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Lucie County, P@t` 1"I3-9 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Haas Door Company Address/Phone/Email 320 Sycamore St. Wauseon,OH 43567 (419)337-9900 Ext 243 mschweitzer@haasdoor.com Authorized Signature Mark Schweitzer mschweitzer@haasdoor.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received LI Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed John E. Scates �® the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Kurt Dietrich PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16660 R7 COI Cert of Ind Scates2017 s.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2012 ANSI/DASMA 115 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D FU6660 R7 AE EvalRept r7s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 16660.12 12. PAN C2011,C2015,C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 18'2"wide R2410,C2411,C2415,C2460, R2460,C2461,R2461,C2471, R2471,C2472,R2472,C2480, R2480,C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482,C2511,R2560, R2561, R2571, R2572,R2580, R2581, R2582 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R7 II WindLoad Install Supplement rC FL s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL16660 R7 II WL-2000-0218-24-27L-rG s.odf Impact Resistant: No Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Design Pressure: +23.9/-26.7 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other:Glazing is an available option for all the Pan Series Evaluation Reports product listed but it does not meet the impact resistant FL16660 R7 AE EvalRept r7s.odf requirement for windborne debris regions. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 16660.13 13. HT 600,700, 2000,800,&900 HT Series sectional Steel sandwich type garage door 97" Series wide Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16660 R7 II WindLoad Install Supplement rC FL sxdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL16660 R7 II WL-0600-0110-08-41-46-rD s.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By: John E.Scates 51737 Design Pressure: +41.1/-46.4 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Evaluation Reports FL16660 R7 AE EvalRept r7s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 16660.14 14. HT 600,700, 2000,800,&900 HT Series sectional Steel sandwich type garage door 97" Series wide Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16660 R7 II WindLoad Install Suoolement rC FL s pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL16660 R7 II WL-0600-0110-08-41-46L-rF s.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By: John E.Scates 51737 Design Pressure: +41.1/-46.4 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other:Glazing is an available option for the 600, 700,2000 Evaluation Reports &800 Series product only. It does meet the impact resistant FL16660 R7 AE EvalRept r7sxdf requirement for windborne debris regions.Glazing is not an Created by Independent Third Party: Yes available option for the 900 Series product. 16660.15 15. HT 600, 700, 2000,800,&900 HT Series sectional Steel sandwich type garage door 6'2" Series wide Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R7 II WindLoad Install Suoolement rC FL s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL16660 R7 II WL-0600-0194-08-31-35-rD s.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Design Pressure +31.3/-34.9 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other: Evaluation Reports FL16660 R7 AE EvalRept r7s.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 16660.16 16. HT 600,700, 2000, 800,&900 HT Series sectional Steel sandwich type garage door 16'2" Series wide Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16660 R7 II WindLoad Install Suoolement rC FL s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL16660 R7 II WL-0600-0194-08-31-35L-rF s.odf Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Design Pressure: +31.3/-34.9 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:Glazing is an available option for the 600, 700,2000 Evaluation Reports &800 Series product only. It does meet the impact resistant FL16660 R7 AE EvalRept r7s.pdf requirement for windborne debris regions.Glazing is not an Created by Independent Third Party:Yes available option for the 900 Series product. 16660.17 17. PAN C2011,C2015,C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 97"wide R2410,C2411,C2415,C2460, R2460,C2461, R2461, C2471, R2471,C2472, R2472, C2480, R2480,C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482,C2511, R2560, R2561, R2571,R2572,R2580, R2581, R2582 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R7 II WindLoad Install Supplement rC FL s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL16660 R7 II WL-2000-0110-41-46-rD s.