HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) MIAMFMIAMI-DADS COUNTY s PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RFA) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND '1 CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISIONT(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.minmidAda.Roy/econOmY DAB Door Company,Inc. 0 P Y 127955 NW 98"Avenue HPLE Hialeah Gardens,Y1.53018 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The doerunentation submitted has been,reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RM-product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after tine expiration date stated below.The Miami Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AIIJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the high Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION.73urr-icame Master Model 824/811 Steel Sectional Garage Door up to 914"Wide w/ Window Linc Option(DP+50.0,-60.0 PSF) APPROVAL DOCUM:>=1 U.-Drawing No.01-09,titled"Sectional Garage Door",sheets 1 through 5 of 5, dated 02/01/2001,with last revision IC dated 03/21/2016,prepared by ill-Farooq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad,A.11tmad,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control renewal stamp wits)the Notice of Aeceptanou numtbcr and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. M1SSH,E hPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING:A permanpot label with tho manufaetuter's name or logo,manufacturing address,model number,the positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate impact rated ff appli.cable,installation instruction drawing reference number,approval number(NOA),the applicable test standards,and the statement reading`Miami-Dade County Produut Control Approved' is to be located on the door's side track, bottom angle,or inner surface of a panel. REN]EWA.X,ofthis NOA shall be considered after a.renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of.tits product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or cbauge in the mawrials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date maybe displayed in advertising literature, If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. i This NOA renews NOA#15-0317.02 and consists of this page 1 and evidence Mages E-1*and B,2,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted docllmontation was reviewed by Carlos M. Utrera,P.E. NOA No.160330.02 MIAMI DAD'COUN Y /9Expiration Date:August 9,2021 �( Approval Date-June 23,2016 I (� P�f-Z Page 1 0£/9� d << 5£910Wzz SJ0Oa 9612.180 ansa 55:96 60-Lb-M2 DAR Door C'umplwy,nuc; NO'1`1(:)n:Ula'ACC'EP'1'ANC:E: EVIDENCESUBMITTED A. DRA'v"NGS 1. Drawing No_014119,ti.tl.cd "Sectional Garage Door",sheet:; 'I tbrough 5 of 5,Cited 02/01/2.001,with last revision K dated 03/21%2016,prepatcd by.A.l.Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by:favad Ahmad, P,.l?. B. TESTS `Sithinimed under)VOA#09-01.28.04" 1.. Test report%on 1) 1 ilifoxxii Slati;ic.Air Pressure Test,Loading;her FY3C.:TAS 202-94 2)Large Missile Impact Test per'FBC,TAS "201-94 3) Cyclic'Wind Pressure loading per 1.'11C:,T.A.S 203-94 4) Foreed'Nitiy'l'cst,per FBC 2411 3.2,1,TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and iristallatiun diagram of a')Ali 2124 24 (i,A, Sectional(Garage:Door with Fixed)ffindows,prepared by 1-l.urdcaue Engineering& Tes(ing,Inc, fest Rehorts'Nil_1I FAI-08-21.49M.R, dated 00/27/2008,signed and sualed by Caiidido F% Font,P..H. ".lubmillerd luuier.N(_):,t#f 09-0128.t)4 2. Test:report of"Tensile.Test per ASTM I r.8,.Ropoit No.HETI 08-T182,prepared by I-i:un-icane F;nginecriIle, &: '1'estirlg, hie., dated 12/2:1/2008, signed and scaled by Candido F.Font P.E. ".SrtGrrrattec wider•.N()1l 4 01-0516.03" 3. Test report of large missile.impaet test her PA 201 and cycl is wind pcessure test per PA 203 on",Sectional Residential Gai.agc Door", prepared by Il irricuric I;ngineerinj &Testing, file_, Report.No.ITETI 01-974A,dated Ol/2N/2001.,sig ed naiid sealal by Hector M. Medina,P.E. 4. 'fest report of Unifolin Static Air Pressure'fest pc.r P.A.20.2,and Force Entry - Rcs.i5tnncc:'1'cst on"Scetional Res.ideiitial Garage Dour",prepared by Hurricane icane Erigiricering&.Testing,file_, Rnpnrt:No. IIETI 01-969,dated 01/18/2001.,signed acid sealed by I lector M, M'ccl.iwa,P.E. 5, 'fest r port o.0,Salt Spray(Corrosion)'fest per ASTM B 117 of a painted Ci-40 steel. panels, prepared by Celotex Corporation,Test ReportNO_258592,dated 08/17/1998, signed by W_ A.Jack;sori,P.L. Carlos M,Wxcri,P.F. Product Control Examiner NOA No.1.6-0:130.02 f Vxpiratioik Dalc:August•9,2021 ,Approval Date-June 23,20].11 f HAL d << 5£9Low2L siooa a6ein ansa 59:% 60-64-1602 1)AYi Door Company,Trtc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE,SUBMITTED Cl. CAI,CUJA:l' ONS `;tubmi><terl.urulerNUA#14-081104„ I. ATtel)or variGcat:ion calculations prepared by Al-Par ooq Corporation,dated 09/22/201 it and 0 7/211/20111,siprrrul and sea led by Javad A.hniad,P.E. "tiubniitted[LIZ der #fly-0.17.8.U4" 2_ Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al.Paroocl Corlxn tbm,uTu)plyiul;with 1'.};.0 2007,data( 17./19/7.008,signed and sealed by 1 hunayouli Parooq,P.B. 1.). QUAIATu ASSURANCE .l. Miami-Dada Department tai'Kegulao ry and Ec(Tklko ti.c 1Z.csourccs(.Ltl K.) E. MATERTAT,cit;:Iz 1. Notice of Acceptance.No.1..5-1191.5.08,issued toSA-BIC l movative Plastics,for their Lexan Polycarbonate Sheet Prodaets,approved on 12/10/'1015 and expiring,on 07/17/2.018. 