HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Depafnento SCIS'Home l L09 In User Reglstratlon ( Hot Toplis I .StjbmWStjithar§e 1 stats.&Fmcts'I, PabllritiOris ( F9C Staff :eCls site tAap. I Links C..Sear6 I Busines PO esSl.��i ProducGApproval. r usOu Public User eplat' 'Jon F -Ap:Moval-Franei>-ptcCuct 6r Abblicitlon seareti.>Aos licattan Llit>Appikatioe Befall FL# FL10674Rf2 Application Type Revision Code.Version 2ll14 Appli:afi6h:Status -Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR;shal ILbe.reviewed and-ratified by"the POG;and/or the Commission if necessary: . Gornrhents Archived 'product,Manufacturer Owens Corning Address/Phone/Email. One Owens:Corning Parkway Toledo,.GH 43659 (740)404=7829 sreg.lieele"r@aweirscorning,cotn Authorized Signature. Greg,Keeler gr'dg.ke6I0@oWen*scor6I ng:com; Technical Representative,, Mel,$ancrant Address/Phone/Email- 1,Qwens Corning PKWY Toledo,OH 43659' {.419}376=6360. met..sancra nt@owenscbrnlg;com Quality AssurariceAepre"sentative Address%Phone/Email jteggKy Roofing 'Subcategory Asphalt;shingles Compliance Method' EVaIMUon Report'from a Florlda Registered Architect or.A Licensed; Florida Professlonal,Engineer D Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Recei ted Florida Engineer or Architect Name Who developed Robert J. Nieminen. the'Evaluatlon Report Florida.License PE-$9166 Quality Assurance Entity UL Lx, Quality Assurance Contract EXplration Date 013/20 2017 Validated By. John:w:•:Knezevidh;PE, `6 Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received. Certificate,of independence Fi;l¢674 1112 COI'2016 01 COINieminen odf Referenced Standard and Year(ofl'Stanilard), Standard Year: ASTM D3161 2009 ASTM 013462 - 2009 ASTM 137158 2008 Equivalence of-Product Standards Certifled B,y Sections from the Code Product.Approval'Method Method 1 Option.D. Date:Submitted 04/18/2016 Date Validated 04/19/2016 Date Pending FBGApproval 04/20/2016 Date:Approved O6/08J2016 Summa of Products FL* Model' Number orName• Descii Von 10674:1 Owens Corning Asphalt.Roofing 3-tab;'4-_tab, 5-tab,laminated,startet and,hipA ridge Shingles and-Starters shingles Ury lis of Use; Installation Ins ttvct(ans' Approved foruse in HVHZ: No FL174 06RY2 Ii 2016 04 FINAL Ei rOC ASPHALT Approved for use outside HVHZt Yes SHINGLES'FL16674-RI2:pdf' Impact Resistant::N/A Ver fjed P3 : Robert J; M. Nieniinen PE-591615 Design Pressure:N/A Created.try-Independe�t.Third Party:.Yes Other:Refer totER;-Section S. Evaluation Reports PA6674 R12'AE 2016`04 FINAL ER Olt ASPHALT SHINGLE5 FL10674-f212todf` Cheated°by Independent Third Party:Yes. Back Next Contact-us:,:t1940:North,Monme-Street.Tallahassee`ft 32399,Phone:850=487-1824, The State of Florida is an AA/EEO''employer.Coovriaht-2007='dl3'S ete of Florida,::Privacy,Statement^,Acmiiblllty Statement::Refund Statement Under.Florida law;.email addresses are public records.,lf;you,do not want your e-mail address,released In response to a-public-records-request,do not send elecfivnic mail to this entity',Instead,;eontad the;offlce try phone or by traditional mad.If youfiaye any quespons,;:pleasct 8 e conta50 487:1395 