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Product Approval
o �} •�). n��, _.• .illi i ,;,&i".4;5 � �� �Ya :`„,� i'D .,`'. > .t � + . y` II R' 4T Bur duag CQnsultmts I . B cCousatting:and Engiftee k9—..8s"ervxces£ornthe Boit &rilrrsttsr 11 kA Ba t 33Qa1ieQ,F6 3595 Phone8'r3,659,9r5Q Fl-&900ofP-fcsicimIEir fsCgMf1 fa4l'AWfwVMWq)vNb_9$73 / 1 / Product; Ub G•ateg6W. Manufaeturer Ff odrret.IVame MYTfiennaATru Corporation Fiberlasstc and:SmoothSiar Exterior Svvirtgittf3 t:orrt ite Edge Glazed Fiber ass Single Door Its Industrial-Or ! g fi DroomFXEerigr Door. Wlswwlte s Assemblies Etlrton;OH 4361.7 ( J Phoqe 41g-29f i74Q Inswin�lf(utsiiving "tmpac Scope. This•is a Product:Evaluation repodissued by R"W 8uilding.Consultanis,inc.and lLr.don:F.Schm*R.E.(System ID-# 1998).10rTherma•Tru Corpotation based on`Rule Chapter Ko,61G20�,Method ib-of the State4 Ftorida•Product Apprval,Depar>;rnent of Business.&P.mfessfonal RegUlatton. RV►t Btiitdl.g Constlttants•and Lyndon P.. iidL.PA.do-hOt haVe riorvyili acquire rt ;.i.. f(�tee et firths corn!?a►rY manufacturing.or distiibuBng file product in any othereri$ty invohred fn"fhe appio�raf proCess•o�the.productzamed herein_ l�mftatiorrs: 1.."This.product has.been evaluated and is in compliance with-the-.6th-Mon Florida l�uifding Code(FBG).st uctaraf requirements `iilciudfnq the"High 1/efbcity�urricane�Qne"#H��. 2. Product anchors shelf b6,asilst6d::and-spaced d$.shbmM-6rWetaffa.•Anchorefnbadment.tat(ase material shalllbe.tteyond Wall dressing or stucco, 9.Wf h usetl in tate"HVt i "`th(s PTodUct comptfe's wi i:Sectfori 1626 ofthe Florida[3uildiRg de.and does not lequtre an imp resistant coverlitq. 4.When,used in areas outside Oruro"f iVHZ"requiring wind bome.debris protecffion-this productcompiieswhb FBG Sections 160%'1.Z& 12301.2.1,2 and does not require an impact raststatlh:t4veaing: Itis ptietluet meets misstte l II.el"D"grid Includes Wind 2Qne 4 as defined in-ASTM EU66.and FBC"S`ections"`f660.1.2.2.&R3.61s2.•1_2.1.. , S. For 2xatudframing construet4on.,•ancbming oftttese•units shail be the sameas.that shown for2x 11Mk masonry conshudon. 6. Site conditions:that,dWyiate from the details q€dravwhg FL-20470;8 require further engirieeopq analysts by a licensed engineer or regtsfe�rl•arehitei:fi. 7. This product meets thewafer lnftkr..adon.requirements ror:the"HVHZ B. t?utsvvfng corrfigvraSops using Coastal Sill(item#19)and.Composite S11.(fter_rt:#1fi�utrderactiye"tiaors and all slIIs used Winder side(Res i rrteef water ihfiltraTioft rei birerhahts for"HVHZ°.M other coi fi urations do not►heat the wafer iittiitratfgiri[equ'Omer6 for the•"HVHZ" .and shall be installed"only Wrion-habftabfe.areas or-at habitable-locations protected by•an overhang.or canopy such that the angle between filo edgeof"eanopy or Wetharig to silf is less theri 4 i J.egrees. 