HomeMy WebLinkAboutScanned from a Xerox Multifunction PrinterALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit MumBer: • Building Permit Application Flu ....... g ,.,,a Ute. Vrvp...�,,t 5c, .,.cc. 8R,1a,,,y v„i: cvac ,zjUO V., y..,.v Aft,.Pc, tvr[ P.c. cc tL J495Z _ Pfivnr://LI $�L-1]]j Foy: (//LJ �lil-15/S Commercial Residential PERMI I APPLILA I ION FOR: Mechanical PRuPUM) IIMPRuvEIVIEial CUA-AlIuIC: Haeress: _ . — ALf; T t� ,G j- - fit Legal Description: Il-�' U11 d - L. _ `t wL l 6t_ Property Tax ID ##:off,[' '� Lo. No. Site Plan Name: Block No. r�y / aetRacits Front BaCK: Sipe: FVETAIEED DE5LRIP I ION OF WORK: �A Lt e;OZ, .3 `I -3-j 1 q C. v v► s s O 8T - T O 2W j7 cc 43� A —v,3c' x'13 Ll 4,0 fi o3(OL- C.uN51 Kii-L iuM IMFuRIVIAI lulu: FLLU Additional work to b rtormedunder this permit -check all appy: UFIVAC flas yank [�]Gas Piping _ahutters windows/Doors IlEle[tric 0 Plumbing []Sprinklers Generator Roof Roo] pitcm Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost or Construction: $ i Utilities: aewer Elaept:c Beiiaing Rvi5 t: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Nametigz-�.r C Name: Address: 3-Q3 LL Company: 1 state:, i� Haaress: 615# U.S --- City: . }` State: ciF Cole: - Uc T - Fay: Phone No. 7 ? ,_-2� 6 Zip Code: 3 lel Fax: _ E -Mail: Lh fir, '- 6`v 5L Phone Mo. -� C - E -Mail: ct.- S, Fill in fee simple i Azle H&Iler on next page if Qlnerent Mote or County Citense: CFF—za`! I � from tRe owner listzfl p6areJ IT -iee oT con.tr;Xtivn F $cs00 v- rmuN, - RECORDED iQRtica RT Cvn7rn.naenl...t Is r.yeiraa. suPPEEMIENTALCONSTRULI!ON DEN LAW IMFURIGIAIION: DESIGN ER/E19ui19EER: _ Not Applicable IOIOR I GAGE CORRPANY: _ Nut Applicable n4ame: Name: Atliaress: Atliaress: City: State: L-ILY: State: `ip: Phone Jp: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TI i EE ROEDER: ^ 19ot ApplicablE BONDING COMPANY: _I9ot Applicable Name: {game: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: PROne: Zip: Pii�nz OWNER/ CON i RAC i vR AFFIDVIT: Kpplication is hereby made to o5toin a permit to ev tRe worK an'a installation as indicated. i certify tRat no worn or installation has commen,.ea prior to iRe i.suance or a permit. 5t. Lucie Caant moR� no representation that is granting a Hermit will .atRvrize tRe4ervit RolBer to nuilE the suBject structure wnicR is in conflict with any a plicable Home O—.ncr. As,oJ-.tion ruless, Bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or proRiRit ,eek structure. Please con.alt YitRp,car Rome Owners Hssociation and review your deed fo, .r,y re.trietian., :rfieR may apply. in consiaeratio.-, at the sranting or tRis requested permit, I do hereby agree tn.t I will, in oll re.pects, perform tfle worn in accordance with the appro„ea pl.n;, die Floriaa Buil'oing Colles and at. Eucie County Amendment3. Re ioilowing building permit arplicatiom3 are e..c pt rrom uneergoing a cull concurrency review: room addition3, accessory stractarc,, ;-6mming pools, sences, walls, signs, screen rooms ana accc.3a- i e:e3 to Emotner non-resiUential use WARNING TO OWNER: your rallure to Record a RoLice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements Lo your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jubsite before the fiat inspection. If you intens to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney Before comrmencimg worn or recording our Notice of Commencement. signature or Owndrf Cessee/Contractor as A6ent for O .mcr 5:gnature of Contra /Eicense Molder s[AIE OF FEORIG �J ,IAI E OF FEU -1110m I 0 COUNTY OF COUNTY OF !n Theg in3tre: acRnowleageB Before me e t tni, �ay or 20J by Rome at cr an maRing statement Personally known OR Produced 18entitic.tion Tvme of Identif' ti 1-%, (Anature or Motarq Public- State of Florid. i- ; ;�tC n OpuLK Commission rvo.