HomeMy WebLinkAboutScanned from a Xerox Multifunction PrinterALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED gate: Permit (Cumber: Building Permit Application L.iOV v:, ul* .. Aft-., Torr Y.c. �c ri 84y8&1 PRorne: t//L)Z1hL-15S3 Fax: t//L)46L-1n/S Commercial Resiaential PERPIIT APPLICATIOI9 FOR: Mac Ianical PRUPUSED IIOIPRUvEIVIER i [ut A 11019: t 0 F Legal Description: _ Property io.. ID - t — aao - - Lot Mo. � Sitc Plan ICarrna: 81ocFC IVo. Pro;eCt (Came: Z'A V c- C�L res CTM. aetRacRs From 6act RigRi aitle: [en aitle: DETAIEED DEbLRIP 11019 uF wORK: %IZd2 l�=►'Z- a�D !rt'i / r�1 /- f - �S 5��/G J60Z 77x LUM51 ROLI IUM IIQFURM7XI lulq: Addidonal work to be erformed under LhiS perms► —c ec a appy: "5VAC _ Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping _ ShULLers Windows/Doors �JEIO—Lric Q Plumbing ❑Sprinklers Li Genera.or Roof Roof pitch To.al Sci. Ft of Cons ruction: St of FirSt Floor: Cost of Construction: S 'r Odlities-)ewer Elaeptic 6uiltling HelgRt: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name "I-, Name: il(1 [ -�. Addressk ` r-L Company: City:p,f�-4 Luv i state: � hddress: V-U L) Jp Cotle: `tg ' '. k Fax: City: V - Picone Mo. YID _a �� a3b 1 Zip Code: P-'7 G Fax: E-Mail: -',°# _ ° C`1 Phone No. 7� Fill in fee simple Title holder on neat page (if different E-Mail: from tRe Owner Ilszea agove) mate of County Eicense:i—_ Ir value of construetion Is >ca0p or more, a RECORDED Notice or Commencement Is requlrell. SuPPEEIVIER IAC CON5I RUt IUN LIEN LAW INFORMATIU19: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Rot Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: 3taLe: City: Mate: Zip; PFlone Zip: Phone: PEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: ` Not Applicable 601113IRv'u COMPANY: ^Not Applicable (game: Narne: Address: AaCIre.»: 1.1 Ly: City: cip: Phone: cip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVI i: Application i3 Repo, mase to oEtain a permit to Oo the work and installation as indicated. I certify thot no York or irrmdlation Ras commenceu prior to the issuance of a permit. at. Cucie Coun,y makes no representation, that i, g,ontins o permit will auLMorize tRe permit holder to build the subject structa- e whicR i. i„ contlict :itR a :, applicaBle Rome Owners msoclation rules, bylaws or and coa.nant. tRat rn-, rent. iet or proRMt sucR strut7ure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association ono h:::c: ,.zr Geed Tor any resirictions wRicR may apply_ In consideration of the granting of this rcciac3tJ ppt:rrn,t, I ao RereRy agree Mat I will, in all respects, perform the work h. acraroance with Me approved plans, the Florida Building Coac..65 }t. [uric Coz;rnt, Armendments. TF1e tolioWing Beila,n6 permit applications are exempt from undersoins a full cantiarr�ncy �eY;t -: rao oMaitions, accessory structures, swimmins pools, fencc3,,isn:;, zierwen rooms an8 accessory uses to another non-residential use vvmRMINO TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice oT Commencement may resulc In your paying twice for improvements to your propeRy. A Notice of Commencelmant must be record -d and punted on tne,opsite Before Me first inspection. If you intend to obtain financin6, consult wiin lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording your Notice or Commencement. Signature of O—..rW1 Ce„cam/Ca: tactor as Agent ror Owner signature of C actor/License Flalacr STATE OF FLOFWAj COQA i r OF_ x,22 a� .� ✓�>r� I ne rorgoing instrument was acknowledged 5.t.rc mle this _L_4day oi [u-4 oy � jo7e-N name of pets eking statement Personally RnP- OR Protlucea Isentilication lyp&�or I'aentific tion ,- STATE OF FLORIDA— COUNTY LORID COUNTY OF /LC he forgoins instr s arKnowicuied Set -F. mle tni3 aa, et cu lay Name of person making at.tcrmcrit Per�o.,ally Rno-n OR Proeucea Isentbicadon type of IBendiication Produced (5ignotarc at Rota,, , Pa l3 e•�ta� or PlonM) ' I DAP-Rl;O (Sibs -tart: or Ret..