HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval MIAMI-D:A E MIANII-AADUCOUNTY b PR(11)tWT CONTIZOL SM 11ON 1I80S1h/'lfi Slruul,Room 209 1WPAXI'Mi>M,N'I'UIQ 1tA(yUATORY AND LCONUM1C U SOUR(`r'S(104t) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 HOARD AND CODE ADA11N1S11Wf1UN DIVISION T(796)315-2.590 F(786)315-2599 NO'xICIP, OF A.[;CEPT.ANCY, (.NOA) rvw,v.mianridniIc.luv/ecunuwy DATD Door Company,Tile. � 12195 NW 981"Avenue - HiateahGardens,FL 33018 I Su)PL. F I L E 0 P This NOA is being;ismed under the applicable.111105 and regulations governing tile,use of construction materials-Thr dUel1111clhtatiOn submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RFR-Product Control Section to bo used in Miami Dadc County and nflicl'arras wllee.allowed by the Authority T.T,;tvinr,1larisdict1o11(AI IJ), This NOA shall not be valid alter the expiration dale staled below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dadc County)and/or the ATU(in nre.as o111Pr(hurl Miami Dade:C.olrn(y)reserve the right to bave.this product.or ruatrrkil tested for quality assurance purposes- if this product or material fails to pertimn in the accepted manner, flee nranulacturer will incur the expelar ol'such testing and the AT-TT cony immcdinfcly revoke,modify,or suspend the use of srtch proehlcl:or rliaterinl willlin thoir jurisdiction. RLK ruscrves the:right to revoke this acc,eplance, if it 4;determined by Miami-Dade Corulty Product Control Section []rat [bis product or material Imils [o meet [he requirements of the applicable building rade. This product: is approved as described heroin, allel has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Corte:, including the High Volocity Hurricane Tone. 1=Tunienne:tVCmterModel 82,t/8.11 Steel se..ctiorial Garage..l.>ou►•np to 18'-2"Wide w/ Whido-w Lite Option (1)1'+40.0,,.44.0 1'til?) APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No-05••03,titled`.Scrl.ional(iaral;c 1)oeu";sheets 1 l.hr()trp;ll 5 o0, dated 0511612..005, with revision'.R elated 03/21/2016,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,signed and scaled by Javad Ahmad,l'_L., bearing tho lvliallli-Dude Ccu:u+ty Procluel.Control renewal SIAMp will the Notice o.f. Acceptiince numberand expiration dale by the,Miami-Dude County Product Control Section, MISSILE, IMPACT RATWG:Targe and.small.Missile j.ml)nc1..l�rsititant LA1JELTNC.: A pernlauew.label wilh file manufactrn•c:r's nsulle:or logo,manufacturing;address,model number,the positive and negative design lWe:csurc rating, indicalu irnpacl.rated if applicable:,instillation instruction drawing;reference number,approval n111nbe•(NOA),the tapl licahle turf slandards,and the shilernc:nt reading`Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved' is to he localed ear the door's side Irack, bottom ankle;,or inner surface of a panel. R1+;N I+;WAL of this NOA shall be cousiderud titter a rcncwal application has been-filed till(]Qlere has been no challge nl Ilic applicable building code negatively affecting the perfonnallre,of this pr'odlint. Tk;.1ZAUBATION of this NOA will occur tiller the expiration chic or if there,ha,hcon a revision or change in file mnu,dals,USC,and/or manulaCture of the product or process.Misuse of this'NOA ars an enclor:Semi-mt ofany preulnct,Ivor sales,advertising or any other purposes.shall nulolllntiolly lefflihiate'.this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA,hall be cause fpr lcittlinallOn alld removal ol'NOA. AiwmarrisEMTNT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida,and Bellowed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. 