HomeMy WebLinkAboutFragolaALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 1111712017 Permit Number: Building Permit Application P I o n n i ng a nd Develo pme nt Service.s Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virqinio AvenLte, Fort pierce tL 34992 Phone: (772) 462-1.553 Fax: (j't2\ 462-j-578 Commercial Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOFt: Mechanical Address: 3120 N. A1A, #402-S Legal Description: Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 1425-61 0-0088-000-1 Lot No. Block No. Project Name: JOANFRAGALA Setbacks Front Barck:Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: I-IKE FOR LIKE A/C CHANGE OUT 3 T(JN, 14 SEER WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMP UNIT NO KW CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : worK to rs permit -appty: V T HVAC Electric Gas Tanl< Plu m bing l-leas Riping Shutters Generator [_l *,noorns/Doorsrl-l sprinkters tr r Roof Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq, Ft, of First Floor: Utilities: l-|ru*", Et"Cost of Construction, S 5678,00 OWN ER/LESSEE: N3ms JOAN FRAGOLA Name: CHRIS LANGEL Address: 3120 N. 41A, 402-5 Company: SEA COAST A/C City:jl PIERCE State: FL Address: 3108 INDUSTRTAL 31st STREET ZiP Code: 34950 Fax:City: FT PIERCE State: FL phone 11s. 845-464-1 8'1 0 7in CnA-, 34946 pzy' 772-466-3053 E-Mail:phone y16. 772-466-2400 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if clifferent from the Owner listed above) E-Mail: DANISEACOASTAIR@AOL.COM State or County License: CMCO35421 PROPOSED IM PROVEMENT LOCATION : |fva|ueofconstructioniss250ormore,aRECoRDEDruotl.@ CONTRACTOR: I certify that no work or instaliation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. st Lucie countv makes no replesentation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subiect structurewhich is in conflict with any g'ppllcau.ie ttonre owfibii'4"-" taii;;;ri";;dr)iaws or anQ covenants rhat may restrict or prohibir suchstructure, Please consultwith'!our Home owneis Asibcntioir''a"nb're;i6fi'yo;i,l."d f";;;i;;riri'iti"*,iiilrii;1-.'il;';dpi'i " In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, ldo hereby agree that lwill, in all respects, perform the worl<in accorclance vtrith the approrrecl plans, the Flor-icla IlLrilding Codes and -(t, Lucie Couni,i Amendmerrts. The follorruing building permit applications are exempt from undergcing a full concurrency review: rocm additions,accessory structures, swimming pool:;, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use STAT'E OF Ft@RNDA COUhjTV Sfisrrucre ST'AT'E OF FLOF.SDA eOUSJTV gp sr rucrr I I i The iic:-$oing ins ledsed.f&fore r.ne this !_1* day of , zo l' {fry Theffii'i'geing ;p5 ledggql*Bfore inetsthisi I day of 20 i j by CHRIS LANGEL SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRLJCTIONI LiEI{ LAW INFORMATION; DE5[G [U E R/ENG I I\I E ER:_ Not Apprlicable Name: S late : I'V]ORI|GAGE eOfrMFAtVV: _ Not Applicable Name: Ad d ress: f itv'State:Zip: Phone: FEE S0flvTPLE T'[T[-E h{OtDER: _ Not Apprlicable Na me: Ad d ress: EONDIruG COIVIFAINY: --Not Applicable Nlame: Signature of Notary Publ-ic- State of t=loridil Personally I(nown x OR produced ldentification'l-ype of ldentification Produced Commission No, L i 00MtuilssioN # FFc4J4il Owner/Lessee/Contractcrr as Aeent Signature of Contractor (Name of person acknpwleQging ) I,r".-i*,-r'Lil ".^ (Name of person acknowledging ) nature of Notary Public- State of Florida ) Pdrsonally l(nown x OR produced ldentificatron Type of ldentification produced Commission Nlo, rilY eoMMlSSl,9N +FF 94141 I Eondedlhru ihtary Fubh UrdsffiitemRevised 07ll REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SU P ERVISOR R[:VIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE CO M P LETE INITIALS AHRf Certified Refenence Numbe r: 7$4gg29 ffi $ff$wm€wr ffiff ffiffie m€ffre Date: 1 111712017 fStatus: Active Product: Water/Brine to Air Heat pump p,ackaged Unit Model N umber: 50PCV036L/R**3/CA Manufacturer: CARRTER CORpORATTON Trade/Brand name; CARRIER Series Name: Rated as follows in accordarrce with ANSI/AHRI/ASHRAE/lsoBrine-To-Air Heat pumps and subject to verification ;i i;ii;;party testing: Rate - Coolino: Rate - Heatinfi: Indoor Blower Motor Fan Type: Sold In: Standard 13256-l for Water-to-Air andaccuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third ArFow ArFow 1200 I 1200 1200 I 1200 Ratings followed by an asterisk (-) indicate a voluntary rerate of previously published data, unless accompanied with a wAs, which indicates an Invotuntarv rerate DISCLAIMER the product(s) listed on this certificate and.makes no representations, wavranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for,this certificate' AHRI t)xpressly disclaims,all ljability for damages of any kind arising 6ut of the u! e oi p"riornrun." of the product(s), or tneof data listed on this llertificate' certified ratings ale valia oniy rLr mod"lr uno configurations listed in the I rectoty.o rg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This certificate and its contents are proprietafy products of AHRI. This certificate shall only be used for individual, personal andconfidential reference purposes. The contelrts of this certiflcate-may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced; copiedi disseminated;entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner o; by ;n;-r";;", except for the user,s individuapersonal and confidential reference. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The information forthe model cited on this certificate can be verified at www,ahrldirectory.org, ctick on ,,verlfy cerilflcate,, linKand enterthe AHRI certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issueo,lvhich is listed above, and the Certificate No.,,&hich is listed at bottom right. @ 2Ot4 Ai r-Cond itionin g, Heatin g, an d Ref rigeration I nstitute r:":1ba?icla" '*?ffffi*#*) MM'€rtu. A:R"$aNt)iTlczulNs, tit!A1 tt1{l & sfl palt6[trliTlaN tN gT,Til?{. ul i}.tic lii{, irrtitcl , I GE,RTIFICATE NO.: 131554015613258055