HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions I I From:Freedom Roofers Fax:(772)217-4459 To:Saint Lucie County She Fax: (772)462-6443 Page 2 of 9 11/29/2017 7:10 AM OFFICE USE ONLY: i li DATE TILED: PERMIT-24-17 PERMIT#,1711 O.?2 j REVISION TEE: RECEIPT# ! i' iiIrl i+ A.NNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES"I; ST. UCIE COUNTY UILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION BUILDING DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE �tEVIFvdE0 FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 FOR CO PdOB (77'2)462.1553 REVIEWED BY DATE1 1 7 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT!REVISIONS pl�4NS AND PERMIT PROJECT INFORMATION ! MUST BE KEPT ONJOB OR LL ��__EMADE I_NOINE �tsil�i T£ ADDRESS: !' 818 DOUBLOON LANE FT-PIERCE,FL 34949 I DETAILED DESCRIPTION OYPRO,IECT REVISIONS: TOOK THE OLD SKYLIGHT OUT AND PUT A NEW ONE IN , I I I I I l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ;d II I i STATE of FL. R.EG./CERT.#: OCC1330900 ST. LUC;IE COiCERT.#: BUSINESS NAME: FREEDOM ROOFERS !', QUALIFIERS NAME:: LEE DINENBERG ..... i I ADDRESS: 5575 US HWY 1 SUITES 1 &2 VERO BEACH FL _ '� 32y5T --- ---- -- - - 5'I-A"['E. 11GIf : .:. � --_ PHONE(DAYTIME): 772-318-4600 FAh: 772-217 44`:i9 j I � I OWNERIBUILD R INFORMATION: I AMESW_OLTER 3:818 DOUBLOON LANE j j PIERCE STATE: FL �--�- Zip: 34949 -^ AYTIME: 616-638-6341 FAX: ;{ LT/ENGINEER INFORIVIATION: ! ;p i II STATE- P' 1_ PHONE_ DAYTIME): _ — FAX' SLCC'C: 9123,109 Revised 06/3011' Iu c 0— p i II: 1 9 i j I I I I . ' From:Freedom Roofers Fax:(772)217-4459 To:Saint Lucie County She Fax: (772)462-6443 Page 3 o19 11 i 121,2117 7:10 AM I I BUILDING ffic CODE REGULATION D�VISI®N 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE ryt4kd r. POUT PIERCE, FL 34982 ' 772-462-1553 77 AX 2-462-157 AUTHORIZATION FORM FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENT I TO: St Lucie County I r� i Permit # ,tredit Card Users: 1.,5%Surcharge added per transagdon. 'Payments must be received in this department by 4:00 PM for tra n1saction to be proces d that day, if not it will be processed the followingbuslnelss day, VISA MASTERCARD :..::. : Credit Card Number •. J .i'�" � Expiration Date . ,:.�.: . :.:.::<;: Zip Code 3(R-4-10- 3 digit security co e.::.'..: Amount $ + 1.5% surcharge j Name., Business N ;.... Authorized Signature: Print Name: ..... t .. :. ....... :..:. Phone: � ) I Comments: j Ir I SLCPDSD Revised 4/01/2010 EN i � I I I ' i I , From:Freedom Roofers Fax:(772)217-4459 To:Saint Lucie County She Fax: (772)462-6443 Page 14 of-9 1 12912017 7:10 AM �u�af:'�'.`v(,H 'CkJR � Y�c, Y .a�+� �cvi i tmsri+'t�,xntazi+sn=w[, I.W.- 1` Y r #F n-i� • C^ "tia L5 rrf1t11 X222 aA � �a 153 M, 2222 A, x23.0 A, 2236 x'4 mFG 22-46 2246 A. acid.5el -Flashing Glass? 252.5 m. 1011 ! 2sz5 A Extruded aluminum alloy frame with 5 '2533 A. (Impact Curb Mount;Glass) ! 2533 Ak. 11,H curb,flat flange.Argon-filled double 2547- Extruded-alurninum alk;y frame,argon 2549...4, insulated glass with a third layer of high :030.. filled double insulated glass wt lth a third 3030 A impact polycarbonate and wood liner for 3046 layer of high Impact polycarbonate and 3046 insulation.Custom sizes available.Suitable 3333 wood linerfortnsulatian.Custom sizes 3333 A- for any roofing surface with a hot-mopped 3349 available.Re wires self built curb with 3349• I q, application,or asphalt shingle with a min. 4645 flashing.For use on any type roof- 4646 3:12 pitch. Fi.RU)LDINC FRODuCTAPPROV4L#12570.3 4649 FL BUILDING PRODUCT APPOVAL#12570.4 49�f 9 NOA#12-1011'.16 NOA#12-1071,15 i N,. iStlCt;iK:: •�/r"� �! 1L1e�t5 . 