HomeMy WebLinkAboutIMG_0003MUST BE /, COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Building Permit Application Plonning and Development Services Building ond Code Regulotion Division 2300 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-t553 Fax: (772) 462-L578 LegalDescription: Commercial Residentia lD'- Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: Project Name: PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line PROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Setbacks Front_ Back: _ Right Side: Left Side: oa(w , UP9 r this permit - c apply: (-<_ b tQ h €fl J+? [*uur W,,,,, llGas etping tr_l_lsprint<ters Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: Na Company: Zip CoderQ Phone No.t E-Maili /ul State or County License: Gas Tank Plumbing Shutters Generator Windows/Doors Roof utr . Floor: Et"*Building Height: .E-State: lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. ALL - t'cl 3 If(, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION IN FORMATION : City: F/3 I ,,- state:&, Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) SIVIIINI 311'1dN03llvo /v\3lA3U r^ou9NVhr /v\ilAtu 3tlunr vls A llASU NOIIVll9:IA /r^ilA3U SNVId AAll^lU uosr^u3dns A lt^lu 9NtNOZ USINNOf, lNOUJ sA S|ASU ?107,19u10 pasnau fieas) LS-ISF1EoN uolsstuJruof, uorlelg[uapl p adAl pernpord AOV u/ulou)l A1;euosra6 i:,i'm'fl JO [Nnof,' \ vtluo'tJ Jo Srvrs t t"s) t{J5Fffi-3'oN uorssruuror parnpord AOZ u/v\ou)l A11euos.re3 m:,i'ffi:,fi +,tJn i t-> Jo AlNnol' r voruolj JO 3MS luaty/aassal /au/ylg Jo a.rnleuEls - Jo allloN JnoA 8ulpJoral Jo >1lolr eroJaq Aau;ope ye lo_ lap_u?t-ullm llnsuoc 'turcueurl uiEiqo oi'pirbrui nort j, :;;,;*lrili+ 5q1-rq"qatlsqol aqluo.palsod pue pap{ord.r aq isnur luau.raouauuoj 1o ajllotrt v 'AuSbord jno,t oilru"aru5nordui JoJ ar!,url turAid rnoA irg glrisei Aeur luaiuaruauuof, lo arlloN E prorau ol arnlleJ rno^ IU3N^AO Of gNlNIi;i asn lellueplsaJ-uou Jeqloue ol sesn fuossatre pue surooJ uaalcs 'su81s 'slle/v\ 'se3ual ,s1ood 8u1uu]l/v\s ,se.lnlrnJls fuossaole 'suo!ilppe uooJ :/v\e!^al bua:lncuol 11n1 e tu;ot.rapun [uoJ] lduaxa a.re suoqm;1dde 1;ur.rad 8u1p;1nq Bu;mo11o1 aq1 'sluaulpuauJv fiuno3 allnl 'ls pue sspoJ turpl;ng epl.tol1 aq1 ,sue1d pano:dde ar{} qluv\ asueprol3e ul lJo/( eql uroyad 'spadsa: lle ul 'lll/vl I leql aarte rqaraq op 1 '1uuad pa$enb'ar slqi }d lurlue.re a{i lii'uor1e.ra'plsuoo u1 ..^-^ ..^. 'Igdgl:H.!1t.tt,t.lygll?-t{-!?1.{u.e-fJ p_aap rnoA,rnalna: pup uopepossv sJaurno auro11 rnoA qlrv\ llnsuor eseatd 'arnpnr}s '4'J'"li?i1?',3jiqfi'Ji?'il,itni:lilHiii,l:3f8ii3.:1t'.lff,?illi,i,?il?";iY,,:i:Ht?&TiH',?i,'31'i,t?1:','tl'lgLl'lt't",*:l,t1tt 'llulad e Jo aluenss! aql ol .to1.td perueuurol seq uo[ellelsul Jo IJo/r^ ou leql ,{#ua: t :eueN alqeclgddy toN :ANVdtAtO) gNtONO€alqerr;ddy toN - :UtOtOH HIir StdtNtS ltJ :alels :Ailf :tserppv :aueN alqect;ddy toN - :ANVd6OJ tgVDtUOht uo!le:lJlluapllo adll :af,oq6-:d!zg_: :AUIEN Site Ad&ess: Peel ID: Account #: Map ID: Use T),pc: Zanitg: City/Couty: Ownershlp Grminc Paqucttc 0-F EST) 30!0 SelthBh Ln ?ort St Lucio, FL 34952 Legal De3crlption SAVANNACLUB-PLAT TWO. BLK 32 LOT 6 (OR 1185.1059 TI{RU 10631 2736-2585) Current Values Just/Market Value: Assessed Value: Excmptions: Tqable Value: Taes for this puel: SLC Tu Collector's Ofiice A Domload TRIM for this peel: Domload PDFA Total Areas Finishedrunder Air (SF): Gross Area (SF): Latrd Sia (acres): Lmd Size (SF): Michelle Franklin, CFA- Saint Lucie County PropertyAppraiser -All rights reserved. Property ldentiflcatlon 3O3O SALTBUSH LN 3425-1024231400.1 115428 34D55 0200 PUD Srint Lucic Couty $76,600 $55,330 $55,330 $0 1,144 2,026 0.t2 5,082 This infomtion is bctcved to b€ corcct st this time but it is subjcct to chugc md is not wmtcd. O Copyright 2018 Saiat Lwie County Prcpdty Appriiw. All rights reswed. ?anrsi Yvqanl [a6 Ai[ltrtrd VcwVwq Nu- atr Ndne tsr*t,rd on y^d, rinoKlYu-\.|Nr nOAA sm,f ?sL rL. fflxu{rl tL Bu6tt vr*,t( %\qgT g o ELECTRICIALRISF* PLAN Underground Overhead \60 Grounding lllectrode Conductor Size tr#6N*+i+z[] Other 1. Size Service: f .!C 2. Conducrcr Size Zp 3.a. Meter Main: b. Meter Can OnlY: /a-q ,44 ooo oo CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Corurrercial Residential Mobile Honre New Installation Old Installation +