9. See:drawting FL 20470.8 for slzeand.deslgn pressureJimitaWns. AAO M. poct7inen4 Z. Test Retiort 9o. fest S "&W Testifta.Leboatbr Si i iced • 'FEL 09 ?62 I TAS:201.2#Z:..&203(94) TAstftag:Egalrratioii Lab,tna IMIIiatJt Sitelfon,:f'.E TEL 014601.32. 7A$ .2fiJ t,202":&263 94) T`eWng v-91d itfon►ab.,tnc Lyhdon F.Schmidt.P.E. TEL61460I44 `MSS.2al,202.$203-J4j Testii1g Evaluation L6.'Vc Ly(trlon•F,.Schmldt,RE TEL(11460030 TAS201,202.&'203. (94j Testing Evaluetron Lati.,lncL Haney,R.E. i 2...Miami-Dade,NOA Mateddis I 16-t117.01 T(tzsifgt PVIP.lntedayef Mraray am•.edca) I 45-12431.71 Safioldriterlayor0stmair Chem'fcal C.bmparty}. 11 i 3. Drawing Uar. :Prepared by Signed&:Sealed by i Apo,FL4047OA.. Ftlti:BuiidiingGonsultants.,Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F Sch-mlilt,P.E. 4..Calculations Pienared by %1111fl919 rDg4A Slpned&Seated byAncho . .ASTfttf�l='f3d O Mass Load Lyndon FFSci rVjdl RE 'Inc.(CA.#9813 4��0pv i° ,f� � t yhcfon F.5cttttiidt P E. e• ,.. �GG.i1l�� moo'{ 5. QualftlrAsstirance o0 • �• '. �. Ceififfcate•of Parlfcip?ation issued by Natioriat MtM0ftt[0 i and j lU#ariagerhent fns ,;i0fyi'ng(hat Therttia Tru.Corpotatton is o• , � _ manufacturing prodUctssvithina qWifty assuratice ptpgram that complies. whit ISQAEG"t7D20 and Guide 53 a , � � ©F: S . ��O.► S " 11 F°.` ��'Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. s! r PE No.434 o434 • SFiP:et i itt 1 Pp98_DSEt13_a0R i 11111!!!1/tlf 76,75'MAX O.A.FRAME *�.�� •• �irf - - - ® WIDTH +�A.- THERMAITRU RAMEMAX PAME AX., , r=� " h AtAMEWIpiHFRAMEWIPTH zN� DOORS ir33!! Fiber-Classico&Smooth-Star. , r ���',,?,, i1.t�,`•'� $ tial 1119 0 COMPOSITE EDGE a� GLAZED FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR g g NY, w/SIDELITE(S) INSWINGJOUTSWiNG 'IMPACT" GENERAL HQTE4 115.75,10"O.A.FRAME ; t 5' WIDTH t. TtdsptoductevMuariondrax9righas beendevebpedincompSlarscev+0hthe 6thfx89on(2017)AoddaBuilding � Code(FSG)k%tdmthe"ghVeto*Hurricanelorsd'WA). 370MA 97 2. Product anehorsshcibeasWed and spaced assha mondetolls.Anchorombodrnonftobasematowshollbe WlDili FFRAllEW¢17H� +{ heycrdwcidressing orducx;o. a I When Used In ihe'MtW tMs product complies with Sectlon 1626 of the FSC and does not MQUIm an impact fesbtantcovedng, i /V 4. When used In areas outside of theWMrequ*gwtndbomsedeb6Stxotactlon.Visproductcomplbswilhf8c Sections 1609.1.2&R301.2.1.2and does not re on Impactresidontcoverhi%Trdsproduct meets missle level o K V and tncWd%Whd Zone A as defined ro AS1M E 149b and F8G Secibns t609.t22&R301,212t. O 5. For2xshsdfraningcatuisuctioss.ortchaitriBoiftreseurstisstiolbethe same asitwfstwvmfar2xbuckmrearuy ' c � O X Q constsuctbn. x J. Site conditions that dovlatefrom the detalsoffWsdraWngrequire Wdherengheerfiganalysis bycOcensed -- ------ r r/� 7, ihtsproduct meats thevraterinflhat(oriraquuamsntsfarttse'tMtP. 