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1) Floddy'Statutes;effective Odober Ii 2012;licensees Ilcensed under Chapter'455;F.S..must provide the Department with`an email address it.they have' one:.The emaiis provided may be used foroffldatcommunlcaUon with the.licenke HoweJer email addresses are public record If,you do not wish to'suppiy.a. personal address,,please protide-the Department with in emall address whiccan be m6`di available to.the'putilia To determine l yo4-'are a.licensee under Chapter 455,:F[S.,pleasedlck°hhM. --- . . PFpchiq Approval Accepts: secunt )14: tcsf EXTERIOR RESEARCH&,DESIGN,LLC. Certificate:of Authorization!..9503 TRINI-�-�/ c 353 CHRISTIAN.,STREET,UNIT#13; :1 1 c� OXFORD,CT'064:78 PHONE:(203)262-9245 FAX;(203)262=9243 EVALUATION'REPORT Owens Corning Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R7 066 O.we.is Corning Parkway FL106744R12 Toledo,0H.43659 Date.of Issuance:02/06/2012. Revision 7: 04/18_/2016 SCOPE: This:Evaluation:Report is issued;.under Rule::61620-3.and the applicabie -and; egio. s,gpyerngthe use Ofn construction materials:in the State of Fidelda.The docUm6ntation'1su rutted has bee'r6iewed'by Robert Nieminen; P E .for.use:-of th:e product "under the Florida Building Code. and Florida Building Code; Residential .Volume, 'The .products described herein;have been evaluated for compliance,with the,5`h Edition (2014) Florida Building-Code, secdons'noted herein. DESCRIPTION:'Owens Corning Asphalt.Roof Shingles LABECIN67 Labeling,shall be In ae¢ordanee with the requirements the:Accredited QualitVr Assurance Agency noted. herein. CONTINUED ;COMPLIANCE:- This Evaluation. Report is valid. "until such time. as the .named product(sj changes,;the referenced Quality Assurance:.:documentation changes,.or:proyisions,of the Code that.relate to the product change. :Acceptance of this Evaluation:Report by the named client.:coristitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E..if the product changes or the referenced quality:Assurance documentation changes. TrintyIERD requires a complete .review of this.Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with;each_Cc de'Cycle: ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation;Report number preceded by the words`TrinityIERD_Evaluated". may be displayed'in advertising.Literature. If any:portion of the Evaluation Repo. Js displayed;then it shall.be done in its entirety.. INSPECTION:.Upon'.request,_a.:copyof.:this entire Evaluation..ReportshaI(I be;provided to the user:by the;manufacturer or. its distributors and:shall.be:available-for inspection at thejob site at the request of the Building Official. This.Evaluation Report consists of'pages 1'through 8. Prepared byc Robert J.M.Nieminen,.P.E; %;Fs atoms Tfiefadstmifesem 6ppearingwasauthori=ed byflobeRNteminen, RE gn04J1g/2016 fifsdoesnotserve;aianelectrbhicaiivstg ed Florida.Regi3trationNo.59166;Elarida'DCAANE1983d e'r'r"!!rte document Signed,seated6adccpleshave been transmitted tothe Product Approval Administrator and to'the:0amed cl ent CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE:; 1 Trinity IM does'not