HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit K[E^Pr13CK61c INFO wlDa 1 nE IrUMPIETED FDn APPELIF-Hi ON 1 G BE ACCEP 1 ED Date: Permit Mumlfer: man BQildii-i- Permit Hpplicat'on Plannlnp and aevelopmeor aervrres 8ulldlnv and Code Reyulatlon Division dZU Vh;1.10 A-.g .w,rorr Am vu FL J4YffZ X Phone:(//L)4&-i2aa Fax:(i.z)z+6z-.L3/a C�m�� uclai Resigerltial PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dfvp6Dw, dick arrrivv at the and vt line f! Address: 6643 ISLGI'1GlV UZ[PC 1 icr�r,1 Legal DescrlNtion: Proverky7axlD#; t�06-50u-Dial-0'uD-6 Cvtl4�. za b1ty PIPn Names: GKr;GraK Block No. 50 Project Name: GK�G�K Setbacks Front sacR: night Side: Left Side: E insLa..i power Lo four motorized shutter._ w�c'n remote. t '"Maltional woric to rformad n er this permit Z cneCK all app r: IIHVAC oroas i ank ❑Gas Piping bMutters El Wlndows/Door. 13 Electric U Plumbing Ubprinklers 11 Generator Li Roof Total Sy.Ft wi Cammruction: 5 Ft.or First loor, Cost of Construction:$ L LO 0 utliltivs..U newer tnaeptic Building Helaht: � . {dame DEWEY GREGER Name: JHM�S Y w1LLlfu•15 t%ddress: 6643 AI,EMENDRA Coiiipanr: AKLIwGxV_N nLGCTRIC City; x-OK-r r1r;KCr, State,_ Addrc.,.. lzz1 3m uIXIE HWY Zip Code• 34951 Fax: Clty, SiUHRx State: rL .Phone No. ! 1 Ly 11$L48 41PCoae: 34991 Fax: 772-287-2380 _ E-Mall: pnone,vo.7 /2-ls i-i.so.s Fill In Tao oImple ,[tie holder on next pace(If dlffera7w E-Mail: re @ariin Lone.Lec i_ricinc.com from the Owner listed above} state or Coumy License: hr_000016 f If value of cons,ruttlon i9$zNu Qr more,a RECURDeti Notice of cominen�enle�r is requlre-a. Emil li� 7Address: DESIGNER ENGINEER: Not ApplicableGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable game,Address: City: State: City: Stag: Zip: Phone: 1.1p: iron: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _Not Applicable B'vNDING Cu11111rnNr: _•tvor mpplti:able Name: Name: Address: Address: city: City: ZIP: rnone: dp: shone: 1 certlry Cat no worn or Instailatlon ryas commenceQ prior to the Issuance or a permit. st.[ alIe CamI�mane no represenitt[ tlon May Is granting a ppermit+yIII autporize the ermlt holds to build the subject s r ccure whlc�l Is in conflic.wit _any pplica4�e Home Owners Asioaiatly„rarep.Fria-a or-Rlav%manit.grit-zy re et or pro I it such :traetere.riease consult wlt�s your Rome owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions whlc i mar apply. In consideration of the graniing of this requested permit,l do Ficr,ny-e—MET i-ill_In ail respects,perform the worn in accordance wlih the aprn oved plans,the Florida Sul lding Codes and 5t.I:aeie Count,Amenaments. The following building permit applications are e�,e...pt T,am a:airovlRg a fuh concurrensy review:room aa'altlons, accessory structures,sw,mming pocis,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms an8 aRc..r at to anvtfl.;T.meresilentlal use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result In your paying twice for Improvements to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recordea anti peztea on zRe joAslre bef—�re the first on,on, if you Intend to oBtaln financing,consult with lender or an attorney Before commencingwork or recordinK your Notice of Commencement. _ ~L ate, _s 5 Owns CesseetAgent ZIenature Con otor[kense Ralaer ig # rT STATE OF FLORIDA STATE 00 RCORIDA MUNtYOF r1Ein11<V COUNTYOF FMM1:1LV the forgsoing instrameret n...acRnowleageaa treTore me he fo roing Instrall'i:as Mnowleagea ue,ore me tRls 29dayor UALNU1,RKr 20 .L ssp, trlis dayof JANUARY ,gyp 1$ay Ummr,S -L P WILLIAMS CFxMES P WILL-AM5 (game of Person aNmvTd.agl-.g) (flame of person acKnowledging) (algnaW otarp Public-state dt Flvri3..) (5lonature or Not iic•state of Florida; Personally Known �R Proaucea laemificailon Personaly Known L'OR Proaa—a lavntlrrcatlon Type of Ipendf Type vi laentincation GRE�u H RUSINs0N e�:•. ,,.,�,..�•.,, ;•M - Norar C•Store are Florida commission N = -'• uy Pubikeailtate of Florid. Commission ICo, i Commission N 'uu t13314y t;emmissian 4' 'uu u3a145 Gomm Empire +++,,,+�� nonaea through Rational Notary Assn -�+'F�'++''•• 8ueded through Nalranal Notary Rssn Revised 071 REVIEWS FRONI cvNING SUPERVISOR PCAros veurImiION SEATURTLE RIANGROVE wUNTi R REVIEW REvIEw REVIEW REvltw RIVIEw REVIEW DATE COMPLETE IN+i r�aQ a V c � 1 "IT o rD IL r n 117 � r � fi U l 150 MRH EXP .'c.. z 3 4 PATIO FRONT DOOR GARAGE c7RE-uER, uEwET Ca5de IM4151AM IE►�DFM 5 I REE I Impact windows sg � _ __ �- FOR I FIERCE, FC d��5 1 FACTORY DIRECT 51NCE 1969 FieGt,:�u;i✓eurractor: rho�,G ` ) t;: t.ng Service Feeder Size: r.-_:sting ranee aize:ma rsreaKer size: r- ivumoer of Dreakers: L-' '-a t_,oatls {` ilq.Ft.X 3 wa�Ls t,er sq.ft.............. ............. watts r,ippliance cir.(a.)1500 watt Ginn.......... .... l LaundL y cir.g 1500 watts earn..... ................ [ SZSU watts —�Ran6e(a)8 kw.... _ 45'(51�7 wart l Dishwash.rur,a aa,}.c:;u1 iAO wa11s each...... 3 aOU, atts Microwa.,.Cey 1000-atis........I........I...... .. . po -atts Water heatA @ Z;.o Kw............. .... ............. Sd'C waus Tanklr,.Y-t-.neater . . ............................ watts l),ror(a Icw........ ......... ........_.......,.... �t7�U waus tceirigerator @ 1500 watts .. ............ . ...... [J J u __.wa,,s _tsatnroom i @ 1500 watts . . ................ :.... 3 c3c" watts { z:ppruucler rump .. ............................ ....... L J vv watts Gtner watt Odher 7,zftla vlher -utts 5uo rOta1 Sit -1 Watts De—.. i,oaas raol purist,................ ........ ..................... a Poollirht................................................. -a as Heat rw,L,k................ ............................... waus Cn1R.-u,senerator.................... ................. watts u;-mower................................................ watts coat,ift.......... ......................................... wa«s �-t umer J t u u� 3 a w watts vtner ... .......... watt3 Maer watt t etaJ `-1 l l`L; e__ Watts rvrst 10 kw(a; 100%.............................................�c, J� iatt. Remaindr,@ zlu*/................................................... cCS -atts AiCGnrut t@ 10 7/e.................................................... waus Total watts i,iviueij uy LY0 volts _ L 3 m mps �.-ell oy:_ Date: T''.b`a'.I-:idg 10I4/2007