HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs PLANNING &iDEVELOPMENT BOAR® OF SERVICES DEPARTMENT COUNTYy COMMISSIONERS -wilding & Code Regulation Division I I I Residential Fence Affidavit of Compliance I, 5a , /C r�L , intending to be legally bound, hereby certify that work authorized by Permit Number 1707-0274 is installed in accordance with the approved drawing/plot plan/survey on file,with the County. I certify the fence is: !' 1. Located within my property boundaries. 2. Not located within any preserve areas or easements. ; 3. A Maximum of 4 feet in height in any required front;yard setback. 4. A Maximum of 6 feet in height on the side and/or rear of the property. 5. Not located within 50 feet of North Fork, Five Mile or Ten !Mile Riverine, if my property was platted before 8/1/89 or.not located within 75 feet if my property was platted after 8/1/89. + 6. Outside clear sight triangle (fence shall be erected in such a wiay so that adequate sight distance at any vehicular or pedestrian access is maintained) 7. *"Not used as a fence pool barrier (initial) w'ner/Con ractor 84nature ; Date Print Name {{�� Cert.-No. ! The foregoing instrume s acknowledged before me this 10 of !! _ ,20 B �! II I Personally Known ii Produced ID of Public Type of ID Produce�� QAj6Z ! I **FENCES USED AS POOL BARRIERS MUST BE INSPECTED BY THE COUNTY ,os' �p�a, LASHAHNF 1riGYn ,r; i _ Notary'Public State o.FI 3' o z My CofTji 1 Exoirds Dec 2r a, 'is#%F�ga, I, ComFlissian ��FF 177:'•,, . ai��calNcta.ryAssn. i - I I