1S311t1i3= 1430.A i »»a 1414,& "l "'m ".1446 xi 1422 r . H Tritan Self-Flashed) z2z , �°`;�f r j (Miami Dade-Curb Mount Aluminum) 1430 A. Double dome'self-flashing aluminum 2230.A. 14M A . framed skylight with 5;1,i"curb'. l 2236 Curb mounting double layer skylight with I I, I aluminum frame.Installs over self-built curb T�15 Completely assembiecf,tn/ith fiat flange 2146 j with flashing for a leak proof cap,Use on any 2222, A and no need far self-built curt?.Suitable 3o3a type roof. 2,230 & . for any roofing surface with a hot- 3046 mopped application.A 3636 FL BUILDING FrRODUCTAPPROVAt#12570.52236 ) I NOA#08-0110.06 2246 A FL BoLDina Nobucr"APPROJAL#12570.,2 4646 NOA#12-0424.05 . ?t1 ! ✓ 15d m h I TA ' 2269 n I RC-M (Curb Mount Aluminum-Dade) 3030 A (Sun TekTube-Curb Mount) Curb mount!ng-double dome skylight with 3046 Curb mounted tubular skylight.Outer aluminum frame.Installs over self-built curb 3o6Q dome andinner paned�clearo'nly.Re- with flashing for a leak proof cap.Use on any 3G36 quires self-built curb with flashing.Use 6 l type roof- 4646 on any type roof,fiat or pitched.Ap -10,A. FL BUILDING rRODucrAPPROVAL#12570.1 4669 99 proved for any wind zone. 1 14 NOA#11-0114.03 46$`2 _J FL BUILDING PRODUCT APPA6AL#12645.1 1 2,1 NOA#09-0422.01 I 'Mai&� . ;x NOAII's Current at Time of Printing f~&tAN9l'. MOW - i,SKY,Y_ a►CansiSfpFedEx/Up5 a _ �,.. A Sun-'rek Manufacturing•t 030'.3 General Drive•Orlando.r'lodda 3?874•Flt:&)0-334-5554•Fxoao0-331-6607•ww;M.`�u9_T.Cft.C.QA3[email;Custl merServioc-,%uf+rekxom . i I I I From:Freedom Roofers Fax:(772)217-4459 To:Saint Lucie County She Fax: (772)462-6443 Page I5'of 9 11!29!2017 7:10 AM I ' MIAMli•[3ACJE I MIA'AII-DADS:COUNTY sm PR bUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF RCGULATOitY AND ECOe OW c IIT solmiCiss(1t111) ('11805 SAV 25 street,froom 208 BOARD ANI)CODE ADN'I1VIMATION DlvtsloN 1'' Miariti,Florida 33175-2474 1-(786),315--2590 1 (786)315-2592 NOTICE OF ACCEPT CE NQA r nidsk(Ie,rtovleconomy .............. -- Suu-Telt ManufactUring,Inc. !' 10303 General Drive i d Orlando,FL 32824 SCOPE: I This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing tliejuse of construction materials.The documentation submitted has been.reviewed and accepted by Miami!Dade 0ounty RER- Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas whore allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AF11). I' This NOA shall not he valid after the expiration date stated below.The lyharni-Dade County Product Control Section(hi Miami Dade County)and/or the A117 (in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes.,if this plLro uct 61.material fails to j perforin in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AIIJ may initnediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material witiiin their jurisdiction.RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade` Comity Product Control Sectionthat this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the dpplicablebui.ldij g code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply wiltli the Nigh velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. I DESCRIPTION-Hurricane Self Flashing(HSI)Aluminum Sirylight'' APPROVAL IDOCUMENT:Drawing No.HSF-002,titled"HSF",sheets I and 2,of 2,dated 01/27/2001, l with revision dated 05/04/2015,prepared by Sun-Tek Manufacturing,Inc:;signeduiTid sealed by James D. 1,rells,Jr.,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control revision starnp with the Notice of Acceptance number and the expiration date by the Miami-Da(ke C oulity Pioduct C ititrol Section. MISSILE IMPACT 12xnN(;:Large and Small Missile Irripaet Resistant LABELING:Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manuf'acturer's