HomeMy WebLinkAbout8800 OKEECHOBEE RD. LOT 18ALL APPLICABCt INFO MU:) i BE COMPLETED rOR APPI[ICR 11019 i v 6E ACCEP i ED Date: I D: a4 -17 Permit Number: Wgida 1048 Building Permi-E Application Pranning anal ueveiopmenr .)ervkes auiraing ani? ioae Regurarion vivision -,-ivv virginiaAvenue, Fort Pierce rt .3wyaz Phone: Fax: (772) 462-1578 Curmir iErciel Residential XX PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical PROPOSED -IMPROVEMENT EUCA1l019: t,ddress: 3e300 0REECHOBEE RD LOT18 Casa! Dv�ariN[ian: 23125 35 sa Sw 114 OF 5w 114 CE55E :s;s0 F I MI/C OF s vz AND CE55 OnEE KV RM IIS 5EC L3 AND I RAI PAR I OF IGvv 114 OF Igvv 114 CYG M OF OREE Ru IN 5EC; z5(i.4imC) (vR 1500 i-2634) PropeRy tax 10 fl: zszs-sss-0000 i -000-s Lot No. iD site Plan Rame: Block No. Project Marne: 501111I111IE!! Pr.CICIs Setbacks From Back: Bight Side: Left Side: 0 t I AIEED oESCRIP I lull uF wORR: AC CHANGEuuT NO DUCT WORK uARRIER 1T 15SEER CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Itlona wor to jee orme under this permit — check a app ,: ❑HVAC 0Gas Ia�.R ❑Ga3Pi"inR _oPletiers ❑vvinOowsMoors ❑ Electric 0 riorm5ing ❑,,pririx,rs ❑ Generator � Roof Roo[ pi,cll Total SM. rt of Con.traetian: Ft. or First Floor: Cost of Construction: 5 Utilities:❑ Sewer �Sept:c uw19ER/EE55EE: Name JOE HALL Address: 8800 OKEECHOBEE RD. LOT18 City: FORT PIERCE State: FL Zip Code: 34945 Fax: Phone No. 2697167616 E -Mail: NIA Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) ADM I RRC II OR: Beiiains ReigAt: Name: DENNIS ZACEK Company: ARS Address: 2800 US HWY 1 City: VERO BEACH State: FL Zip Code: 32964 Fax: Phone No. 772-794-7206 E -Mail: CLIGHTSEY@ARS.COM State or County License: CMC1249753 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Comrncn«irient is r=Maira& SuPPLEIVIEM IAE iLulgb I Ruc. 1101q OEM Mvv IMFuRIVIR I luta: DESIGNER/ ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable 1viOR i GAGc COMPAMT: _ Rot applicable lgame: JOE HALL (Came: DENNIS ZACEK Address: 860DOKEECHOBEERDLOTI8 Aiaiaress'. 88W OKEECHOBEE RD LOT18 City: FORTMERCE xate: City: VERO BEACH 7C3Le: zip: Pnone cip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not A. ,licable Name: Name: Address: z— as w" Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip., Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby maa. to obtain o pa mit to ao the :.orR ana in,ta11at6m a; inoicutca. I Certify rM.r no .:orR er in.tallatie;-, Ras commenceM prior to tRe issuance or a permit. St. Lucie Countix makes no representation, that is grantL.g a r.,=r—it .ill aathorizc O. -Per it Rlolaer to 6aila tRs pe6;eet Araeture -RieR i. in conflict .itM any applicaRle Rome Owners Association rules, Bylaws or ana covenants tRat may restrict or proRiBit sucR structure. Please consult with your Rome Owners mssociation and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do her.By agrce thot I .ill, in ail re3pert.,, Nertorrn tRle CoA in accorBance witR tRe approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Eucie County Amendments. i Re following BuilBing permit applications are exempt from unaergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen room oRaoCC=3.o1 yy uae3 to anothcr non-re.,iae.