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l ; I Certificate of Product Ratings AHR1,Certified Reference Number:201476251 Date;:01.=29-2018" Model Status c Active Old AHRI ReferenW,Number:9117238 AHRI Type::RCU=A=CB Series":G3X14 :Outdoor Unit;B hd Name GOODMAN Outdoor UnIt;MOdel Number (Condenser oir Single;Package) .:GSX140301L' Indoor Unit Brand Name Indoor q Model Number(Evaporator and/orAir Handler): :ARUF31814A- I j Urriace Model Number Region Southeast and North(AL;AR{DC;DE,FL,GA,HI,KY LA,MD;MS;NC',OK;$C,TN,;TX,%,AK,;CO;Gi',ID„IL,IA,IN,KS;MA,ME, MI,.MN;M6;MT ND,.NE,NH,Ni,NY OH,;.OR,PA,,RI,SO,UT VT,WA„VN/,+/VI,1/11Y,U.S.:Territones). Region Note :Central air conditioners rnanufaotured;pnorto January 1,,2015 areeligibleto be instal(edin all regions:untii June 30;2016. Beginning Jufy 1 2018 central 61r'c4riditioners can.oniy°beiinstailed in region(s).for which,they-meet the regiona1,011i ienoy,. i [equ frement Elie manufacturer of this GOODMAN product Is4responsible for the ratmg.,of this:systern combInat(on; ' Rated as foll6ws4accordance with the,latest edltionWANSI/AHRI 210%240 vnth Addenda 1I and,2Performance R;Vng.of Unitary;Alr Conditioning &Al Source`Heat Pump:Equipment and sublecttd aUng accuracy y5. sponsored,independent;third,party testing' Cooling Capaaty(A2)-Single orHigh.Stage(95F) btuh.`-28400 SEER--:14.00 EER{A2) .Single.orlHigh.6tage=(95F) '11.50 = t., IEER : ` . I i i f'Active”Model Status are those that an AWRt¢'ertification'Program,Participant,is_currentiyproduc ng ANb selling or offering for:sale;PR-new:models that are:tieing marketed butare:notyetbeing produeed'ProductionStop'p'ed:Model Status•arethose e AH ':thatan, RLCei6ficatoA`Program;Parficfpantds:no;longer.produging.BUtis•still 'gelling or offering for sale. Ratinas:thst areaccombanled by WAS indicate an involuntary re-rete:The new published rating is shown afonp with'tiie previous(!:e.WAS)rating: DISUAIMER• AHRl,does not endorse-'the;product(s)listed on this Certificate,and makes no representations;warrantles or guarantees as to;and assumes no res0d6Wblllty.1or, the produ6i(s)listed on this Certificate.AHRl:ezpresslyrdisclaims aif liability focdamages=of any k►_nd arising out of the use;or performance of tha product(s);or the unauthorized alteration of data listed oii'this Certificate.Certified`retings,are valid;anty for'modeis and.confi' -tions listed;in;tha directory at www.ahridirectoryorg; TERMS;AND CONDITIONS: This Certificate and.its contents are proprietarypioducts'o'AHRI.Thls_Certificate shall only be used for individual,personal and Ulm confidential reference purposes The contents:of this Certificate may not,In whole:or In part;be reproduced;cop ied;'disse'mtnated;" entered_Into a'computer,database;orotherwise utilized,In any form or manner or by any"means;except for the user's Individual, PL confidential.reference. AIR-CONDITIONING;HEATING; CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE Theinformation forthe model cfted;on this;certlficate can be.verdied':at:wwwiahridirectory:org;:click on°V6i1fy.Certifibato°link M makelife better- and enterthe AHRI'Certlfled ReferenceNumber•and the date.on whfchthe certificatewasissued, - which'is listed above,and the Certificate No ,which is llsted of bottom right; 131617272697007271 ©2018Air=Condit1oning,"Heating,and;Refri4104tion"In6t1tute j,CE.TIFICATE;,NO'