—, PuQlic- state or F riCla1), js � r camr7i3--ian Ra. ! ,v. F (Sealj . ryFLnKIDg Commission No. `[9� (Sealjf4uF rl-ORIuA REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW I REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE -” RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev. 8/2/17 w Aill U Ewa CERTIFIED or , Ceffificate of Product Ratings AIM %eRifietl Reference RumBer: r-I ir.s444 Date: 10/25/2017 Product: Variable Speed Mini-Split Air-Conditioner, with Remote Outtloor Onix FKlrwource, Free ueltvery Outdoor Unit Model NumEer: aa@IFCuOy---I Indoor Unit Model Number: w01Q111C0-m---I Manufacturer: CARRIER CORPORATION Trade/Brand name: CARRIER Series name: Region: soutReast anti I4ortR tiff:, s►li, 04, pE; F[; GA; AI; KT. LR, MO, Mai, NC. OR. sC_ 1 n, IA, VA AR, CO. C 1.10: I[. IA. IN, R5, mA, mE, MI, WIN, MO. M I, NO; NE, li NJ, NY; OH, OR, PA, Rl, SD, UT, VT, WA; WV, WI, WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured Nrior to January 1, 2015, are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016, central air conaaldoners can only Be Installed in reglonisf Tor wRicR !Rey meet the regional erriciency requiramant. Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is CARRIER CORPORATION Rated as frohows In accordance wltti ARRI stantlard r10rz40-z003 ror Air-Cw-itlitioniny ane Air-Source Rw .t Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, Independent, third t,arfy testing: Cooling Capacity (rstuR); woo EER Rating (Cooling)-. 100.000 SEER Runny 15.00 CBR i IPIED RR i IRG3 FUn VARIABLE-SPEED, MINI- AMD MFiC I I-SPLI i 5Y5 i tMS ARE VALID FOR AEC CuMBIIQA i IONS OF INDOOR ONITS (SA5ED OA UUmSIMA I IOM I YPES) WITH THE SPECIFIC 001 DOOR OMI I LISTED ABOVE AND IN [HE ARRI DIRECTORY OF CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT. VISIT WWW.AHRIDIRECTORY.ORG TO VERIFY THAT THIS COMBINATION IS AN ACTIVE LISTING AND TAE 07K r A LISTED 'vld THIS CERTIFICATE IS ACCURA r E. UElIRLR C;M r HE AHRI REFERENCE # Tv UZICKE i COLA 11! r HIS COMBINATION IM l nE DIRECTORY. ' R_I1..p foiled byindiep.c.. -bnkay rera.ly.f pmTin:,.ly p,+51ir,eo.-I!!, o..'esa.cconpin-c,] ni',f1. 7—M vmim '.,cal-b5 an inTolanwry mrai. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and mrk— ::_ rwpp.=wRtatlun=, :.. r_ntl.o up ga.mmt_■c ..� t=, _Rd .zanrnee in. Feep.nelbillty fur, tR. proaoc.�s1 lbeea on As e.riln.ar— ^RR; capressiy alsclalms all hdt]hiy r.r .amag�s oT .ny kino arising out of the use or performance of the pmduct(s) or the ea.Rth■d-ed .dlopwtl■n =f d.t_ II-tud e., this Certlffeoty. C.rtM.d mtl..gs ..F_ :-Iid .nl,- fur med.1-s -Rd eunfiga._t6n3 16.ad In the directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Ris ecrthc.ly on. iia wnr.ntS .re proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for Individual, personal and .enfidendi-I ref.mri.a purpm -,. The een;c .ts.f thh Certifieam mT n.p In :hely or in p.rt, Be roprooaceo; —pies; mssemin.leo; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, In any form .p -aRR■r or ttq any m■_R=, ir_.■■pt fur thu Roup'= IndlAde.l. perennial .no con.',acnil.l r.Tu-ynce. ,.,R �OnDwRIRa, RrJ��a, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION fk REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Infornr.t6re for the model clic. yn i.,1e reRhl_;c can Be :ammo .i —..R.l.lre....ry..rg, eLcR on':.rify a.rtirkete' Ilnh se msltt' lir! beller- and enter the AHRI Ceptifi-d R■f■r_nwe Namb.o -Rd th. d_t..R -hi_h th■ ■■rllfi■_t. -_a 1..aeed, wfli,.n is Hsi— e1110Te, .no ifle e.rtmcale R.., w1h.11 is listed at bottom right"- ©2014 Air-Condidoning, Headns, and Refrigeration inS¢ltute CERTIFICATE NO.: i3153407872148�79U Michelle Franklin, CFA—Saint Lucie Comdr Property Appraiser—All rights reserved. Si-.. Addrent P�.I ID: Aw.mm p: Mar ID. Use T;,- zomim;: c4lC-w1, : o-nc -.hlp 7 aKarkas Twru.i .:mm --2_ pelt.; . e P... Si Lurk, FL 1499&3021 Lwg..l Dxr.