2. Nol•ice of.Acceptance No.14-0311.0$, issued toTnsulfcrarn,•1',T,(;:, for(heir 1nsnlfomm Jixpanded Polystyrene Insulation,approved on 08/111/'201!1 and expiring on 11/29/201-/_3. Notice of Acceptance Nu. 111-0926.07,issued to l)yplast Products,LLC,for their Expanded Polyslyrcnc Block"Type Insulation,alrpro'vud on (1/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/2017. 4. Notice of Acceptaucc No.11-0926.06, issued to Dyplast Prod,.icis,T.T.C, for tlicir Dyphr:;t ISO) (.1 polyisocyanurale tnsnlalion,approved on 11/1012011 and expiring on 01/l 1/'017. 5. Notice of Acceptance No_15-12113.04, issued to Ccllofoam North ATnerica Inc,.for their Tixpanded Polytilyrene.}.(lode Insulation,approved on 03/17/20'16 and r xpirutg on 02/11/1021. "Submitted 11171ler NOA 110.5•.0228.02". 6. Test Re:porl on Accelerated Weathering Using Xenon Are Light Apparatus'I'est per AS"rM(;l')5 of"PVC:J4.xtnision Material",prepared by Ilurricane 17ngineering& Testing,Inc_,'Koport:Nir. H P,I:l 04-.A.002,dated 09/27/20011,signed and sealed by Ralacl E_ I)rox-Sada,P.E. 7. l.•c'.A Kepo is on Teasile Test per ASTMT)638 of`9'VC:Hxtrnsion M.,atca'ial",prepared by H.urrie:anrc:Hn.gi).ac,ering&'Testing 1'nc.,Report No. ITI+;1'I 114=1'251,dater( .1 L%)_9%).Ul?4 signed and scaler( by J:Glia,I'..6. i 8. Test Report ou Self Tgnilion'I'cnipera.tarre"('est,Rahe.of BUM'Fest and Smoke.Density I of"REHAL)non-foam FAV(:extrusion material",1:►reparcd by.l''1V.J_Arbont(ories, Rchori No. 04-761-15019.0,dated 05/06/2001,signed and:cca.led by J.L.Doldan,'1?)1 . � F. ,STATit;l NTS 1. S12llCrnC111 letter of code confa•mance to 1.he 5"'edition(2014)1'13C:and of no financial interest issued by A 1-Farocxl(;or•poration,dated 03/21/2(11(3,Biped and sea.lerl by Javad Ajiniad,P.E. o(/J4 ;FOX Carlos;Vi.CJtrera,P.E. Product Control 10'aminer Nt7A No.1.6-0.3311.02 Ex:pir:rlion Date: August 9,2021 Approval Date:.Tune 23,2016 1;•'L 0£/02 d << 5£910W22 s.looa a6ejeD 010 5596 60-66-ILOZ 2017-11-09 16:55 D&D Garage Doors 7724607635 >> P 21/30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WIq Ic-k'9.N P�. Xt Yl m KI 10M 4 tj4p 'I r4 JI A_j 14 .4f P `5 7) ZI: A .6 111. null., Al S2 x 1 90 III i M. PIR 0,10 1 -9m O N C, F; jn + 0 ...F C3 oom incarr 3,a F5 ..p1vr^IJa19a5'LIOpR -D'v ci I)OU14 HEICVT TEN VmTil!;jWijj AL-17AROOQ C.ol4l"ORATION SLUIONAl C;fu' up Y. p ' 11 _... ­.........