have; nor-does.it-intend to acquire or Will it acquire;,a financial interest in:anycompany.manufacturing or distributmg`,products it eealuates.. z 'Trinity!ERD.is not.owned,operated'or.controlled byany company manufacturing,oe.distributing,products.it:eyaluates. a. Robert Nieminen,P.E.,does not have,nor will acquire,a.financial interest in anycompany manufacturing or distributing products.for .which the'evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert.Nieminen,:P.E.does not have;nor will acquire,a:financial interest in anyother•entity involved irtthe-approval process of the product. 5: This is.a building code evaluation. Neither TrinitylERD nor Robert Nieminen; P.E-. are, in anyway,the Desig erminer cif Record-for any project on which`this Evaluation.Report,ar.previous.versions thereof,is/was used for'pttinig or:design,guidance unless retained specifically for that:purpose: TRINITY}ERp ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: 1i SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing> Sub-Category:, Asphalt Shingles, Compliance Statement :Owens Corning Asphalt,Roof'Shingles,:as produced by-..Owens'Corning, have demonstrated: compliance With the following sections,-of.the Florida Building Code and Florida ftilding Code; Residential Votume through.'testing in-accordance with the follo' Wmg Standards: Compliance is..§ub�ect:ao.the Installation Requirements. and Limitations/'Conditions:of Use-set forth herein. 2. :STANDARDS: Section;: Prooerfy Standard Year 1507,.2 5,:11905.1.4: Pboi,c l;pr6perties. ASTM D3462. 2009 15071JA,R90S.7.6:1, ,Wind Resistance ASTM D3161 2009 1507:2:7.1,11905:2,6:1. Wind Resistance ASTM D7158: '2008. 3: REFERENCESC Entity Examination'. Reference- Date. UL LLC;(UR9616) Physicals&Wind Resistance File R2453;;Vol.3' 02,/IS/20.0,7' UL LLC jCER9626) Physical's&UVind Resistance 20120516-112453' ;0$/T6/2012 UL LLC(TST9628); Physical Properties, O6CA20263 04/18%20D6 UL-LLC'(TST9628) Wind,Resistance 11CA34308; 62/i8/2012 UL LLC(TST9628) Physicals,&Wind Resistance 4786093137' 02/01/2014. ULILG(TST9628) Wind'Resistance 4786126532 02/10/2014 _ULLLC(TST9628) Physical Properties. Classification letter 02/13/2014 UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties Classification letter 10/02/2015 Miami_Dade.(CER1592) FBC HVHZ Compliance Various NOAs Various UL LLC`(QUA9625) Qualit)Kontfol. Service Confirmation,,R 2453' Exp 08/20]2037 4. PRODUCT,DESCRIPTION:- 4.1 Asphalt Shingles;; 4.1:1 Classic and Supreme are fiberglass_reinforced,3-tab.asphalt roof shingles: 4.12 Berkshire aee:fiberglass reinforced,4-tab-asphalt roof.shingles:. 4.1:3 Devonshire-arefiberglass:re'1 forced,5-:tab asphalt roof shingles. 4.1:4 Duration, TruDefinition Duration, Duration':*' Premium :Cool, TruD.efinit on _DurationDesigner Color Collection;_TruDefinit Cih '0akridge;.0akridge� and 1NeatherGuard' HP are fiberglass reinforced;laminated asphalt roof shingles. 