1fany portion of the NOA.is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. I NS111,X.110N:A.ropy Of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the,maaafactutor or its distributors and shall bo available for inspection at the job site at the request of the 1.11111dinp Offkitd. This NOA renews NOA#1 L5-0317.111 and copsi sts of this page I and ovidcncc drag cs 1~:1 Mrul h: 7.,as wc11 tis approval document mentioned abovo- 'l'hc sllbrrriltcil daennlc,ntalion was reviewed by Carlos'M.llirern, -- i l NOA No,16-0330,01 MIllM4l7AUt c OUrtry ., F,xpiration nate:Mm-ch-29,2022 Approval'Unte.:June 23,2016 Page 1 0£/5 d « 5£920WZZ s.1004 GBRJeD ansa 25:96 60-LL-LLOZ PA 1i Door Com pally,Tile. N0110r, OF ACCEPTANCE- EVI D111 TCr SiJBMITTIh D A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No.05-03,til led"Sectional Garage Door",sheet~ 1 IGroug;h 5 of 5,dated 05/10/.7.005,with rovisiolr H dated 03/21/2016, prepared by Al-Farooij Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P-F. Ii. TESTS "Subruilled nu ler.NOA 1l 09-0128.011" 1. 'fest reports on 1)Uniforni Stal.ie Air Pressure Test Loading per BC:-fAS 202-9/1 2):I,;rrgrc Mitisi lc llttl)aet'I'est per k H(;,'I'Ati 201-.94 3)Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading;per VAC:,TAS 203-94 4)'V orced Entry Test per F13C:,TAS 202-94 along;with marked-up drawings ural inso llal.ion diaprmn of-'a DAB 824 24 GA Scct.ional <iaragc Door with Pixcd Windows,prepared by TYlll"I"leiirld T I]�n7CCring&Test.ing;,Inc,Tetil. Reports No.IIET1-08-2149AIII,dated 06/27/2t'108,signed and sealed by Causlido'P.Fong, P.E. 2. Test report of'Tensile'fcst per ASTM T,8,Report No.HET108-'1'182,prepared by Ilurcic i.me,Engineering & "l'cst.iug;, Tnc., dated 12/'23/2008, signed and seated by Candido F. Font,PE. "'Viihniilled under NOA#06-08-1 Z07" 3. Test reporl.of Uniform Slalie Ah-Pressure.and l'orce Entry ReSAStance Te-A,per FBC,TAS 7.02-94 on"Sectional ltct;idcnt.ial Ciarugo Doors" prepared by liurrioaue Vrig;iucenug& 'l esting;,Tne_,'Report'No. 11W 1105-14,15,dated 03/18/2005,rsigoed rind scaled by Rafael F. Drat-Soda,P.B. 4. Test report of Targe Missile Impact.Tcsl,per 1.71(::,'I'AS 201 94 and Cyclic Wind Pressure, Test per,per FFX,,TAS 203-94 on"Sectional Residwiti;il Garage Doors",prepared by T-Turricanc E.ngincering&'Testing;,Inc.,I(cport No. 1.1 FIT(05-1446,elated 05/11/2005,signed and scaled,by Rafael E.Droz-Sella,P,E, ".Submitted urulra•N'11.4#0.3-11210.04" 5. Test report on Salt Spray(Corrosion)'1't.-A per ASTM Ti 'I 17 of a painted G-40 steel pauels, prepared by C.elotcx.Corporal ion,'fcsl.Report.No.2.58592,dated 08/17/1998,sigiv-xi by W.A. ,lac:Jcson,l',h.. Cl. CAI.CULATTONS "kib willed under NOA#111-0814.0:3" 1. Anchor verificnt,ion calci lations prupru•ed by Al-rarooq Corporation,dated 09122/201.4 incl (.1'1%J.4%/OT4,sig_rre{1,md scaled hy.Tavad Ahmad, P.E. "S'abinilied rruder NOA f/09-0128,06"' 2. Anchor verilicalJon c;►lculalions prepared by AW"arooq Corporation,complying with F.B.C. 2-007,doled 1.1/'21%2008,signed and scaled by Humayouu harooq,P.B. 1 Carlos M.Utrera,11.1?. Product Control Ex-ruiner NOA No.16-0330.01 Expiration Date:March 29,202'2 Approval Pate.,Inns 23,201,61 E-1 0£/9 d « 5£92MUL 6.1000 a6e,leg 011 DAB Door Comnany,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EWInENCE SUBMUTED D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) E. MATERIAL CER FIFICA T IONS 1. Notice of,Acceptance No. 15-0915.08,issued to SABIC Innovative Plastics,for their Lexan Polycarbonate Sheet Products,approved on 12/10/2015 and expiring on 07/17/2018. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-031 LOS,issued to Insulfaam,LLC,for their Insulfoam Expanded Polystyrene Insulation,approved on 08/14/2014 and expiring on. 11/29/2017. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0926.07,issued to Dyplast Products,LLC,for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Type Insulation,approved on 11/10/2011 and expiring on O1/11/2017. 4. Notice of Acceptance No.11-0926-06,issued to Dyplast Products,LLC,for their Dyplast ISO-CI Polyisocyanurate Insulation,approved on 1.1/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/2017. 5. Notice of Acceptance No. 15-1.203.04,issued to Cellofoam North America:(nc,for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Insulation,approved on 03/17/2016 and expiring on 02/24/2021. "Submitted und'erNOA.#05-0228.02" 6. Test Report on Accelerated Weathering Using Xenon Are Light Apparatus Test per ASTM 0155 of"PVC Extrusion Material",prepared by Hurricane,}engineering& "Testing,hic.,Report No.HF TI 04-A.002,dated 09/27/2004,signed and scaled by Rafael E.Droz-Soda,P.E. 7. Test Reports on Tensile Test per ASTM D638 of"PVC Extrusion Material",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report No. HE`IT 04-`1'251,dated 11/29/2004 signed and sealed by I. Ghia,P.E. 8. Test Report on Self Ignition Temperature Test,Rate of Bum Test and Smoke Density Test of"REHAU non-loam PVC extrusion material",prepared by ETC Laboratories, Report No. 04-76115019.0,dated 05/06/2004,signed and Sealed by J.L,Doldan,P.E. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 51"edition(2014)FBC and of no:financial interest issued by At-Farooq Corporation,dated 03/21/2016,signed and scaled by J'avad Alunad,P.L. Carlos M.'Otrern,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.16-0330.01 Expiration Mute,.Mm,ch 29,2022 Approval Dxto.Juno Z3,2016 IL-2 0£/2 d siooa a6e.Ieg aja £5 96 60-�6-L60Z 0 M _ co d r' 0is C4 _ T1CP FNIURE 5-5/2•X 2-3/4•X at' �� ��YEH£4 6JlB I}OORS 11lC. 7af rel s'. C4T{{�Fes: PDSN[RUC STEEL PLATE%TrH OHE.541T6-10 WS'fl/BUT ,of/(4)its Y 5/a'SHa r �® ��` --FXS7aIta TO E9D 5i1iF H T �S1�LRED Hurrrone N.a9ter8 H(od:l 824811 ,lo - 0 ATiHO11T D--Jit7.v R-V=(si7y . , (63 014 X S/4-SER.:DOuuHS SCRMS N�ox. size 7-1/-'X Z•X.071'Ci.V,Y.STETa, 11 DP. I CERCTER S.-I.ES W*IUI YA•Idd+ Lire Option e e EhO ROLLE3 HY,'E 1 SEE SCF.'A' -A fl k •.R V,JC6litexs/s'�s , DSI ! I }:b 141TrM DELTA7fl SLE4:{S] + _�_ _ x o l9iF DELAMN'STEEP CC-WV,')-A. CPIIDVIa 1 '• Qui rc y 6 X 2-5-/4'x 071' t' T;7 g uNN ` Yl/(4)�tE WNIGE XEEL S�Ss6 �� 07-11r x1TH D_ufDN sa �/D0°- ` 13 o t�NTFR HIND --- Ir t7 X.15 W.LAIlt-I �� r -- ! s' I _ 1 I '� riX-fC . _ - - o:ocQ' �-'O53: B3Li(DOTH 54"f.5) �� I L "'a o (L_ gg/C4)314 x 1/2'S2JS. �e I - 1111-- I lip f35/D'YIP.LOCH t3dG1^.s�'I7CF m cDfvDAa To SEOg9dI lco3?XCA TM FG us71f• o 5 w o NO 1 I ow C> _15B M GUN.1JRG�TPF- _ NO Js E 8Nr 14/S+JY 5 TC 1 SN'ElY FFfG'LILL _ - n N 6"X"X0.1• __-_ __ _ ��• ---�J 0 M STEEL PURE I arnf(6)Eta x s/s-shs 0 8?Li C,C ERACI�C STD. L1:T[DOR DO0CrV 8 OFF WHA - 0 [rnki� a in Oxon I V•a�a u _ ^OFTIUWL VOIT I OPKMIO S S FJ;7S FAZE I I O O 3 n 1 YE.Z.LF DG�TS of `DLII pDGj 7-7/d'X 3-1/9'X.010' (3 5'ti1DE AT 7'O.C.Y4Y. ._1 