HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application (2) JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4371888 OR BOOK 4065 PAGE 2780 , Reco:IF40 0169017 11 :41 : 48 AM ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORR CT COPY OF THE AIIIiKKI':('ORIIIN(i-Kli"lih :(ii "'i• ^� r t ORIGINAL . ., JOSEP E. SMITH LER K NOS 01� By. va PLkktH\t'41(u.I(: Deputy Clar .... Date: ! 12 77 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Thr uodcrsigncd hereby given notice that unprovcntrnt will be mucic to certuin read property.and in acrordmice with Chapter-713. Florida statutes the tolh+w'Ing information is provided in the Notice of commencement. /� I.DFSCRIP9'ION OI'PROPERTY(legal description and street address)TAX F0I.10 NUMFIER: y 25) ;_���''"V -000 C SIfilDIVISION_ - .. .._^BI.00K_�.TRACT--11,01' BLI)K7_ IINIT�--. .. . -�e �,-LsC, lie ���cvknn �� �'Tr� - 13J X— s1 LST '.(:F,NF.RA1.DESCRIPTION OF IM1IPROVEMF.N'1': ;.OWNF'R.INFORMATION; Name � u_L ; �1 s.._f�� b.Address. /1 t! t�!L, C� �L�� _ c.intrrcst in prulxrry (�W V� d.V;uiu•and address of tcc simple titleholder til'other than uwnerl.,... 4.(:ONTRACTOR'S NAME.AI)I)RFaS AND PRONE NUMBER: U'lC (an I-h t,4,o 4 1l." ; ti S,SURF-11"S NAME,ADDRESS ANDNONI';NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT': b.I,F,NDF,R'S NAN11'..ADI)RF:SS AND PHONE NUYllil?R:_ �_.�� .. •..,__ _•_..-. . 7.Persons within the Slate of Florida designated hyt)L(mce nlion wWiiiri)notices or other documents may he served as provided by Sc(•rion 713.13 1 Owl T.Florida Statulcs: NAMIi,ADDRESS AND PHONE NU IRFX 1/, ' K.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates the lolk+w'ing to receitr a copy of the Lienor s Notice as provided in Section 713.13(l I(b).Ilorida Slalules: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONI-Vl'N1B1:R: ... :... 1).Lxpiration Jute of notice of commencement(the expirtlion date iN I ,year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) . . . .20 WARNING'11)OWNF:R:ANY PAYMI"VTS11ADI;BY"-1"HI.OWNER AVIII(7'HI I.XNIRAIION O1-•INIi.'40'fICV OPCUMMI-'.N"(*VW\'1' ARI;CONSIDFRID IMPROPH?PAYMENTS t'KDI;R CHAVI1;R 713,PART I S1fCfIOA 713.13.FLORIDA SI'A'll''I'I:S.AND CAN RI:SUI.T IN YOUR PAYING TWIC'L•} )I( Ib11'I{UVL:I1LV'I'S-IR,�LQUR.P.I(()L'FR'I.Y.A V(YI I(11:OFC0\1\1VNChMhN'I'.\1L'SI'BV 1(4:'OKL)jJ2.ANV POS1'1-..D ON '1111; .1011 Sl ff. )))!PORI?1111; I'IRS P IVSPF.C'1'IOK. 11-'YOU INTI NO 'I'O OIt I AIN FINANCINCi. C•ONSCI-I' WITH YOL'R I.1':\DI:R OR;\N ATI-ORNIiY Hl:l:ORI;(•OMMI:14('IN(i WOIZK(IR RIA ORI)IN(i)'()L R NO1'ICIiO1'('OMMI-'N(.'I'.MII--N'I'. Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signutory's Title/Office Owner's Authorized(NTic•er/IHrector/I'arUter/Manziger Swig of Florlda County of {a'• \+lam 1 he t +oin:instrument%ka%acknowledged helorc mr this day of N _ 2Ok_. By ! e C— � 5��', :�N .as (Name of person) IType of aulhority...e.g.Owner.officer,truster.anorney in fact For (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known_or pnxlucW the following type of ID: E01-m'. LETTE BLAIR•ALEXANDER ry Public-Sta1l'rin(cd Name of Notar) Public) (Signature of Not iryPuhliclmmission FFomm.Expires Sep 6,2020 Under penalties of periurv. I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it In belief I%ection 92.525,Florida Statures). Signature(s)of Ownerlsl or Ownerm'Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager who signed above: