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mEE APPEIMSEE IMPU 141031 6E CORIPEETED FUDR APrEIMI1019 10 6E ACCEre ED Date: 116/18 Permit Number: Builaing Permit Application Tlanning and vevelopmenr Services nuildiny and Code negularion aivision zs'vC viryinia sivenue, rorr Tierce rr a:;:Faz Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 C-vR11—um;al REaiaential A PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical PRUPUSED IMPRUvEMEN I CUC:Ai IuN: Address: 4906 SAN DIEGO AVE, FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 Cegal Description: FkRI41DA T REIGm s AuuM I UD s BER L LD i 8 (DR J41 i-zBo j) Property Tax ID #. I`I3 �'ru3-'uDoO u'u'u-'u tot Ivo. 5 Site Plan Name: Block Mo. � Project Name: LEE Setbacks Front Back: Richt Side: Left Side: A/t, 09AMGEuuT Mu DuGT WORK. INSTALL CARRIER 3TON, 14SEER, 5KW LUN51RUCIIUN INFURMATION: ITIvn. 7.ot' to wrrnca unl cr ORVAC Li Das Ia .R 11 Eieciric U PlumBing i oral aq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: 5 tnt3 r.cPrmix — d ❑Gas Piping 113prinRlers Z"11 apply: _ Snattcr., 11 Generator TFt. of First Floor: _ utiliti( Sewer 1:1Septic ❑ iniin80rr.a�I300r5 Roof RwOT pitch Building Height: uwMER/CI 55EE: CUR I RAL I UK: NameimCRIETM LEe Dame: DEIT915 cHCEK m00ress:4 05 sAM DIEGO AvE Company: ARa City: FORT PIERCE btatc: FC Aaar,�3: 2800 US HWY 1 Zip Code: 34946 Fax: City: VERO BEACH S►a.e: FL Phone No. E 13410 133V Zip Code: az0ii Fax: E-mail: PRone Ido. f fz-56r-siu0 Fill In Tae imply i itiv Ralaer an next pp6e S Ir anfercnt E -W -11: CLIGHTSEYLcOARS.COM from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CMC1249753 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATIOR: DE.)IONER/Efa ilMEER: _ MOIL mpplicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: ! Not Applicable Name:-., mr7nree Name: aalm.'.iI+aeR mddress:—S—DIEGoFultiPIEERCE Fr U4!11110 Address: —' •9�eoe,-� City: ruIRT FIERoe State: City: -e v0z;,en State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE .-AMPEE I I I EE ROULDER: _ MOIL mpplicable 150111101111113 LvrvIPANT: _MOIL iApplicable Name: 19urr,e: Address: 2800 US HWY 1 AaaFe,,: City: City: cip: PRone: cip: Phone: 0vv1vE9/ �ZN i RXCTvR mPPIDVIT: Application is Heresy mase to obtain a permit to no the worn anti instahation as inaicatea. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior \o he issuance of a permik. bt. [ucie County mages no representation that is granting a permit will autRorize tflepermit Roller to Builu tRe suBject structure which is in conflict with any a plicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such �tra�terc. Phase con.elt 4tr,oar IioR1� O :ncF. A7weiotiaR aha .c;L . ,war Been rv, an, .cstrictien. .RicR Fria, a,-pl,. I.. consitieration or tRe granting or this requested permit, I Do Rereoy agree tnat I will, in all respects, pelTorm tRe worn n in accordace itR tilt app,vrca plan;, On Fl—i8o BailBins Csac, ani] at. Carie Coent, Amcna... e.A— The following building permit applications are e.empt fr.,m anacrgving o fall uoncaro envy revicw: room .,da;ti.,n., uccc::o.; structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms anti accessory uses to anotRer non-residential use WARNING 10 OwMER: roeF iailerc to Record a Rorice of Commencement may result in your paying twice ror improvements to your property. A !Notice of Commenzement mint be recordEd and posted on the jobsite before the fir,t insFection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult witR IenRer or an attorney DeTore commencing work or recording vour Notice of Commencement. signature of Cwner/ Eesse ton,ractor as Rgent for Owner I Signature of Contractor/Licen Holder STATE OF FLORIDAI STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Imut..m nI-e11 Cuurr 1 y OF wpIAN w vFR I Mc ro oirlg instru nt was acRnowletigeo Before me this day of zl]jj by (Came of person maRing statement Personally Known � OR Produced identification i,p. or laentirication of Nofar9 Public - The forgoing ins\rumenk was acknowledged before me rn:a � nay or eaa B, hen r? u 7_d«k Name of person making statement P.r:on-ll, Rne :r1 ✓ OR Proae..a Iaent:fic-tie, Iypeof luentificaLion Produced _ or KECEIvED unlE COMPLETED Rev. 8/2/17 sly LIGHrsE '��' CR��I�S�JIY LIGHTSEY Commission No. FFszsnes-,.,,,, N FF 920fission Nv. FFszsna Cli {irF a2'�0�5 Ef II'IiI1Sti1C..I15 ° tilt' Cpllitll l'itilul� -�[nwS �Br 1� Zur a\•°*• 11111111\\\ t3e1�.6ar ZO. 1 19 REvIEwb FROM l 1.019IM15 xuPEROOR 1717I9b vEGETA 1108 SEA I UR I CE RAA1vGRvvE I COlfldTEn RL'vIEW REvlEvv REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW KECEIvED unlE COMPLETED Rev. 8/2/17 Michelle Franklin, CFA— Saint Lucie C.only Property Appraiser --All riyFits r—wavCll. 3.1. —52: Famrl ID- , --ml .M:p ID: u■c T, p■: 7.onia Ci—., r.unq Onn.r.hip Imkilyu Lee 7 Lee Sr mans �m 906 San D'u`n AVE Pierce, Fort Pie, FL 3r946 Leg.1 Da=eriptiv... HARMONY H@IuFRS nDDry rvv a OCK C COI A. OR - I I -;HNA CmFr.Rt Vah.$ ]usvMarket Value Assessed Value Excmplions Taxaiile value iaaea Nr mi. pareei: 31;e Tax CniRrlerI pmw mWrd :w ii—.rv' tur mis Parcel 19111 >o Fur0 T■tal At`aS Fwd.-hnllVnderAir (SF) Gross Area (SF) Land Sae (aero) E— sac (3p) Pr.pe.—., Id.ndflea.:ien 4906 SAA DIEGOAVE 1.31.701.005umun 0 1031 1-13 WIND RSM yawl Lucie counry Thi: wf wntr.-- ie lachwed t= he wnm _I thi. tm■ h_t h -- euh,■■t to when ■ and in n■t ■d. C Cup -;ht 2017 Sum Lire C. py Props! Appmir_. All riiK=—.wed. /• A ''P4'.,-' -102j 56r -310u .- �Jtrma,ns►,^nrr 2f' US H A N 17 #�itawo SIZE TYPE �P'rt;-si@IQ '•-'r-�.•.tx-:,z EFF N Y U9 TUIA MVJ vilai�mEf IrvR1At vu RlrR-IMMALS'___ warranty` Part — r I sitar i . _ _ - ~ Pa J �C mrr,frreifstir _ 0�-1$ai' mr'7pr�gnr O Cvm� or ,Rag Exch Rpfngcrmtt 4vervii arx4 M7 --d trf — rucpireo.try lave. CMpfjffWCA camplMln cJoauc lnrrrovfrl cr" MAW yQ �merd: All gdp :c �k rrs.m au a an uL, CofQCe@ me. Reha�rans 14 (81115) ma -0315 fil L ._.._. _ w -FIC EN6Y W �. Weailtarf,�l t�3r�Gr'1r1 [iGt- 2�up-mt blab Li�atiw -Pads a�fi�+rrr"rru�tL.L 1}ryx'x'___, �c7of PIM '�rr�� L�Fo�r,necf �T�fs�riar�[ i��c�r$r iuu—wneal. to E53atng ®mal f efiYt►4v Pi1od'aeck Ark Dgpnnesct ars n,Line O 04e ing ,Saver RN (Pan iY F!aatf ,01,A.h t]lttin;Sak. Sri+iwr ?, s�{Sa�tillyyv uorinet'isx,o 0 5Lp,:)Qn A'tic:enr, �'8tiRpIY �a l' 1t'J��Sw' ;iCfReFccn. rrcol �'i�t 1sr1°E! PTRnunt �'�iri+r l� i�r�r,rx!rit r eNT MaT . rNTTiA1,5Preaaf>r J J!. _FIC-1=Mmmg-." 946se of ffoor'.,,,ycre to 1,-utect your Mme —.a MM. and t,o,"urfe, as requsred, 'CJ Ela� Air Creww W M6dia FO- _,. m f Q PCO - 0 UV (,i -gill _� L O'DOMEmidIsar — L3 Eiuu wintiam O,Uucl*'A Ganrlertnr 0 mfn ." ©-EkoatrlctJ wxFmg �rieTe�Qr►,yO-..F'`1'JFrI t'i'.n,n Pt38d rinY�: Iorr+tr:Prolau°ficn r�uarenteo 63 us ram L41 vrr,;.� U Z U a. SOUTOTAL TCYTAL + MUMS CCAECK-*�- © CREF" RD XIMT 461 !!KP A1�PnvvAjb7! �FIN>Rla�utra�• 'r'uyrrN`r'=I:s�q�l 7r 1, 74pP, mirlA Yrr oe!"M • Ys� cllJi .e R'H,It4rir, inti-�.�..,_�-........_- 3 Dr P f�.�tlrF+ � ri-r . ra?I „ TICry liEFi(�f `,3 ARE 5CJ6J Tfi T jS ANP GJR ?iCl4 r Tastier F'RC]vrei[ Nb lar CHAf�rL'R 65n "�t,.•'i'rF Rllt$�17`7f} twANL`gi:��t�lta te:.: Rvfin�.er�rattatl'gnaaln, ads irYai1 ¢4 tltst i!pRnt titin 6�aque=r�anr�e�, Yatr may �anceFJ tfir!a•agCaantarttrlgy rrrlding prrittert. dr]#eoitalba 0Itor In peraan, #syc_trJte� m gt`by-maJL Thlr�•Railca engat lndlcel trtaty4u YTit 1 1`4rrt.tlsa o rl qr tvir ff a�a...mabitie:li+ilhl trad,ar.poslrtTtrrketl bftre m,dmigmof the taffa. woloms; day attar,ybu: Isl$n #fib "ir"meh& ftsrat'"ncai,Vill pQwemffnq the •Wr,.-avyl,not k." 4ii arAertotapym+n dtswn }}ajq�tanti seethe r++asae side hereDr fort, i eapl�.atfMA df WE ►i!ylwt; • 1°�c w?ectge,!hat,tay ri4hS t r F 'ba€n r atrtQ,ta'rer�a.�tnr yArid in vaiting, End yrtWit Wn,.4 m �rfa�s.q,L* o` tl,e work; ant m f +9ht rc cnnccC:�nutf%rizurtb,9 Ik jadt,fo blliQrrrt +ond t asd.lmona �a# f"+r1n urr lhQ.nnrorse a�a'o ha r at.,Pr[� ru,p'Gexp--prxt.c-orrtip don. Nott n.t7k +ser fJa nabeigrr thus h4rnu ,rr°!7rCiemreo .t faettnC[ }ih �njr, You afn mvitla<f10 - mOj,-v or�v crmntmw ■Lma lime }rou =on. ?yrxmrlegaf.rgfta.Thnmrl hueympr45w.rrmrx+i .m;e n ritarn.apnprlgi9�`a Otfuenvleaawlsa,jwm.nrow+p-*IY. pllf(° . !'6€r@+d,:.r]l1 fT, , n�F.��;:J3�i �tlrrl.,l.f lgq��•r�t�v'Id:rrll'�Ycri�� irr,"lE a ., .. rrrru.. -.g GUXOMr,R5iGR.Tt1RE 1�,a+fri itR8wp Magi? VE Y ILU W r FOU U GIL r% - !JV5 e dflca' AHRI Ceriified Reference Number: 9543716 Date: 12/21/2417 Proauet: spilt system: Air-Cooleti Condensing unit, Coil with Blower Outaoor Unit Illotiel RumOer: zz;AUCz;36A-G3O7 Indoor Unit Model Number: F134CNF036L M .r.aT-Marcel•: CARKICR AIR CU1901l IURING I rade/Brand name: CARRIER Rebion: Sortnaa-t oi-A MuRri (AC, AR: OC. BE. rt_- GA. FII, rkT, rte►, 1410. 141x, RC- UK, 5C_ I R, IA, W% AK, CO, CT, ID, IL, IA, IN; KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH, N,r, Mir, vFl, UR, PA, Rl, aD, UT, VT, WA, WV, Wit WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air rwridItio.-.ai-. m-rinTacturaa prior to uanuary -I. z0-e5, are ellgl6le to Be Installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016, central air conditioners can only Be Installed In region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. Series name: COMFORT 14 AC Manefaet-awwr r uspon-131a toy tlta rating or tills system comBinatlon Is CARKIER AIR C7vIv1al I lumlRu Ratea as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 2101240-2008 for Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Reat Pump Equipment anti suolect to verlTlcatlon of rating accuracy By AHRI-sponsored, independent, third Tarty testing: Cooling Copau;ty (6t-0): 3:,000 EER Rating (Cooling): 12.00 SEER Rating (Coolini,); 14.01) IEER Rating (Cooling): RRangs wlw a sy nn orane.c (•) Inalcer- published d-=. anlesc -eeemp-hied -th a WAS. which irrdl-tee an inaolonlary mrate. timCLAIIRER AHRI d... pp_t end7rse the product(si listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the produc4sp I2sted On this curdrpcam. nRRI c,pr—ly aisclalms all kasll: q for avmagcs or any Rina arising at of .Ile am or performance of ;he prodocv(s), or the a.-,.«ath.rized .1turntivn of d,.ta Il--tad an thL- Cartifleote. Certified palling, ora -lid =elp far mod.k wed _aeflgvmvU ee listed In the dirRUM at www.ahrldirectory.org. _ TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certrncate shall only DE aseo Tor Inoirl.mal, personal dna cunffduntirl rafuraeca perpoaas Tho cin-ntaats of this Ccrtiflavta may net, In =hale up in port, be rarrodaeed; aapiad; di-aadn.t=d; .nt■pad into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, :n any form or manner or bg any means, except for the user's individual, personal anu con„oendal rarcrcncc. AIR-CONOMONINO, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION a REFRIGERATION Man. .c 7,.0 Inrvrnmakin br Me modal cad on .h6 cartlffcaw eon be :eriflod a. —n.Whrldlra-ury..Tg- click am *V.afy Cartlfla..ta' link e: m-k. ire bep:_r and anter th= AHRI C■rtifled Wupanw Narrrbr. and the date on -hlch the certificate was issued, which Is listed above, and the Certificate iia., wllicrl Is listeu at B Kwm riglle -zUrY CERTIFICATE NO.: 131583331638253039 Rir-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrlselatian Institute