V n s'-6• 2 sEL^IO!1S s6"x 6ECTRVS zlt- Sl-aL SLOOE OF�[MhLi Hilt NDT TO Di0EC6 � �DES�I 1xTm I:Ii+Lv OESIG.V s'�9' 1 SEUCY,a- 5 SEL1,D>s 21 S '1.:.II(4)i14 X 3/4'SDS 120 m W M DOLti KZTIi °W 3 Y ♦._CDC-U^21'k- ' 13'_2• 'rn m 7'-d• 5 SFLRICI9 16•- 7 9 /ESHUS 13•fi ii: ZI'il`- E` �51� INSIDE ELEVATION' o x C e' R RicCT1G�,e•1:RF.c:.lv1 z1, :---� C.7 Com' smn ,s'3 gmxms 1I 6 HXNDLE PJJSED PANEL EMBOSSED ]07P. i Hfl:Dl£ END STLE E5,1Gh1 Pif55URE PLATING o + 40.0 PAF 6•-6.11�p4 IS- 1 SL�E07C6 21DRIL ! Q b'-9' S St7:Tp!6 221•- f ._.- _ Nl llE 3 '�Sc XY.R7Y5 MAY FIE USED - 44'.0 PSF I 9' s smwxs 16 - IND ENG _�+t NpjES c D!D r 0 9'�T s2TIO1t5 1S 1�CTLA'25' ' Lccr 0A,4 Q1DDE5 4 - e 5'-a' i s..n1u'Is 76' $EGTG,S x:' FISrALLED OCT END SR.E 1-115 FRC011CT LS RATED FOR LARGE YISSlLE IMPACT L :15S PRODUCT WS O:EN�ES,ft:EO A.T:TESTED TO OOI+PLY IaIFf TH= iia S'-9' SEci1Of4 16'•9ECTO+S 21,') 7 ^ 5111}5(E) 14 X 5/g'SlLS - ....... .. ._... A-03ROi7RS OF THE 2014(5TH MITCH)1LOQ3L 6k-DW CODE LiW.CtiYC IT! � 1 i9Cif 4E3DdIY H.h2wmm 31021E(PYNL). Io' 12 s--CRORS 10'14 SEcroa il'i 1 Q 1 taT'x.6K LUCK PJB y A.YSFICR9 SHF11 GE AS LISTED.SPACE AS SHOW ON°ETAZ S. lD•-3•1 SECTOR,6' -sE cm 22:14 ( T� 3 10'-E a sTIq.VS 21.1- EMADES IN TRACK ATR3IDR ENOEEWE:HT TD BASS NATMW-' SW-LL BE 6ErWD W L o b�D G 1D•-H•6 S.C110.'6]9•f,'XFn'!21• ON Ilk=SIX OF EOOR CEom MILES SCIDLIP_E'A' OFESSItiG OR SWCC0. _21`2 Ig 11' 5 SECTORS 16'7.S VS 21- OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK mcm"LES camrorU7A7011 3. ALL BOLTS WSIS AID'R.IS4SRS SlDQLEE M%0C PLATED 6LR_JR STEEL !C 11'-3'4 SE 19-D 1Fc67r•-3 2 ow;t ItLms J o [FURCA STILES t, ANCHORWO OR LOMND COMMONS OTHER TRM'H'SE EFrrb- 14 11'-6'3 SECODIS Jul SEC7rS 21 6 :� D'-O•TO 9'-10' T THESE DETA3S ARE RD.Mr G'TEES APPMAL 11'-9•2 SECIIDIS 19•`Y.=u7P5 21 GDC�C BVL LACxLW'•511L�rx ta--D•TO„'-16• x TV 1 SCT ORS IB•S QN7tS 21 LOCKAliEBAR C 12-D'TO iO'-IO• S S L LOAD W:5ATI04 Da nkSE 5 USED N SES 30 OF A4A4O�iYTJ 11000 C/+LY. a d•-.t= I 12'-S 7 SECTIONS 21'- _ S�9:ir:Ul'•D-�SLIDE FiCli 3•--0•b 0•-fOr 14'-L+'1D iS'-Id' / i✓.f1A T75F]T 14 ALCCfMA*Z N1M 1I£6FpA��75 OF FLOn1]1 Si 12'-6'D SECTORS 1tl•z SFO X4 21 LC.7C5 SFg21N r31..+_ 15'-7•10 16'_2' S B•LLCnRC OD'd TASr21Z,L19-2➢1 h T/5-203 FOR mm po ors 12'18'S SJf11C16 l9• 5Ec1IOBs 21' 0007.551DiHS �isTH v&W-05/A%U E[9gs_.M a 13 Yr`$gCi�Itr s SL11065 21 D IS 21- _ _ I Ql[III J+I+Ar p 13'-6'2 SECTR4s[II.3 SF'Me6 2t ` ....'•� PR!?PP CT RETIESYED 13'-6-1 SECII<L1 1S 7 RCIXfS 21 s cORf]y1OS NHf]Ol0 FIOrlda lC O'EC1101S 21' 1Y-0'70 11�-10' I L4'-M 70 15'-l0• f mRdlgln9 ado f- 't� r.Y M 14-3•6 Sstm+s I9• scras 21 DOOR 72,7RS DOOR W.DTHS NO3FNo. '16-0330.[19 f= 1L� o I� 14'-6'b I:D:OOR6 18-19 3LT.Ys 21' _ _ 03f29I2022 14'-9•i GCIq.16 tff SEDERS 21 'rte 1�•19 SJR ®: ® ®1i�1 Exp L9 �Jr IS sEC1OLt5 lY S;£OTdr6 211 IO 1L7 ! IIIA IL_�11 CA 7 Il1N' ••. fI�J� ~ aro•tng nO. Sccim- TIT- M-CrdG 21 °y 7- 15--6'7 ST-.CIg1i 18'�'E SECTORS 21'- [ MISYO[- Protlpct CPREtllol - r CCiiiV1;•��` 15'-D'D SECnORS 21'7- __ LY-3•TD 13•-10• 15'-11'TO IB'-2'• r V lE 's t;cCFA1S 1s_ja DOOR YADTHS DOCK MKS C? I 1 ti 0 (V o - M P _ ri 24 CR.SFEB_P:2:9.1-J/4'% 15 GA! Z4'WATLEfcQiOP �OF EAC i PAA¢ . RAPS BENT CTR P.d'1�1E f✓�x 2-t/t•x 3/4 0 GACA STSEL 09!3%�N:OSaS�TSL55 !1 Tij 7RURS FASTEN=D 7D'JMT CA LlcrMUEDATc-SRI.ES - 1/2'RIF.�HEO F1Jl="'S i� o 1F/TNO]14%5/8'SSLS.ASD TO ED;TI, i7 W/FOLK J 14 9 3/S'SELF CfiLLR7 Ski_ D 4^O.C. a IuIJ.3 L3 , _,. _ I D2ry I QG'0p 9 3/I6•Pa.Ikvem, ;E� 3Qk•z car=o A 16 CA x 2-1/4-%J/s'X 2- !