HomeMy WebLinkAboutScanned from a Xerox Multifunction PrinterHCC APPCICArsLE 114FO 141Qz i 6c r 0IVIr[I!T["i f uR RPFE1 G .TION TO BE ACCEPTED DLtc: e.., y � J �w r,anniny and ueveloumenr3ervicos euhdiny and Cade neyulotion Division z.wC•viryinia Rvenue, Fort Tierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-15-,8 Com PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: IdeCh.iniLal PROPOSED IMFRUVEMEN i [OCATIun-. Address: 1901 N 37TH STREET FORT PIERCE FL 3494( Permit IdumQer: Building Per -i t Application Cegai Description: 5CIMC7rvD +aHR"r"S Property iax iV ii: zziu5-1501-75104-500-2 cite Pian Name: Project Name: NEWTON AC Setbacks . i [' it Back: mercial Residential F{i�r,t 5i��Cert aiRe: Eot no. IJ614 610cR Ido. f DE I AIDED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: J CARRIER MINI SPLIT' 38MHRQ i8m- -.5 z+17MHi 18Q13---3 CONS -i RUCTION IWORMATIuISI: Addifl,,mvl-t I k to flas orme un er t is permit --c e: kUFIvAC i ani< ❑Gas Fil in;; UElectric UriumMing llaprink.er, zhutters Windows/Doors Generator Roof I e[rl bq. Ft Or Construction: 5 Ft, of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ 4728.00 17t1°itie.::0.�ewer 1:1aeptiC uvvRER/LE55t:E: Mame t:057 VEMEvviUM AMress: 1 y' t IC ,sr I R 5 i REiz i Cit,.: FORT PIERCE Naie: FC Zip Code: 3.950 Fax: Phone No. 4 -1-46 i- 1a5o E-ICaii: I C) AnERKOLrtRS.7=1 rill 1.-. vi -e simple i we noiaer on next page I It- uiffereni from the Uz,iirr listed CONTRACTOR: Building Leight: Reot Pitch Name. 0=19191u z %CER Company. HRS ttQtlr2ss: z$QU 05 r'fvv r i Cit,: VERU REACH Mate: Fr - Zip Code: 32960 Phone No. 772-794-7221 c-Mlail: i QHoERRU-mR3.LOM Mate or County Cicense: CI41GC Ic4ar5a It selee of nstreetivi-i i- $25uQ or .ere, z KECORDE13 Natiry e: Curnmenzement Is require'o. SOPPEEIVIEWAL CONS iRuUIION LIEN I—Aw 11 FORmAnum: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: —Nut Appkabie tvliaR r GAGE C0IOIPAM Y: _ MOL Applicable Name: E-cENENEWTO`, Name: VENN, ZACEK Address:; a n:;TT19,9TREE-Fr'RTPIERCEFL34947 Anjaress: 19_1N37THSTREET City: FO-TINIERCE Sta[7.: I•ity:yEROBE=CH ]La Le: Zip: Phone 1-i p: Phone: r -&F alITIPuE TI i LE MOLDER: NoZ Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Nut Applicable (Game: Marne: H4Id re5s: 2800 US WY 1 Address: ci Ly: City. `Lip: Phone: c.ip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Rpplication is hereby made to obtain a pen„it to do tFie ..ork ono installation .3 inairata8. I certift" tBl iz , o v.orR a r in7tvli.tivm n1.3 cormrmcne2C1 prior to tlft ;.3:.-,.:ce yr a permit. 3t. rucie county makes no representation that is granting a t,ermit will auth— ire th.4 e, mit Rolaer to Saila 0C'us;rct -trvt ture v.l-iich i. in �oritllict -ith any applic. olt Re a 0.n=r. As.ecratior. rules, ayiaws or antl covenants MaL may restrict or prortibit sucn structure. Please consult with your porne owners Fxssociation and review your deed for any restricdons which may apply. In consl0eration of the granting of this re -quested Kermit, I do hereby agree Lhat I ..1111, in oll respcoU, pcRorrn tRt, .orR :n ,.eeeraance ritM t'ne approves plans, trMe Flori0a Suililing Cures anu at. Fucie County Rmendments. Tl,. tollowIGE GzIlains perrn7t appli�atien: are e-emnt Trom un'oergoinE a lull concurrency review: room a0idons, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, suns, screen rooms and xxesso, r a... to .nutricr non-reaidcntii l a3a vvARIGIMU 10 UvvMr.R: your failure to Record a Notice f Commencement may result in your paying twice for mprovements to your property. A Notice of Co1„mencemet.i muse Me recorded and posLed on Lhe jobSiLe oerore ifle first inspecTion. If you intend to obtain financing, c–un.