HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 5/J�Oj Ij Florida Building Code Online i s j a +M wan Ke rmi I`1 �-" r i r i, z,-i��=S.,Fr:3%:...� .. '�`,ir....�!C•...er4iw: BCIS Horne Loa In User Registration riot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Plications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search 0-c productApproval 1 i: USERpblic User Product Approval Menu> Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail I f FL st FL5891 115 Application Type Revision � I Code Version 2014 , Application Status Approved i I , Comments Archived i Product Manufacturer Therma-Tru Corporation) Address/Phone/Email 118 Industrial Drive Edgerton, OH 43517 (419) 298-1740 rickw@rwbldgconsultan�S.com Authorized Signature Rick Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultanls.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email I i Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior DoorlASsembllies 0 Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-'Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lyndon Schmidt, P.E. i { the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Ryan J. King, P.E. Validation Checklist Hardf`Lopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5891 R5 COI Certificate of I_ndeoendence.Ddf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard I ' Year SSTD 12 1999 'TAS 202 i 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards I Certified By Sections from the Code I , 1 I 5/5/2017 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method I Option D Date Submitted 06/13/2015 Date Validated 06/28/2015 Date Pending I=BC Approval 07/05/2015 Date Approved 08/18/2015 Surn-rn.a. !-Tof. Products.... .......... .......... .---._ ... .. ................... ...... ............ FL# Model, Number or Name Description 3.._._.-_...___.... 5891.1 I a. "Fiber-Classic 6'8 "Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Single Door (X) Inswing or i Outswing Configuraticin! Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No i FL5891 R5 Ii Inst 5891.l.pdt Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon SchmidL,1P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by In'depend, efit Third Party: Yes Design Pressure. N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 5891.1 for Design Pressure Ratings by i FU51991 R5 AE Eval 5891 1.od specific Model and for any other additional use limitations Created by Independe nt Third Party: Yes and installation instructions. (For FiberClassic doors, this product approval requires the use of"J" part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) . . ............ ------ 5891.2 b. "SmoothStar" 6'8 "Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Single Door(X) Inswing or Outswing Configuration i Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ. No FL5891 R5 11, Inst 589 1.2.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon Schmidt,IP.!E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Jnjdepend6,rit Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 5891.2 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL5891 R5 AIE Eval 5B9 1.�2df: specific Model and for any other additional use limitations Created by I dependbrit Third Party: Yes and installation instructions, (For SmoothStar doors, this Independent product approval requires the use of "Y' part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six i months of installation.) ............ .. ........ ... .................................. ............................. 5891.3 c. "ClassicCraft" 68"Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Single Door (X) Inswing or Outswing Configuration: Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL5891 R5 11 Inst 5L9'j.3.pdf Approved,for use outside HVHZ. YesVerified By: Lyndon Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by In'depend&nt Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Re' ports Other: See. INST 5891.3 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL5891 R5 AIE Eval S8 �9 1.�3d f specific Model and for any other additional use limitations Created by I depend6tR Third Party: Yes and installation instructions. 