•T 4'Ol_ [ 16 Gt X 2-3/4'x 3/4'%2" lr ('1 Z T o 2:8 GLLY.SIAL I[9.12 Pc1ti-0F..2113 T.�895 GV.v.STEEL P71R RE F0.RCIRc 1RUss {u))FOR 2s'STT.ES tl C s Ln —1�" 0 EOTTC61 CF PAYR-L IRUSS FASTFl.9 TO lilOSS FAS1FHfD 7D V°.R11cAL IML4NDXATc 5nRE5 (5)/D9 IB•ME `.I M 1E40cA'.ClFr7alEDQ`E sa3 Yi/1vD 'N/F11D y 14 x s/e S.V-S.sib 7D END S W �p (14 x 5/a'S.u.S.AM TO Eh'D sT� -w/wuR{u X 7/1'SELF OSLUMG LR. ' 't7/F1X4?#14 X 3/i'SELF OPr'11FC;S _ _ I�U.'J�SE7.U3+R PoOYF^Q?C141 7fQJ55 I I 0 1/2'X 1-3/4'X I6 CL - - _ _ TRUSS FASTEHM 70 I/MTWL BrIERYEOXIE SET FS _ l ��'' Wa�Y� \ W/T11'a a 14 x 5/3'SN.S.AM TO END SNLE YJ �• 'N/FOI.LR j 14 x 3/4'SELF Td WF4 SCR f - I C) OWD STILE O .024'ST_P.X-L 1ST SECTION (®6TTG1.(1 INTERMEDIATE SECTIONS TO_P,5'CF10Tip�M;E av OCCR -1 O 3�;3 REO:FMCING TRUSS RONFORCING TRUSS REINFDRClW TRUSS g 07 CD TWO AT BO'TMM PANEL ONE AT=H PANEL CYE AT c'ACH PANE: y O oprz :L STOP bmuo" - o of DI-11 LVST1L,7l� _II4 x s/a-sus STEEL TOMH SS%.xF FASTI.NED 1177) o PER HM.- ~ TD w- YAUB%r..H 3/4'X 2'X 2-k/2•X.719'STEEL - O 5/15 X 'vrr D:Sufw ENO STILE,CONNEC.TO PANLIS NIIH ' f 7/2'%1-3/L'x.C66•FORUM ME F1APS 1ND(+)3/%E'ALUM RNM- (TIRLY TF�'F71YcA}� CLV7]TO WJCEL AND SECURED TO (4);,I"% t Q H7['ti' ER H1D 1YFe A EMD STEE'+ETH 3/id'FOP Fd.'=5 3 12'O.(- pps RTS SEE GET&ASI 50!ID REPASS WCP V,eHfER 3 FlAP5t oe1 rN.7 P:T>`igi� 5 BY'SCHWGS SEVIgTTY HARDWARE' a 6 SxRNE9H P.?:E _ OS5 SA. r _ ( S/4'x 1-7/a'x 2-1/2'x,049' EDGE 015TAL M LN 9/1S' D'A IMLES W CE1(TE3 STIL= 4t 5 a a STEEL CEHTEJI SSEE DWIVICE PCGIT*.%EO AT k:a LV F F POB Qli1N0TR'S 5E£SHE?1 �••- •'r �GLUEO AND RYETEE TO PM EL i I1�3 f 14 x S/S'S.N.S (?J J/16' r,^7?-3IC6 r 3 r ld r /NNGE PCF P.McIS 1-3/lE't I L 3/8- 9f•PL51c`RS• o HN.FA9ED YfID COYG -s 2' m EDGE GST. I 1.9'X 2.10'X 3.3'x.597' !, 1 SE_�% ETR 3>�SPAC_L2 SSc'].WAIN 24,=KETS I o z SEE 5F.m 3 Im SPACING 1l� Y - lt I fflf (2}3 16"WrErs ' •"y. TI>t�k B2TTCH ..._—� 3 � I PRODUCT RENEWED 1 as comF�309Wlth7 FJor[da .•.�1 a - �, Ouiltlln9 00o M ��TStL1C I 7-1/2"x 3"x A711 7-i/2'x 3•X A71' L4-20 UT SS B7LT NW1�Yo, 96-933C.D1_ 7 =Al '4 CA.X 2-1/8-x 1'(sG'A- )j CJLY.STFo_CENT72 -END FML!Ei NJNCE EK Iratlao Io=29=2'; ° leJ 7/:fi'FUSH[:Ifi HNCE P 51 =Wing nD- 12 Cx%3-5/se x ;1 11,92, (OFT:Ii'1yy 1.02'DD.X.5tl•SiEer IMLERS FAST l TO TPJQC fNhTe SiSTw173 OTI RAL'EP 91FF'T 1.92'CV..X.i0'NYLON B7LLFRS(CPTI4 By � •F!I n r. Y/:/4-20 X 76USS FA ,C,,�,,. 05-03 6YTERIDR SLUE 2.75'Cit x 5W STEEL R3U.[R5 (CPTICV1 Gttam1 FAo ProdoetC SLOIT�LL5.&LICK IdT SFCHDN Fl- CFS'IXC X�C'HYLOK RDLLIAS(OP71LtY4U ��SSrOHAL l� A M1iH S'STEM i ITrllkk :�1eet2o: 5 0 r r ti r 0 N 2017-11-09 16:53 D&D Garage Doors 7724607635 >> P 10/30 S Ell -------------------- V fi ' }�}� '�'„ �T`a� � •:�;. L�'tLa� St I,�iA�,'„r, .,�to w'�'• T "'rn.-'r `• ^=ey1,, .,� IL �11W,r- l 'S tt"• p�'� lar'tI g rl7 :a i K 9- T'P tNl 6 HEIGHT __ F I=f?HUCK 1111 ? ::'• FL� i 1 06 �• �.° Ai' L B' r 4, h I el m FESP= 11 1 . 5.-2 J f T y�mw�- 9 TU_� .. 0 if R NU 9m n e�- :G:�L:N.r•�i N I s a t� ly /r 1� .......I - .'-`-{irk_: � -- cl:-'G RI !Y —•, ---fit,`," uy _ Rr?-,',�:;�.v {4�R SSS• ,\• � �I.I 1 1 I �' �" �lYl�f,i���l, �•ttl 111 111)}W s � --•-I I' LL l'F' vo ie..oe nrvl..il:,i:c. ._.��l :;F_'q'f10NAL CNiA(a: nl,ort ni_r-,nr�u- -•• _.... `4 (_) 1•.- n -ny ilnn,gl6'S' . ..- .,� Oq COrZpORA:FlQN +�- I P 3, .,;,14, 1 _1rv,a1. IOAU 110.1 NY. UNUINUU111:14 PROs UCI ULM nPMgW DAH OOOHS ING. jam•' ( ,,) r ll:al.,t fm yupl lila NIr1.T DJGO!1!