4.2' Berkshire!Hip& RidgeShingles, High Ridge,1NeatherGuardf HP Hip & Ridge?Shingles;proEdge Hip&:Ridge Shingles and DuraRidge'"-Hip_&RidgeShingles are,,fib'erglass reinforced,hip:and ridge asphalt roof'shingles: 4.3. Starter St Shingle,;Startet.StYip.Plus and Starter Shingle.Roll are,sI iter.std ps.for asphalt.roof.shingles:. I LIMITATIoNs 5.1 This:is:a building code evaluatIbAi Neither Trinityl ERD nor Robert;Nieminen'.P_:E.'are, in any.way, :the Designer of Record for.any project on which"this Evaluation.Report,or previous versions thereof,.is/was_used for perinitting-or.design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose: 5.2 This Evaluation'Report is.notfor-.use In the HVHZ. 5:3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation;Report;refer tocurrent Approved:Roofing Materials Directory; for fire ratings.of this)product. Eicteriar Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report,037940,02.12-.117 Certfjkafe o/A ith'orkation t19503' F110674-1132. Revision 7i 04/18/2,016 .Page 2 of 8' TRINITY IERD 5.4 Wind Classification: 5.4.1 All Owens Corning shingles:noted, llietOin are CInsified in accordance with FBC Tables 4507.2.7.1 and 11905-10.1'tASTM_ -3161,AST3161, Class.F+and/or,ASTM D7158, Class I H, indicating the shingles'are acceptable:for use in affwin6 zones up_t0_V.6-5d;=150 Mph,,(' It=%94mph),. Refer*to.Section 6.for in.stall.ati-'qnrequirements ,to meet this wind.tating. 5.4.2 A rhing hip ridge:shingles,StarterStrip Shingle and Starter Plus�noted her " ml.fled ll'Owen-s Corn herein areCl in accordancewith FBC Tables 1507.2".1.1 and 11905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161,Class FjIn.d.1cating,thethingl6s are acceptable for;use'in-all Wind:z0he"O to Virid.="150 m­h . Ref atto Sdcdon'S for installation . ­ ... .. : - . - .1 ,P.), requirements W Mee this wind rating. 5.4.3, Classifii n b D7158 applies category.6-or C and:a.buil.:building, . . of.60..fee;-,0(kiss'. patio, J y A$TM qp esto exposure 'Caldulations by a qualified design professional.are required forconditions outs,idb4hese limitations. Cbhtkt the,shinglelm an ufa6tu rer f6 r,data-specific to'ea ch.shingle. 5.4.4 Refer to Owens Coming published information. ,oh wind resistance and installation limitations., ..... ions., 5.5 AII p!oductt ithe roofassembly P: . Mshall.have;quality assurance:audit:dit in accordancewitKIhe..'Florida guilding, C e:And RA.C.RVIes 61G2043. 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Undd0laviviefit: shall. hold current Florida Statewide Product 6.1.1 Underlayment:shall be acceptable to Owens Corning.and sha ,APprova.l,cit-b6:LdCAIIV�Apo.rpvt?d:i3i�rRUli§-61GZG-3;bieir'MCSedicinsIS07;2.3;15.0.7:2.4. or 05.2.3. 1 ­ _ .. .. 1. , I--, — I...I.I., . - .- FBC.1.1 1. . . . ! 6.2 -Asphalt S61nkles-., Thstallati.6h.of asphalt shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current.published:.instructions;_ n , _ . -using minimum four (4):nails pei;shingle,in accordance with F)3C',Sedti6ns 1507'.2 or 11905.Z;.with thefolloWing, exceptions: > Berkshir"e"'shinklOs.reci,U.ite 01nimarri nails per shingle. > WeatherGuiiri:17 HP shingles,requird-Minimurn six(6)nails per-shingle. Do-drishire",iWirigles require minimum isix(6)'nails,persh ingle. > StarerStfiPShingle:and',Startet Strla?lUs (�quiminiffiu.. iv (5)nails'perstrip. Refer to Owens Cotriffig.puNshed information on wind resistance and i•nstallation limitations. 