HomeMy WebLinkAboutbuilding pemit ACE APPEICR6EE 119FO i BE C0141ri.ETED ROR mrPQCAR 11011 v 0 BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit 19umoer: Building Permit Application Planning and aevelopmenr Services ouilding and Code rre-yyularion Division z1Da viryinia mvenue,Fort Pierce Ft 34982 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical PROPUSED IMPROVhMEM I LUDkIl IUM: Address: 3608 SLEEPY HALLOW LN PORT ST LUCIE FL 4052 Legal Elescrlpuon. 5iAvmM m CCUS PnN5E a,UR aisa-ru5c Property iax ID#: 3gc3-f0043occ-00513) Lot No.21 Site Plan Name: 6IocR Mo. 41 Proje-Name: JEANNE JOHNSON Setbacks Front Back: RigHt Siae: [ei[slip: [_DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: At; CHANGE uu I r-YO DUCTS 10 KW HEAT CARRIER PACKAGE UNIT 50t-pCO36 3 TOIL 14 SEER [C-ONSTRULA710U; INFURMAI IUM: Additiomalw.RLO orrnC un er v is permiT-check a apply: In OFIvAC 0 Gas i anR ❑Gas Plping _ahuriers Q vvindows/Coors tleERric 0 PlumGing ��prinklers l ueneraLor Roof Roof pitch i oval zzoq. FL or Construction: 1q. 1h.of rirsL Floor: Cost of Construction:$ 6740.00 Utilities: sewer E]sepvic 6uil0ing ReigRt: uwivER/CE55EE: CONTRACTOR: Name JEANNE JOHNSON Name: DENNIS ZACEK Address:3608 SLEEPY HOLLOW LN Company: AIRS City: PORT ST LUCIE State:FL Address: 2800 US HWY 1 Zip Code: 34952 Fax: City. VER9 BEACH State:FL Phone No.772-794-7221 Zip Code. 32960 Fax: E-Mail:TDABERKO@ARS.COM Phone No. 772-794-7221 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: TDABERKO@ARS.COM from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CMC1249753 If value of constrac-lion i.$Z500 or rnora_.HECORDED Notice UT CorRFRCne.Rle..t 1..r.yulren. 5U.PPE IOIEN IAC CUIV51 RUC:I ION DEN LAW IRFc.a MAHUN: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _not Applicable Name:JEANNE JOHNSON Name:DENNIS ZACEK Ad dress:.—SI!EePT RM1O-ON PORT ST LUCIE FL,e52 Address: 36M SLEEPY HOLLOW LN City: PORTSTLUCIE State: City: VERO BEACH State: Zip: Phonz Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _NOL Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Dame: Mame: Address:2=USHWY 1 Aftress: City: City: tip: Phone: tip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify tRat no work n.R installatioao coTimcrlCccl P.for to tRa i-05rica at c.permit. zt.rucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the-permit holder to build the subject structure viRich ie in conflict 7,;tn on,l e-plicuBle Flo...a 07.Rar,A3.aei�.tlarl..-alen,6y1u or ontl ee:e..on[�[R,.[Pna, r..sritT vp proRi6.1:arm structure.Please consult wiXylour nome owners Association ann review your'taeeU,or any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in aeearnance wliR tRe approves plans,rile Fiorift SuiRling Coses ann at. rucle County Amennments. Inc Tollo:ins 6e1181ns Permit Pe a--en,pt TFam ariaerse:ric a Tell caricurrency,review:room alanitions, accessory strutTures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use vvmRNING TO OWNER: Tour failure to Record a[VOLice of Commencement may resuk in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Comm-ncement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspeLTion. If you intend tD obtain financing, consult wiLh lender or an dLLorney befog e commencing work or recording oar Notice of Commencement. Sisna,ure of Ow /Lessee/Contractor a bent for Ori..er 515natare of Cvnt�oc /Ci[en.c Rolaar STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORI �M COMM I y OF CDUIY I T OF i Me forgoing Instrument was acknowledged