� teaOr.+,.a REVIEWS FRONT cOlg119D II zOPERvISOR COOK I ER I REVIEW REVIEW 13AIE COMPLETED Rev. $Tz/li I R. =instrumer t was a knowledged before me this of Lt3� rvame or person making statement PersonA Known )*--- OR P, oaeu.(j Iter irie..tion Typc of iatntir ea c h Signature of Nottay PuSlie- bt�alte at Flaria.. J Commission Ao.T •,y�� r ` ylseaF)f�"!,':-' r`LDt.+� PLANS I VEGETATION I SEA I UR I [E 1AAMOROv E REvlEvv REvlEvv REvIEW I REVIEW ✓ �•�- t `jf' S Est. Start Dale 00— ` Itis-falla�;on Work rder est. Completion ui. a (772) -a 100 l Corp0me CoWom- Pl.meieg • air 2800 U5 High :-y 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Relati.n� M,Tin. Am=m RuMmLa%*u,jFIOWwrlee =wcry-Cii.y,e3,CAC0,_NMCFC1428M ,$661803.0879 1 EMAIN CALL SLIP HOME .aLL eRoRi! SIZE �1� TYPEL�Urnrr SIZE I PE 51ZE TYPE Cg -r„ EFFICIERUT _�� _r EFFICIENCY S�C-QrtFFICIENu1Y ZZ.L $ d $ $ - 4 $ - $ - =V �_ SUBTu-iAL $ 7 SU13-�,TAL m�Sys� S061uTAC $ MvNTHLYEBT.• MONTHL ST.• $ MvNTHLY t• g CUSTOMER INITIAL.a CO3T ER INITIALS CUSTO R INITIALS _ W ,ra.,,y:Panama Laver W anty: Poria f Labor Wo „ly; Paris ®bar l:o ,,pre sores Hv..l Exeh-ng.r Z7 Compressor_,-- Heat ExcRdns■r Cernpk,-.or _— Nea, Exchanger Refrigur—m r rtcovered and disposed of as required by law. Cernplele ale -R up including eae of floor anrers t., protect your home and removal .,r existing equipment. All work completed is dun= irm —nerd—vo -;th mating , odea and permits, as required. ' SECECTED OPTION:,e•1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ,Q*...rherproof 15,,onnecl to Existing .01FI—trurimAirS Disconnect Efeclrie.l ❑ Mad.- FUBTOTA! lier ,Mfeti... a Egeiprrl.Rt SI -b p Now Plywood Dock ❑ PCO X Soond laol.,li.,n Pads G Reconnect Dram Line ❑ UV Light $ ;dLiquid iota ConductSr-. 0 Ceit:ng Saer Kit []Humidifier -�- ❑ Start Kit (Pan & Fla -t) G Dehumd far TWA! $ jaRefdgerant LL Drye�q,, Main Drain Safety 3%Wch E3Ostdeer U. A Pad RrRafrage.-.t Pip. .•����jj/� JeSa-1 Np: Co,.neatiana ❑ Fee VonPng PAYMENT ]01-NoR ❑ R.oanne.: ❑ Support Attic Equipment / I fDno ark Co-nn.caon. CASH 13CHECK# ,ORarrigerant Pipe Cover Aff- ply Plenum [3 Fuel Piping jd ERp-M-6R Volae Z_- 0 Revo;;naatElectrical Wren El Return Plenum g [3CR>:QIF CARO (LAST #sl XT -37.1 -Type 1V e ❑ New ❑ Reconnect Home Service Plan - �� 1 Teem �3fi4 d� I EXP _ APPRuvAL� OUR GUARANTEES RMumfort G -grantee Herne Pretaetior Gs-r-rileo PFFINANCING' 024 -Hour Ser: ice Lisa.- ritoo i 00% 0,..onditional Money -Mack Guarantee "Payment eph --.ar7abla th approved catch G s►/14?,YJS+r 7� iu 7,/, 0o ai,�r i�r� zr • Writt.rr ee=tome.-ethoriselio., 7.44 be ab,-in.d b.f.,,a beginning any unforeseen additional or._t.nd.d -a — re -7v, -t,•�— • ANY CLAIMS FOR C:ONSTRUi;' ON DEFECTS ARE ZUBJECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER baa, FLORIDA STATUTES • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: This is a home solicitation sale, and If ;-_e ds net ...nt the goods or oervices, you may cancel this agreement by providing written notice 10 the seller In pemu.., by tafeg _R7, or by mall. This notice must Indicate that you do not want the goods or services and must be deliv■. _d or pvstm..r lied before midnight oY .he third business day after you sign this agreement if you cancel this agr..rso..t, the ueller m.y not keep It or pan; of any cash down payment See the reverse side hereof for an explan.tl_R .f tfiic .fight. • I acknowl.dgs INA -,y right to eer,.el h,.,, been .,,pl-inad ra me orally and n writing, and without waiving my right to=-n.ei, I -other=. the _rfurinanae of th. irk, asbjcct to -II terns -d eandRivn3 eel north on the reverse side hereof, plus am, I—aa span sompletio.,. Notice To Owner - Do not sign this horn■ i;-,prv:.......t oontreot :,, bLmk. You Ore anvil ed -.. a .,apy of the contract at the time you sign. Keep it to protect your legal right... Thi= horse oo„tmar m.y run- in - mapsw..,, tfterwrse create a lien on your prop.rty that could be fneelvaed .. if yes de Rat pay. B. esx yea enders.