8._OutftconflpurotiosuasingGoostalSd(Sem#19J&CompostteSit(ftemtflb)tmdoraaNvedoorsmastwoter ; iti0lhafbnrequirements for`HVHr,All otheraonfigMlionsdonotmealthewaterlnflirotbnreq*arndtsrorihe '4}V W0-4 shol be lista ted ontyIn nan hobitable crew of athaDttable bcatrass protected by an overhang or canopy such that the ade between the edge of canopy orove hang to di Is lea than 45 degrees. _DES_—I PRFSSNRE(PSFj _ DESIGN TSMNRE $`- - - -- - --- - -' - -- TADIEOf CONfENfS - - - "-- - -"'�—' -TOCK—"- —tNSW1NG --ONrSWING - - — SttEEri OfSCRiPAOX SrffETR CONAGURAt7Qk 0AWy,� aim 08 02 TS 1 eva inPrasnues a oes a aeons POSITIVE NEGA77VE POSMVE NEGATIVE scue N.T.S, 5 1 Door D0100; 4 Aric x0,Ox oxo latah&peadboN +55.0 -55.0 +55.0 -55.0 °ei ar JK m 2 3 - 5dei Pand petcih 10 Franca aw.er. l,FS 4 eevotbm a tta dware0etads xo,ox oxa Multipoint +55.0 -60.0 +55.0 -55.0 .,a_7 « 5 & e ac 12 G FL--20474.8 a 6 n Gu 13 See Sheet 4 for Hardware Speciffca(kms 7 e s oris I4 SpSltMotalats eIItLT_Lor 14 d` 1y1�n1Ut((I U! LCAP i0C 't`ILE STEEi REM EMEN INTETt) RLOCKSTILE CAPWOOD) -(DAY.!TNT:) (ENGINEERED WOOD}T HOWONiAt CROSS SEC}70NthA MAX 2 OA06oGi 36OA06'Fo}rj,•rj+j ? i;l+,k.4 i tlrt,ri;.�.i DETAIL A- SIM RElmfORcDmff R LOCKStBE COMPOSTE l28,86%0FEN COMPOSRE HINGESTILE STEELREN(ORCEIM4 (ENGNEEREDWOOD) CAP MOD 91CIEeM3} AREA MAX, CAP (ENGINEERED WOOD) - (QQ23 THt} y HOR}IONiAt CROSS SECAON � a #8 X 2.51 PFH WS(TYP.0 EACH DOOR CORN ER) Z TOPRAIL ar (COMPOSRE/ 96.tT'MAX.DOOR 35.813'tlA).DOOR 35,813'MAX.00OR EHMNEERED WOOD) PANEL WIDTH PANEL WIDTH PANEL WIDTHF a /+ V '� Y � ?t{.. N+. 3a.. it+. p d• fOAMCORE •yr,o),::%: �+� 9. ' (POLYUREIHADlE r'71i: 1.9 PCP MM.) t fyt+• KTrt 2 'f v 2 �� $ �j/ �` % INTERIORemlok KNOR ORERt4 (� z G1 STEEIREINFORCEMEM - --� _ - - - 1 � - � 'e�g � ;'y+',?j,• (Ofi23"tHK,} :'¢',',;a:b• (y �Q HBERGtA8SSXIN � ate 08102D 6 SCAM THK ` { I BOTTOM RAIL tt m•an JK m (COMP,} T 7T" +i cm mrs LFS u aocT FAI�Et, d2 DOOR FANH ( Z 1/ERACA[CROSS SECTION 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION c L 20 n >z-2Da7ae a d8 dt R00 rP uT U., a ' - ---- --- - - ------ LLLLllll"til EImlo �IX-1 i' 0.66• G] *0.66 Ji ; TOP RAIL �,� �y4�w ., �,�,�., (WOOD) :;- :��`' •d �` t�a:n Jai fir:.;: ••`•:�•_ foll al STILE STU FOAM CORE (WOOD) INTERIOR (WOOD) (PO9( MIN.) m a STEEL REINFORCEMENT a (0=THK.J ] HORIZONTAL CROSS SECn a 36A0•MAX a PANELYWDTH INTERKJR X 7 Gl = O $ STEEiREkJFORCEMENi ' (0.028•THX) t _ -- _ =FLBERGLASS SON - .r 2'DWMAX (0.970 iHX( '>'.11.;' X a 0 0 - _v _ .i'- •.,'ice._,; � _ O MLC 08102116 b O O O O 0 0BOTTOMD) Smb NXSK i STEEL REINFORCEMENT am.ar. LFS 3 DETAILA•A rVER]TCAL CROSSSECDONCROSS SECDON aro rmj a 5011DFlOFIANEL PANEL REINFORCEMENT 28.86%OPEN 3 FL-20470.0 :02 m (0Y'TNckSleeQ AREA MAX. ry. sHMf oP,. O 1�IL11111f1 .Am, .......... piIM ItiIfI 11111 r2 r2 6 5 6 As s 0 r2-,) 7 I> \18 a,/ SEE HARDWARE CHART SEE HARDWARE CHART ELEVATION ELEVATION OXO X0 ........ ..... .4 I L di SCHLAGEKNOB: F61 _ — DEADBOM. '060 SIGNATURE EM OB 02 16- KNOB: sum M.T.S. KMK&ET IRI IRI-A DFADDOIT.- 31GNATURESERIES t980) ;a or JK HOPPE MULVOINT:WDGAU aK a A-Star Door Pane{000—gsDR900 NOA Panel options dawn are forMuftffan and are representative only (THPAA-TRU) (3 A Manual Tongue) FL-2o470.8 14nft glazed pond coneguraftons cre clawed) aw 4 -0FJ144_ ���111I1ff!!! MYMIN. Notes ���. •. ••• E EMB-PV.1 1.SI elite assembly screws located 6'from each and and 5 more screws g E equcfyspaced between17scrawstotal per dldelamb). f 2.SIdolle assembly screws located 3•from each end 6 of centerlineCB (3 screws along head jamb). ifill n L 0.1 Tf 'I_Y 0.15"C-SINK C L ., o. D ♦�i,,�°+........ ```��+ g INP)25 �� E ° .•°• !/!!llHt`�„ ted SEENOIEI a h •• 6 INTERIOR oiSM a. . '�•� L 23 ?A EXTERIOR 40 41 42 $ 50 EMB.(TYP.) L 29 40 4i 42 t-t!4°Mw EXTERIORINTERIOR _ M.IT a 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION c3 0 $ Oulswtm9 shwm[�'g s�M QO isv+ing sh�svhig sinSar) 5 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION"-AJ Inswing sW[ar) T L BB 1 1 L as 1 0 E sl; SEE NOTE 1 b t r.. — - — - - -- -- — NOTE v'• L 4D 41 42 — - -- - -- -- g -- - - — L C 1 25 r 3 --_----_ - ——_-- SEE OTE2 J n — -- — — — -- L 23 24 27 25 acre 081016 scan N.T.S. 24 40 41 42 9 r EXTERIOR INTERIOR o JKm 5 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION d HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION crec�` LFS $ snsawn ng-sWar) 5 Ouiswmg shown r g s a r4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION °N"tiM Na. m 5 Oulswtng ftwn jlmM y sir.1w) F+-zo47o.s or O Hoft L SldeGte MembIV Screws located 6°from each end and S more screws �`6r• y equally spaced =ews told ea � JIR 2WWeassembly saewlcated3'fromchendatcentedne v 4c $ c ypt (3 screws akmg heodlamb). n• IM t0F5 ,1 a! E Illq go d E A C $d Ix E A E 40 41 42 4$ C a EXTERM INTERIOR - � x 6 v '. 3�VERRCAI CR05SSECITON �` i• L 1NMOR °: p 6 ShownwllXsubbuck . �. Ouiswlgg shown(Inswing s(rrRar♦ 23 24 26 :� E 24 SEE NOTE I " Iz 1•U4 mw. 29 40 41 42 p o EMB.W.) 1 B.(tYP) A EMC —— _ -- =1=-HOR)ZONTAL°CROSS SECTION �1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECITON-- — — — — �bfanownw/rxs -DUCc �MOMW/l$wO-MCK — OufsvJlgshownpnswina nlbrJ OvIsWngshown(tnwftsingarl SEE NOTE 2 50 EXTERIOR INTERIOR ^ um 081021 I6 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION Wale N.T.S. 6 S=fstlxmub-Ib O � axa rM JK m' we en LFS mwm ea: rc FL-20470.8 n n 8 - `55511111J/1// TMAX lz MAX. ' •�' •Y9 A E MIN E MIN �'tlY C 1HIS aD 40 41 42 so ZSEENOTE2 gg - INIBt(OR IXIERIOR pl 0R .?a n�1 Q 8 HO IZONTAL CROSS SECTON 4 CAL CROSS SECTION y Shown Okec1 to txrect to Masonry Oulswtn9 only w/69116° jambYw/6 9/16 jumbo 1,Sklertteossembtyscrews booted d°6ameach and plus5more equaly spaced between P screws total perside jamb). 