InOependent; Mira party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuhl: 35'uul7 EER Rating (Cooling): 11.50 SEER Rating 1Cooling): IZ;.U0 IEER Rating (Cooling): ' Ratings followed by an astensk I") indicate a vol■eta.r .pate el prrwr_I7- pebk_hed d_la ■■I■_..—repar:ed with _ WAS, which indi■el = _n involenta—, revile DISCLAIMER r.RRI oo— no: onoorse A. prooum(3711e:.fl on %nim cardncoto ono m.Rvs no r■pnsentatlons, warrantles or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, th, pr•de■t(:) listed ■e !hie C_rtlfi■_t■. AHRI ■ rad h dl-lalrws oil li_blllt; for d_Tagee of ..ny kind „rizing on: of :ha ea or perf.rm..-.cc of :hu pmaoc:Ra), or ma unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the dirbc:ery.lw+ew. hridlrovt.:y..re. 'ERM.. hw po1lCi�laps Thlm Cartlfie■te _ed Its ■e.torrts orere riots p p ry products of AHRI. Thh Cv-itlW:a eh.11 only Dc on.. f..r i..aitleo.l, persvn.l .no _ confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate ma,- not, In -hot. -r h p_rt, b■ .•pwd■.•d; ■•pI_d; di::■nde_ted; on:creo h-.t., . vompa:vr 9.03.3.. or uAcmise o.11iaco, In any form or m.nncr or Pyuny means, except rur the uses Individual, - -- - pewep_I _rrd w■rrfid_rrtl_I p■f_wee.. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION S REFRIGERATION IkSTITVTE Thu Inf■nwatlen for th_ -od•I ■It■d err thi: e■nlff■_tv w-n be c■pifi■d _t--.ahrldlre■t•r�sri, ■li■k on `Vedfp C.rtiflwatw' link -r reukr lit'c l.r:rer a .no cnwr In. ^HRI cordriou .,vrcrvncc ,.ommr and the date on which the certificate was Issued, ..h1■h 6Ilmted _bone, _.d the Ccrtifivcto No., -hich Ia lizied ;.: bottom righty _MlOi4 v►irConai[iv..ing, F9e..[i-9, ane Rutrigeration In..gtpt. CERTIFICATE NO.: 131539247680844801 ALE HPP[ICABEE lMeo iOiOb i BE COMPEE i ED FOR APPEIC—A I 110M 10 St ACCEPT ED Date: Permit Number: En ' Bunaing Permit Applicaxion r;annrng and uevelopment services z3aildiny and Code rveyularion aivision z3uC viryinia avenue, i -ort rierce rr,3W7a2 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) z;62 -.L578 uummerdal Address: 400 LA BUENm v 1s7m DR PORT aT CUCIE,FL 34952 [er,al Description: CH 13EONA vlZ5 I A COOPP 13MI I /E0I i r r Property i ax IDH: s�F�a-6Su-0' r,s-00u-0 ahe Plan Mame: Project Mame: vm3112 d 10 1;17- Setback, Front Back: _ DETAILEL) ❑E5CKIPTIOM uF vvORK: Right Side: Left Side: Re3iaential Ah EOL MO. 1rr Block Mo. AC CHANGE NO DUCT CARRIER 3 TON PACKAGE UNIT 50ZPCO36 14 SEER 3500OBTUH mr- CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be nertormeci under this permit —cl Z✓ HVAC Gas TanR ❑Gas Pipinr, 11Electric PlarnBing 11bpriRRlcr3 I vtul Z)C,. rt or Cvn31tr0G1ivR: Cost of Construction: $ 5400.00 all that apply: _ Shutters Q wh-ido..s/Doo, s UGen'Urvto.- Rvvr Roor pi[cn Ft. or rirst Floor: _ Utilities:'O Sewer Septic Building Heirht: OW Mi=R/LE55tE: LOO I RACI UR: Dame 19ICK VA51EM 10 Dame: DEIQAIS LACER Aaar,„:4u0 CA SEUNA v15IA CHRS City: PORT ST LUCIE State: FC Address: 1 2800 US HWY 1 Zip Code: 34-52 Fax: City: vr-rt0 aPrCR State: PC Phone Mo. I'L-3V 1- 1544 yip Code: Jzt150 l=ax: E-Mlail: I DA5ERR7J4HRS.00M Plione no. f f;e-ra4-rLcl rill €.1 ice sirrlpie I Itle Flolacr vR Rcnt,.a6e I jii riirrerrnt EAVI.il: TDABERKO(a)ARS.COM from the Owner listed above] State or County License: CMC1249753 If value of construction Is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Novice of Commencemen, is required. f l l l Iii 1 loP�i ®NUT OCfION'tINN;,�+IEr -UKM6Aq U�'+i: EER: NA Nut App Na me:..ICR VASIENTO Address:,waiiaeevevI—vin RoR�..TLUeIe•Fe�.