(4-M7 DRIVE.SIIIII"170 ar.ur: lvun o eUSA W4vR svE m•nm,rnvn 1!111:, N.W, 9A TI I. AVE. mlAln4 PLU,nuA:cn,-rl {GL,1:9cys) --- -- WALLAH CARDINS, FL 3301H Ip CCA D o 11 ELI!. Jh,nA,qu MAIM I - Tr?.WIM'.4644200 ✓AK.W'1L)=IV-007A 1 it I.(.V16).776---6624 ,•—•", .-- .............. PzRg jr, wao"I"Modwa w1-tf-pftc(Qni) 'j'T 'JIMS' '71A '.SN30?jv!) Hv:i*mLi U!"'Hili�Is I., ir.E.7 Z ­�rw, �.VG'N*rJ) -'.IAV'ILL QG *Ak*r4 grL7L WUUY NUIZ W.,q mina ri 0 -IBAIN ammisp;oged D.12. .— urr.mn.; 0 W4 WJ SHOOLI Rvu WOVIO 3 �J 70 E�l MOIX)ST' tj in d Q Li Iz v; �,?j _7K N A. _0 �•;�. ���-•� >> � , ; ;CEJ, n� _� ; �����:: L nu X I (� � I~ 'y�11Ci��.i .,t.� C6 Ida 0 7,1 92 PJ Mir. es 171 IT ul PC, a 9 no 5 `71 c ag Yu ZI W Y7 3 3___ qq, 1 acts OOA ^?- . P."plm L HAL d << 5M0WZZ sio0a o6eje0� 010 29:96 60-LL-L0Z 2017-11-09 16:54 D&D Garage Doors 7724607635 >> P 12/30 'j=� _:_ __ __ ..--__=-=-=__-�-=•1 ..:.. _-____--•-=V-. =.:=:1,,t._.. ���� . 771,-,�,y�,.�� ( .�fi"'ter• r�.__I ��?� �r - � 9S� 1- .% �� 1,o: •ScQa � �Y n L (� " :Ll UAX fir WWI.111,114111 1 _ D.L.O. rxn;R,•j T .S,�. acs -_ x 1 "•lel 4S I :.�\� ♦ '�\,,y .. 1,1 2 F'zl � I 1 i �. u, 1 57 o m m�' m[�ci F i I11! iJ. 'rrLi 7� Ilir 1,,7 t'U cu �� D-"1,,l A U3 �Vr1 err � RW �II V4U� C, 7 0 9 T � C�9 O 1 I 211'. I �• F �.. t �� „. (y :a•:. �. IR � �w m 1,n 7 V, cl � � nk �h� 1,rs 3 N w '1rn VI - 1 it - 4 r' P •7=:;h'•. •fie _:- `� .�L -' ^.. ssl;� .�/ %7 7 In^,• m-,a os "°'.i=t,v 1 r� I SCUMMpI GARAGE D001 AI.F/�RO - O[2(:ORPORAIIUIV rNO DAR DOORS INC. tN"ItST 1,PROOOcc oe,vla PftlR-1 l_•_ .._-._ ��.ue,. nemu nen owra - 036DNUM XORNF MIL11-2 91( �,• 1 •• 12135 V.W. IH. AVE. MIAmi,FLonwit-.0.,. (1 r 1iY I�IY 1 C vi.vale nn(IMU TMh:iatl 78 (C.,7,N•3698) _ IiIaLEAH GARDrNf;. Fl,• t3US8 rn L'I a n1,.n} '."l,i, wNr vrouro- mr.Ch,mrc6auaon INC Cwolano nur�J—._ RRZi ___ _... ...... ._.: _ •. _ _'� _�� .. .. GAAn1:P ili-r.UDNf� AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT October 9,2014 Mr.Allen Berger DAB Doors,Inc. 12195 NW 98'h Avenue Hialeah Gardens,FL 33018 Re: Series 824 16'-2'x 16'-0"Garage Door Drawing#02-21 Wood Buck Anchorage Dear Mr.Berger, In addition to the wood buck anchors listed in drawing#02-21 for an 16'-2"Sectional Garage Door the 2x wood buck can be anchored into a wood substratewith 1/4"Lag Screwsanchors with I- 1/2"Hair embedment and 3/4"min.edge distance as listed below: NOA 9 Drawing# Design Load Wood Buck (Pd)_ Anchor Spacing 12-0110.14 02-21 +36.0,-44.0 psf 15"o.c. Please find attached supporting calculations for your reference. Please note that the above is subject to Building Dept.approval. If you have any questions,please feel fteeto call us. Very vad 4-ad--"P-,E. Chief —ineer C.-JUSef5lVeeonkmAFCFiVGOItDocur4ent.ilVerankaDocometitsVa(DAY)DooiskDAH-Woad 0u4A*fte02-21.dqc 1235 SW 8711,Avenue I Miami,FL 33174 1 T:30S.264.8100 1, r--305.262,6978 I wwmakeng'.som alfaEogn2afteng.com 02/2L d << SOLOWIL 8J00Q 052-i"0 JOB NO. BY DATe SHEET NO, A L-F,AROOQ CORPOFMTIO M AI Cil- CHK. 4/4/2011 1 QUENT DAB DOORS,INC. PROJECT sea SECTIONAL GARAOE DOOR-LMI S . MIN. CD DIA, LAC'SCREwSN 2BY t/.A'_DF li� LAC SCREKS 1Yo0D HU I �� `-AT 6- FROM ENDS Woop >;Ck AND n O.C.O.COIA�MAX. DS AND l�' o_C. MAX. � �•� �" All fex z WOOD BACK CONNECTION TO WOOD SURA c�C cIr •Lls� C.A.N.E53538 ' J_ A I j% GQ1� A.P.I:,-,Y 70593 1235 S.W. 87th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33174. Tel. (305)-2'64-460 0£/� � d « 9£91MUZ SJO00 a6eiRD a°$a �9:% 