before me I Rc Torsains in:trament-ate ocr(no7.leagaa Satara me this a day of DECEMBER 20_ 6y tMIS o Say Or oe�eiotee� zla_ My i DENNIS ZACEK DENNIS ZACEK name of person making statement R a at per�a..moRiFis,tatefant Pcr�onall Mown xxxx px PrJ13 a IOcntiTie..tian Personally nown ^^^ Un rrosucen Inentiucation I ype oil enth ication Type of Id ntification Produc Proaeeea Wrirf.lurr of Rota-y Pa ' - pta o arias} (signs re or Notary Pualic- t Le or F Drina}_ vAStnKv v DAB=h", COPPIPrli3.611 Ra. FF128494 4111 ,rn taedlio�f 1'jr'Llc'JA �c tyuLlu ''($eai�lluKr FU�LIi.� LeRIRli�aen Ma. FF1284S4 ruDA a REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION aFm iuRitE MIAIEGRvvE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED UAlh COMPLETED Rev.8/2/17 t§t Start D..te ` a hrstallativrr WWX Order Ect.Completion Dale �'� ZA ' vorporale Customer P1ernb;ng•A:r 2800 U5 H;gh:.y 1,Vero$ouch,FE 32960 Relation. pI■ad.-g' Ameroirr Reaenfla Service:of Fbn"ne SMa;wne;-. r,53,vab,587Q (BOO)DGu-00779 me EIIle! GrgC eQ� ADDRESS lS7ATE721P v nvleEPrloRE cE E WORKPHONE DESIGNYOUR HVAC SYSTEM OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION SIZE i"-? TYP�Gy_r-.-,� 51ZE TYPE CA+-r-,.' -SIZE TYPE l!FFICIENCY /!r EFFICIEN= EFFICIIeNi-,f r0 $ w $ $ d 5 S $ a ,�1 cS 2 5 $ $ $ SUBTQfAL SUB. AL %_ SOBrVIAL $ MONTHLY E3T.• $ MONTHLY 3T.' MONTW EST,• 3 MSTOMER INITIALS Cgs ER INITIALS CUST MER INITIALS W ne.ty: 1-P—P-rta Labor W. .,nly:,lam Psis _L Labo. W panty: Pan. _ Labor �[ iompresa om or eat Exchanger t� pre_so.�__-- Hv_t Exchanger t:onrprecc.• He-t ExoFangor Refrigerant rue..ered and di.,posed of W required by Ia-.M...plde clean op including use of fl.,or sa'vma.o pmzce .your home and removal of.;:.;;..g equipm.m.All rrork co...ple;ed is done in acGo.d.nce vr4h e:is;ng codes and purnihs,as required. SPECIFICS OF SELECTED OPTION: O t 0 2 08 ❑Weriiherprroof OConnec.To Eziating ❑Elec=u it:AL Clcacr_ SUBTOTAL 5 Disconnect Electrical ❑Med'a Filter ,KU61imu Ecisi art Slab u Nw�-.Plywoud Desk 17 pCC ,Z Sound Isolation Poda ❑Reconnect Drain Line p UV Light $ In Cquid Tite Conduit G Ceiling Saver Kit 0 Hemr clifie. ❑Start Kit (Pan&Ftoatl ❑Dehernidifor To;--- $ • re Q Refrigerant L.L.Dryer— ❑.;.-❑M. .Drain S.foty 5:ilc-Fi Owdoor U,.i:Pad ❑ROF gent Pipe JdSeal New Connections 0 Flue Venting ❑Ne- ❑Reeerrne�t ❑Support Ah;e Ega:pmest C Ductwork wnnections ❑Refrigerant Pipe Cover �Sopply Plenum IJ Fuel Piping u CASH G CHECK# G Exp..no;on Val-e New ❑Reconnect G I•ctri•..I Wi'i.,9 1J CREDIT CARD(LAST 4#.) XT eT..-Type �R..lerrr Ple.ern 7es+e Sorr;vo Firm- Ne: ❑Raeenneet 1 Te,-(364 d.y.) EXP APPROVAL OUR GUARANTEES JEComfort Guarantee oma Protection Guarantee ❑FINANCING (� 24 H. 5erric.Guarantee 100r.t Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee •P_ymer.t opliano a_'table-th apprmed cr,7& 'Wc v •Wettvn oaeterwer.sih�risetierr-ill be ebta:ned bef=m begi;;ning a,y■nfereaeen_ddit:_rral r extended-•rk •ANY CLAIMS FOR CORSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 558, FLORIDA 51ATUTE5. •BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL:Thlu 10 a home-,oiicitatiwn....la,and If you de not-.;;t the good.,or—;--Ices,you may Wncel this agreement by priding::itten notice to the seller in person,by telegn m,or by mail. Thls notice ma.,t indk.te that you do not want the goons o.moo.�Icaa and.T.u%-,bQ doliv.-d.,r postmarked before.