�.-Ipaon PDD 28 ATTH}: RFSF.RV3: LOT 30 tOR 3444211, 3'30.1680.3817-727; 3961.18791 Current Volu=z loedmarkd Value: f272.nrw Aa -axed Vel-. TT_,uv. E�.�pt:arts. 3e Taxable Value K72,wo Taxes for this parcel SLC Tax Cuhco,,-rs Otrl Q Downie-inlnl lar lms parcel o—..i—d POFD Total Areas rmisllcw under Air (3F): Z u? mitt. -- (Sri kill c.n.. 3rze (arrrxl: • I+ Wn.. 3in (31F): 3421 Prvpc.—y Idcn:INc.dan 63:2 NEURV PL 3327-701410334IXMI-5 1373311 -DN 01— mr; 3-1 Cunc cuuury Tb-..- r.r mm_L.m is bch.d w br..wr...l IhEe nrn. bre -.:_ =.b;..: r..han-p. =.d = net warranl.4 t: Cep; neht 2417 $ami Lwi. Corp:; PmpwI, Appmi.— All . -is wc...cd. k772) 567-3100 glembing ` 2804 US Kghnray , Fero Beach, FL 32950 .a ..• 1�..-..», �.� �' rb4�:1 � t �s�l1.i i w37� �.F$',-C. LA"t. i 4[c�z.*� , -E-,',- 4- CM -,+:_ Sit— TYPE SIZE .2 — I YeE * ErFlvia=rvt�t __ ^- EFFICIENCY J Mrporais Gustomar rsfttions 035) 803.0577 SicE TYPE ��. , $ LIrTr3TaL 513BIUlAC — � T' SQIiiUTAC 5 Mt71MMIT Esr, • $_— --1 4 MOrinLY csr. 5 ----- - - - MEINTALY E5+ ' S 00SMfvIER llat'flALS --��— t.05F0MEt,( irrA6 i COSiuMER MIi7A15 . Warraniy- r vvarrantyearts --/- Labor ? Warran,y: - Parts Labor C:ovt�pl�ss¢r _ meq. &"w L rC�ieal Exchanger - C.o ,near R.i Exch�.t4r I[eirraesant m°=veMM wmdisposed of �_ ,.yl_ by jaw. Complete 3 up wm=,ng use or Ilvr r sa- to �fect tee: Fi a ani3 r aE tusxistirig equppmmt nl. All work eomplelcz, is MM m a i7n-m misting cafes anti pe. -Its, -- r • M MM M 3eLr�Tr:0C7M-ja. L!i 032 jn3 rweatJterpM& G wnnnect is t_xrst.. , ❑ Strom Air C SUBtOTAL i31scomect tiectncal Ca Media Filter V e11 ae Equ,pr .nt slab 13 MW Plyw= 0W I7 Mr, $ war d lsolatkm Pads ❑ Reconnw-t Drain line ..:. ._ u Uv Light id rtte L:ondirit C GE tettid?iur - - __- GI Start. K3 t Ma Haat} ❑ Mhu Krifiier , _ ,_.. t uTAC 5 tet KefrW,,it L-. D7w- ❑ MM DW -W* t p7 G MWIT and PSB urantil e I1Seal New Conrteer--.a u FIw vent. -,-a ` �r ®*taeanr*ot u Support Atk L7xp—A ❑tin c Cwr rAm*m 3 Cl CASt� a Ln�UR l2 aoefr'geranf wwr C�pply Plenum p ITRi Mp7ng t3!Expan valve M Ravm IRIt?LT 0 Mtect�en+ae � 13 CREDIT (LAST 4#s, T•sfat=t - C] Return rta - New u Rernrin�r t 3 Term 1364 i ay.) EAP _.-a_ APRRUVAC _,_ OUR •. d CflmfCr't Guarantee ❑Roma PnAgeftart I'saarre+tae Z-- x44tow15em= G=&ntwe 1 •Paytnerr op ions miable with apxovcd cmd.t • VL4 rico oae!*lrr+er , it`t 1 !15e oob begmnq arr, unf rt -Dari aaoitx]fia q xtegded WOM ANY CLAIMS t�UIZ CORUMUMON D'EFECIS ARE 50aIEca tU THE MuREM:wD CURE rRuVISIONs 13F CHAPTER 568, Fl:CKIDA STATUTi ES. • 8UYERl51Z4ti3F;;r1M,GA,i+ =L'•Thja is F ttokne sodCll3uun sale, srd tf you as notwant une gout= sr -prices, You may cancel Afglsfagreaine l by PmViidi'm Wri¢vtt nuns to art selrer In pemo.y.by .-leg .m, of by --lt. This notice must indicate tnatyae da nutwanir.ure goods orsefVlcestsnd mustBtf 1'�hrered orpwanarl5 beim Mmight of tho third business Bay ones you ,sign ths:srryt greementa ou cancei tuts agreerrrertt. uta seiner tear not steep a.ny ll or part of ., cash apayment. see th- reuatsa:slae Bereorfdr-an:axpra�-- Uon 4tn1sltight;- 11l aUVWy&,e 121at r ej, right: to =v_ 0 h„.,, 5E4:Maxptatned to . ».Drolly and m wramg. -d wdhout w virg rT right is �..oe-I, l authorise the wd colt tns vet for1R - the ruvorsa awu IlAfgBf, plus arry taxes , . cont Y Iat,D Haat-10 Owner - []D noftw v is h was idem contracts+ blank lou ...a L,=1AW to -- ,„tel Df tr contreet at the t: -e t DW,# tc P,00 -c, fcau jv-tat T,&. a. TNi MM rrfProwrtrt+rt contract may eonmp" a mo tis: none --W create a Man ff W if -t -Ue be bcr *+d Dn,irYou do natpoy. tic;WMIOu emderstand mr ";9- tract before youst MTZ arses