60-64-1602 AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION C-2 I' DAD DOORS, INC. L.G./ 824 GARAGE DOOR WOOD BUCK ANCHOR CALL, 7113112 Drawing 02-2.1 CONNECT 2x WOOD BUCKS TO WOOD SUBSTRATE SPAN =L I=T 16.167 DESIGN LOAD POSITIVE=Pdp PSF 36.0. LOAD /FT (POSITIVE DIR) R= L Pdp /2 LB/FT 291 PIVOT ABOUT POINT 13 ECCENTICITY W e IN 2.455 RESISTING ARM =d = IN 1.500 PULLOUT ON ANCHOR =T= R"e,/d LB 476 ANCHOR TYPE: 114" LAG SCREW THRU 2X WOOD 13UCK Wl 3/4" MIN EDGE DIST, EMBEDMENT 1-112" SUBSRATATE WOOD ALLOWABLE TENSION =Ta (LB) (G-1) 624 i SPACING REQ=Ta/T*12 15.7 USE SPACING (IN) - USE'15" O.C.OK BY INSPECTION// 1.5.0 OCT;1 a 2014 0£/56 d << 5£9LOWIZ sJ000 96eDe0 all *�5�96 60-66-L60z >. YPEFASTENERS T . _ 3 t 11.2 Reference Withdrawal Design Values 11,2.1 Lag Screws 11.2.1..2 When!ag screws are loaded in withdrawal from ett(l grain,reference withdrawal design values,W, The reference withdrawal Oesign values,in shall be multiplied by the end grain factor,C,,,-0.75. !blit. of pcaictralion, for a single lag sc vew inserted itt 1!2,.1.3 When lap,screws are Ioadc(I in witb(Iraw»l, sido grain,will) the las sero•,axis perpendicular to the the tensile strength of Ute Ing, screw at the iwt (root) wood fibers, shall be detemined boat Table, IIIA or seeb..on shall not be cs;(:eeded(sec 10.2.3). Equation 1.1.2 1, within tl7C ranine of specific gravities and screw diameters given in Table 11.2A. Reference wit:hdrativaI design values,NV shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustmont factors (see'Cable 10.3.1) to ob- tain adjusted withdrawal design values,W'. W=11300Cx""D ' Table 11.2A Lag Screwy Reference Withdrawal Design Valores (W)1 Tabut!-at e(I witIt(ia: val design vnlutes(W- )ora Io paunds p-er inch of tIi-re add penetration i)tto side grain of Uuiin aucmber.- Len dh of thread penetration in main member shall not include the ten,th of the tsl crc(1 ti (see Appendix L). Specific Gravity, L>xYLSISCr12" 5!8"ew Unthreaded Shattl(Din ttteter,_U G Ikl" 5116" 318" 7116" 1 1 0.73 397 469 538 604 668 789 905 1016 1123 1226 1327 0:71 .3t*!• ;450 516. 579 640 1:57.• 869 . .974 107'1 1176. ; 1.2.7 0.61; 357 422 484 543 600 709 913 913 1009 1103 1193 . . 3.49 ...•. :3'. :; . •173 1 S$7:53 ' '694• 796: :993. •'90 :f.018 li.G7 4i : 0.5h 291 332 331 47.8 473 559 641 719 795 369 940 '0:55. x'260 30'7 352. ' 395; 437 516. 592, GG�1 7. 4 . : 03• .8G£3 ' 0,51 `232 7.74 'i 14 353 390 461 528 593 656 716 775 Q:S.(I• 225' I r 305 3s17, . 37R ;4117 ' S,t3 57fi.• :: 636 : (i5?5 752 0.49 213 253 296 332 367 434 493 559 617 674 730 ():47• '205 242 '278 312 345 •408 My7 52 '' ' -480 •.634 68`x' 0.46 1.99 235 269 302, 334 395 453 5t18 562 613 664 0.44. 186 220 252 283 312 369 423 475 :525 574 621 0.43. 179 1.1'L 243 273 302 357 409 459 5013 554 600 '0.12• 0:3 205 235 264 291344 395 443 '496 5;35 579 0.41 167 198 226 2.5.1 281 332 381 429 473 516 559 0.40 . 161 190 218 24.5 271 -120 367 412 455 497 5.i8 0,39 155 183 210 ?36 261 308 :353 397 438 479 513 0.33 1,49 176 202 227 251 296 140 381 47,2 461 498 0.37 143 169 194 218 241 285 320 367 405 X143 479 0.36 137 163 196 209 231 273 313 352 389 425 460 0.35 132 156 179 200 222 262 300 337 37:3 407 441 t 0.31 1101.30 149 167 185 2.18 250 281 311 3:39 367 J. J. <•; t,'1-1hubled withd+awa)desim c lhnrS M fur lar;serer comnecliuns slt++ll be mAtiplicd by all applk--ibte ad umment Endura(",ee Tat+ta AMMICAM WOOD COI INCH 0£196 d cc S£9LMUL SJOOG a6g.leo 4Ita �iS�9l 60-44-LbOZ rARMx111110011 n>�;.s�rGIv PRUSURES TABLE 1600.3.1 WIND SP4PD CONVERSION.