HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement (2) JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4381193 OR BOOK 4076 PAGE 787, Recorded 12/18/2017 08:58:42 AM 12/15/2017 09:0eAM 7723374675 PERKINS 1037 PAGE 01/01 p1 ; �� � Thrr S��ecrurc�rr•od G,r ncud�ea Into• • O t NOTICE OII'COMWNCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that Improvement will be made(o certain real pioprrty,and in s000rdance witb Ch■pter 713, Florida statutes the following infonmdon is provided in the Notice of commencement. 1.DESCRIPUON OF PROPERTY(Legal description and stseet address)TAS FOLIO NUMBER;3424-702-Dl 9D-GOD-4 SUBDIVISION"°"""`"P—BLOCK TRACT_LM2 BLDG UMT • Ewa.Es RmEATATeAv~mus PmE s.we 4mi)sme4 Lor2(0R2V24Crryru"ftEmWwtStwd■,ct3W52 2.GENERAL DFSCRIPTIONOFAt ROV1rDIBNT:Re Roof IOWNER INFORMATIONt a.NameDantel Peftho b.A4dm,s7724 UVhite Egret LnPort St LUcle,FL 34952 c bsMMt is F-p-y4wner d.Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if other tion owaa) 4,CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PB;ONE NUMBER: Larry Neese,LLC 506 S.Market Ave.,Fort Plerce,FL 34982 772-301.9580 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT. b.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUN BEM 7.Persons within the State of Plodda designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be urvrd as provided by Section 713.13(I)(a)7.,Florida Stamm; NAM%ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: S.in■ddition to himself or licacif,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienar's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(l)(b),Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is 1 ym from the date of recording tusim a 415krent dere is apedlirA) .211, ,,; WARNING TSO O 'NF.R:ANY PAYNMNTS MADH BY MM OWNER Ar=ME E MMAMON OF THF NOTICE OF Q010 ENCFb2W ARA CONMBRBD DaROM PA3%5M UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART I3FCn0N 713.13,FLORIDA STAM70.AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR W ROVEMMM TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NO7'lC.T3 OF COM ONCEMM MUST B6 RECORDHD AND pQ$1ED ON T4�JOH ST1E BEFORE THB PBLYt'INSPHCIiON.IP YOU 1NT8ND 7'O OBTAEd FINANCING.CONSULT WDH YOUR T HirDBR OR AN ATTORNEY BEPORB COMMPNCRCO WORK;OR MCORDINO YOUR N1yI'10E OP COMMIENCPMENT Print lqa7 and Provide ry's TYtklOmce Oww'a Authorized OMEMANr'eelor er yh q Stateoff4orkla County of 1A rim 4y au pledged before me this qday B,y P)X) , it �' '�hG .as cAi eC (Name of pertpn) f4Pe a[aathetiry...e.g.Owner,oracer,trustee,amu mey in fut) Far — (Nmeof party ea behalf of whom iestrnmeat was exocated) PenonaUy KaoaA—or produced the following type of m. vR' MIGUEL NAPOLES A141 '" ":MY COMWSWON 0 00072039 (Priv area ofNo public) (S' stay PuNt (tied EXPIRES Fabrua y t2,zp21 Under lieaalaet of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the ben of my knowledge and belief(secdon 92.525.Florida Sttmtes). Slputure(s)of u4ar(a)or Ow wr(s)'Authorized OffiadDirector/Part ur/Alaaager who wed above: • >dY� Hy � a...otno�a7n�. al