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By: John E.Scates 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 Door Width 16'-2"Shown NOTE: Track configuration above the door opening does not affect F See chart below for other the wind load rating of the door. F Top Bracket door widths /DETAIL A(sheet 2 of 3) Fla Bracket 9 ••••• .... Detail H(sheet 2 of 3) SINGLE STEEL END STILE 16 Ga Galvanized Steel I I E r r t E Jamb Bracket Detail F(sheet 2 of 3) Door Height Detail G(osheett22of3) 8'-0"Shown Manual door locks are See charrequired unless on automatic 1' operator is installed. below for other 664"+/_3" door heights "+/ 3" D 38Z"+/-3" D 22� +/-3" Bottom Bracket End Hinge strut 8 strut Attachment Intermediate Huge 4"+/-3" Detail C(sheet 2 of 3) Detail B(sheet 2 of 3) Detail E(sheet 2 of 3) Detail D(sheet 2 of 3) 1 q"+/-3" C This product hos been evoluoted per ANSI/DASMA 108-05 (and -12) for static air pressure. Jamb bracket quantities shown ore for use with grade 2 or better southern pine C This product has been evoluoted per ANSI DASMA 115-05 and -12 for lore missile impact and cyclic w;nd jambs. / ( ) 9 � P Y ll�ff�� pressure. SupportiModel Number engineerngforr specific l wielements ods.re to be designed by o registered professional \\\ �s. .saj)�/ HT_60&260S_ ERIES Door Total#of Total#of SWLa Jamb Brk NOTICE.owi s are o supplement �\ ��.'b�GENdF•,t4 /� HT_61&2 81 SERIES Sections r Side n9 PP i to the installation instructions for N0.51737 , HT 63&2_63 SERIES 6'40" 3 4 5 a standard door and only covers Z HT 64&2_64 SERIES 6'-0" 4 5 5 those procedures that vary from HT-70&2 70 SERIES HT_10&2_10 SERIES 6'-3" 4 5 5 standard door installation. If these specific procedures are not q', STATE OF HT_71&2 71 SERIES HT_12&2 12 SERIES 6'4" 4 5 f5 followed, the door may not p %4fIW HT 80 8 2 80 SERIES HT 72&272 SERIES HT_14&2_14 SERIES 6'-9" 4 5 6 perform as designed. i//O� p�ORtOr;O��\\\ HT_ll&2_81 SERIES HT 73&2_73 SERIES HT_16&2_16 SERIES T-0" 4 5 6 // I \\ B HT_90&2_90 SERIES HT 900 SERIES W/O RLrrES HT_33&2 33 SERISERIF 7'-6" 4 5 6 /// ON l 1\ e Door Widths Des n Pressures End Center Center Center Im act 7'-8" 5 6 g Digitally signed by John E.States P.E. John E Scutes. P.E. Up To + Backers SINes HI Stiles HingesStiles H Res stent 7'.9" 4 5 6 Date:2017.09.29 16:08:13-05'00 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 10'-2" 49.7 1 -55.5 Single 2 2 1 1 2 2 NO 7'-g" 5 6 8 Lewisville, Texas 75056 12'-2" 41.5 46.3 Single 2 2 2 2 2 2 No 6'-0" 4 5 6 IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. # 51737 14'-2" 35.7 -39.8 Single 3 3 2 2 3 3 NO 814" 5 8 6 16'-7 31.3 34.9 Single 3 3 3 3 3 3 YES FL#16660.15 Professional Engineer seal provided only for 18'-2" 24.7 -27.6 Single 3 3 3 3 3 3 NO Maximum section height is 24 n. verification of wind load construction details. 20'-2" 20.1 -22.4 Single 4 4 4 4 5 5 NO Maximum door height is 16 ft. MAll doors, even those above the tested height, "RT 600,701,2000.BOOR 900SERIES 10'-2" 31.3 -34.9 Single 2 2 12 2 YES are available with amb brackets or commercial w1ND LOAD SECTIONAL MOORA A12'-2" 31.3 -34.9 Single 2 2 2 2 2 2 YES full angle, The maximum spacing of the jamb V7; ESIGN PRESSURE,J13,-34.9 PSF 14'-2" 31.3 -34.9 Single 3 3 2 2 3 3 YES brackets/track clips should be maintained. L46MO19r.W31.15 DW.IThis product is designed and sold by PSF. The AHJ or Engineer of Record is responsible for determining the /2014 BUM IT: k9VS PSF required for any given site. Sae Sbect 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 i 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 PUSH NUT 3e PUSH NUT 7/16- 24END HINGE TEK SCREW 7/16" See DETAIL K for push nut 14 Go Golvonized Steel See DETAIL K for push nut 1/4' X 3/4" Hex Washer Head IF °� placement. placement. ° Self Drilling (3 per Bottom Bracket) F ADJUSTABLE TOP FIXTURE TEK SCREW °A BOTTOM BRACKET 12 Go 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head TEK SCREW ® A 13 Go Galvonized Steel Self Drilling (2 per Bracket) 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head 0 ® TEK SCREW gQ Self Drilling (6 per Hinge) PUSH NUT °00. 