­- - a lia um vu' UAB 60DRS INC. 9300S.I.Irlm i tipuvrsurrE22o 121M N.W. 9fS TI I. AVL. MUM, L0ldzjjiZtUX[3 (C.A.K.asae k WI-1.u Itus 'AlM NS. I %) 7� H[ALLN I G r , r( Xlom Fl.01m)w,-06Zi I)WUAII O M ' N N d 2a Gk STEEL PM.'I---, I/i 6'AU;M FM11- •TMS--�1c RMS SENT O17Z PANEL C it I- 6� a g I ao� G�Pr AZe S'L PAVEL o 0UTSLE[F DOO C o< IQ-a r.a i A I EM.al tF A � � I' � •LJ O XM Ticwgc 9Z1KET FASIEFLED 90LID MASS QCQR HEWER /�"TO%E�%.ya%%.M S."RCN BY'SCHLAGE SEOUKIY WP..OW.4Rc (V J (Fll'iY T:t�.vto] INST,.EI.ED IN 9/1 G"DY, Fe9LE IN CEtr'iER WILE LETG�� I-^� � IIII � I O1E PER S,gA*X P05,T10,VE7 AT EYE LEVET. o P- J _ A7,r'FT(A�A", TRAVC RRIMPT: o � In FOR ccMrtOR74 C-Ml-:)BUcS /f �NY C�A� uLi � !V�/8'rY<P�DF�'9'-PT 7•-ID".Z'.�-1rS' w j . L TO lsarJIq,'SEE ruff QLL S:FsT[ 9'Lov.EURM IYIO CpCCP.-T_ •� a LL -7/8'04.E]6E 067MlM r / 2".X 2-1/$'x fB 7/-SEE! �� Z N e i 0 ^8 PER HVC= ULD STILE.CCN4ECT TO PA4�S VATN vrw 'M T' o n 1 FIPPS RID 3 1 .-lyre)WL-N�3.7o cm--TE 0:-.;LL_D° �� m . / i 1l2'x,-a/<'x sb9 t1 RYFil srai J S'N Ulf Rre,s < rn c Q StL�=S SEE DEFAL IECl.E 5 8-IiJ.=fes DFRt2�rro OCF7S ( (7J.�'LE�A'IEL AsGCJ9EO TC -/ =p, 3 C G56 S.G.:� .� �cL C:z•.. --_`O S1:E YTIi 5,11V PO.'RY_l'S O IY O.G. 4'Uf4.U.�D:Sf.'.'i:E HFO FLL�3LD, - -� C� _ // D z CD Qj .r :�~-,I• .;/a•` ><�� �.CETtER sT.L',GPCP X OW SFEEL EMS UJJ' MD AN= III C-M�7R P-10 3.�'Llf lt'm 2=79 Pa M. y I�B PxvFt xJ(.y s/I B'Qv LTs tyF p� _ �`. ... : C7 .II i j14%5!b'S.H.S. IME ca 1 I t LavcraBT r u ORS ti u a 1.9'Y 2.-9'X 33'x 102' �C-.,Z TP.AZK B-AC4E'S I Z y 3 ( SEW3 BqA^[�9,t7C.', 6 O�Ti� • EEE SH-M 3 FOR SPG . ,/4-27 ss BOLT 4 NUF CfHi ER N7a,c 7-1/2'X Y x C71' SECTION R-a END ROLLER LR.IGc 157Y_LED ON':41ER S7AFF ,1 I]a off •vl f�fl/ri z re INTERI82 SIDE L-SZ'DA x.53'SfEEL RV.L--R (5,0.)) PROUVCTgRENEWED X.-(STA.' L.82'OA.x.'50'hYLDt P.OLLERS (ongNLL} BnP '"ru rin Rortaa2-75'OPL X M-57EEL Rc1JME S (e-MN.LLt[l 3-5/16 X I-1/x'(DPDv+u) 2.7s'Jsi x.sD'RYLON RaLEPs (a°rwnAl,} Ho+ti-N0. 154330.9x - a .1•I� ir= < 5 i F76YSb W Q.n: :2?,/ YdiFi 5'Sf_u 08H73'2o27 `q:._ 'A'/1/A-2D X 5/B',fuss F9, E.Plrotlon SLOf.'7eD va.&:67r!Y;IL • y Ge�ring ^.o. r ' rgay ProtluctConWl 0100"'':ay` � 01-09 U / +i"fOAlA1 '`� rnull`' .hoS O ,r r - ti r O RI 2017-11-09 16:55 D&D Garage Doors 7724607635 >> P 23/30 Ill'011 21' - IU"OR 7.1" - Ln'UII 21'—�`_ V' -�•• t'A,kLL UCICpI -- 1'nNLL IIUGHI-• '• -PMifitlfii;i ii 1, ..,_����� '�� :�:���� �� , � ,; -; ._��,• •� ,��: %fF ji Oil ,; �� H{'•5}Y `i5�'_ :t .,L �S„�yf �y,.�t� "'� {h• ,i n 4 la� ,��; i p�. ” . x r, •-1 i N!'1EI'`u ss eNLN010 HpIOHP i ��. . ._.— n00R HF.1014� _. _I n• �`c 37 a _. L14 r ¢¢? rr Y2 S,8''qS" Ly -- I ' Nit= 71 '•�r,r .r. . f fa. TR Kim N Y ' ..II 1 J LL , J ,I� I!• µih f�V J� in � µlb •. I'-, gg Z. •i� }Ot ,')t2 = ca.t. 1--- .— .�l� r Yf 4:I V 't•t rj 1(x>� `�'•;�'�,.�I:j r •41 XS XX ,a I.�fl � u• a•,.,,: ,. 1f ., fir:J.r >< ��'•• -'•'- _.._ rrEll U7•UI-Vl �r{1Ylhlf/Ilh: ••_••—� •— l" __ .._...:.- (")u -• � 0 0 f'I• _ —._:>tS:IIUN_AL GAltr\CL UDL'�12 i AL-I=ARODQ Cgl{I'41ZAT[ON a AEi GOrJR`' IHC. LNcr maim&imnnnnr'n1 VC.LUI•m1.N1 J '0300tOwn rnluar. ruTr3220 1 n.o,.,5 tl0 Ul4Nfll�ful'r .5 NAY, Ju SII. Avt_. i minmrr-LnR{nn asr ra ; JJ09UIU ruwu r avm,.l __ mu�!JALI1PtI0N MDIU— uw rgrl r,,AROENS, FL J3018 C rD o _ In� (c1J.erv, � _. (305):Sh Go:A _...— IifUmr,1�01-OODAO 2017-11-09 16:56 D&D Garage Doors 7724607635 >> P 24/30 F A F A Y;o: ":ta sad: SII �r4 4hr x�� ;f)n1 L o WMIn -7 N SVBSTMif: L rN IM-a �g�fg �1SF�fo" 99§0 ��, 1 t-tPunt Z 4Z X a � tr ppq P 1, �F zi v`° � m zm ti n= � spm hKT ro g. T. ax' a F� {�v gy�pp•NFF ry I Tj n tip_ 123 ........ J. rm'.Iu� SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR AL-FAROOQ CORPORATIODABDDORS )NC. ENOIN5�i3 Q,PRODUCT OC12wwMeM A:tUO SUNSET DRIVESUIYG 7.70 _irtv.rcn no{cvuu°nb 12195 N W U$'ll{, AVE MInMy t'Lanif d1.GT. FkWn P1132179 (GAA.O HIALWI eAROENS, FL, 3301Un �• by•Mmat vd ONC —. ,i,w,er• —— _— 1R.(wj)990-Sun _ -'• LIZ _ _ ___ L_—, _aunt a ul.aGUnU 2017-11-09 16:56 D&D Garage Doors 7724607635 >> P 25/30 .. _ ._ WINDOW HEICHT ti•_ ._ U.Ir.OPO, �> EXTEMOR 1 �� ` y�;R ----- —���� �� `��• how � �p g a I^ N � 'a- ;Ery � n 1 =�a LI pSj �dC 1 j 1 II' I 1 76 )/<'MAY, WOW.HFFIDIIr vp§ ^^ Nv Illi O m II ` `J - Iq o .xca I .w'Sa`a axCr ••7�E^ +)Sta ° u CAP p p (m� P � gbh zNAp Qr X111 Nm _ `� 3 nom{ ' A 1111 5X6 A m III a cl� o 1N A 1111 LD "a m N z III co l N +YtQr rliE) Lj Z o ak' III x�3 0 9z 9G _g P�n Z III +ri,t\ Avco• .,)S� .lcE) 1, altar o L 1 m 111 i A� I } m 7. Nq iri Z A to..I;rr- � .:':~....._s. '' �, ' �• §�* — - , � h _- ' }rG ji n SL F 1�1rov�olonn: SECTIONAL GARAGE DDDR�•� ar AI..FARODQ CORPORATION .. 1 11 604.14 w owrc rms san_•_ DAD DOORS INC, CNOINCUIS&PRODUCT LIEVEwPIMION J i Il.ni,l� ••IRV.PCII Ic[x DOWUM 0360 SUNSET DRIVE,EUITG 210 — 12105 N.W, 98 TH. AVF, IWIATNL FLORIDA 331T! w �IV,lhl hA6110 + Ol.U•Lu •7a PNnGE 71I;SIIAi (C-4.N.YSS/If x m3L1 .nail uNueli� IIV.�I;AII GARDENS, I'L. :S3D1Q MIL(305)Mt-otoo FAY.(300) a�anvn TEL(305)WI,-¢aa. f - _ r ._. CMM.O,-000AI) 1 1: l .f— L-FAROOQ CORPORATION ION CONSULTING ENGINF.FRS Re, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT October 9,20 H Mr.Allen Berger DAB Doors, Inc. 12195 NW 9811'Avenue.. Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 Re: Series 82/19',.4"x 16'-0"Garage Door Wood Buck Anchorage Dear Mr-Berger, In addition to tile, wood buck anchors listed in the above: mentioned Dade County product approval for a 9'-4" Garage Door, the 2x wood buck can he auichored into a wood suhstraie(sec ` attached sketch)with 1/4"Lag Screws 1-1/2"min,embedment and 3/4"nein.edge distance as listed below: NOA 11 Drawing 9 Design Load Wood Buck Pd Anchor Spacing 12-0110.06 01-09 -1-50.0,-60.0 psf 19"o.c. Pie-,jse find attached supporting calculations for your reference, Nease note that the above is subject to Building Dept.approval. If you have any questions,please feel freeto call us. Very twl '.yPpt's,'., ' lI olIti 20 1,. avnuid; 1'.6. Chief'hi fi. gittcct' GtUserslvernnicaAF(ENGDItDncumentstUeranicaDncumentallA(DAA)DoorsJOAD-Wood truck Ltrol•09.doe 1235 SW 87"1 Avenue I Miami,ft. 33174 1 T.3115.264.83,00 I F:305.262.6978 ( "w.afcrng.rom a1f2rot)g@afcenr.com 0£/9Z d << 5£9L09�?22 SJooa aBeJeD ala 99:9L 60-LL-ILO? JOB NO, DY DATE SHEET NO. AL-IFAROOQ CORPORATION AFC22- CHK. 4/4/2021 G'% cur=Nr DABDOORS, INC. PROJECT 824 SE;c IONAL GARAGE:DOOR-LivfI o JE \ olsr. z 1-1/2" MIN. r /r i ED¢E DIST. Q,\ m' ��' � '•tib i r •.� ns i r 1/4" DIA. LAG SCRFWS$ z> �•� I lam`• 1/4:" DIA. LAG SCREWS waoD ev , Ar 6" FROM MswooD su - ANC I C.�+Dasic. AND} 4.C. MAX. i WOODf3UCK• CONNECTION TO WOOD 5UBS7R,47� 4ln� Tc% d,6 0 ;< b5 x C. '.N.EB 3538 4 .f.w,u)m D.FLA.P.E.It 70592 1235 S.W. 87th Avenge, Miami, Florida 33174. Tel. (305) 204-$100 0£/12 d « 5£910W22 siooa 968jsD 010 9596 60-66-2602 DOWEL-TYPE 11.2 Reference Withdrawal Design Value_ 11.2.1 Lag Screws 11.>_.l 2 When lag screws are loaded in withduawnl from eml brain, reference withdrawal design values,W, 'Che refe.rence withdniwal design values,in shall be rntiltipliad by the end grain factor,Q;g-U.I.S. Will. of ponetration, for a single lag sorexv inserted in 11,2.1.3 When lag screws are loaded in witlidn,Nvatl, side grain, with the lag screw axis perpendicular to lite lire tensile strength of the Ing screw at the tM (root) wood fibers, shall be detemtitied from'i'ahle 11,2A•or section shall not be exceeded(see 10.2.3)_ 1^yuation 11.2-1, withill the ranuc of specific grlvititss and Berm diameters given in '.fable 11.2A. Reference withdrawal design value~, W,shall be multiplied by all applicable adjtistnient factors (sea Table 10.3,1) to ob- tain adjusted withdrawal design values,W'. W-1800 G3"D" (11 Table 11.2A Lag Screw Reference Withdrawal Design Values (W); Tabtdatc(l 7vithdraw"i design values(W)are in pounds 11er Itteh of hiresrcl Dench at.tan in#o side grain of main►nember. Gert ,th of thread >enc#ration in tiraiin itrember stu<1t not iuctnde the length 011ie to toed!I See A)1eIItti_Y L)_ Specific Gravity, _ _ Lag Screw Unthreaded Shank Diameter,D_ 174" 5/.tti'J -1/8`7711 112" 5/8" 311" 7/8'� l'� 1-1/811 i-7%4" 0.73 397 ,169 533 604 668 789 905 1016 1123 122(1 1327 384' . .:.45.0 '.. .: S'.IG. .; : Srlq 6110': 757. t36& -'.9.74 107/..