-,ult with fender or an atturricy before commencintc, work or recurdin[l your Notice of Commencement. p Signature of Owner/ t see/Contractor a3 Agent for O.nc. Signotur. or Lontractor ' ense nolaer STATE OF FLORIDA coo IV I y or INDEAN RIVER I ne Torgoing nstrurhent was acltnowredget; before me this d v, NOVEMBER DENNIS ZACE Man a or person making statement •Persohally .� o -n xxxx OR Proaacea lacmtirieutlon type OT IMfl Ii iration Prouuced �Ji - ti _ bTA I E OF r•[URIDA Cu U NTY OF IRGbw. Riv I'R i I.� torbeirig in,trument was acltnowleoge0 Oerore me tRis May of ReaeeleeR zC_ by DENNIS ZACEK {darn= or person malting statement rersonally Rnown OR Produced Identification Tyr.,. tlde tltai rrot�u 0 i ! (bipz- Are of ' ot.ry Pu6lie'-�t..te o' � " t'`"`' irnature of M6 arg Public- t`��?t�3'..�°j5�r;1.te.t1rGlcaU�PFL M�i�iiLa r Statttfjlorida-)C" .T;. gVA CornrMi_io:, 7. FF126494 Commission No. rte,-.o__� ?r H RtvlCvvs rRomI curMIMG aCFERVIauR PLL -+NS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEw REvltvv REvIEw REVIEW REVIEW RECEIVE( 1 L-utyiPEE o F Rev. 61271' a,3CrAK":W::'J rIRAr,.a.M-31lAsih': certificate of Prad - c.,it Ratings AFIRI Certivietl Reverence number: tO0513146 Dat>r: 11/13/2017 ProduC►: V-lriable Speed Mini -Split Air-;::onditioi­ier, .viii, Herrlote OatBeer Onit-Air-source_ Free uellvery Outtloor u it Model Number: 38MHRC,i BA --3 Intloor Un't Model Number: 40MHHC18---3 ManufaCLurer: CARRIER CORPORATION Trade/Brand name: BRYANT; CARRIES PAYNE Series name: region: 50t1ttleaSt and North (AL, AR, DC, DC, FL, GA, HI, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, tiC, I N_ I AA AK, Cu, C 1, ID. IL, IA, IM, ins, MIA, ME, NII, MIM, Mx, M 1, M 17, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SD, 111, V I, VVA, VVV, VVI, VV T, D.U. Ierrhories3 Region Note: Central Wir aorfditiarfers Ina„urwcturea prior io aanuary i, c'u Io, are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016, Heyinning ,;al, i, 2015,antral air contlldoners can only 13 instaileu in region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency reyuirernei-it. Manufacturer resl,onsible for th. ruti;­ij; v iflim _yzt.rr; nvrnl3ir.adon is CARRIER WnPURAi ION R -tet] as follows in accorEance with MHRI Standard 2101240-2008 for Unitamy Air -Conditioning ana Air-soarve Heat Pamp t;gniprnernt an -0 =el3;ect to .-jr:Ncaiion or razing accuracy By AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling rapacity tl5tunt: I I 311 =�R Rating (Cooling): 10 b0 ':':�ER Rating (Cooling): 11.00 CERTIFII•Fj RATINGS FOR VARIA8rI•-uPEED, MI1a - AND rmULTI-SPI.IT SYSTEMS ARE VALID FOR All COMBINATIONS OF INDOOR UNI 15 (BASED UN COMBINATION TYPES) WITH THE SPECIFI7, uUTDOOR uNiT L137P-D AMOVE AND IN THE AHRI DIRECTORY OF CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT. VIaIT WWW.AHRIDIRECTORY.ORG TO VERIFY THAT 1 HI5 COMBINA I ION IS AN ACTIVE LIS l ING AN13 THE DATA L13, ED ON THIS CER -1 IpIC,+ E IS-CCURATE. SEARCH ON THE AHRI REFERtPICh 4 TO QUICKLY LvCATE THIS COMBINA 1 IUN IN THE DIREC i ORY. R..:ing, fr.11e:.ed by aaloduk (') i,.di-=t■ ,.7elent-r1­19 61 111_-v�_es17 p-blished rdta -nlosS aceumpanled .with a WAS, which tnuicales an Inoulonwry ram1w. 