•h-- V„t l0U ]10 120 130 140 150 160 170 1R0 190 200 V„a 7(l RS 93 .1.01lU8 1[6 I2A. n2* Yi9 I47 155 FnrSI: Imlleperhour 0A4m1s_ LL 1.inenr interpoladon is ltc„nittcd_ h. v„r=nwr6not design wind ep!4 applicable toit7cdlt ';11p dfiultn Pie 010ns I thmugh5of5eedan 160-1 e. V,r,W uldnu5te de140 w4ld s1r.09 delelmintrl from Flgurca 1609A,16091B,or 16090, TABLE 1609.7(1) NOMINAL(ASD)t3AnACIE DOOR AND ROILING DOOR WIND LOADS FOR A SUI1 RING WITH A MAN HOOF HEIGHT OF 30 FEET LOCATE13 IN EXPOSUAP B(PSF)' OLTIMATI DEOGN WINO SPEED(V,J UkTERMIN(E�D IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1649.1(MPH-3 SECOND GUST) Width H 00 160 MPH 110 MPH 120.MP_ SaO MPH I trlO upH trO MPtt 1 Go mPH f M 170 tdPH' iEO MPN tOtl MPH 20OMPH ((Il (tt) I Root Anuto d-10 douroeo D R H.7.-911 I(M-11!7 3'l,S-7a.z Ih:7-16.6 17,1-19=1 19.6-222 71.3-25.•2, 21,1-91.5 22,2-31.9 31.4-15-5 10 14 AA-9.4 10.2-17A 72.1-1J,6 14.7..,14,n 16.5••)H,y 189-412 21.5-24,2 90-271 7.73,•30.6 3a.4-34.1 33:1-31.8 14 14 8A-9.9 27-10.8 11.5 MR 135,15,0 15:f-VA 18.0-20.0 W-27S 23,1-25.7 75.928,8 28.9-32.1 32.0-15.6 Float An0(6>10 dogma 9 7 9,6-10.9 11.4-12.9 13.7-15.5 I6.1-18.1 18.`-7,0.9 21.3-24,1 24.9-275 27.6-31.2 30.6-•34.6 34.23a,r. 11.0-,43,0 16 7 9.2-103 10.9-12.2 13.1-14.6 U.5-17.'L 77:1-19.'/ VA-M7 x273-269 26A-79.4 79.j--57.6 32,7-364 36,4--40.6 78 MPJ l H5 MPH 93 MPI? lnl MPH w 308 MVH y1161mar7i 17a'Ml4-1 132 MPI) 139 MP11 L147 MI'll 155 MP11 l or Sl:1 foot n.104.0 mm,l miteper hour:,1.609 kra/A,l p9ba 47.68 MO. Noinhlnt DrmiKo Wind SpCcd(Vaad)convcxbw frxnn Ultimate Design Wind Speed Per Swdon 1609.3.1 1_Foreffeetive arras or wind spcedti batwcm 1Ixr cxivot nlbove(lib 1011d nay be Interpolated,olhenrrlm nae tbclond PwKintal wi0i Ilio lowcrtMetive airs_ 2.Table values shall be adjusled for height and expos mn by n7ultiplyIng by the adjusvoant cooflident in Tablr.)609 7(2) 3_Pim and minus shins signify p=ures scti0gtownrd and nwny fi0m die building surioccs_ 4.Ncgsdveprrssutcsassumcdoorh2is2feetofwldllllnbufldhlg'sendzane. 5.'fablevaluesinclodethe0.6load reduction factar. TABLE iti00.7(2)ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR MILUiNO 1167.2.4.1. Gat• ge door labeling. Curage doom, Shall be HEMT AND EXPOSURE,(A) JaWril with a pim mment label provided by the gatnee EXPgr'URL• door manufacw(cr. 'lite laW.1 shall identify the ars MEAN ROOF HSir.HT(toot? Y garage a ° a door manufacturer,the garage door mcdcl/scries Eumbcr, 15 1.00 121 1.47 Ihn positive and nogative design)31 www xatilng,indioate 1.65 1.29 ;$5 impact rifted if applicable, We installatiocl inminw.tion 25 1.(1(1 135 L6] draw3ng reference number, the Florida 1lrodu6t Approval Of Mift,11 11(k, 1todtict Approval number if applicable, 30 1.00 1.40 1.66 and the applicable test s(AridArds,The required garage door 35 .1.05 1.45 I.70 components for an appinvod garage e door assembly may be 40 1.07 1.49 1.74 indicated uRing a checklist form on the label.if a cllecklisl Colllutt is used on the label,the door installer or die garage 45 1.12 1.53 1.78 boor Inanufactumr 9ha11 nuak 1110 sclecicd components ou 50 1.16 1.56 1181 the checklist that are xequired to assemble an approved 55 1.19 1.59 1.84 garnEe dour system.The installation iu&truc6on5 shall be -' 727. l.ti2 provided and,lvnUable on the jab site, GU'-•--- 1.87 , MOMDA SUILDING CODE-BUILDING,6th EDMOM(2014) 0£/16 d « 5£9L0WL2 S.IOOO aftjaq 010 X9:96 60-LL-L02