-nd J provisions t .e contra t before you sgn /6 CUMMERSIGNATURE OTE vvm15.11. +,1':t eo..—..CR E - 7-17 —ericw RasidenW Serosas LLC. AN nghis ma ed. ARS -,---.B .'_C.-.7 e tie Certificate of Product Ratinas ARRI Certified Reference Number: 9543716 Date: 11/10/2017 Product: Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with slower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 24ACC436A"030` lncoor Unit 141cael Numoer: Fts4CIQFOs6C Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDI I Iinvlllu It raaefcrrana name: CAKRIER Region: Southeast and NoRR (ME, MR, DC, III!, rt_. GA, 1`11. RT. GR,Irla+, Ids, f+7C, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA MR, CC% %r. 117. It_- IA. III- R5, MA. WIE: MI, 191rv, IND. MT, ND; NE, NH, NJ, IQ T, Oil, OR, PA, RI; ti 0, LIT, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY, U.S. Territories} Region Note: Central air conahioners manuracturetl prier tv jariaa. yy 1, 2015; are eligible to be Insiallea In all regions until ju.-.r. s0. c0i6. Beyinnina July 1, 2016, central air conditioners wan only be installed in region(s) for which they meet the regional erriciency requirement. Series name: vml"On r -14 AC Manufacturer responsible tor the rating or tRls system comthnatbn i- CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING malas W_ Tallic7r. in accordance with AHRI Standard 2101240-2008 for Unlwry P.%Irwontlhiomng ane AWSwUr v Heat Pump Equil,ment and subject to verification or rating accuracy oy ARrd-spe.-.uorca, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (etuRi: 3x000 EER Rating (Cooling): 12.00 sE!*R Rating (Cooling): 1ZF.00 IEER Rating (Cooling): ' Ratings followed b; .� -rt=ick (') ind rot.. ,ola�lalr re _Ie of pre::eesly ptIVI;57.co a -le em.ss...componi.. 101" o :rho, when i„uicales an involuntary rerate DISCLAIMER . MRI aac no: enuorew tflu pr000utisl listed on this Certificate and makes no repr.=nt_tle..=, .:. na�tisa er daarente-n os te...nd ussarrim..a resp.nsI5illy Tor, this pled-ol(=) Ilcted on thb Certificate. AHRI v;;prc-sly.Isc..ims -.N 11.5ilay .ur uamagus of any kind arising out of the use or perfo. �.-a■_ =f th= proded{=), ■p this unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certifleet.. Certified mtings -re =11d only for medcfs .nd ccnflgaraean. liY.o In ¢fio directory u. w—.ahr,diroc'.ory.vrg, iCriltla nRD vvRCITi.NS Thi.. C.rtlflc.l. and Its cenc.nW .re propr,et.ry pmoacts or .,RFI. T.Is Certificate shall only be used for Individual, personal _rtd confidential reference purposes. Thu eentents of th,a Certifle-tc m -Y Pic., In -holo or In part, ou ropr000cm; apl..; uns.minatad; an'•., cc Into. compatcr oa.a0.se; u, otherwise utilized. In any form or manner or vy _rr murnc, _, _pt for the o =i indi.Ide,.l, A:z PwU p.rwn-I -A=enfld.A_l :.16. nue. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFWv lvlt o Remlaz;, .lt Irs.....,.c The Inform.tlerr f.! the model Bled on lhio eerelfi—ty c..n be -.rifiva at www-aRrlofr.....ry..rg, cIIcR on -Verify CartlScate' link -,e m -k .nu vh,.r rfic r.RRI c.rilfled Reference Number and the date oe -hieh th= e_rtif a -t■ -,.= 1w o.d, -hleh b listed obet,,.nd th. Certifl—t. ,..., wllicn Is limco ..t Oultam right. MUZ014 Air;CenBitIwrfing, Reatine, and Refriseradon Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 131547522843149915