2.Sideft 0zsrAl l =*M located 3•fmm each and 6 at centePme 13 screws alone haad Jamb). ° a� _pp p V7 R Mom --- - �' -N —___ - -- -- ---- - 42 0 N ti E � -- -- -= - -- ----- -1-A MM---- -- -- ----=— - 26 -- - -- EMB.(fYP.) SEE 1E I I_l/4"MIN + 8/02/16 F �VERTJCALCROSSSECTION PP.) a N.T.S. 1 H RRONTAL CROSS SECTION owe Gy. JK r Shown DkecttoMmo p 7 gractioMas OutSvAnp ontyw/6.9/16'Jamb n9 Yw/6 9 16 tomb aac en LFSa [FDR—WNFROMA 1-20470.8 ,L or Jg 8 ��luuua+a S.S@Item8s17,18,32,34.35,36,37,38&39oreaftachedto)ambsw/(3)Q8X21/2'plh screws ateach end. �,•'• SMltemd's16&33are attached folarnbsw/(2)#8X2.1/2'p1hscrews at each end. S(Tltemdl5hatlachedtolanbsutTorgl2)810XTpphSfASateachend. 2,Sldelto assembly screws located 3•from each end&at centedtne{3 screws along s11). n INTERIOR EXTERIOR ItdTERIOR EXTERIORi4is i�ltt����`� mss'>i4$ 40 41 42 40 41 42 6 9 EXTERIOR INTERIOR n '� 38 39 32 16 17 1B l9 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 7 rg 8 SEE NOTE 1 E SEE NOTE 1 Ea SEE NOTE 1 E za r. C f) I = �1 VERIICAL CROSS SECTTON O VERTICAL CROSS SECTION r31 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION = hs�Sil 8�—Inst �lOubwing21 al �to INTERIOR EXTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR SEENOTE2 25 b0 EXTERIOR INTERIOR R 40 4i 42 77 75 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 SI£NOTE2 Y5 50 16 17 16En 15 1 76 E $ SEENOIEI .Fy E i �• `Fs ^, .r� a ° • aq . ,• L M•. "LLL °• ° f °�• arm 08 02 16 = w ) w p Mo. N.T.S. 9 Cm lift 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 5 VERTICAL CROSS SECAON 6 owMmio uo_�S a 6 Pub�cAccess,99 6 Inswlrg510 6 Ouhwtn0 i'CROSSSECTYO FL-20470.8 a zr - I R.�tl�lThtrm.Tm I91lIIaTBRH-flutla mart p�wek�mann Imam_�a�C- mem(m�1a .�s. I I I • I . I � 1 II li I I I � I I I IT MAK O.C. im'J--i C I I � I D ' � z I I. I �—s(11'P•1 IrMAK �^ 4°(TYP.}� %0"%%lililiffill,``"%%lililiffih, O.C.M.} 43409 Dr- 7.2y, t PRODUCT: Concnenb Prglelae Bye �� ti UMOF F•j j}{ 1RU 1YRd- F.30lIRIlQt �i --•� • � to F7?U DOOR P.E No.X3109 ii���' ,`�� PART OR ASSEMBLY: GD BUILDING CONSULTA/7fS.f to•„ .1 7 f4 T7 UPDATE TO 6TH E0. 201 FBC JX SUCK ANCHORING P.O.Box 230.VoUioo.FL 33545 a4 II BY Phone Nou 813.659.9197 IREVISIONS FBPE C.A. No. 9513 101 B R.W.QUILDIfIG OVNsuLTAHl9 INQ. I j . .I I �ltllll111l/I t I 13H 3)ff8x2-1/r JAMB TO HEAD DETAIL ''�lssslf•Il pl Itttt` I g�g gyp.] DIRECT TO D DIRECTTO d MASON RIN MULLION MASONRY D ID HEAD MUL{!ON 4 d l ITYPJ 4"{[YP.) � d (�� i S •. .• I ?. 1P¢YP) L 2XBUCK BUCK L 2X BUCK Is J 1X BUCK ITYP.) J 1X BUCK SAI HEAD b JAMBS HEAD&JAMBS (TYP.) — (1YP•) ti a DIRECfTO N DIRECTTO N 4� MASONRY�� _ MASONRYJAMBS _ z $ FRAME ITYP) (fYP ITYP.) D _ — �'o D - - - —�:-. __ -BILI= — �.•.. I 6 qt :.. MASONRY -- - Al ---OXO=-= -----_=_-� ___-=_- um 08/02/f 6 3 FRAME ANCHORING N.T.S. ma ar JK 'm Qoc.en LFS 3 ORP&M NO- K Et.