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head 0 7/16- Self Drilling (4 per Bracket) LOW HEADROOM TOP PUSH NUT See DETAIL K for push nut BRACKET 7/16-/ placement. See DETAIL K for push nut LOW HEADROOM DETAIL A DETAIL B placement. DETAIL C BOTTOM SEAL E 23' TOP BRACKET—3 1/2" x 4" E STRUT E 18 Go 50 KSI Minimum INTERMEDIATE HINGEGalvanized Steel 18 or 14 Go Galvanized Steel 4' JAMB BRACKET TEK SCREW 72 Go Galvanized Steel SLIDE LOCK or LOCK BARS X 3/4' Hex Washer Head 1 a a (not required With operator) Self Self Drilling (4 per Hinge) I 32w a TEK SCREW 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer D BOLT & NUT Head Self Drilling (4 per o Q o NOTE: The location of the TEK SCREW 1/4-20 X 5/8" Carriage Slide Lock) intermediate hinges is 1/ DETAIL D indicated by the toggle DETAIL E Head Self Drilling (2 per DETAIL F Nat (I per Jamb Bracket)4" X 3/4' Hex Washer Bolt & 1/4-20 Hex Washer DETAIL G lock dimples at the top of End & Intermediate Stiles) each section. oa aaoa® NOTE: Details on some views omitted for clarity. WITH AND °o WITHOUT BRACE 00 00 ° Double end stiles and end hardware may be o °0 00 required on wider or heavier doors. C a o o 0 ° a Maximum _ _ 0 c � v2DETAIL K 32ROLLER BOLT BRACKET tNj�TFi4////� RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL 5/16 x 1 5/8" Lag Bolt i COMMERCIAL For Standard, High For Standard, High There should be a 2" Diameter -.�i 9 9 - (4 per Flog Bracket). No.51737 For Low Headroom & Vertical Lift & Vertical Lifte space of maximum Eleven Ball Nylon or _ 2" between the roller Ten Bolt Steel with �' • '*= With 2" Track and With 2" Track and With 3" Track and 1/2" BOLT & NUT *' Single End Stiles Single End Stiles Single End Stiles hub and the outside o Minimum Workable 9 9 9 �'�`, � edge of the roller Shaft Length Shown. 1/4-20 x 5/8' Track Bolt gTAT� & 4-20 Hex Washer Nut � � t i � holder Which is set by 0 the push nut. 2 for Horizontal & 2 for ,"•�LOR���'"Q�?��\ B ° DETAIL H Vertical Track) //ISSIONA;0?��\\ B a I 3/8, 1 3/4", 2"R E _ 2560 King Blvd. Ste 124-54 Mia POLYURETHANE FILLED DOOR SECTION — Min. g 0 of 1" Minimol 26 Go Galvanized Pointed Steel Skins °f 1 Lewisville, Texas 75056 °° IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. p 51737 ° °° FL#16660.15 Professionol Engineer seal provided only for COMMERCIAL HEAVY DUTY COMMERCIAL°HEAVY DUN — verification of wind rood construction details. For Standard, High & For LOW Headroom With BOLT&WASHER VERTICAL TRACK - 2"Nominal DEBCRIP710Y: 5/16-X 1 5/8"Log Bolt&2"O.D. 13 Go Galvanized Steel tested. WOOD JAMB 16'2"NT 600,700,200D.800&900 SE7dIH5 Vertical Lift With 3" Track 3" Track and Double x 7/16"I.D. Flat Washer 3"Nominal 13 Go is also The vertical wood jomb WIND LOAD SECTIONAL DOOR A and Double End Stiles End Stiles NOTE: Jamb bracket must be in approved as on alternate. fasteners may be counter sunk i DESIGN PRF.SSM..+31 ,-34.9 PSF A direct contact With the 2x6(No to provide o flat mounting ALTERNATE BOTTOM BRACKETS drywall allowed). surface. see iamb attachment nulwwr WE-06W-0I91-0p 31J3 tN!!F 2 OF 3 BEY, D NOTE: The bottom bracket tested shown in is the lightest bracket NOTE: The flat washer is not required details on sheet 3 for attaching eM tR� YTE OMh 4142014 BMW MVS available. ( � g for angle mount. iambs to the structure. �Y 47MIT •orrrrMu MODEL($): See Sheet 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 FASTENER TO CONTINUE F PAST HEADER F MODEL NUMBERS MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE HT_14&2_14 SERIES HT 16&2_16 SERIES o HT 32&2_32 SERIES E HT_33&2_33 SERIES E o HT_10&2_10SERIES OPENING 2 X 6 GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERNA HT 12&2_12 SERIES HEIGHT PINE JAMBS. SEE CHART FOR WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT HT_60&2 60 SERIES TO BUILDING STRUCTURE. HT 618,2 61 SERIES HT_63&2_63 SERIES MAXIMUM ON HT 64&2 64 SERIES O iCENTER SPACING HT 70&2_70 SERIES D HT 71&2 71 SERIES FIRST FASTENER 4"to 10' ABOVE THE FLOOR OPENING HT 72&2_72 SERIES WIDTH HT 73&2_73 SERIES HT_74&2_74 SERIES HT_80&2_80 SERIES HT 81&2_81 SERIES C _ HT 82&2_82 SERIES C 9 Faste.Type em ATTACHMENT N Carne M�cem: wn HT 90&2_90 SERIES \���\�?e-Sc'1T�'77//i Edge sPea+s os C- I.e.o HT 900 SERIES `N �O,'\6EN$4f- P Min.2500 PSI to Tapcm.(PLUS, 2' 2.50" 5.00" 24' 551 51737 4000 PSI Concrete 114"w1 V O washer � No. Southern Pine 3/8"Leg wi 1.50" 1.50" 1.50' 24" 620 # * r 1 1/8'00 wash. , Spruce Pine Fk STATE OF r 41- 1 1/BF Lagwfwasher 1.50" 1.50' 1.50' 24" 462 i"PO••, F P.,•"rte\ B NOTE:2X6 mounted to the wall must be Soullwn Pyre Grade 2 a better. /�� 81ONAL \\� ` B John E Scates, P.E. 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 Lewisville, Texas 75056 IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. K 51737 FL#16660.15 Professional Engineer seal provided only for verificotion of wind load construction details. DESCRIPTIN rqwft: � 16 T'EIT 600,700.2000,800d900SERIES WIND LOAD DE GN PREB URE.ONAL SRF A OW171M MILL:W146W-0liCW3l-35 pl!l1:3 M 3 RM O MTEMR 414R01/M�MIr MVS MOOELI51: SceShcet3 4 5 6 8