6.2.2 Fasteners shall be M accordance-with,the manufacturer's-published roulirerrietitt',but not less:than FBC 1507:2.6 or 11905;2.S. Staples are not permitted. 6.2.4 Where the roof slope. exceeds 21,units vertical in '12 units-horizontal, special methods of fastening are required..See flgpr6s'.belqW for details. 6.2.5 Minimum N a ding.—Starter Strip Shingle and.Starter Strip Plus: FA un"yment Dock undadaymeat Did, $814dtiock", underlaymint edgi-- Drip edge'Drip e je ' - edge N ik heated`si • 9s i'cated r-3'ftmeave A�3 Install first 111Self-searing adhesive, starte S 0001oned alohg eavis. 1-9. s" r removed S� Starter's*shirigle overhangs eives and rakes W-W stalix Pffinmrimpasmend rakesifir-3w J Exterior Research and Designi LIC. Evaluation Report 037940.02:12-R7 certificate,of4thorizoi.lon#9,50 11.10674-11 42 .ReilsiO-K-7:04/18/2016. 'Page 3 of 8 TRINITY ERD 6.2.6 Minirrium Nailing—Classic®&Sup�etries Hamid RUnsard.or Amp ro Nontul man$"or A-q.ptarp lMndAreas, Nlyhldldtl' dosvinny Windl�tuta. NIghV"o ;dosvartos..y A+rp p�'vlen"s norm laa A*a vlmtos`Iwrlar. Anw_piia vlsritos no'iriia)O.r Alm Vlaittofir+rhs (AI .r z. ... (B !_ A .r'. . .: • ..:, e.»oleran B 6d8'6tpown:_. Ftrjro�leldn 6:2..7 MinimumNailing—.eerkshire�s `SeaF3rit.sfriP, Se+larrtstriP t+ilndasi, t t6 sewdor iv- �--=roi�---+ -o-e—=► Vit--ice` ti:---ya..-�.e- e:—__.'�«_.• e Yt" 8 Yt' ' 91Y S Yt `1 8yt• 8;�le" 8 Yi". 812" t Siandard Fastening Pattern :6 Iyaii Fastening Pattern. Sea�iit9hfp_ `CG tha do sr!ledor .rB:Yt 8YP BYt! 8Yf' V ;l matt routg cement Ceinonto da tcrho ds a;lelto Mansard'or Steep Slope.Fastening Pattern Exterior Researti and Design,LCC.. Evaluation ReporEA37940.0212-R7' GertlJkate ofAuthorkatldii#9503 FL11 1 .11 32. Revision 7:0.4/18/2016: Page.4 ot_8: RIR' 11Y�ERD 6.2 8 Minimum Nailing—,Devonshire'"r '-A R - R - R. R R dam.. i Mans $8eiditt 1pt8tl4n. u' 6poswnde's-5/8"pub U6lcadbndeiseiledor sx• ieii i" ats 6f As iiait'Rccl Gemeat Standard.6-Nall Fastening:Rattern Mansard or-steep scope Fastening Pattern 6:2.9 Minimum Nailing;=�>Duration'$�,TruDefinitionO D.uration,.Durati,60 Premiurntool &TruDefinition �Duraton' Designer Color Collectiom, '"all_Fnetening Priem &Nell Fa;uning:P�ttcm; . - .aunraflmruLwnpettawf0a" s,_retFa+m>maew"reurdrnai r ir, yr t._ fM11�•adkY' br 7 �'3rs.�+ �f n; it/l'bdl � f Sht^`fi' ., y.�"� ?t Standard Fastening Pattern §=Nail Fastening;Pattern Fastbotng for 8lapa..rxeater Thoa 21:42 sanH�AtaalM"q w.r►fAt": .tlu4 typeal� . ►r +r stnsea Fbrx f`itp?k;M. RwtMaq«iwrq': ' Mansard or Steep-Slope;Fasfening Ratforn Exterior Research and Design,LLC.- Evaluation Report 6379416.02AO tertTffcote of tiuthorttatlgn J195it3 FU0674-R12 Revision 7:-0,4/18/2016 ,,Page. of8 TRINl1Y ERD 1 -6.2.1 Min mum Na.ii ng—TruDefinition*0akrldge'6 Oakridge®:'. 4 Na11 Pattani 6'Nail Peftetn' Es,ra'ccn4 clavus' Esquema cons davos. 