name or logo,city,state, modellseries and following statement:"iefiami-Dade County Product Control Apl raved",unless otherwise noted herein, RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has beeli yfited and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of,thds product. `I'I:R]YIWATION ofthis NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there hasI,been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or man.u.facture ofthe product or process.Misuse of thisNO.A as an.endorsement of any product,for sales,advertisink,or any other purposes shall.automaticailyterni iate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause,for termination and rernoval!ofNOA. AIDVERTI.SEMENT:The NOA number preceded by the words Miami l7ade Q'6unty,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any liortion o(the.NO, is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety, ! INSPECTION:A copy of this entireNOA shall be provided to the user":by the rii:anufaciurer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the;ob site at the request of-the„Ruiiding Official. This NOA revises&renews NOA#12-0424.05 and consists of this Hage 1 a 'il evidence submitted pages E-1&E-7 as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by H]my A.Mahar,PX,:'M.S' NOA Noe 15-0513.07 tr ;"Ex riration Datet 01/ill/2021 MfAMr•DAR�CdUh1TY 1 i Approval Date: 11/05120.15 I Page 1 Is From:f=reedom Roofers Fax:(772)217-4459 To:Saint Lucie County She Fax: (772)462-6443 AW _Page 6��of9 IV2912017710AM Sun-Tek Manufacturing,Inc.. NOTICE OV ACCEPTANCE, EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No.H&F-002,titled"HS F",sheets I and.2 oft,dated 01/27/2001,with revision dated 12/15/2010,prepared by Scut-Tek Manufacturing,Inc.,signed and scaled by James D. Wells,Jr.,P1. B. TESTS "Submitted tinder NOA#11-0104-09" 1. Test reports on 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC,TAS 202-'94 2)Uniforni Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3)Water Resistance Test,per F`8C,TAS 202-94 1 - - 4)Large Missile Impact Test per FBCjA`8 201-94 5)Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 2`03-94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 24.113.2.t"!TAS 262-94 along with marked-up drawings and.installation diagram of HSF Plolyearbonate Aluminum Fixed Skylights,prepared by National Certified Testing Laboratories,Test Ito-ports No,210- 3716-1,dated 11/22/2010,with a revision dated 03/07/20.1'0,sign ed.and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara,P.F. C. CALCULATIONS ",Submitted under NOA #11-0104-09"; 1. Anchor calculations prepared by J&L Wells Consulting fLC,da ed 01/04/20I 1,signed and sealed by James D. Wells,Jr.,P,F. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 11 Miami-.DadeDepartment of Permitting,Environment,ani(Regulatory Affairs(PERA) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice:of Acceptance No.12-01.10.04 issued to Palrain Americas,Inc.for their"Corrugated and Flat Polycaftnate,Panels-,approved on 02/2312012-and expiring onjO 1/22/2016. 2. Notice of Acceptance No.08-0305.02 issued to SABW fimovaflvp-Plasfi6s.fo.r their"Lexan Sheet Products"approved.on 04124/2008 and ox1firingon:07/17/2013, 3. Notice.of Acceptance No. 10-0329.03 issued to Shcffield:Plastios,inc.,frit,their"Makiolon Polycarbonate Sheets"approved on 07/07/201.0 and expiring on 08/27/20,12, F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to 2010 FBC issued by &1 1,Wells" Consulting LLC, dated 04/2512012,signed and sealed by James D.Wells,Jr.,P Xj "Subinifted tinder NOA #11-0104-09 2, Statement letter of code conformance with F13C 2007 and