--tiol E -e WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in Your paring twice for improvements to your properTy. A ICotice or Commencement must be recorded and p05Led on Lhe jobsiLe before Lhe firSL inspection. If you intend to obl.ain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencine work or recordine v�,ur Notice of Commencement. bign.tare or v :rte, / 1C::e60pnp.ctur as Agent Tor Owner signature or Contractor/Elc&rise Roller STATE OF FEORIUAI �-n "(I= -)lAl E OF FEORIMR COUNTY OF v1.�C� 1-, e,— COUNTY OF r k v, he forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me I Re rorgoing instrument was acKnowleage'a Before me tni, a a.,, or (Der 0- '7— km-#. LO I r B, Lhis _W.., day of Ltp eA4ur(� P� . 20/ 7by ,n, S '.ace - k Name of person making statement Personally Known Ll"' OR ProMuceB IBentirieation Type of Identification Produced 111� (bignature of Nbiary FuBlic- Mate of FloriBa ) Commission Igo. t— r `'( d REVIEWS FRONT COOKIER DAiE RECEIVED DAiE COMPELITEB Rev. WLTL / 04-lk'L"5 zace�� Larne or perso rnalting statement Personally Known OR Produced Identification I ypc of Ia.rltiticrtion (Signature of No,aWPublic- Kt51Y LIGn' i':�•�d:;- CRi5TY LI u r [lair :ITJONS Y Ce;lal:i1451(ill r '-,:� MYc"MM. -, = k FF 929,r� Miy cUnntns-iz.,, •`•' -bjw..,�ar`• UCT06vr 2 E ;p r-ti u! Y o or 0. zU 9 Z S VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE REvIEvv REVIEVV REvIEvv REvIEvv REVIEvv REv1Evv 16 Pl�msin0 • MINIlow! ' Est. Start Date .2 / 7 InSrallarion Worx Oraer Eel. vompletion Date . z o' tvvy j 55,t-3100 Corporate Cmi�tsmer 2800 U5 Highway 1, Vero Beach, FE 32960 Relations American Res fennel Swim cf Flnda, 4rc license r CMC1249753,CAC0458M CFC 1429283 1866) 803.0879 CUSTOMER EMAIL CALL SUP tiJ 4 HpMEPHONE,( O� CEA PHOnE ■UR HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN ..�nRPRONE OPTION OPTION 2 OPTION SIZE _ . _ TYP SIZE—- _ iYPE SIZE TYPE EFFII;,I0/E-S2or EFFICIEN4T EFFICIENCY �z '1q' $ $ $ SUBTOTAL $ ZOO SUBTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ MONTHLY EST" MONTHLY ST.' MONTHLY T.- $ 7-USTvMER INITIALS i -;V !!R INITIAES CUSTv ER INITIALS Warranly: Z Porta Labor Wa my Parts Labor We nty: Parts EBor Cemprrowor oal Exchang.r ��Fl f ormprc.vor Flom; Exchanger Cornp.aaaor Hca, Ewhangar Refrigerant recovereU an'u u sposezu of as require'u -y law. Mmplete cyan up including use of floor savers to protect your home and removal of existing equipment All work comp etea is done in accordance with existing codes and permits, as requi■eQ. SPECIFICS OF YOUR SELECTED OPTION: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ vveatherproof In Connect to Misting In I!Ctronx: Airueaner_ SUBTOTAL $ iz Oe Disconnect ElectRcal r In Media Fiit■• WLlfovmv Equipment Slab [3 Win Plywood Deck U PCZ — — _ e.41"1 $ 2L Ao�— ,ZSound Isolation Pada ❑ Reconnect Drain Line ❑ UV Ligh; p Liquid Tile Ciirlda.t ❑ Ce61:ng 7a-er Kit ❑ HtimidiLar ❑ Start Kit (Pan & Float) ❑ Dehumtdrfer TOTAL v G ❑ Refrigz—t LL Dryer _ Main Drain aafery 5wilch In Outdoor Unit Pad rJURafrigenmi P,po 0 Se -1 New Ceineetienc 0 Flee Wang New ❑ Reconr. act ❑ Support Attic Equipment u Davtwerk Commoctions ftHECK# 'Refrigerant Pipe Cover In Supply Plenum 0 Fael Piping ._�_,_ _ . 