HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement From:Mike Heisenberg Fax:(772)$71-0990 To: Fax:.(772)462-1578 Page•2 of 2 01119/2018 3:01 PM NOTiCE OF CCllAMENCEM�NT . ;Permit Noy xS i s. � v Tax Folic No: n' ` C State of-Florida County of St."Lucle The undersigned hereby gives.notice that improvement will be made'to certain real property,and in.accordance with Chapter 713,Fiorida,Statutes, tfre failowirlg'snforrnat on is.provldac!in khIs Noticeof Co. ..encement, .i.e at Descrlption of Property.(and street addre$1 available): I"aenecat4escriptian of impravement. lutalletion fief Hurricane hatters iY Owner Information or Lessee information if the.Lessee contracted for the Improvement: a Address" IYsterestin prt?pertY; `. Dame and address of fee simple titleholder(if dlfferentfram.Ovvnec tisted above): Lu _ . o Eontraor's Name, Expert.Splutter Services, Inc ntraetor Address; 66 8 V triore Dr, POrf t Lucie 3 9 PhorIo Number '1 m mow. surety(if atspiica6le,a copy c3#the payment bond is attached!:Amount of bond; u Name and address, ber; �„_ . rn.iu t-� U � tender Name Phone Nurnber; r .Laendde-s address: 0)�.lu 9 .. '0Z a!Lu .ur u 0,X parsons within the State of Florida designated by O.wner.i pon whom notices or Qther docu:mpnt&may Ere,yerued a.s provided by Sect Z U(i){aJ71 Florida statutes: _......_... .._.__:.._ Name: „ Phone Number, '' • Address . In addition to himself or herself,"Owner designates w.. of Tp receive a copy ttf.the Liertor's Notice as provided in"Section 71.3..13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. Rhvne.rtumber of person or entity de.signated.by-owner Expiration date of notice.of.commencement: (the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction And final payment to the .. contractot,but"Wil be 1 yearfrorn the dote of recording unless a different date is specified),._.. WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER-AFTER THE EXPIRATION—oF THE NOTICE OP COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED .. . iMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART I,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEiVti<NtS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE ARB SITE BEFORE-THE FIRST .INSPE rICTitt.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCiA1G,CONSULT WITHYt i R LENbER OR.AN.ATTpRNEY SEFC+Ri.GOMMEiyCiNG WORK OR ... 4it*CDf4DING YO.UR.NOTICE'OF COMMENCeMENT. Under.penalty of peflury,i declare that t . read the faregAing natice,of cornmenc,?ment and that thg faet5:stated•zherein.wre.trueto the.,last;taf., ........ . my kno*vled f, ( Cmer's or Lessee's Authorized Cifficerjpi.rector/.Partner/Manager.Sli;natt#>Ye of Clviner tsr see, - ." (Signatory's Titieloff"ice) The fgregpirlg ins'rUment was.ocknowlefJgedoefore me.this .dpy al-.?1 + 20 aylc. t 7 as t for Name of.Person , Tvlae of.authorrty(e.g offlrr,trustee} 'Party.an behalf of-,nihom.il�strurnerit was executed . _- Persorlaily known or produced.ldentificatian _. (Signatute a otary Public of Fiarida} (Print,Type or Stamp,Commissioned Name of IVot;.ry P. Ty .f i entificatlon produced ..t � SAI T /y.~ ,. kaar7�,i.ic-Sta;eo`-karfda S :i" +��«• Com�issic::=GG 103 Zak bF My Comm.Expires Jul 9;ZQ2 i F= kedeq Nough N6cm%ot3ry Assn.