5891.4 d. "FiberClassic" 8'0 "Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Single Door (X) Inswing or Outswing Configuration+ .......... ---- -- Limits of Use installation Instructions i Approved for use in HVHZ: No LI-5891 RS Ii Inst 591.4. f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon Schmidt,!P.E. 43409 ated by Independent Party: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Cre Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation 116ports Other: See INST 5891.4 for Design Pressure Ratings by 1 FL5891 R5 A?E Eval 5821.4.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations Created by lndepenct661:Third Party: Yes and installation instructions, (Fo, FiberClassic doors, this product approval requires the use of"I" part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) ... ......... ........... ............ 5891.5 a. "SmoothStar" 8'0"Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Single Door(X) Inswing or Outswing Configuration .......... Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ; No FL5891 R5 li, Inst 914.21.5.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ- Yes Verified By: Lyndon Schmidt,'P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other. See INST' 5891.5 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL5891 R5 AE-Eval 5891_5-.gh-f specific Modal and for any other additional use limitations Created by Independent Third,. Party: Yes and installation instructions, (For SmoothStar doors, this product approval requires the use of "J" part numbers for i i these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) THERMAITRU" 37.59"M _---'- tiv, .. WWF AX,0,A. FRAME WIDTH THERMA TRU DOORS 1-1-6-iNDUSTRIAL I)R.. EDGERT N_01-1 435�1 7 3&W'MAX. 0 .4 pi —PANEL WIDTH p 11111111 ttv1 z dm 6 -Z z U C "SMOOTH STAR" CZ FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR INSWING/ OUTSWING ,IMPACT" ' < -Z GENERAL NOTES < < [his product has been evoluoled and is in compliance with the 5th Edition Ml 41 Florida Building t Code JFBC)structurbi reaulrernents excludinghe"High Velocity Hurricane Zone-(HVHZ). 2. Product anchors mcilbe as listed cnct spaced as shown on details.Anchor ernbedment to base X material shcli be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. when used in areas reqL;iring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the IBC and does no:require an impact resister.;covering.This product meets miss:`e j ll Y ! I level"D"and excludes Wind Zone 4 as cefined in ASPr,E1996 and Sec!ior,1609.1.2.2 of the F IQ; 101 4, For 2x stud framing construction.anchoring of Ihese units shall be the some as that shown!or 2x 1 buck masonry construction. ct -W 5, Site condiflons that deviate lrorn the details of this drawing reQu,",re furter engineering analysis by Q licensed engineer or registered crchi!eci. z i TABLE OF CONN." SHEET 0 DESCRIP77ON i Typical elevations.design pressures&genera!notes OVERALL DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) 2 Dom p--nef details SWING FRAME 10L A I1 z 3 Horizonfol cross sections DIMENSION POSITIVE NEGATIVE wrt: 4/23/08 INSWING 37.59"x 82.19** +67.0 -67.0 4 Vertical cross sections SCAM 5 Buck and fro,ne anchoring-2X buck masonry construction — D.C.61: AL BiS of Materials&Components OUTSWING 37.59"x 80.69" +67.0 -67.0 LFS Frame anchoring-IX buck masonry construction FL-5891.2 swo 1 a, 7 RAClients\TAerma Tru PERMANENT\Florida Produo Approvals\FL.5891\Drawings\Current\FL-SB91.dwq.7.2 I , I ( � I i �O I , S 77 I f � i - -1.54.. T z o i O T / (D A n V •`I ij i T A I 1 D l i--1.54.. A I iz I Ix n rn Y rn 20O x C` � JL - � I i = I , C1.54" n a � � z � u I o a 7 i N N �X ( �� irii !0 � Ir A H \ o l p v:\ice N..4ND9 PRODUCT: ` p„numanta Pr.pn„a By: .(�'•. QWlGf ti` . i ` 9 £ --- THCRMA-TRU Lyndon F'.'Schmidt rQgpp►•.: `� IN N u FIBERGLASS DOOR '— i•E. No. i3tG9 ? N - - BUILDING CONSULTANTS, o N t C, 2 ii5_UPDATE To 5TH CD.