7EXPAPPROVAL E J �irprmaio., V..lae 0 Na- 0 Rowenneet ❑ Eleelrical Wiring RD ~LAST 4#:,, — �tstat -Typer eA O Relom PEc .or, J�fomc Scrvica P!an - ❑ New ❑ R4 connect 1 Term (364 ways) OUR GUARANTEES ja'Celafert Gcaranlce 9rH■�.e PFulust:an Goa ntee IN ANCING' fd24•Hon. Sorvice Goareniea 00% Unoondilional Muney-Baek I.`advi ilea •Faymeni opliun aver aoln vrrm nppruwtd croda cJd4_.S0-4-44-0s ` • Wriliaii casiomer irtuharAzicn W i:l be ob.ainad before beg;nn,.g any anforeseon addiiian.. oMic .dud work. • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 558, FLORIDA STATUTES, • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL -This Is a home solicitation sale, and If you do not want the goods or services, you may cancel tflis agreement by proviCing written notice to the seller in person, by telegram, or by mail. This notice must Indicate that you do not want the goods or services and must M delivered or postmarkM Before mldnlgllt of the third business day after you sign thio ogrammeet. If tiu cancel this agreemen% the seller may not Rae;; all or dart of ae; ■■sh down FR7M■..t Soo the remorse cid. hereof for on--pl-natfen ■f thl- right • I ackno:.iedgo that my rieht to o..ncsl h..a beer. oaptainod to —a er,.ely arrd i., :riti: g, ..d without -«inng my right to --..noel, I ..ethorme the performance of rho irk, Gabicot to oil to,.—s and oanditions ®ct forth on th9 re-mrso side hens -l. pie any upon oempletion Notice To Owner, Do nGl sign this home improvement contract in blank You are Ent I ed to a copy of the contract at the time you s gr. Keep it Io pretest year I al ;ghla. Thi: hunt■ i .aacvnr_�t c■nirwct m� De t. iw a.T=rta.ge .r i� o�..te . il■n ■n y■er propary t eeeid be f eine if yes do net pay. Ba oar you and%;mtand all pre -atone of th t�C efe-c you oign. G MER SikINATUIkEDATE F0MPANV00-RL!iMTAMr- 0 2017 Amerrcan Ra■iden-u1 Services LLC. All rights re■■.red. ARS1078 050817 c 75@ Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI Certified Reference Number: 7173463 Date: 11/27/2017 Product: variaale speer Minl-spilt Air-Contlidoner, Will remote Outtloor Unit-Hir-source, rree Delivery Outdoor Unit Mosel Rer�r6ee: saIWFCO�z--s Inavor unit @legal NumBerr: 4OMFCU iz-»s Manuiacturer: CARRIEm CORrOnA I IUR I rafttBrantl name: CARRIER series name: Rayio.-,: sowtr1iww.t Una Nortli (AC; AR, DC; ur-, FL, GA, RI, KY, IAC, M13; IQIs, RC, OR, sC, i R, I x, vA AK, CO, CT, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, RT, OR, OR, PA, RI, atf, UT, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1, 2015, are eligible to be installed In all regions unth dune s0, c0 -i6. Begin nIng Duly -I; 20-15, central air conaltioners can only be installed in raiiion(a) Tur r0ii0i tii.y maut tfie itil,fonal wniciancy reMuirarnw.a. Manufacturer responsible ror the rating of this system combination is CARRIER CORPORATION Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 2101240-2008 for Unita.y Air -Conditioning and Air -Source Heat Pump