�Jo� CLty: FOR-, �teeaie State: Zip: Phone FEE 31MIPLE t t t EE HOL13ER: Mat mpplicable Dame: Ado ri355: 2800 US HWY 1 City: Jp: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: ee.0113—aER Add res3: ,00 LA BEUNA VISTA City: VEROSEACH Stutz: Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable IQame: Aaaress: City: cip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFI DVIT: Application Is RereMy made to obtain a permit to do the work and Installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the Lgaancc at a Normit. 3t. LUcle County maRes no representation Mat is granting a permit will authorize the -permit holder to build the subject Structure which is in conflict wi ant applicable Home Owners Assoclati�n ruic., 6yla..s or urid CvvCllPnta that Mar reStrXt or pronliMt �a,M ,traUarc. 136-zc eon It ..Jtn ,oar Romc 0-ners Association antl review your Meets for any resvitTions wRicn may apply. In conslMeration or the granting or this requesteM permit, I uo hereby agree that I will, in all respe; ts, perform the work in accvroancc ;vitll tn, ap.pro-.0 plwn„ tale FloFiM., geileiRs Cot]. ana ]t. Eacle County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt foo1-.1 and,=r8v1n6 a Tall cvncarrcncyrc:icv:: 1 ourri aaditivR3, aazea..ory ztructures, swimming pools, Tenses, wails, signs, screen rooms ana accessory uses to anottler non-resitlendill use WARNING 10 DvvMER: Your railarG to RecorM a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for imp,ovements to your property. A Notice of Commencement mu3t be recorded and posted on the Jobsite befum the first inspection. If you int; ,d to obtain financing, consult witn lenuer or an attorney Be -Tore Corf•Imencing work or recording your Notice of Commencement. 4 /1 signature of Ow / lessee/CorrtraCLor as agent for Owner 515nature of Con t for/License Holder atF►i C OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA ` Q COUNTY OF /i9. `� �'� COaiv i Y OF �'+- /�-�'-'+C.• I he torgving i,.:;trurn ent ,.... cRna-leMb�fefore me tl`l s:XX day of A2j::4,I' Zu Zjby ISIZMC aT per. Uri R1aRIRa StctcRleRt Personally RnownOR Produced Identification Typ. vt Idcrltiticati r-1 ProaeecH 1 T\ n (3ignature"of T;,otarp Public-3tate of Florida ) The forgoing instr w s acknowledeed before me tRi, `Ldor of / L7y G0 -4 -Ib, Name oferson making Statement Pcr,vnwlly Rno- : ati PrAncca Idv.,timution ype or Iaentincadon n PaSllc- St..t. of FIv;!RMo ) Commission No. 3 � V � n. OMMAk Commission No. �l Gd yR � �5eai) I t-.vTARY PLit3liC L r4�I"_� STAT i; OF rt.UiuWA [ ;'3FMAXY r•'U*a= ., I�alu.r REVIEWS FRONT IQJ-Ath, SLVWAVT!- K PEAnu vEGETAOUM sok, .-:MA#W5 C 00pi i GR R=vlEvv RIVI =vv RE41EW REVIEW RfiMittif'' r-� •i.•; -RE VIEWo KELElvEl3 uH � � COMPLETEQ Rev.,o/2/17 Michelle Franklin, 4,FA-- Saint Lucie vounty l0ropeny Appraiser —All ngllls reserveu. Site Addresa Pawl ID A...um N, M.r ID Use T, -p: Zoncy Cil-lCr_ty v-.—.er.hip Nicholas Vas.ea[a ,Mort. '"ft. Pn.t 51 Lucw. FL34932 Lwgal Dv-1prlon LA AUONA VITA COOPERATIVE UNMIOT 1 T7 LOR M&9;% Current Volae, Jr_VM_61 Vale, Asscaccd Val- Fac -m. li.= Taxable Valuc: Taxes for this parcel SLC Ta. ColLectuem OR O Downlwd TRIM for this parccl Ouwntuad POP Q Total Areas FmtshedlUnder Atr (SF) Ones Atca f5P I utm aCm (acres) 4.ny alzc (Sr) I•r..p�rT Idx:ntin,..ei4n 4uo LA WONA VITA DLL 3426drra.o173ALKWn 146131 341265 0205 RA01-5 Sawt Cucie County The informanon is boliev.d ro bc.ornat .: rba ec-. bo. i1 i_ b n: l..hane. and 6 a.: -� .cd. C C.P7m.h: 2017 5 -in. Lmic Coun.7 Propc: z ..prmi— ..11 .-.661..­ed.