no financial interest issued by J&L Wells Consulting LLC,dated 03/1712011,signed and sealed by James D,Wells,Jr.,P.E. -Ira Makar,P.E.,M.S. ProdiM Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 15-0513.07 Expiration Date-01/10/2021 Approval Date:11/0512015 ~ � - _- -__-_- , �� § RLRL�LAME._p&QQVQT DRAINING OUTER DOME.093 POLYCARBONATE SILCONE DOME SEAL DECO CLIP 060 6063 T-6 ALUMNIUM #6 X 3t4"HEX HEAD STI-217 INSULATED AIR SPACE SELF-DRILLING 711 8 PER SIDE T. DECO RING.050 6063 TS ALUMNIUM STI-208 Is BLITYL SEALING TAPE '-INNER DOME-080 R cd LU a- -----INSULATION OR AND WELDED AIR SPACE 5 LL��RG��MI§SLE IMPACT RESISTANCE PVC LINER -nl STS 1000 SEALANT COMPLY WITH SECTION 2612 LL CONTINOUS UNDER FRAME 2i 0 AROUND PERIMETER OVER HEADS OF SCREWS I&L WELLS CONSULTING LL4C NOTE: 1453 Arbfttm CWc (1)ALL ROOF DETAILS SHALL COMPLY WITH Ovie&,FL 32165 CHAPTER-1 5_QnqQQt4l FLORIDA BUILDING ODE. ____ __ ­___- - -�­_ - - __ _ [ 4 (2)4"MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM ANGLE LIP TO ROOF-SURFACE FOR SHINGLES OR B.UR. 0, AND TILE ROOF ADD TILE HEIGHT AND _43 INSULATION THIC�,,fflft 0.25, ol !KQjHE 4"MINIMUM cV ROOF DECK MIN THROUGH ROOF DECK 0.5361S 8 PER SIDE­ HSF 7 DWG W."119F-002 � . � � � T P T N a c 3 0 0 r ART_NAME-F�4AN VfI=W fiSr_- .__.-..._. _.. ... ---�-_... __--- ......,._.. ....... ........ ...........SHEE:T...2..OF.._2...... ......._..___.-.. -` ----._..,....-_.._._.,...---- --- bt2AWN$' ....................1J fU...... E 002 NOTE: X (1)ALL ROOF DETAILS SHALL COMPLY WITH - 4'00 CHAPTER 15 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING -- fi.TS I m CODE. 4.00 MIM. W C �1 6.7E - --y?- 3 -I (2)R MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM ANGLE LIP TO _ - QF SURFACE FOR SHINGLES LA B.U.R. uROOF0 . } i $ A T�tOUT INSULATION.FOR INSULATION R'D TILE ROOF ADD TILE HEIGHT AND SURFACE zy_.;- _._..z._. .......... f �w _. INSULATION THICKNESS TO THE 4"MINIMUM HEIGHT. f ; �� � •^`�.•-..�.'_-~,1... -lI` � ;... „��. POLYCARBONATE DOME.093 THICK �� o 32 FASTENERS FRAME TO DECK ! �' c,: (Pairam Palsun,Sheffield Makrolon or SabiC Lexan 9034, w Ln HSF 4646 f %f ;i i ? cfl POLYCARBONATE DOME:080 THICKco o i T (Palram Palsun,Sheffield Makrcion or Saaic Lexan 9034) o LO SYME ERIGAL r� z _1 i co;I R I I E j �% �• JAL WELLS CONSULTING LLL' i m. r ! I 7 1453 At03maCWe Evgiaei ofReeoq<I T, ' 1 Oviedo,PL 32765 lames D.Welts,lr.,P.E. x (4071496.5489 Pr06esaiaaalF-0catNo.53616 Caff=ate or Autwbaft No.2710 v 32 FASTENERS D CO RING TO FRAME ___ GN PRESSURE RATI�tG ^' i ------------------- 1 _ _ _ _ - 60 PSF- _ `LARGE MISSLE IMPACT RESiSTANCt* Guild n�libJa nhihc F+ :. -- - I w F SCHEDULE 1 EVER SCHEDULE FRAME TO DECK FW STENER C EDULE DECO NG TO FRAME R RA€ E FAST � -- #lS:k'1 PHILLIPS PAN HEAD-SCREWS_ _ -- _ #B-X 3rd HEX HEAD SELF-ARIL_LING SCREWIS _ T � - _ - -�s>>t►4�!�Q�ftii{} --`J - _... _.. __.___7.__.___ __..____ __ ___..--------_. _ MODEL PER LANG SIDE i PER SHO RT SIDE MODEL- _ PER LONA SIDE -t PER SHORT SIDE :* ic9JV4�\Vo�'f 01 4646 _---,-g .. .......$..................... 4646.._..._.__ $ 8 ----------------------3046---- -B ------— -6----3046----_-- S —t-- 6-- ~... NO,53 _ 6 1B - -- 3836 - 7 7 3636 7 I 7 ............................................._.......,........._. -- --... ____....,. --_ _ -------- .2246 B 5 .... 1 of N O: 2222 5 5 2222 51 5 i i�F�� ..• ���� i .........................................................I.--.._--.._..--..__ ftF-VISIGN: � �� RE6'i .-, ..-..-...................... _....._ ...................._.. . ...................... SON: SUN-TEK ItVt: . ' --iDATE-.09123/01 SCALE: 1AWG 10303 GENERAL DRI VEHSF RLANDO,FL$2$24__._- --------------- _ INDUSTRIES, 1N