HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval RECEIVED JAN 14 '018 ASE COUNTY " D EPARIMW IO ATORY.ANDECONOMIC RESO ounty, permitting. 11805 SW 26 Street,Roves 208 BOA_RB AM COOS AM110N BIMON Muni4 7oii&33175-2474 T(7S6)-315-25% P(786)315-2599 NOTICE OFACC ANCE (NOA) WWW R lc;iw_ AW al a "A L6W3H.4 NOV 0 6 2617 PERMIT UG SCOPE: St.Lucie County, FL This NOA:is:bem g issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of mon FIs.The do sdmiu6- has.beemL reviewed and accepted by.Miami-Dade County_RE R-. Section to be _County and other areas where allowed by the Authorityhn�cfim,(-Ate}- - Having Thts WQA-shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product C iml Section On 1 -Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami-Dade Cowty).reserve the ggbi to baave this product ormaterial.teste&for quality assonance purposes.iftbis product or:material&ils.to pain the: =neer,the wanufacmrer will incur the expense of such,testing and the AHJ nW immediately revoke,modify,or std the use ofl-;Uch;p ct yr material within-dieir jimsdiction. RER reserves the;fight to.revoke-this acceptance,if it is de `ley Mianri Dade-CoontyProduct Control Section that flus product or :fads to the:requirtments of theapplicable building code- This-product is approved-as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Ronda Building Code - the High Velocity Florida B Code. �.SC .�O�l:�aa�bridge,Ca�abridge HD and:B�hn®re Alfa A�1�Sfii I,A$E G:,Each:unit-shall bear a permanent label with the mane er?s.name or Ingo,city,stn rad wing . statement"MiamiDade County Product Conxrol Approved",unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of NOA shall be considered after.a renewal application has.been iled an&gxre has bee PD thaiige mtheappl cable budding code-negatively affecting the performazim of this product: 1 ERMWAT 0ftbis NOA will occurafler the expiration date.or ifthere hasbeen.a rm-stop or-c am materials,use,and/or e of the product or process.Misuse ofthis NOA as as .of amypraduct,for sales,advertising or any oilier purposes°shall autamaticany terminate this NOA.Failzhe to-comply :ar y-sectionof this NOA shall because for terminationand removal ofNOA ABviFRT%V*iENT: The,-NGA.number preceded by the.words M atni-Dade County,-Florida, and loIlowed bytlte expiration date may be displayed inadvertising literat�rre. If anyportion of the NOrA;is dtsplayod;alien if shall be done in its ey- EC RON:A copy ofthis entire NOA shall be provided to the:user by-the ea- is-lois and shaUbe available for imspecttop.at the job site at the request of the Budding Offi.ciaL This NOA renews NOA No-14-4603.02 and consists of pages 1thio 4I. The su�tted docmuentation was reviewed by Gaspar 3:Rodriguez. COPY t NOA..1&.1&43".13 7" T® B051 R11 Apprev�d Date-9 ,� Page I of 4 ROOFINGASSMLY APPROVAL. C rg: Roofing Slib-Cori Asphalt Shingles Matuials• Laminate heck tS� Wood SCOPE This VMvcs a roofmg.system using Cambridge AR,Cambridge HD,and Mmore AR asphalt sh*gles mangy by Igo hKlu des Ltd.as dmcnd)ed in Section 2 of his Notice of Acceptance. IICT` S4N Product Dimensions Test Soecifications ProdactBescriatio Cambridge 13 3/4"x 40'/s" TAS 110 A heavy weight;fibaglass.rcinforced Mmrufacftving.Location'#1,2,3 laminate asphalt'slangte_ Cambridge RD 13 1/4".x 40 7/a" TAS 110 A heavy we gKTibet wreinfarced MAwnda ng.Location#1,2,3 lin e-asphak slime. Biltmore AR 13 3/4"x 40 I/s" TAS 110 A heavyweqftt,OxMiass reinforced Mant#berwing LocadwAl-,.2 laminate asphalt slWe. 1 ACfUFdNG LOCAnON 1. Kanlwkee,IL 2. Wilmington,DE I Sylacvaga,.:AL ID CE SUlt1VII'£i'ED Test Agency Test Ide� Test.NaUWTeBort Date PRI Consauction Materials Inc. IKO-050-02-01. TABS 100 12/21/09 IKO-076-M-01 TAS 1#00 02/21/12 IKO-114-02-01 TAS 100 09/2.5/14 IKO-099-02-01 TAS 100 051.12/14 IKO-096-02-01 ASTM D 3462 09/27/13 I O-095-02-01 ASTM D 3462 09'/27/13 IKO-121-02-01 ASTM D 3462 09/25/14 IIKO-100-02-01 ASTM D 3161(TAS-107) 05/21/14 IKO-115-02-0-1 ASTM D 3161{TAS-147) 09/25/14 IFM Appaxal.s.. 3041689 ASTM D 3462 02123/11 3036971 ASTM D 3 161 (TAS-107) 01104109 3042673 ASTME 108 04/12/11 NOA No.:16-0329.13 Ezpaatioa Date: 05/05/22 Approval Date: 04/21/16 Page 2 of 4 L AUONS 1. Fire classification is not pant of this acceptance, refer to a cunt Approved Roof ng.mals Directory for fire ratings of this product 2. Shall not be installed on roof mean heights in excess of 33$. 3. All-products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the FloridaBuildmg-Code and Rule 61C-20--3 ofthe florida Administrative Code. INSfAILAI i. Shingles-shall be.iristalled.iR oorniphance with Roofing Application:ztaaEiac+d RAiS.115_ Z F ashing shall be in accordance with Roofing Application Standard RAS.:115 3. The manufacturer shall provide clearly written application instructions. 4_ Exposum and course layout shall be in compliance with Detail'A',attached 5. Nailing shall be in compliance with Detail B',attached- LABELING ttachedLABEL 1. Shingles shall be labeled with the Miami Dade Seal as seen below,orthe woding Pict=Control Appravecr. Mi4E COUNTY PERmtT REQuntEwNfs 1. Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the followi[W 1.1 This Notice of Acceptance_ is Any other docs required by the Building Official or the applicable code in aadwl to.properly evaluate<tho.:instaIIation of this system NOA No.:16-0329.13 EM ratioa Bate: 05/852I Approval Date: 04l21A6 Eage3 vC4 DETAII.A CAMBxU)G'E,CAMERMIGM HD,BMTMORt AR:C RJRMI Agorr OF ROOF r _ r Nom Roofing Cement not showio.n gas iayaa This&mi g is crose layo oily_See Detail 8 , - ------- for na&ig and pn--entdeb THIRD COURSE SECOND COURSE ::MI COURSE ON i ON/,. vmlml� DETAIL B CAMBtmcF,.CAMBRE)GE HD,BMTMORE AR 40 7w 8 1.34 END of'Tms ACCEPTANCE i�fOA"Aia»l2�.13 FzpnatimnBate. 1 Approval Date: 64121A6 Page 4 of 4