-rddnigh:of the:hard business d..y aRor y.u sign this agreement. If you cancel this agmemen.,the seller may not keep a.i a. part of any cash down payment. See the reverse side hereof for an explanation of this right. •I acknowledge that my right to cancel has been explained to me orally and in wriling,and without waiving my right to cance,I authorize the performance of the work,subject to all terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side hereof,plus any taxes upon comp'etion. Noaee To Owner-Do not sign this home improvemeni coni..ci in bla.k.Y.a wo amided;o a copy of The contraci.,;he a-e you p;gn. Keep it to protect your legal rights.Th's home impFW.eme..t contract May contain a Mon ..ua. wise create a lien on your prvporry that coit be fo777� u do not pay.Be sure you understand all provision the contract afore ycu sign. ) 1�`fir"r -, cu r� 51(3NATU m GGr•4R rrr .rn7� / v 2o77 n._i�rre.i..■nr®_ic s Qec.,.r hgga rereneo. .R1 . 7. '231 C E RTI F1 E Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 7490503 bale: 12/6/2017 Product:single-Pacnage rtir-Contlit;ioner_ Air-Cooletl Motlei AumOer: a0cPC03n---30== Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING I ratief6rana name: CARRIER Region:All (AK,AL,AR,AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL,GA, HI, ID, IL,IA,IN, KS, KT, ill, MM, ME), me, MI, MR, @IC, M5. MI- AC.- AU- AL, AFt- Aa- MM. IVV- MT.OR,SIR.UR, PA, RI_SC, sD. iR- PA. 131, VA, V I,VVA, VVV, VVI.wY, O.s. I arritarica) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to uanuary I, eg 15,are eligiBle to Be Installea In all regions unill June s0,zOT6. iseglnning.ruly i. z0-115.central air awrialillellorz can only be installed in reyion(s)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. series name: Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is CmmRIER miR UUME111 I I01rING Rotes as In-orwrila,ree.■im ARRI Standard 2101240-2008 for Unita.y Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, Independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity(Btuh): 35000 EER Rating kCooling): I-I.5u SEER Rating(Cooling): 14.00 IEER Rating (Cooling)- R.,,ings b,iaweo 0r a bL.H%R(')ino..�ace s,,uluniory ran.tv yr previously poul6flw saw,onluss aucompaniou-with n rrno,wflrcn,nuinaias an involontary rerate elscmim-imm AHRI d—But end■roe the preds■t(a)Ibt.d on Ihlc Certifle.te.ed m-kem es repro-etatlee„-.rreetiem up ds.r etaes oc to,end r=rrioa me Nape-zibillty for, the product(s)listed on this Certificate_AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(sl,or the e.-ao.horl.od ullor..tion of d.:..lis.00 on Ala CarthicaTe,earrlaon r..tings ore Tali,.only;or...ovcls and conegoraavns IiYco In.Ra direct-,.t—.=hTldir=-tsq.■Tg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be us■d f■r I-di_Id_al,personal and con Nan¢ial retrcnce purposes.-e conicnp yr x1lis corilovota may nvt,in wRole or in part,Oe roprouccoa;wpiov;aissominatu.: _elbred Into.■umpst■r d..t_b.=;=r■th■...lae etlli_ed,In or i for...OF mae ter or by-W,moue=n a-wept for the eser'z Iedl.Ido-l. personal and confidential reference, ..IR«aRORlanln..,ROrna, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The information for the model cried on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org cl,ck on'Verify Certificate'link ue make life Dauer -nd enter:h.AHRI Cunlfled Raferenae Number snd.ho d..tv vn:hich.he e.rrifl-'m-gas isss.d, which is listed above,and the Certificate No-which+s listed at bottom sight. -' v.dU.L*mir-T.onUlrioning,nearing,ana Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 1315r039127i9te8t3