• 0.69 357 422 484 5,13 601) 709 813 913 1009 1103 1193 ':0.677•:• .349" :::1413 471. 53f-'.• : 587 0.4 ::�tjfi:..::. 0,53 281. 332 381 428 43.1 559 641 719 795 869 940 2G(}) 307 :"352 395: 1137 516: 0.51 232 274 314 353 390 461 528 593 656 716 775 0`.50 . 225. 266' :;3{?S -142 :': .37,$. :447 }:13.';'. 51f.'.•: 6: 7.5`?,' '! 0.49 2I$ 2511 296 3:i'? 367 1134 498 559 t'iI7 611• TiU 312 :345' 468 467 525'.. 586; . . 631 ''• - -686'... 0.46 199 235 269 302 334 39.5 453 508 562 613 664 0.44. 186 2,'2() 252 253 31 ? 369 423.. 475: 525 5714 -621 0.43. 179 212 243 273 302 357 2109 459 508 5511 600 0.42 1.7:3 ' 205' 135 264 '291 344 3.95 14111. :490 535 579 0.41 I til 198 226 2511 2.31 332 331 428 1173 516 559 0.40 161 190 218 .245 271 320 367 412 455 497 533 0.39 155 1,43 210 236 261 .303 353 397 438 479 518 0.38 (49 176 202 227 251 296 340 381 422 461 498 0.37 143 169 194 218 2411 285 326 367 40D 4,13 479 0.:36 137 163 186 209 2:31 273 313 352 389 1125 460 0.35 132 156 1.19 200 2122 262 300 3:17 373 1107 441 0.31. 1 110 j 130' 1 149 1 167 1 185 1 218 1 '250 1 28.1 1 311 339 1 367 t.aithn)ated withdrawn)tlasinn values(w)rOr!ap iru:+a cpnuectiwts slril!tk 1na1liplied hy;dt apldieahl.i:tt.jimi tcnt tacmt:s(seo Tubte tO.:t.1). O£18Z d << 5£9LMUL SJ00a e6edes ansa 95:9L 60-LL-LLOZ AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION C-2 DAR DOORS, INC. VB/ 824 GARAGE DOOR WOOD BUCK ANCHOR CALC. 8/2112 Drawing# 01-09 CONNECT 2x WOOD BUCKS TO WOOL) SUBSTRATE SPAN = L FT 9.333 DESIGN LOAD POSITIVE=Pdp PSF 50.0 LOAD 1 FT (POSITIVE DIR) R= L*Pdp /2 LB/FT 233 PIVOT ABOUT POINT B. ECCENTICITY =e 1N 2.455 RESISTING ARM =d= IN 1.500 PULLOUT ON ANCHOR=T= R*e/d LB 382 ANCHOR TYPE: 1/4" LAG SCREW THRU 2X WOOD BUCK W/3/4"MIN EDGE DIST. EMBEDMENT 1.1/2" SUBSRATATE WOOD ALLOWABLE TENSION =Ta (LB) (C-4) 624 SPACING REQ=Te/T 312 19,5 USE SPACING (IN)- USE 19" O.C.OK BY INSPECTION// 19.0 tit;,; , ti CT 102014 0£/62 d << 5£910W11 S-1000 e6eJB9 010 95:96 60-66-1602 a :l• Tr a • 4_AYtAGE D(aQR�ES�Gl���913 'K TABLE 1609.3.1 WIND SPEED CPNVERBIPNS°'sr " V. I()f): IIU I2U: I' (! 1 1)• Zo MSC•} 1'.$0 _ 19D 2AQ V 76 95 94 1.01 1' 8 U6 tM y ...__...•.•190 147 155 Tdrlsh I>ipla Pei`-bf r�4 0,'WNUs, 1!<1'�iCl�x'u11tnA1�bllitflSll`IB�SE'ikdlllU!U. . b. V4;r=114'fW 4gpo.KI M'�OFI.IRR'i�1 P Gabl Sa�1)UulPa"1NR� .�(r SrP131[Rrlft:l SiicanB� :pfi 4agHan 1G11J Ll. b.•V,d,-iiltirantn i�bai n wiatI,WUL dololmined Ifn •PDl'r'P I�SiI A,?.'(t¢ o nr�,ft► ;. . 711 1 �x • irc�euai►t(»��}•a�a��ii��Ii�}d$'A1�Y�/��Ll.w�{�•••..�1�(����� � a�u'��at�d•wrtH n�w�.