�Ul4 FHC LFS _PART OR ASSEMBLY: CDn,/ 6/llTl2 REVISED TO 2.10 FRC_____ JN JLUI/ P.U. N 2J0, .659.VaIric9, Fl. J3595 m NO DnTE E3_Y DDDR PANEL DF.TnllS I l eBPE C.A.No. 901 .sls� fBPE .A. No. BDIJ C 20OB R.w.Run.o n.c Crawtiv,.i INC. 1 , I ' 1 ( r 11 , RAClienu\inerma Tru PERMANENT\Flnrida Product Approvals\Fl•5091\Urawin�s\(urrenl\FL-5871.dwg,).7 i t lel to V O A Ln n N J\ � m rn 10 O a s a N I I In I L x Irn _ Xl A 00 N _ z C D N C, V' n i10 io :0 NX y.A O `` ��jno toO zsi A V rn Is,cHM�4� Z i �/-• * No.43409 ' 7 Q --� PRODUCT; ooc m...l. rnror.e By: I ��[OF ,'_' : THERMA--rRU Lyneoo F. Srnrnial '•,,Rpipp►• ' ` IU In o -- --_ — P-IEJERCLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 i 1. Z ........... �� __ ___ _ 9 2 1 28/15 UPDATE r0 STN F.D. /7014 !'OC 1I,i_S pART DR ASSEMOL7: G T ElUll'.DINC CONSULTANTS, IN�. _ i_.__Z___..._. _ RR Flho no No, 813,859.9197 V N r in m I 6f 11%12 RVIISED r( 7010 F'fIC_--_--_ ,IK a P-0-43-- 230„Valrico, FL 33595 NO DATE: HORIZONTAL YY � REVISION$ CROSS SECTION FE3i'Ei C.A. No. 781.3 i _ I I RACIi,m,lThlI—1ro PERMANENTVIorift Plod.Ct j Cpl 2Y lo lo ME\ I< 0 3 -- 45 n X ( 1 7 1 i !ITI IXC :In a Lo �2 io 0 C.B.(TYP,j In IX Io c In 0 QD;a jX 0 im In Fm� 10 114"MIN, N0.43409 Pr.p—d "71 iUTl op p 9 DiERmA-TRu Lyn�on F. SChrr4;dt FIBERGLASS DOOR No, i..340.9 YON,1 co Iy v7 0 ' I �ff E17. PART OR ASSNOLY: ;ULTANIS. (2014) FOC V (A—) _ EIUIL�)ING CONS UPVAFF TO 5ff I U C, 1 6 REVISED TO 20)5 FEIC , P.O. Cox 2.30.-Volrico. FL 33595 -oo VEI?Tl(,AL cW DATE Pho—�N., 81.3.659.919*7 CROSS SECTIONS N.. 9813 0 200H N.W.BUILD.—COISILY—Ttl I-L lfz T 1 I ;•I o ���� .............. .........•• im i o m �o Z g=U -j_ - -;A'-& MA ONKY. ,if -- '' __ '1'_ _- - �.I..•� ^'g c`p OJ a 6.r. / � •_..._ we _— _e—.;.!_._._ * _ ._�,_ -n_ _-� s..___ - _ ' �_... v,ASONRY-- - ?PENiNG `'I— ;A A_S -L_I, OPENING I i ;II !.'`_ -- i ! . DZ E _ FRAME — I I NZ iYP.HEAD& ` !If ( ILjjAMBS Q, Oct { 2X BUCK- !I I 2X BUCK ?z 1 5 (al �m { IUI I i BUCK ANCHORING STRIXE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING HINGE:AMS 6 .Uosonry 2X buck construction CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: �N 1. Concrete anchor locations v the tamer;mc;/be cdjus:ed to mointain the min. Iafai c o edge distance to mortar: ints. Ichl "MAX.2. Concrete anchor Iocotion'Haled as ON CENTER"must be cdtusted to W -— - a mainIcin the min.edge distance Pc moncrtanm cdditioncl concrete anchors N - c may be required to ensure the".MAX.ON CEN:ER"dimension ore not exceeded. - \�w 3. Concrete anchor table: M.1 N.CLEARANCE MTN,CLEARANCE I _ I TSP m ANCHOTANNCIHok MIN TO MASONRY TO ADJACENT _ 1icij i TYPEF EMBEDMENT EDGE ANCHOR _ �! Z 77 p WE: 4/23/08 i TAPCONO ]/4" 7.4/4" 2" 4• I sada: N.T.S. D.D. AL ELCO I I i s.: m 2 ULTRACON 1/4- t L/4" t.. 4• -- -L-- -.._.._..f.- -.�----- ct...m: LFS 3 E WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: !.Maintain a minimum 5/8"edge distance. I end distance.B 1"o.c.spacing - HINGE DETAIL _ -LATCH s DEADBOIi DETAIL ..L-589;.2 0 - a of wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. sada 5 or 7 — — O ... S.IL 07 1i n — 1 ---T �v.••. ::fig;� �m It !it�� _O cy. - I MASONRY � i! i'..__ i-.. � ___ \ I� � I` • �a`a a< II OPENINGjc illi � ° S ! � az I - � �28 l x TYP.FRAME HEAD a ' -- 27 C o mo IAMBS -10 I �+ 08 !X BUCK I I I I ^'z wiz• w, zW I I I i LATCH 6 DEADBOLT DETAIL QI a s f J •a �jI � � I gal ?al cn cW I I ! FRAME ANCHORING HINGE JAMB I I�ml Is / I STRIKE JAMB J Ioie� ��f 's f Mason,V I X buck o CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: I`Iol iii m I Ccnc:ete anchor locations of the cornea maybe adjusted .,mcln:c:n Lha m^.. 2. Concrete nn edge distance to mortor;otn;s. achor!ocaties noted as"MAX.ON CENTER"must be eaiusted ! ! f a mcintcin the min.edge distonce to mortorjoints.cdditionc!concre!e inch •s ' I X0, ,•:!�_' � c I may be required to ensure the".MAX.ON CENTER"dimension cre not exceede 3. Concrete anchor table: i� N.CLEARANCE MIN.CLEARANCE MIN. Mt ANCHOR ANCHOR TO MASONRY TO ADJACENT I z F TYPE SIZE EMBEDMENT EDGE WE: 4123/08 i z ANCHOR a (TW -4 -__1 N SGLC: N,T.S. ° TAPCON 2 1TW �. 1.1/7' cws.f!✓: LFS 3 3/16•• 1 3" TA; HINGE HJNGE ![ E WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: - - FL-5897.2 o 1.Maintain o minimum 5/8"edge distance. 1"end distance.& I-o.c.spacing of wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood, js.EE7 5 of 7 — — G