Equirment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, indeNendent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh)_ 12000 EER Raring (Cooling)- SEER Rating (Cooling); 15.00 CERTIFIED RA I INGS FOR VARIABLE -SPEED, MIAI- AND FIVE I I-5PCI 15Y5 I EFI5 ARE VACID FOR ACC C13MO119A 110195 OF IAuOOR OMITS (BASED ON COMBINATION TYPES) WITR TRE SPECIFIC OUTDOOR UNIT LISTED ABOVE AND IN THE ARRI DIRECTORY OF CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT. VISIT WWW.AHRIDIRcCTORY.ORG TO VERIFY THAT THIS COMBINATION IS AN ACTIVE LISTING AND THE DATA LIST051 CF THI5 CERTIFICATE IS ACCURATE. SEARCH ON THE AHRI REFERENCE # TO QUICKLY LOCATE THIS COMBINATION IN THE DIRECTvRT. ' Ratings in.luwau By an as arisR (') lnuicalu a'lwunrary rr.ra:u ur previuosly pulhisnau udw oruasa ao rnpdniea wnn a —3 wnicn inuicaras an nvolonMry reratu. 01ac=IMER AHRI deee net end.; --a the predect(,) Ibted en this C.rtlfi...le..nd m -k.= a. or gcar-pi'ves- ae to, end as me reepen=lbflity ler. the productis) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all Ifab.lily for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the anaotR.rfa.o .Itar.'non .r o..a Lr... an :RIs e.riiacate. carcrneo ratrngs are on v.Fu ly ror moo.ls .no conngoroiio„s lis..o in tR. dlr_ctar} .t .—..h.-Idir_etar}.=rg, TERMS AND CONDITIONS Thl= C=Alflcat■ and Its conte=ts are proprietary prod■cts of AHRI. This CertlNcale shall owl; be ■sed fop Indlddaal, p■rsonal and uunnuend.l rarorcri— purposes. 75. cvrrte„ m or tffis e.rdrrc.ro may nur, m wflul. ur In part, go reproaou.u; c.pi..; urssaminerao: entered Into - wumpater d-tabaze; ur elhe...l— otill_.d, In an7 form or rn-mrie..r 6y -rr, rn ..rm e....pt fur the a -r'= 1ndf:1clo-1. personal and confidential reference. .dR� 0111 Rfonlne, HOMMv, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INST1TllTE The Information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org, click on "Verify Certificate' link „rad, „s- ;. Mil ..nd.r..;.r .ho AHRI C.r:lfl.d Reference Nambar -nd .h. d.:. on which :he caniff.... was I3so.d, -hl=h Is Gaud ab -e, and the Certificate No., which is list■d at bottom right. p QFZui4 HII-con'aldoning, Rearing, ano Rerrlgeradon Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 131s6z6�1035se098 RlicReile Franitlin, CPA— Saint Eucie County Property Rppreiser —All rights reserveu_ FrwpeiT laanaycuuun �iic....mass- Fated ..veemel A.p ID: uae T rv: 7.oRc..e: C:PYrC—py: Owii.raitip Sunnier Palms %I mt n L,fi. x100 Ot—Ho5 R. F—..Mc.Fe;, .+ Legal Description _ :..- �F�S ....IRR TIIA7 RT FAOF N56' I `4 Or NW I!1 L5'G N OF OKFE Rb [N 8EC SG I�' 44AC) (OR gF•M341 Cm -rum; V..1ee4 7wuM—k.1 Val": s 1,2trv2DO Asses=d Vale: SI,Zw.2DD Ex.mp:i-w: so Taxable Value s 1.2..r,.on T_m(mm thi_77 ..I: SLCTasC:1._IiirtOtr"12 Do -load TRIM r -w thi; r+.-1: M-nk-d PDFO Tat_I A r.s-c Fittc:hnWnde;A:_ (SF): 101 Gnus Arra (SF): 4kLI4 Land Size lures): E— atzc 13F)., #i#.l412 99DO OKEECHOBEE RD 2]23-]]7-oODl�tl�x1�N M79 23435 2900 CN s.int Lucie C.-ty Thi; inr.tte. nvm :; b.h.v.d :e be .eT.: .: lhcs :c..._ br d is gib, e.: to .hasrc and r no: waled. c C.p7ssbh: 2e 17 Saim L=t. Co:n:7 Psep.,., ..ppns r ..11 PU13 s..:ed.