�w•aryt��H�la�raF��o:��r 'G:�idM'1<E{?'IN`EXRQ� � 4k]�E�:lkn:2+t'e uEll ,4 109gWV/10tijaiiVk 0: 1in)°Off8-AMINP-01 N V E �Tldti�1�i1sk�(fJ(i�H-s i3lr�sraeY�t7ST) ,�T 1): it3fPMIfH f�t)'A('p11� h116MNpH 1MiMPH WOMPA. "ItQ;MdF1H fY6iMpH l ftfd,M11H tBaNAPH. xC0'AtPH Root Angle 0-f 0 dopfm ---- .............. ....._. .. ••_ -.... -- 8 8 8,7 9:$ IOd•-11,9 IaIS-19. 14,'l-lfj:G+ 17.1-19.,3 7ffify-U 2- 446-:4 - ?611-i2p:5 7A2�3,,* 31_R-�Sy 3M1,8 3P,I 10' 10 •84-124 102-1,•1;4 }!.1-'13_'6 %C412-16US iG,'S,=•18kx 1H.5�-31i ZJi3-24id V*)3=274: 77;3-3&4$ V4-341 341 3j3J 37,8 14 :14 0;0••8,9 9;7••1019 115-- t2,K1:1:.5-•1S'U 15�/-1'r.1 1$id-20,U' x•D9:x,X 79il-1y.7 79.9-28.8 289-32.1 910-.35.6 Roel Anglo s 10 defumm 9 7 9�G-],0,? ilrl-iZ9 lQ,7-15d 1G.1-IR2 185-7,p, 219- :1� 7rj;d-tY !� 31.7. :1D.6•••uk�s• aa2-3E.6 20U-43,0 W. 7 9'a-IM 1%9�-12;2 la.l-I!N6 ,1.5:s-•174 17,0 19.:il; 20.,41-49 200.-2G.Q Ph:4 4.4 29.01-30 32.1-363 96.4-40.6 is-boll •s'.;-MON • •Ofd11itF1 ' AKj fdOPH" f'rcnlrH) :124101 1;{;;'MInj 139:Mmr1 14771P}J, 155?HH f^tuy SJR l iodt 3gd:H vi- I_Ail:Ppr,to r, .. . � ��H3�' °t�,(U dn'ti �t��tliti�...�•�41r1%1�►.�'�t>�'�,` 1?on 14�:3,1 1•k etl'��iV1YiuNit�ft'o�vVirc(d��i �e��tWt�ftl�•�iinkb�Ve�'G6b1/���l�hl�;`•!iyiCa���%irjntetly�o't2bst�ilaei�lt;'rxe';,t1�e�iud,ash'tdki�111h:d1e•lcnvni:eflec:livnmm�. 2�t�tf2e.9J1111dxFiliftitiw b4"}+sBbf �uf r8lild � usdidsyC�Flg3enttn�T�rte 1569;1(2)_ :�1Q:r�un�;��n�r�ut�►,�fx;��.t►><;� nani�x?:l 4tA��rt,:p�iAY fur;t��r,�11ltk�.?CII,�a>�dfslcaN= �.2�� `� � l.��•1= �'_. L 2�.J���>»<��t8iia•1�e:'<�;'G -TABLEfs0d7:rR,I�AI1D VAQp.I i�� CO � IMlNi ��4+ ,11�1••1donlr �sNia!• �►xp G ilcxlxs..�hnll4be 1�1�11qu1crit:label poop atl t1y,:the;�lcpge: EXI'41ftA1RE 'ti aujT�` _ 1 f MOAtJ.RO1°MIONT•:tttlktl y— 1 d ll h� •: L.'i :d5 411e ' >#$ Q. �'.. ;� i1� .•t�l t 061 "'or T}Itltll��$l'io-#U1 &6 I5 1.l)SJ _ZL 1.40' !#�� 11�1�itl��ii�11 0 tt<e�g�l:Mlyds�tve xuisugs Iz1.1m.0 ------.���li `I1aty : 9 } . h �� ' 1alt � . •.fie '{ rz�i�i i1litcti,mon • ., .. _ �� •}. ,��.� ,•r�1W�d�'�ltli�t�i�;>�rijtl�l�L:��Silh ?5 ' 1.40 1BFlom 'r :Iflt . u 1, I.9: x: ti nfld';fie tti�l b�8�e teli�111tild$.•1'tli�xbt�li3lerignkAe'de�i 35 .1.05 - IA5 7:741 Lp111�7pI1lSjj15. 8C1'A�1�1�WVID[1 11stA C;(�DOl!tYbt3l9dlb I7lli}1 C 40 1._�9 1. h ; 11"I'741c�iG9lcxi lndrig IY ch49t;fi�iYm.esfr.tble°�dt{spl:XY a that.klivi. ----�•'4,q 1.r2 1::53 '1178. �lJr1n1►t�ie:�ua1>�:•om•,tb;ii dAbe1�;,.tho doar•3u19tallor or.thc"gllnlge _ _ oox;z�x�ufnctwr:r�bnil�url�.Ihe..uAIecd.coml 0nenu.slit 1 Gf f+.4t;l�e:�ry3�igntt to,op olPb,l4•4nt'ePI rpyp.d: ss 1.19 . � r 4 g 4: u, . nn;jnrjtruGtj0115.-stA be. ,y .r. a GfJ 1.z'z 1;87' �}w 6 : . 0£/0£ d << S£910W22 s,looa OBRJeo 010 9596 60-66-1602