1•: r 14- tr a 58/B.E re _ PJeBs "'a' oswe NaUs- EYposldande56/8pufg. Clivus E�otit&idds66/8pril� 6618"Ex{rosir�e Ctares 6_b!8"Exposuie . ExposlG�6itda56/8pulg.. EacposleicnQa;66/Bprdg.. Standard Fastening-Pattern: 6-Nail FasteningP,atf&n' Fastenlnq"tor8lopesGmaterThag27a2. �eeMNlArutrMip mNEtn wn..tyW�!t F+n-sin ,. -Tr.. Foairl.I"atAsprrprmenrig C.,i m "Mansard orSteep Slope:Fastening.Pattern 6.2.1. Minimum Nailing=WeatherGuard®HP: f ,• finAio� • •� of Ciwra'ni¢ ExteHorResearch snd Design,LLC. Evaluation.Repoit 037940.02.12=R7 certiJleme.ofAuthorization#9SO3 FLI0674•022 Revision 1:04/iv2o16 Page 6 of 8 TRINITY END 6.3 Hip'&Ridse Shingles: 6.11 Installation of Berkshire*Hip and Ridge Shingles, High..Ridge,WeatherGuard ,HP.Hip and Ridge Shingies'and Pr6Edge Hip Bi Ridge Shingles shalt comply withihe manufacturer's current published instructions,using four (4) Waits per shingle: installation.of puraltidge""`aiip,&Ridge.Shingles:shaiG:comply With'the manufaciurees current pu6iistied instructions, using two. (2) .nails per shingle.- Refer .to Owens Corning published information on,wind resistance and`installation limitations, irciudtng'the ,use of hand-sealing for wind_ warranties: 6.3.2 Fasteners shall be in accordance with the m.andfacttirer's published requirements, but not lessthan,FBG 2507:2 6 qr R905 2.5:. Staples are,not permitted:. 6.3.3 Minimum Nailing—Berkshire0l Hip-&Ridge and..High Ridge:': F,.ig.2, 4- PlevdPi,p,Yltnd LOPMW SWeVIOW . .A NEU% 16P Rated _Waco t' .I ^..Q EK�-'Qom.. . l I I. S 6.3.4 Minimui'n Nail rig:—WeatherGuard®`HP Hi.p and Ridge: -- Frg_C'H.ip;&Ridge SlrrO&Fastening. Fig.A: 9 4 rcvdlcri PraialkvMain SYYK7 ' A .Nails""_'°"^—�- —> flab .1 1. 1 i � ru "sc. FkP,wn Ir Exterior.Research and Design,LLC, Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-RT C-tj t f to of AuthOr!Zarlon,lJ9503 FL10674-R12, Revision 7:04/28/2016 Pag@ 7'af 82 r TRINITY ERD 6:3:5 Minimum Nailing.-ProEdgeHip&Ridge_Shingles: Stenddrd P►eve7ing. �.—, Wind Dir�gtioit Fastening; spm strip Pattern I`0' - 12' Seaf ant Fasten 7+h' ' 7 i + " f3"Eieptnute w CaverEsposad m Fatomn with::.. Roof CmnM a 6.3.6 Minimum Nailing–buraRidpw Hip&.Ridge Shingles: 'Note:The drawings below pertain,to,minimum,as-tested_attachment requirements. Refer to Owens;Corning published„install ation Instructibris foe their minimum requirements. PawltnglR6ndDirctdan Top.VWW OtnttiondondZlodrwat vw.m pian Di.�d&�ddviaith,pnadomTtannec r vhta. ertc. Glow ivt` � _aRrn.cxiri 3umtlaH' FW O le's t I 1r 7. LABELING: 7.1 Labeling shall,'be..in accordance With the:requirements.the_Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. 7.2' Asphalt shingle.wrappers:shall Indicate compliance with one of the required classifications detailed in:FBC Table 1507:2;7:1',/R905.2.6.1. S. BUILDING_PERMIT REQUIREIVIENTSC As required by°the Building Official or Authority.Having,Jurisdiction,in order to properly evaluate-the installation;of this'product. 9. MANUFA&URING,PLANTS: Contact the named Gq entity far information on.wh ch plants p`ro.uce products covered by Florida Rule"9N 3 OA requirements. 10,. QVALITY'ASSURANCE EkTiw:; UL LLC–QUA9625;.(414)`248-6409;,karen:6uchmann@uP:com END OF EVALUATION REPORT- Exterior ResdW.clff and Design,CLI- Evaluatiort Report"037940.02.12-R7' Ce,fft-teat Authorizatlon#9503 FL10674-R12; Revision 7:11146i 2o16- P30 a of 9,.