-20470.8 'g SFEF7,]O OF A 9 • `�IIIIIIIJ�L� �\ A fy_ri �1r 28 SEEHNGE It 1111►�� K L 26 DETAIL(IYP.) 3 � � snaMPErat I.-) LATCHALIOLTDETAILKwbmd $ �$ E O i SEE LATCH TONGUE STRIKE DETAIL A VWBOLT � DETAIL SEE UTCN,41 R &DEAD801.7 } DETAIL PLAT :SUBSTRIKE 28 6 Y5 30 STe1KEJAMR IRNOEJAMR MIKEJAMR N Latch and Doodbolt u ipD L Ck 25 27 1-40 DE(10ROLTDETAIL Mt — 2X BUCK -- -- —a LATCHADEADROLTDETAR, 29 G 1XBUCK Sddage MASONRY LATCH&DEADBOLTSTRIKE DETAILS 24 23 MULTIPOINT LOCK STRIKE DETAILS L nm 08102116 80— N.T.S. 9 H1N6EDETAR Dwu.Bt JK so on" LFS i ORO=ND- a FL-20470.8 0 6HW 110PJ-4, N CELLULAR GLMNGTAPE 1!2'GLASSBITE N * 3 n 1`THK.GLASS 1/8'7EAPEREOGU43S %�'". Jc:':` ��i� - •...•» ' `��� fi n IMAIR SPACECi a m a ;;w:•t, �J n z 1r:tr: SW ANNEALED GLASS a D0w"s 0.09WPVB�RLAYER GRID(0110) WROUGHT]RON WERjd OR (SAFLEX OR KURARAY BLRACITE) SIKA 552 L4 1/B"ANNEALEDGLASS I yy AtOXI-1/2'PPHSMS �a b� INFERIOR 3A SNRGGLEGWINGSPACER -`:•`=? ;.^;: 9 MAI-1 �r OmPa�a�de�e Frame 4 PRIVACYINSERT DECO TiVEINSERT 2OW DLO. 1 vvm 1"LAMINATED INSULATED IMPACT GLASS INSERT OPTIONS I o a a c O,..r k h OIO X I-1/Z PPH SMS 3 Pp.) —� mmpcLme W-1- =9=11 .lm a6 eiaaW02/1 6 i AI.UMINUMLTLEFRAIM 'sai.a N.T.S.un.Ur, dx m ax Br. LFS 3 FL-20470.8 a w d b!, 6u 51n0 a m WON w �Q/g i13aYdS3L73WS �6 ii7�VdSe71N3QIS � ��� c d33MS d3dMt c IPSd!£+Pe�9ABW�ui ID E Xr a L — t f soz y zb't—•j �--.art—y cwHs�IHI MEAN 9£ xr SWA G '5Y'N91/.70/20 arms _ _ L•s a wnNwv 7 voo UL �'�"N"� gl moHs>�►uss��vonsr►i s� i�swolo>avowew dd VLI 0—►j�-+-- Q�1 1 1119 IMSNI - 43NCl ;vl T iV1371 o k y •£90'U—`{� 1109HSfYH AMa II I mo 1 1119xIMslno l3gicRwlry alpockuoo��� � t�old'L—moi QIOHMHL;MSNI b£ .9/6`llSel�M3al�PoW�N I� Qi0H5�71H10N AWwrtuluuly/PQM bl N,, ,"± ;3yt` cvuyY3µ� :�9ry i H 31lHLpN1M 1VlStl0 ' 7 � 95Y � .LLS Li 4 .SL'9 p ISOIl�dwoJ Us sAopnfpvelryodwo0 vl 8SPte&a{soe $ QiOHS VUf—mMSIno '" QIOH53tlH1 flNUNSNI 9£ QIOHWHL ONIMSNI ti ££ iT;� 2(/�M,4,�_,y44 � �"q =,`d;�.� v �1',+�'-ly (�-.1:fh:•34"•'/ �� L•.i�syn�� _/ p r •E@'S Jwll 956 z :i ewer aooM iesaal c r �soe aur z/i cese�iudav?us�awo��cr,9 eu�nan '` L£ Qi�01S3YHL 9NlMSNI � m� �„9F;z� QTONS�lHt 9NIMSNI � ttl Illll II/IfI • �4ffilltl�tt - --- - ----- - ---- -- ----- ---- ---- -------------- - - ------------- - . ��11u1nUb BILI OF MATIeRIAlS BILL OF MATERIALS �`,,��f x•. •.• •�� ��� 11EM# DPSCRIPROH MATMAL J M# DESCRIPTION MATERIA! A 1X BUCK(SG>--0.42 WOOD 25 #8x2-IIT PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL i B 2X BUCK(SG>-0.42) WOOD 26 #8 x 51W PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL C l/4'MAX.SHIM SPACE - 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL '�,,��''•-.,, ���` „ D- 114 X 2-3/f PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 28 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE STEEL * ���� r MASONRY-3,000 PSI MIN.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI CONCRETE 28A DEADBOLT SUB STRIKE PLATE SEED �� �/11110:0 , E 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK"CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 29 1 4"X 4"HINGE STEELC G 3116"X 3-114"RW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 30 LATCH&DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE(TONGUE SYSTEM) ALUM/COMP N I Ile X 1-3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 31 MULTIPOINT STRIKE PLATE ITONGUE SYSTEM) ALUM/COMP 1` 9 a J 1/4'X 3.3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 32 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP e L #10 X 2-1/2"PFH WOOD SCREW(1.15'MIN.EMBEDMENT) STEEL 33 INSWING THRESHOLD AWWCOMP M 3/16"X 2-1144TW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 34 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMPO 0 N 3/1 G'X 2-3/4ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 35 INSWING THRESHOLD. ALUM/COMP I JAMB(FINGER JOINT PINE) WOOD 36 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 6 WEATHERSTRIP MEDIUM REACH FOAM _ 37 INSWINGTHRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 7 WEATHERSTRIP LONG REACH) FOAM 38 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 8 SWEEP VINYL 39 INSWINGTHRISHOLD ALUM/COMP ' 9 SWEEP USE W/MODERATE CLIMATE THRESHOLD) VINYL 40 DOOR PANEL(BOOK) 10 SWEEP(USE W/PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD) VINYL 41 DOOR PANEL(HYBRID) 15 PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD ALUM 42 DOOR PANEL(U I) 16 1 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 50 SIDEUTE 17 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 75 SIDELTTESPACER(INSWING) PVC I 1B OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 76 SIDEUTE SPACER(OUTSWING) PVC a 19 COASTAL OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/WOOD 77 SIDELITESPACER(WSWING)-MODERATE CLIMATE SILL PVC 22 #8 x 3/4'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 88 2X MULLION(SG>-0.55) WOOD 23 #10x3/4"PFHWOODSCREW STEEL 24 #10X 1'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL .. C0146M EAIJC PR N0M., CnCn 1.Concrete anchor locatbw of the comers may 6e adjusted to maintoln the min. edge distance to mortaridnis,——_-- 2 Concrete a-k--foccatt6ffn—o ed as'MAX ON CEMER'must be adjusted to ----- - ift adcotionol concrete anchors 3.Concrete mor faenst re the%W ONCE JTER"dimension are not exceeded, - ---- --_-------- - -- - _ _ - - ........... Nfllil_CttO4:[f�h7R"i�a - :F _tifll 14`MhsO1Qi<Y_:-:: : TQtx451!€C€/ ;c �e ITW........... . h -TATCON°=-.1/4'� —IA/4.-1.1/4-___° Y_ - ------ 4° z ELCO - e eLTRACON 1/4" 1.1/4" 1' 4. 08V_IQ2,10 _ ffw r TAR; km 3/14' 1.1/4' AS SHOWN Mir N.K WOODSCREB/�NSTMLLATIONNOTES: ZZ!L n LFS ; I.Maintain a n**ry m S/8"edge cWanca,t'end dhlance,&1'o.c spacing of � e wood screws to prevent fits spilling of wood 20470.8 u N or