'DISCLAIMER AHRI does not en. .:rse the producti5r lislen vn tills ecrtlrlaotc an„ rrd..c9 no rcl razenla,iorts, warrE;, 63 or gv. rantees az to, and o,eerwe= me pe,penalbillt; fo., :hc procec.fa) li;a=d on :ht3 Ccrtifleele. AHRI ecPpmll, dieelr.In:o at I-bilit, for C. -.I -ogre =f =;;, kind =rising out of the use or performance of the producttsl, or the ■nauth=pized alte-ration of data listed on this Certificate. Certllledlratings are valiu only for nro.leis anu . on„9araavn3 Ilstea in .fie uirectveyat`,, >.aurlr„roea•ry..;g, TERMS AND CWTITIONS ',ds Ccrrirlc..l.. a ib co,,;.rz me propacary prodoct-j of AI IRL-ThiS C=rt:l a-te shall enl; be ;.-ed fop Indlcida-I, ,=pe -nal and &4M ■enfidelrli-I We t -_ p-pp•eos. The cont=nts of this Certificate may rot. in whola or in part be reproduced; copied; olSseminatco; entered into a co! .titer dulavase; or vtncrwlso adlizoo, In ary ;orn: or rrr,racr r r gy any rn .ups. c,cvp: for ;he 1=6 Incli Idoml, perzo.�wl ,.nd eer Iidenaal reference. Rzw'; -e, me;-, iIrlvw. C Y n I! Ie., iv11 a REFRIGERATION INSTrTUTE The lefe.pn-lien Ic: the ...edel wit■d vn tl:io o_ptifi__t= w.. be -erlfiod at 4.ww.: hri flreetar, a rg, clld: on "Verify Certificate” linksrrer- and enter the AH' 0 Certified Referoncu Ru ... ber an. lite oatu vK x,11-11 ine ca tirkaf0 :.as rSse-a. WHO ie 1lsicd M-7%. and the Certllle No., %hleh i- limted al betler:: Fight (01014 AfrG.reltiv:ril�$, Hcotlrlg, uNa Retrig.nalon InNutuit, CERTIFICATE NO.; 13100v'oa95075666r0 Ell EPs 1+4°? �v €r r7tliP.L $ 3,18?4T+d �L7Ti{!i bIC'N7HLY E:59wt • S ! �� — 'MpNMY FST-* S I vU67MONkA R IN 3 [iU6TJhluHlhlfru+ls�_--`.G11a..1.M6RINMALS�- cuS"t]1 21N1i615 Wd Iierts �arnY Pau._ radar wvatra+,y Ntiis L*W -': tamo�a, of anau>EI._a4LV--,. At —* rarepww u bone In --dl--_ fi. *DOM P"* Y�,�y'„,.pr, pf ;,p t3actroriaAeC.leerr..._ C x:an+lee. E�otvicd Xl�tar ifaYlin� �'r�,7prt'eP.t �1Rb ud ls*tu n Pads urr U Q40-- ' Lk1e M -' WW I7 LTµ d lila Owd_k � m 0 $-,,wt Kit (Pen a F;Fm m Da %] kerooa-a-t i -L Prte, — m rpmO L R+rS�pava+l PipeON mmCover Q RAI Pip�np p Expumion �.... Q Now Q Raoomaat m Eiectdcal 11Y� I_ = S". Flan - m N..r IS Reconnect t Term 1304 dAyal Guw0las jdt�nm Er tect;err Guarantee Sara GuacarTaa UncQM*WWaB TOMLL $- r QCASH 13CHECKV ` I W CREDTr CARD (,X% 4#6) EXP APPROVAL W47-.ANCING' * vvHqtti cuatcr ar ajhormj*,h w o Be oor:w M before bew ming"urkMeeeea additional or adended Work . my CtAwS FOR GMNBTRuur ON aEFECM ARE'SUH1EOP To tW NOTICE AND CURE RROV00NS OF CKAKEr< .6a PWRId1A STATUTES = mrcm -JIMR-5 l! m ands le do.—N..wantthepio sn t sett]faC�at AYO if1� spr*��eat•I:�J �osnw'Ap 1lotlp t0 asp e+ehllenin palsalr.� �.ie6ne+n, os' bif .. �I1. 'Phis noHaa rnttstladisat� tt„tyott tf4 teobaranbthe to*Wyk— .nd mustmdafherrd orpWMM*ad ttefate tnf0n-Eghtot.ute thIN huslae day KtbffT ,_- s{pn "xvMwt If you .noel this agrranerr4 &A up" i nary W kow all-ar part of .try wi� down payment Soe+tho MMrsa SN,a Ireraaf riwwu espta.-•atlon Of" Fight _ i,a cnwled�e illrct my;right to carne . tma been a ila�r r� j sto tsre or»�a iy and En wdt '% HM without war ng nV right to cants, I qq,}t ofs za ttta pooh. W. w" of the work owborl to Au terms W corw;,ra ser forth rm fire .. ,.. side hereof, P ua any la=s =pori ewe mua& Nbttte 3u t7w*m -foo not sign this home contraetin MR You are entitled to a copy ani tha contract m the urnQ, LL '"� O, to pMiaoyourkga rola. ThiS home sr:arw�entcwrdract may. Contain a mod9p4e or otmwisa Create s Win an r.,.ar pr�erty bffi cores on #pou do nol pay4 f35 --m you undera^and all W0105ne of l'e mWent before you sign. - _ { V �rF�..-,r�rsv�` sernrs� a r,� uLAluii ti rw+t _