HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONApplication Residentia | ,,/ ALL APPLICABI.E.INFCI MUST BE Date: tl | 8l Xt' FOR 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL Phone: (7721 462-t553 Fax (7721 +e|-]Sle Address: Legal Description: PropertyTax tD *t ISO\ - b I Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setbacks Front_ Back: Q"+.Q"ctc*- q0 tr f, HVAC Gas Tank Electric lYl Plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction: cost of construction: S 850 - lf value of constructlon is 52500 or more, PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: T click anow at the end of line t0- (1W r Lot ruo. &. Bfock No. I A? [-l e"n"r.to, . Ft. of First Floor: l-l noot fl RoorpitcrrSprinklers Zip Code: 31 Ci 5( Fax' Phone No' *?-? e - 80 l' r?q75 Fill in fee simpleTitle Holder on next from the Srner listed above) code: Z ?Q 0& rax: -/'7 2--77A-VGS| neNo. 773-1-78-3lq f+PiMVuvoGDt/r&4 orCountyLicense: CFL Aq8?13 ( if different I certify that no work or installation has corf menced prior to 5t lucie County makes no repre.gentation that_ is granting awhich is in qonflict with any dpplicaSle Hdriii-bwners Asso(structure. Please consult w'ith'iour Home Orlvners fusociati In consideration of the granting of this requfsted permit, I in accordance with the approved plans, the florida Buildinf In consideration of the granting of this requfsted permit, I do in accordance with the approved plans, the filorida Building t3, The following building permit applications afe exempt from u accessory structures, swimming pools, fenc{s, walls, signs, scr WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure td Record a improvements to your property. A of beforefilqfirst inspectionJf you intend to obtain fi eqlnr?etqtng work ol recdddins your Notice of Corn Revised 07lL5|2AL4 COMPANY: _ Not Applicable FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Zip: _ Phone: COMPANV: _Not Applicable authorize the permit holder to build the subiect structure , bytaws or anq covenants that mav restrict or prohibit such )w your deed tor any restrictions which may a;iply. that I will, in all respects, perform the work St. Lucie County Amendments. a full concurrency review: room additions, and accessory uses to another non-residential use nencement may result in your paying turice for t must be recorded and poste{ on the jobsite STATE OF FTORIDA forgoing instrument was acknowledged before men aayor 0A rrnAar- , zoll dv d rdshtfit#gf,lcHr.EY l'lotary Public - SlatETlTTofi0a # fF r0E006